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Dumb Laws




Were at
the limit.

Here are some more

crazy laws from the US.
(US English spelling)
You cannot eat a doughnut
and walk backwards on a
city street. (Ohio)
Your duck may not be
paraded down
Ohio Avenue. (Ohio)

It is against the
law to roller
skate without
notifying the
police. (Ohio)
Its illegal
for a woman
to strip off her clothing
while standing in front of a
mans picture. (Ohio)
A policeman may bite a
dog to quiet him. (Ohio)
Throwing a snake at
anyone is illegal. (Ohio)
You may not run out of
gas. (Ohio)
Riding on the roof of a taxi
cab is not allowed. (Ohio)

It is against the law

to read a comic
book while operating a motor
vehicle. (Oklahoma)
Whaling is illegal.
It is illegal to have the hind
legs of farm animals in
your boots. (Oklahoma)
make ugly
faces at
dogs may
be fined
and/or jailed. (Oklahoma)

No person may own

more than two adult cats.
It is
to put any
person in a
display window. (Oklahoma)
No one may walk backwards
downtown while eating a
hamburger. (Oklahoma)
The mayor may not go on
strike. (Oklahoma)

It is illegal to wear your

boots to bed. (Oklahoma)
Dogs must have a permit
signed by the mayor in
order to congregate in groups
of three or more on private
property. (Oklahoma)
Oklahoma will not tolerate
anyone taking a bite
out of anothers hamburger.


Fish may not be contained

in fishbowls while on a
public bus. (Oklahoma)

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to parade vb
if you parade a duck, you walk with
it in public
to strip off phr vb
to take off your clothing
to quiet vb
to cause a person, animal or thing to
stop making sound
to run out of phr vb
if you run out of something, you dont
have any more of that thing
a taxi cab n
a car driven by a taxi driver; you pay
him/her to take you where you want
to go
to congregate vb
if a group of people "congregate", they
join together in a group in the same
to take a bite out of exp
to eat a part of something using
your teeth
to whale vb
to try to catch a whale (a really big
mammal) in the sea
hind legs n
the legs on the back part of an animal
hypnotized adj
if you are hypnotized, someone else
controls your thoughts and actions
a display window n
a window in a shop where you can see
the things that are for sale
to go on strike exp
to refuse to work until you receive
something you want, usually more

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