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Intergenerational Project

"Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

Assessing Experience with Older People by two groups of
students of 10th grade.

The intergenerational project began in 2013/14 aiming to integrate older and / or senior citizens
into ICT classes - Information and Communication Technologies with 10th grade students of
vocational courses taking place at EPBJC Bento de Jesus Caraa Vocational School, in Seixal, and
envolvement of two institutions AURPIPP Association of Retired Pensioners and Elderly of Paio
Pires and UNISSeixal - Senior University of Seixal. The current article benchmarks the assessment
carried out by the two groups of students, the role of experience in working with the elderly
people of AURPIPP held at the same school year during the 2nd and 3rd quarters in IT
Management and Reception Courses. Yet the best results are confronted with the experience held
by the group of IT Management students and the senior citizens of UNISSeixal.
Keywords: Intergenerational learning; older citizens; senior citizens.

Antnio Carmo PHD student at Universidade Lusfona - Lisbon.

scar de Sousa Teacher at Universidade Lusfona - Lisbon

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

Since its beginning in 2013/14, several attempts were carried out with the implementation of the
intergenerational learning project at EPBJC - Bento de Jesus Caraa Vocational School Seixal,
resorting to various groups, either of students or older people and/or of senior citizens. After the
first experience shared with the students of 10th year ITM class (Information Technicians
Management) and AURPIPP, the Project designated as Encounter of Different Generations in a
Classroom, suggestions regarding interaction also of older people with another group of
students were made by means of some slight adjustments and benchmarking results between the
groups of students. In this way it was possible to integrate the older people with the students
under the same framework upon their presentation of topics and/or web content development in
their websites, however, the themes should not be dealt entirely by the older people, instead,
interaction should develop from there. (Carmo & Sousa, 2014, p. 636).
We compared these first two experiences, with the objective to develop our understanding of
intergenerational learning with the older people at day-care centers.
In order to substantiate this point of view, some of the results attained by the older people can
also be compared with the results attained by the senior citizens, the analysis arising from
projects with groups of older people with more autonomy, as in the case of the UNISSeixal
students (Carmo & Sousa, 2014, p. 635).

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

In both situations, the perspectives of adolescent students are analysed based upon: positive
aspects; negative aspects; suggestions and experience assessments.

Theoretical Framework
Ageing Population
According to Census 2011 of the National Statistics Institute (INE, 2011), evolution in the last forty
years clearly shows ageing trend, according to each census of the last decades.
Evolution of the Portuguese population structure (in %)
Age \ Census





0-14 years





15-64 years





65 + years





Illustration 1 - Evolution of the population structure since 1981 (NSI, 2011)

The older people have a percentage range from 11.4% recorded in 1981 up to 19.1% of last Census
in 2011, showing a growth variation of 7.7%.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

65 + years

Illustration 2 - Growth (%) of the population over 65 (INE, 2011)

Although the World Health Organization (OMS, 2002) consider people over 60 years "the oldest",
in Portugal, according to the European Social Survey (ESS), old age is perceived to start after 65
years, which coincides with the proposal of Serro (2006 in Carneiro 2012), suggesting that the
term 'Seniors' should be considered for men and women over 65 years, relieved of formal
professional activities, who maintain their faculties, who are independent, healthy and active,
covering in terms of age, three decades, 65 to 95 years.
There are still three sub-types of elderly men and women:
(i) Very dependent elderly, over 85 years, and with dependence resulting either from natural
ageing or due to illness, including terminal cancer (Serro, 2006, p. 132, in Carneiro et al, 2012, p.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

(ii) Dependent elderly, with dependence resulting mainly from chronic illness that requires ongoing
medical treatments.
(iii) Independent elderly, those who maintain their faculties, but are inactive 'clinging to the false
slogan: As a retiree, I am not obliged to do anything' (Serro, 2006, p 132 in Carneiro et al, 2012, p.
So, in the same way, we propose considering the term "seniors" for the healthy and active elderly,
and just "elderly" for people who in their old age are inactive and dependent.

Active Ageing
In the late 90s, the term 'active ageing was adopted by the World Health Organization. Designed
to transmit a more involving message regarding 'healthy ageing' it reckons that, besides health
care, other factors affect the ageing methods of individuals and population" (Kalache et Kickbusch,
1997 in OMS, 2005, p. 14).
"Perspective of an active ageing throughout the life course recognizes that older people are not a
homogeneous group and that the diversity among individuals tends to increase with age. Develop
interventions to create supportive environments and promote a healthy choice are deemed of
great importance in all life stages (OMS, 2005, p. 15).

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

Intergenerational Programmes
In 1999, the International Consortium for Intergenerational Programmes (ICIP) defines intergenerational programmes as "vehicles for an intentional and ongoing exchange of resources and
learning among older and younger generations to [achieve] individual and social benefits" (HattonYeo & Ohsako, 2001).
Years later, Martinez and Conde (2005) and Hernandis (2009) in the International Consortium for
Intergenerational Programmes (ICIP), define intergenerational programmes as "means for a
particular and ongoing exchange of resources and learning between older generations and younger
ones in order to achieve individual and social benefits.
According to Mates project (Pinto, 2009) intergenerational practices seek to bring together
people with a purpose, through mutually designed activities that they benefit from each other and
promote a better understanding and respect between generations (Pinto, 2009, p.20).

The intergenerational learning as well as the intergenerational practices or intergenerational

programmes, all have a common share between generations with the purpose of obtaining
individual and social mutual benefits, in terms of knowledge and value.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

Intergenerational programmes are deemed as proposals for Active Ageing and a response to the
ageing population, benefitting both the intervening generations.

The Intergenerational Project in EPBJC Seixal

With the intergenerational project, taking place in Bento de Jesus Caraa Vocational School, in
Seixal, we developed an intergenerational learning model "Encounter of Different Generations in a
Classroom, a model based on the ICT subject (Information and Communication Technologies) with
a time-frame of 100 hours/per annum, distribution of training modules of Spreadsheets, Database
Management and Web Creation pages. With the last module, students create web pages,
structuring work themes on websites. An intergenerational interaction is established based on
these themes, recognizes that the older people/seniors with their life experience, working
experience or personal experience and with their knowledge can contribute to provide guidance to
students to create website information and contents, and in this way, integrated in the tasks of
each working group are responsible for it. Besides the responsibility for these contents, other
different responsibilities are set up for the members of each group: web development, database
and media/communication within the elements of the group.
The ICT subject is deemed part of the Vocational Courses training programmes, components of a
sociocultural training.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

The Intergenerational project that began in 2013/14 with an ongoing development process until
the present date, and a view to learning developments between teenagers and older generations,
has as framework to the initial question "Will the encounter of different generations in a
classroom, with students from secondary - vocational schools, and, older generations, promote
intergenerational cooperation and maintain the generations more connected?
Specific objectives for teenagers are:
- Increase and / or enhance the feeling of solidarity towards older generations;
- Contribute to develop a sense of social responsibility;
- Provide knowledge of past generations;
- Enrich learning with knowledge of past life situations;
- Increase students self esteem;
- Encourage students feelings of usefulness, to treat relationships with the elderly like an asset;
- Increase respect towards the older people;
- Help understand the historical origins of the older people;

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

And specific objectives for the older people are:

With the older generation

With the senior generation

- Contribute to reduce the sense of

- Contribute to increase their vitality;
- Contribute to recognize the importance of their life experiences;
- Provide some knowledge on new

- Provide some more knowledge on new



- Motivation to carry out more activities;

- Contribute to learn more about young people, acknowledge the differences and
other means of approach;
- Promote friendship with the younger generation.

For the development of intergenerational learning project - "Encounter of Different Generations in

a Classroom", it is through the training modules where life experience of the older people can be
integrated together with the younger ones, developing projects in ICT subject (Information and

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!

Communication Technologies) (web pages, multimedia presentations, videos), thus contributing to

the enrichment and sharing with each other.
In the classroom, users of the Day-care Center AURPIPP - Association of Retired Pensioners and
Elderly of Paio Pires share their life experiences, setting a motto to develop works on web pages
and databases of ICT subject.
There is a chance for the students from Bento de Jesus Caraa Vocational School (EPBJC) Seixal,
to acquire greater knowledge and life experiences, taking into account the difference profile of the
two institutions, UNISSeixal with substantially low average age level, higher level of activity, higher
average skills and without dementia, compared to AURPIPP.
In one way or another, a feasibility study is carried out to determine the best way to establish an
encounter between generations in the classroom, testing the mutual enrichment of different
The objective of this study, therefore, is to analyse the best way to implement Intergenerational
projects on an ongoing basis, involving other institutions in partnership with EPBJC by promoting
interaction with younger students attending vocational courses and enabling the creation of
Networks and Partnerships in Education.
In vocational courses (10th to 12th standards) in the sociocultural area of knowledge, throughout
the 3 years training, studies are carried out relating to a person, the society and the world, which

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


purpose is to "develop the ability to integrate knowledge from different subjects, approach these
knowledges of students life experiences and apply them with a better understanding of their
action on the contemporary world." (Rocha et al, 2005, p. 4). The encounter between generations
in the classroom helps this understanding of the world. Several explored work contents integrated
in ICT subject are based on life experiences.
According to the subject ICT programme itself, collaborative learning processes are intended to
promote the acquisition of social and emotional skills, help develop cognitive skills, "Relevance
given to these considerations are found in a methodological environment for which the
programme was designed. This is to create learning conditions in which cognitive skills are
stimulated simultaneously with the socio-affective, giving equal importance to the conveyed
knowledge and processes. "(Rocha et al, 2005, p. 4).
The data registered in one of the ICT modules, "databases" (Module 2) relates to the process meetings, thematics under development, scheduling, materials, contents to be used for website
building, etc. The other "web pages" (module 3) shows the work presentation and the defined
content organization in the groups, structured websites, using and / or HTML formatting

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Intergenerational Learning with Older People

With this article we intend focusing on the analysis of the experiences with the older people and to
answer the question "How to develop intergenerational learning projects in the classroom with
older people?" by keeping the format of work groups with teenagers attending the 10th year of
vocational courses. We explore the prospect of adolescent students (in two classes) their
participation in two different experiments during the same academic year - 2013/14 -, we analyse
the balance of intergenerational learning with older people, for adolescent students, from work
topics suggested by the older people, in one class, and starting work themes initiated by the
students themselves in the other.
After comparing the two classes with the same group of seniors, we ascertained which experience
was most successful with seniors and compared it to the intergenerational learning experience
with the Senior University of Seixal in that same school year.
For the development of the "Encounter Between Generations in the Classroom" two operating
methods are analised, based on older people interacting with adolescents from two classes of 10th
year ITM and 10th year Reception Technicians in the same school year 2013/14 in EPBJC - Bento de
Jesus Caraa Vocational School, with AURPIPP Association of Retired Pensioners and Elderly of
Paio Pires. During the 2nd and 3rd periods, the elderly attended classes with teenagers, for an hour
per week, first with the group of 10th year ITM class and then with 10th year RT class.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


From the experience with the two classes we registered the different results and assessment of
each of the classes. On analysing these results, we reflected on what were their origins and causes,
on one hand, the difference in approach with both classes and on the other the difference in
students own class learning profile. Both situations contribute to the discussion which encourages
guidelines implementation of intergenerational learning in the classroom when implemented for
older people attending day centers.
Finally, the results of the implementation on the day care center (AURPIPP) are compared with the
implementation, in the same school year between the group of 10th year ITM class and UNISSeixal
Senior University of Seixal. These contribute to deepen the conclusions that resulted from the
implementation of the two groups and AURPIPP.

Although similar in structure, the implementation form was different in shape.

The framework maintained, as a rule, the establishment of working groups composed of four
individuals: one older person and three students per group.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


While in the first case the work theme depended on older people, in the second case, it was
developed by groups consisting merely of adolescent students, integrating older people in groups
of adolescents after the work had already been started, by continuing to connect with the life
experience of the older people and / or, only, by integrating the older people in the group and
continuing to develop the theme chosen by the students.
Conseqently, in the first case, 12th year ITM / AURPIPP, the working method was different owing
to the fact that it was the older people to set the tone for the development of Web sites. The
working themes were based on the biography of the older people, personal or private aspects of
their profession and / or occupation in day care, thus enabling the development process of the
website. The process was carried out during the 2nd period.
In the second case, 10th year Reception / AURPIPP, the shape was equally different because the
students had previously developed (during the 2nd period) a working theme that they would
eventually wind up sharing, integrating older people in the group (in the 3rd period), by continuing
the work also from the perspective of the elderly.

Intergenerational experiences
The first, 10th year ITM - Information Technicians Management and AURPIPP Association of
Retired Pensioners and Elderly of Paio Pires, was established with 25 students and 8 older people,
organized into 8 groups, each one with one older person and with 3 or 4 students.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


The project involves the 10th year class of the vocational course Information Technicians
Management and is part of the programme of Information and Communication Technology subject
(ICT) with 100 hours distributed throughout the school year. The subject comprises three modules
(spreadsheets with 33 hours; databases of 34 hours and web pages of 33 hours).
The intergenerational component is developed in the two modules, that of databases and the web
pages to operate simultaneously. With the first, databases are developed to register the classes,
planning and execution of the project; with the second, web pages, thematic web sites are
developed where the working groups are shown and structure of the contents displayed /
proposed by the older generations.
It should be noted that in either situation, students are orientated in each of the groups in the best
way in order to continue working with the elderly. Particularly in the first situation where the
theme depends on the older people, it has to be based on something that older people can share
with the students and consequently develop the web site through several researches (texts,
images, videos), that is also shared with the older people.
Regarding grouping composition: the first, IT Management, consists of 6 female students and 20
male students, totalling 26; the second consists of 13 female students and 12 male students,
totalling 25 students. In both classes most students are under the age of 18 years.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


The school community and its management bodies (Director, Pedagogical Council and Educational
Guidance classes, besides approving the project, engage in the logistics management of same,
either in time management, by combining the availability of institutions and people involved or in
providing more adequate rooms to receive people from older generations on weekly basis.
8 older people from AURPIPP, between the ages of 56 to 87 years also participate in the project,
one man and seven women, mean age being 77 years. In general, they are older people with a high
degree of dependence and reduced mobility. With regards to qualifications, there are 2 people
without any formal education, 4 with 4th standard, 1 with the sixth standard, and one with the 12th
standard. However, it should be pointed out that the integration of a 56 years old lady is justified
by the higher degree of dependence mainly psychological / psychiatric which falls within the range
profile of the older people with high dependence, population between 65 and 95 years of age. In
contrast with the youngest, just one of the ladies, aged 87 years with 12th standard education
appears to have a higher degree of autonomy, in regards to mobility as well as health wise.
According to classification done by Serro (2006 in Carneiro 2012), 7 of the day care people fall
within the category of dependent older people - "whose dependency results mainly from chronic
illness that requires constant medical treatments" (Serro, 2006, p. 132 in Carneiro et al, 2012, p.
33). A person is considered a senior citizen when disconnected from formal professional activities,
but maintains the capacity of independence by being physically active.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


8 people, between the ages of 60 and 80 years from UNISSeixal who participated, were all active
female students from the Senior University of Seixal. The themes were developed together with
the students based on their professional experience and their classes at UNISSeixal. The class that
participated with UNISSeixal was the 10th standard ITM, during the 3rd period, after the
experience with AURPIPP held in the 2nd period.
Besides the class attendance of Intergenerational learning experiences in the classroom, everyone
participated in the moment of assessment, presenting their works in a public session, witnessed by
students from other classes, representatives of EPBJC and UNISSeixal or by AURPIPP.
The 2 tables below demonstrate the work themes successfully managed by the classroom:
The themes that were developed in the first situation, 10th standard ITM / AURPIPP:
8 groups
25 students 6 (F) 19 (M)
8 elders 7 (F) and 1 (M) 77 Yrs.
Biography; violence; baptized
Minas de So Domingos - Corte de Pinto
Various life experiences
Corks Cork
Lace Revenues; thematics

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


The themes that were developed in the second situation 10th year RT / AURPIPP:

9 groups
25 students 13 (F) 12 (M)
7 Elders 6 (F) e 1 (M) 75 Yrs.
Music, fashion, opinion, preferences;
Electronic Games / Traditional Games (only group of students)
Fashion / Old time Fashion
Economy and Diabetes / Prevention
Bullying / What I can do
Grafitti (2 students
selected photos and posted design)

After the session of project presentation, participants answered the questionnaires on the project
objectives fulfillment and their assessment. Below is a summary of the assessment from the
students point of view of the two classes involved, from Bento de Jesus Caraa Vocational School.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Assessment of Intergenerational learning

At the end of the foregoing experiences, the number of students in the class altered, seeing that
during the school year many students dropped out of school. The final number of students in the
10th standard ITM class was 24 and the 10th standard RT class, was 25, however, in the class of RT,
only 23 answered the questionnaire, because the 2 people absent did not participate in the
presentation / final assessment and are both in the process of dropping out of school. From the
application of questionnaires to the classes the following data synthesis were gatherd, three of the
open questions were placed on positive, negative aspects and improvement / suggestions based
on Hernandis (2009):

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


In relation to the 10th standard ITM / AURPIPP

From the aspects referred to as positive more than three students mentioned each of the following
(seven) aspects: Knowing ancient lifestyle; Patience; Understand and respect the elderly;
Understand our future; Learning; Sympathy of the elder woman; It was very good for the elderly.
Almost half the class did not mention anything or any positive aspects.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


The students are very critical regarding to what did not go well: five reported that there was lack of
interest; five said that there was a lack of communication; four referred to the disability or lack of
subject by the elderly and the difficulty in developing the theme. Only two state that all went well
and one indicates socialisation. The main concern is that almost half of the students (9) reported
that nothing went well.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


In what regards suggestions, they also have a very negative perception for the development of the
project, six say "no to working with the elderly," 2 "swap elderly," 1 make work more interesting
and only 1 states would enjoy working more with the colleague as she is friendly and intelligent.
Disinterest was met somehow by more than half the class who did not have any suggestion.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Relating to 10th standard RT / AURPIPP

The set of 8 positive aspects were reported in a total of 21 times: Interaction; It went well and was
productive; Knowledge/understanding; Patience/concentration; Learning; Improves social
relationship; Solidarity; Enliven the memory of the elderly. Some people also referred to games
and 8 students did not indicate any positive aspect.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


In relation to what did not go well, eight of the students said it went well, six mentioned the
following points: absent colleagues and poor attendance; somethings; having changed group; lack
of information. 9 students answered none or l do not know.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Regarding suggestions, most of the students, 15, did not answer or did not know what to suggest.
Nevertheless, 8 students refer 6 different suggestions: Field trips; Greater interactivity or dynamic;
Work with children; More time together; More similar activities; the teacher's suggestions.
The comparison between these two classes clearly shows that the 2nd class, that of Reception,
presents not only a greater number of positive and a smaller number of negative aspects but also
has suggestions that are worth considering. Overall they exhibit greater satisfaction with the
It is also clear that the theme to develop can be counterproductive, when depending entirely on
the older people.
To measure the assessments, students were asked to rate on a scale of 1-10 the result of the work,
where 1 equals very bad and 10, very good.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


In relation to the 10th standard ITM / AURPIPP

20 - Overall how do you classify intergenerational experience?

The graphic fairly distributes the students in the class, under clearly different situations, among
those who did not enjoy at all and those who enjoyed it very much, it also shows that up to half of
the 1 to 5 scale when adding 45.8%, 6 to 10 is left with 54.2%. Although most students classify the
experience as positive, half the rating is very close as to being negative.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Regarding the 10th standard Reception/ AURPIPP

20 - Overall how do you classify intergenerational experience?

Regarding the 10th year RT class we can see that most students classify the experience as positive,
with only one clearly classified as negative and 7 students who rate with 5, in line with the positive
results. According to the same comparison, dividing the scale from 1 to 5, we have 34.4% of
students classified as negative and the remaining 66.6% classified as clearly positive, concentrating
56.5% of the classification 8 to 10 Very Good (more than half the class).

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Comparing this rating with the positive / negative aspects pointed out by the students, it is clear
that the experience with the 10th standard RT class proves to be more interesting than the 10th
standard ITM class.
The 1st aspect to highlight is the fact that in the Reception class, the elderly were following the
development of web works from a theme that had been previously chosen and performed by
groups of students.
The 2nd different aspect that we could point out is exactly this, the classes have different course
profiles, while the 10th standard ITM class profile is dedicated mainly to technology issues, and
therefore requires less interpersonal contact, the 10th standard RT course involves more
humanistic issues and demands greater contact with people.
The 3rd aspect to be noted is the predominance of boys in 10th standard ITM class in contrast to a
more balanced 10th standard RT class, where the number of girls is higher than the boys.
Responding to some of the assessments made by the 10th standard ITM class, the group of people
was replaced and a third intergenerational learning experience was held, developed together with
ITM students and UNISSeixal, the seniors being responsible for the topics and resulted in the
following assessment:

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Regarding 10th standard ITM / UNISSeixal

The assessment made by students, shows a clearly positive trend this time, despite the fact of the
students (2) who continue to figure with their very negative experience in which they participated.
However, analysing from 1 to 5 we have a percentage of 35%, while 6 to 10 have a percentage of

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Compared to those of AURPIPP, it is important to point out the evolution of the assessment with
the IT Management class, how they worked with people who not only felt the responsibility
towards the development of the theme but were also conscientious and active people.
In the first case, it only worked partially because most of the older people were not so active, they
did not have the ability to orientate and develop the theme in web pages by adolescent students.

When comparing the best assessment carried out with the older people, the 10th Standard RT class,
shows that even with the seniors, the assessment made by 10th Standard ITM class fell slightly
below 65% against 66.6%. Comparingly just the evaluation of 8 to 10, shows 35% for the 10th
standard ITM class against 56.5% of the 10th standard RT class.
Once more it is important to point out, as 1st aspect, the fact that it is an ITM Class with a different
profile than that of the RT class; as 2nd aspect, the fact that the ITM Class consequently developed
the work with the older people at the day center (2nd period), new work with the Seniors of
UNISSeixal (3rd period). The resistance put up by some students to engage in the project fell short
of all expectations.

With regards to the first experience, 10th standard ITM / AURPIPP, we had already reached to the

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


conclusion which would be: "to also analyse the relevance of their participation when presenting
the works, for sharing of knowledge. In building groups, it would be advisable to join together
more autonomous seniors with less autonomous students and vice versa to allow a greater
dynamic interaction and development of works." (Carmo & Sousa, 2014, p. 635)
It is also important to combine the themes to be developed between what is suggested by the
older people and what adolescent students would like to develop in order to foster greater success
in this form of joining the generations.
Furtherstill the preparation of students for the project, pointing out the differences in generations,
"it is important to raise awareness in students about the fact that the elderly do not have the same
linguistic rhythm nor use the same words and many times do not understand how to communicate
with them. It is necessary to adjust the lack of patience in students to the limitations of the older
people. "(Carmo & Sousa, 2014, p. 635)
Regarding the goals set towards the younger generation, there is evidence, in the positive aspects
pointed out by the groups, as well as in the analysis of learning that have increased, the choice of
which the students inclined mostly towards: social networking, patience and concentration,
knowledge of life in previous decades and tolerance for difference. Thus, we can say that the
objectives achieved were:
- To provide knowledge about previous generations;

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


- Enrich learning with knowledge of past life situations;

- Increasing respect for elders;
- Helping to understand the history of the origin of the elders;
- Increase and / or enhance the feeling of solidarity with the older generations;
- Contribute to increase the sense of social responsibility;
With the analysed data / submitted we cannot arrive at the conclusion that the following
objectives were achieved:
- Increase the self esteem of the students;
- increase students' feelings of usefulness, by adding value to the relationships with older people;
Considering the sharp differences between the assessment of experiences made by the two
groups, and the different courses, it is important to take into account the profile of the students
and the classes in which the intergenerational learning is implemented. We therefore suggest that
within the scope of the vocational courses, the proposal of this course module where the
component of human interaction is greater, such as Hospitality and Tourism courses, Services and
Social Support, Health Technologies and also bearing in mind the suggestions of students, namely
more dynamic, also, of arts and spectacle.

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


and Tourism

Social Support

Health Technologies








Technical Assistant
Prosthetist Orthopedic


Ocular Optics


and Rural Tourism

Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


Carneiro, R.; Chau, F.; Soares, C.; Fialho, J. & Sacadura, M. (2012). O Envelhecimento da Populao:
Dependncia, Ativao e Qualidade. Portugal, Lisboa: Centro de Estudos dos Povos e
culturas de Expresso Portuguesa Faculdade de Cincias Humanas Universidade Catlica







Carmo, A. & Sousa, O (2014) Encontro entre geraes em sala de aula (p.603-638). Atas do XII
congresso da SPCE Sociedade Portuguesa de Cincias da Educao. Espaos de
Investigao Reflexo e Ao Interdisciplinar. Universidade de Trs-os-Montes e Alto
Douro, Vila Real.
Hatton-Yeo, A. & Watkins, C. (2009). Algunos princpios generales del desarrollo comunitrio
intergeneracional. Espai Social - Revista del colegi oficial deducadores i educadors sociais
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Intergenerational Project - "Encounter of different generations in a classroom!


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