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CRUZ, Ivy Beatrice M.

Prof. John Donnie Ramos, PhD


August 11, 2016

GATTACA: A Reaction Paper

In this movie directed by Andrew Niccol, scientists have discovered

ways on how to use to ones advantage the genes in order to remove all
undesired traits and characteristics from a fertilized egg in order to form an
organism that is close to perfection or close to the parents desire.
Unfortunately, a naturally born child may experience difficulty in living
comfortably for he/she may be born with diseases like heart problems,
depression, and even neurological conditions. Once a child is born, the exact
time and cause of death is already known thats why if you are considered
as a person with no disability and disease, you are considered to belong in
the elite class; while if you are an unhealthy human being, you are
considered to belong in the lower class, or to the class where people wont
be able to achieve their goals and dreams in life for they are chained to the
reality of them, being considered as human beings who cant perform other
extraordinary things, such as in this case, being a part of the elite class
employees of the company, Gattaca. Technology is very advanced in this
movie, considering it as a 1997 movie that has a setting of being in the
future, the movie did portray well on how biological samples can be tested
such as obtaining hair samples in order to check the DNA sequence of a
particular human being, blood samples, and urine samples in order to check
if there is a particular substance present. The protagonist, Vincent Freeman
even tried to cover up his identity by scraping off excess skin before going to
work, for it may also contribute into revealing his true identity being himself
which has a different DNA sequence compared to Jerome Morrows. For me,
the main idea that caught my attention is that, each and every one of us, we
have our own different DNA sequences and identities that make us diverse
and stand out from one another. No one could ever imitate another person,
no matter how similar you both look, or no matter how you try and imitate
that particular persons habits, genetics will always find a way on how to
reveal your true distinctiveness.

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