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Newsletter INEW N 2 June 2015
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

First Meeting of the International Advisory Committee of INEW

During the workshops, the Advisory Committee welcomed

INEW member institutions.

Master Class by Franois Matthey at the Professional

Training Center N 28.

The First Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the International Network of Education for Work (INEW) was held in Buenos
Aires, Argentina, on March 25th, 26th and 27th, with the participation of foreign representatives.
Victor Santa Maria, president of INEW, and Gustavo Alvarez,
executive director, lead the opening day, welcoming the
following Network members: Carmelo Tulumello (RIETI
Training Institution, Province of Rieti, Italy), Maria Cordona
Cabases and Jose Martinez Abadia (Institute la Merce of
Barcelona, Spain), and Franois Matthey (Calixa Lavallee
Centre, Montreal, Canada).
The activities organized included expositions, workshops and
lectures, including the participation of specialized member
institutions, cultural tours and visits to education institutions.
Victor Santa Maria presided over the summit that gathered the
representatives of INEW at the international level.

Discourses covered the education systems of Argentina,

Spain, Italy and Canada, and also Professional Training
Courses. Likewise, interventions were made in terms of
vocational orientation, certification of knowledge and trainers training.

Additionally, issues covering the areas of work of the Network were covered and common criteria were found as regards its
internal structure. Identifying points in common paved the way to draft the document entitled Consensus of Buenos Aires,
which set forth the actions and challenges to be faced and complied with by INEW members along 2015 and 2016, at the
biannual international meeting in Italy.
On the closing day, representatives from different trade unions related to the Trade Union Network for Professional Training
Colleges (RESEFOP) participated exchanging experiences.

Members of the Advisory Committee of INEW and RESEFOP members.

Newsletter INEW N 2 June 2015
(+54 11) 53 54 66 62
Venezuela 340 (C1095AAH) CABA - Argentina

Achievements of INEW
The following is the outcome of institutional visits to important cities around the world during the last months. Several institutions
became members of INEW.
The International Network of Education for Work welcomes:

AGB Human Resources

AE - Academia Educativa

Inercia Digital S.L.

RPHCS - Ravintolakoulu Perho

Helsinki Culinary School

The above institutions joined INEW, and so did further organizations. Nowadays, the number of member institutions amounts to 19:


AFET - Tierra del Fuegos Association of Education and Work.

FEDUTEC - Federation for the Development of Technical Professional
Education in Argentina and Mercosur.
UMET - Metropolitan University of Education for Work.
Fundacin Pescar (Fishing Foundation).
RESEFOP - Trade Union Network for Professional Training Colleges.
PREJET - Program on Youth, Education and Work Couses of Studies.
Non-for-profit organization Centro Basura Cero.


MPEJA - Ps-Graduao em Educaco de

Jovens e Adultos. Mestrado Profissional


CONALEP - National College of Technical

Professional Education.



Lins Mare de Du de la Merc.

ID - Inercia Digital S.L.


Istituzione Formativa di Rieti.


CSPI - CALIXA-LAVALLE. Hotel Management School of Montreal.


RPHCS - Ravintolakoulu Perho Helsinki Culinary School.

AE - Academia Educativa.


Visit to the prestigious Professional Pastry School FTPSRCHPyA.


WSI - Western Sidney Institute.

AGB Human Resources.

Signing the Consensus of Buenos Aires at the closing of

the First Meeting of INEW.

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