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Poor Countries Shouldnt Sacrifice Growth to Fight Climate


The tronco: the principal problem is that the Government think that the poor
countries dont need to pollute to develop and that they can improve without
increasing carbon dioxide. They think that just the developing countries can
use the energy or contaminate because its necessary to continue growing.
The causas:
Carbon emissions have gone up because developing countries have
been growing rapidly, and energy consumption has increased as a result.
Greater energy use remains central to development in low- and middleincome countries
The richest countries use of fossil fuels.
The consecuencias
Poor countries would have to become rich using far less carbon than
todays wealthy countries did.
Rich countries should be providing support to roll out modern energy
infrastructure; researching and developing cheaper ways to generate
(and, if necessary, store) renewable power; and, as a last resort,
providing subsidies for solar, wind, hydroelectric, nuclear, or other
renewable electricity production in poor countries.
Put a tax on greenhouse gas emissions in the rich world

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