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Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the

main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a

Plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story which the characters and
settings are built around. It is meant to organize information and events in a
logical manner.
There are five main elements in a plot. The first is the exposition or the
introduction. This is known as the beginning of the story where characters
and setting are established

Exposition describes the opening events which establish the

setting and protagonist. This is where the author sets up the story including
characters, setting, and main conflicts.

Exposition is a literary device used to introduce background information about

events, settings, characters etc. to the audience or readers. The word comes
from the Latin language and its literal meaning is a showing forth. Exposition
is crucial to any story, for without it nothing makes sense
The exposition in this movie is the opening title sequence that gives
information about the past events to the viewers. The crawling text on the
screen at the beginning of each part gives the audience every piece of
information they need to understand the upcoming events in the film. The
opening lines usually begin like this: A long time ago in a galaxy far away, far

Rising action describes the introduction of the conflict and

the resulting complications. The Rising Action occurs as you begin to move
throughout the story. This is where conflicts start to build just like when you climb a
mountain you are moving further along.

Rising action in a plot is a series of relevant incidents that create suspense,

interest and tension in anarrative. In literary works, a rising action includes all
decisions, characters flaws and background circumstances that together
create turns and twists leading to a climax.

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