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Fall 2016 launch

beginning a journey

making faith work

why friendships matter

FALL 2016

p. 8

contents FALL 2016

events & highlights



SAVE THE DATE (so you dont miss the fun)

featured stories

THE JOURNEY BEGINS by Rev. Jack Peebles

a discipleship map for the future


ARISE AND BUILD update. We have roofs!








Fall sermon series and study


by Alissa Plaisance
helping children build relationships


REBUILDING IN HAITI by Scarlett Stewart

REBUILD Globally partners with the United Nations

ways to grow



SMALL GROUPS with Rev. Jack Peebles


GET CONNECTED with Womens Ministry

from david FALL 2016

In and Out Burgers. They are legendary, and they
have reached Dallas, Texas, where at least once a year, I get to enjoy
one. I also find that the In and Out franchise perfectly describes
the life of a disciple of Jesus. Yes, I think part of following Jesus is
eating cheeseburgers, but that may just be me. Regardless, the franchise name is a marvelous picture of going in to be fed a delicious,
life-sustaining meal, perhaps even one shared with others. Then,
on the strength of that meal, we move out into the world to serve
without expectation or condition. This is the journey of discipleship, and it is the model that we are moving into in our church in the
coming year.
It will begin this fall with a sermon series titled For the Life of the
World. New small groups will be launched around this theme, so
take advantage of this opportunity to begin what were calling the
Journey of Discipleship at First Pres. All of these efforts will lead us to
a greater understanding of an outward focused life, an idea contrary
to our current culture. We are drawn IN to Christ, but we are also sent
OUT to bring life to the world the abundant life of Jesus.
Never was the need for this more evident than during the tragic
weeks of mid-June. Our community was reeling as it mourned the
senseless acts of evil visited upon so many. That evil and the reality
of the world we live in are precisely why the gospel matters NOW and
why our engagement with the gospel is so critical as we try to love
our community well. The magnitude of what took place shakes us to
our core, but such shaking can actually be part of the good that God
brings from the evil. It wakes us from our spiritual slumber (Romans
13) and reminds us that this life we lead is not a game. The battle is
real and lives are at stake.
Thus, we prepare ourselves. We get ready, and as we do, not only do
we become light to the world, but our journey of discipleship leads us
more deeply into the heart of God and to the life the abundant life
He promised. (John 10:10)
So yes, lets nourish ourselves on the truth of His Word and then
move out to the world with hope and light and love all as part of
this wonderful journey of being a disciple of Jesus.
With joy and expectation for our fall together, I remain
Under His Mercy,

...The hour
has already
come for you
to wake up
from your
because our
salvation is
nearer now
than when we
first believed.
Romans 13:11

director of Children's Ministry
We are pleased to welcome Kim Allen as the
new Director of SHINE Children's Ministry. Kim
has been involved in supporting many First Pres'
ministries, including teaching adult and children's
Sunday School and Confirmation, writing curriculum for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School,
faithfully teaching Bible for our FOUR12 student
mentoring program, and as a small group leader
for small group leaders. Her love of the Bible is infectious, as is her commitment to helping children
understand their place in God's unfolding story.
As part of our church family, Kim has already
helped to shape the lives of many of our children
and families over the last 10 years.
Kim comes to us from Young Life where she handles event planning, training and communications for the YL Florida Region as the Regional Administrator. Prior to Young Life,
she served as a Lead Teacher with Liberty Preparatory School, where she was part of the
planning and implementation process for MS and HS homeschooled students, and taught
logic, Bible and literature. She has a B.A. in Early Childhood & Elementary Education and
Psychology from Converse College in Spartanburg, SC. She and her husband, Bret, (First
Pres' Minister of Family Life) have four children: Andrew, John, Anna Bret and David. We are
thrilled to welcome Kim in her new role, and look forward to seeing how God uses her to
continue to lead the children of our church family!

SERVE your city


August 27

Get together with us

for Summer Serve Day
and help organize snack
donations for Conway

in august

Donate school supplies

throughout the month of
August for our tutoring
and mentoring students
in the Mercy Drive neighborhood.

october 6

Get the basics at our

Mercy Drive Volunteer
Orientation, so you can
serve with our ministries
there anytime.


save the date FALL 2016



Second Sunday Coffee 8/14

Church Closed for Labor Day 9/5

Divorce Care Begins 8/18

Discipleship Fall Kickoff 9/11

SHINE Fall Kickoff 8/21

Second Sunday Coffee 9/11

Small Group Registration Closes 8/22

Lunch with Dr. Fuchs, President of UF 9/15

Summer Serve Day 8/27

Madagascar Partnership Lunch 10/2

tails on
want de lasses?
the Fall TALOG

Second Sunday Coffee 10/8

Q Commons 10/13
Young at Heart Luncheon 10/14
LifeFest Night 10/16



Study & Discipleship

September 11

fall 2016


Worship & Prayer

Peace University
September 11


We switched to a brand new, secure, mobile-friendly giving portal. Not only does this save the church on processing
fees, weve added several new features to make giving much easier. Hooray!

try it out!

fall 2016


COLUMNS Magazine

LOBBY given:


tithed to mission:
62 OCC.remaining to5'X8'


raising the roof


What's going on as we ARISE AND BUILD this
16'x11' summer? You may have seen the work taking

place on our buildings or us scoping out Allen

Yowell Hall for changes.


ous goal of our ARISE AND BUILD campaign,

repairs to our roof are now complete on multiple buildings. Thank you for your patience this
summer as we worked to accomodate equipment and crews on our campus! (Seen top left.)




55 OCC.

for Student Ministry renovations are
underway. We've chosen a design firm and
plan, and work is projected to be complete in
Spring 2017. On the left you can see drawings
of the welcoming environment we're hoping to
create for parents and students.



We have new roofs! Clearly the most glamor-



We are continuing to bless others. Our

total mission tithe continues to grow, helping
provide for a gym in the Dominican Republic,
plans for a Seminary in Madagascar and
supporting Biblical Entrepreneurship through
the Nehemiah Project.

New ministry begins here. Our muchanticipated ministry focused on faith and
work launches this Fall, with a number of
discipleship courses and events taking place.
See page 11 for details.



ee upda


fall 2016




We are thrilled to move our 9:45am

Genesis worship service to the
Sanctuary and welcome more guests.


fall 2016

On July 11-15, we hosted 400 kids for

Vacation Bible School. An amazing week
of fun, crafts and learning about Jesus!


COLUMNS Magazine


A great week of Upward Sports

basketball and cheerleading camps in
the First Pres gym.


An exciting week of fun activities and

learning about God together for our
middle- and high-school students!

fall 2016


The average person

spends almost

100,000 hours
of their lifetime

at work.

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and work

For more than 3 years, our church has been exploring the
intersection between faith and work. This Fall, we'll launch
our newest ministry effort to equip you in one of the places
you spend the most time: your work.
New courses in faith and work
begin every month this Fall.
See the Fall 2016 Discipleship catalog for details on the
Gotham Fellowship, Biblical
Entrepreneurship, Art and
the Christian Narrative, and
Empty Nest & Life Transitions.
September 15, join us for lunch.
Dr. Kent Fuchs, President of the
University of Florida will be our
featured speaker, sharing his
insights about the intersection
between faith and work.
Get a seat or a table at

fall 2016

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October 2, we'll launch.

That Sunday, we'll share the new
ministry vision with the whole
congregation and community.
October 13, we'll engage our
cultural moment. First Pres will
be the downtown Orlando host
for Q Commons, a two-hour live
event where attendees hear
fast-paced national and local
talks educating them on how to
thoughtfully engage their city
and cultural moment. Sign up at


the journey

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COLUMNS Magazine

One of my all-time favorite lines from literature comes

journey is easy and fun, but sometimes the journey is dif-

from, not surprisingly, J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings. The

ficult and challenging. Regardless of where you are in the

line is part of a poem within the story and it reads, Not all

journey, WE DONT WANT YOU TO GET LOST! We want to

those who wander are lost. Because I suffer from an insa-

challenge you and show you how to move toward growth

tiable case of wanderlust, this line speaks to me in so many

and spiritual maturity.

ways and on different levels. I love putting on a backpack

and heading out into the wilderness. It doesnt matter if its
up a mountain, around a lake, or on a beach. I have found

Find your next steps

So how do you discover your next steps in the journey? This

those times to be among the most restorative moments of

Fall, we are unveiling several new tools to help you. The

my life. Going on an adventure? Sign me up, Gandalf!

first is our Journey Assessment. (Think of it like our trail

map.) It will give you an opportunity to self-assess and

On another level, life itself can be considered an adven-

help you find that You are here, spot on the map. It will

ture. Life is wrought with play and work, joys and sorrows,

also provide a starting point along the map of your journey.

celebrations and struggles, and high and low points. For

some, life presents opportunities for new experiences, op-

Second, we have created a Discipleship Catalog for the

portunities, and relationships. Each and every day affords

journey. The catalog presents various opportunities to help

something new and exciting or tests our endurance. Many,

facilitate your spiritual growth and development. From in-

however, wander through life with no sense of purpose or

depth studies of the Bible, to classes that challenge you to

fulfillment. They have no clear compass bearing, drifting

think about how your faith fits into your work, to ways you

from one event or relationship to the next. Sadly, they are

can connect with your church family, the catalog includes

wandering and lost. We know that this is not what God

all the opportunities within the church this Fall.

wants for us and, in fact, has something far better.

Finally, an easy way to get connected into the life of

Beginning the journey together

the church is to join a small group. This Fall, our con-

This fall, we will begin introducing the idea of the journey

gregation will participate in a Bible study and sermon

as we talk about discipleship. The metaphor of journey

series called For the Life of the World. Weve invited our

conveys dynamic movement and growth with a purpose.

small groups, several Sunday School classes, 20s' Min-

Our hope is that our church family would progress through

istry and our Women Engaged ministry to lead the

and grow within that journey. When we speak of disciple-

way, providing you several ways to join in. If you

ship, we're talking about an ongoing, intimate and growing

would like to get connected, see the details on page 14.

relationship with Jesus. Thus, this journey entails becoming new creatures in Christ (2 Corinthians 5: 17) as we are

Since I began with Tolkien, I will end with him as well.

conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).

In The Hobbit, the wizard Gandalf appears at the door of

the protagonist, a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins. He says
to Bilbo, Im looking for someone to share in an adven-

When we speak of
discipleship, we're talking
about an ongoing, intimate
and growing relationship
with Jesus.

ture Bilbo eventually joins the adventure and is ultimately transformed by it. He does things he never thought
he could do. He travels farther than he ever thought he
would. He develops relationships he never thought he
would have. He accomplishes something that seemed truly
far-fetched when he began. In an even more profound way,
the journey of discipleship leads to transformation in our
own lives. We are transformed by Jesus, as we seek to follow
Him in our daily rhythms of life. Our minds, actions, and
relationships are transformed as we seek to love God and

When you embark on a hike, you typically start at a trail-

our neighbors.

head. At the trailhead, there is often a map that serves as

a marker to indicate your starting point and where you

So, what are you waiting for? Not all those who wander

need to go. In a very similar way, the journey of disciple-

are lost. We are looking for people to share in an adven-

ship begins with a trailhead or starting point, followed

ture. Join us this Fall in the journey of discipleship!

by different points along the path. So we want to provide

you with a marker and direction as you pursue your rela-

Jack Peebles is our Pastor of Discipleship, and with his team, has

tionship with God because, quite honestly, sometimes the

been preparing for this journey with our church family since his
arrival in 2015.

fall 2016

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next steps
Take the DIscipleship Assessment.
Our Discipleship Team has designed a special online
assessment to help you determine areas of spiritual
maturity and growth. Are you struggling with questions about your faith? Are you feeling confident in
your spiritual life but not sure where you fit in the
covenant community? Are you growing in your personal relationship with God, but hesitant to engage
in mission? Are you ready to lead by guiding other
people in their journey of discipleship? Find out at

Explore the Fall 2016 Discipleship Catalog.

Once you've taken the assessment, pick up our
first-ever discipleship course catalog at church, or
online at Dig in and find your next
step for Bible study, connecting with others and
growing in your relationship with God.
Sign up to be part of Small Group.
We've compiled a whole list of clever reasons why
you should join a small group on page 16. Will you
pray about being a part of a small group this Fall?

where are you on the journey?

TA K E T H E A S S E S S M E N T AT F P C O . O R G / J O U R N E Y




Place in the Journey:

The Trailhead

Place in the Journey:

On the Trail

Place in the Journey:

Beyond the Mountains & Valleys

A skeptic or seeker, you are just

beginning your faith journey.
Maybe youve professed faith in Jesus
or youre not quite there; but youre open
to spiritual direction and guidance for
next steps in growing in your relationship
with God.

A believer who has moved past the

trailhead, youre progressing in your faith.
Youre equipped with the essentials, and
actively seeking ways to grow in your
relationship with God.

Youre equipped for your journey, and

looking for ways to guide and equip
others along the way. Youve embraced
the Great Commandments and Great
Commission, and find opportunities to
express joy or peace, regardless of your

fall 2016

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COLUMNS Magazine

S T U DY A N D S E R I E S B E G I N S S E P T E M B E R 1 1
For the Life of the World is an entertaining film series that explores the deeper meaning of salvation.
Have you ever wondered, "What is my salvation actually FOR?" Is it only about personal atonement, about getting to heaven, or something that comes later? Is it just to have a "friend in Jesus?"
Discover a new perspective, the bigger picture of what it
means to be "in the world, not of it. "This seven-part film
series and companion Field Guide will help you investigate
Gods Economy of All Things oikonomia (a Greek word that
has a lot to say about Gods plan for his creation, the world,
and us.)
Explore how Gods purposes are woven into every area
of our lives: family, work, art, charity, education, government, recreation and all creation! The Bible calls us
strangers and pilgrims, living in "the now and not yet"
of Gods Kingdom come on earth. In seven 20-min-

Study on Sunday morning. There are four different ways

to participate in the study on Sunday mornings:
The Couples Sunday school class at 8:45am.
Crossroads & Servants in the Son Combined Class at
BASICS & Foundations Combined Class at 9:45am.
Study with Women's Ministry. Our WOMEN ENGAGED
ministry will follow along as part of the regular Fall Bible study. There are three different times to participate
throughout the week. Signup at, and see
details on page 22.

ute-ish episodes and eight sermons, youll learn how our

How can you participate?

Study with the 20's Ministry. Tuesdays from 7pm-8:30pm,

our 20s will gather in small groups to watch the videos and
discuss. Email Scarlett at

Join a small group. New and existing small groups will

participate in this study together, all over town at different
days and time. Fill out the form to get placed in a group at before August 22.

Study at home. You can follow along with the Field Guide
and videos at home. We don't want anyone to miss out!
Email Lori Tipping at

lives lived on earth matter in Gods plan for the world.

fall 2016

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real life disciplines

the small group countdown

Rev. Jack Peebles shares the top eight reasons why it might be time for you to join a small group.

8. First Pres is BIG. With nearly 4,000 members, finding a

member to have a solid understanding of the Scriptures

place to get connected at our church can be daunting. Small

and be able to apply the Bibles truth to his or her life.

groups provide small church settings where you can

Small groups give you the opportunity to study the Bible

more easily get to know others who are part of our covenant

with others, benefiting from their insights and wisdom

community, and come to understand what a covenant is.

as God speaks to you, and you in turn, learn to listen and

respond to His voice.

7. You have questions. We all have questions about faith,

life and how we live out our relationship with Jesus. A

3. You get a support system by design. When you are

small group is a great place for discussion. In fact, some of

struggling, there is no better place to be than in a small

the richest small group experiences are multigeneration-

group. One of the great privileges we have as the Body of

al-- functioning as a spiritual family where one genera-

Christ is to care and pray for each other. A small group is

tion can pour into the next. Our church is filled with people

a brilliant support system for caring, encouragement, and

who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Whether

prayer. When you know whats going on in each others

your question is related to a particular passage of Scrip-

lives, you have connected on a deeper level. That connec-

ture, or how to be a Christian parent in a rapidly changing

tion leads to accountability and accountability leads to

and confusing world, a small group can be a place to find



2. Disciples can become the disciple-rs. Leading a small

6. Food, obviously. Cooking may not be a spiritual gift,

group can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and is

but some people are certainly culinar-ily blessed by God.

a great place to take your first steps in leadership. If you

Small groups are a great opportunity to show hospitality,

have progressed in your journey of discipleship and have

welcome and share your foodie discoveries. (Hint: some of

reached a point where you have the capacity to lead and

the best food weve ever eaten has been shared at small

disciple others, leading a small group is an easy way to do

group.) Potlucks, barbecues, and theme nights are just

for others what someone has done for you!

some of the traditions adopted by various groups to celebrate seasons of life together. Jesus knew this, and often

1. Were all on a journey together. The most im-

sat down at the table with friends and strangers to share

portant reason to join a small group is to further your

a meal.

journey of discipleship. This is not a journey of isolation in other words, its not simply between you and

5. Relationships are transformative. Perhaps youve

God. When you say, Yes to God, you also say, Yes to

heard it said Christianity happens at the speed of rela-

Gods family. Thus, being in a small group is a way to

tionships? Our church believes this. More than programs

be connected to the larger church as we strive to fulfill

or ministries, relationships are the main vehicles through

our mission to make disciples who light the world.

which the Gospel is shared. Whether you are extraverted

and have lots of relationships, or introverted and treasure
a few deep ones, faith is passed on through those relationships in your everyday rhythms of life. Small groups
provide space where invitations can be extendedand relationships (with others and Jesus) can flourish!


Fill out the form online by August 22 and we'll get you
placed in a new or existing small group in time for the September 11 study series. Learn more at

4. Your Biblical knowledge grows exponentially. Our

church values the authority of Scripture and believes
the Bible to be Gods Good News to us. We want every

fall 2016

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COLUMNS Magazine



We all want to see our children thrive, academically, so-

the academic piece thrive without the social and emotional

cially, and emotionally. Some children seem to do all of

pieces in place as well. One of the ways we do that is by

these things with ease, but the truth is, everyone struggles

providing the service of a school counselor to serve as a re-

from time to time.

source for students and teachers. Through helping our students with social and emotional health, we also help them

Teachers at The Christ School value the importance of sup-

to be ready to learn.

porting the whole child, from academics to social development. They are empowered to work together to address

Parents can play a big role in helping their child thrive in

student issues. Social and emotional support are just as

each of these areas. Don't take it for granted that chil-

important as academic support. Sometimes, you cant see

dren just automatically know how to be a friend. Just like

fall 2016

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they need to practice the steps for addition

Encourage positive behavior. As parents, we

and subtraction, they need to practice social

often find ourselves saying dont do this, or

skills, too. Here are tips for parents to help

dont do that to our children and teens about

their children as they navigate through social

their interactions with others. Rather than


picking out what they did wrong, be intentional about trying to see the positive behav-

Making friends

ior they are displaying, and then reinforce it.

It is important for our children to feel liked,

This doesnt come easy, but if you intention-

and it is an added blessing for them to have

ally look for the positive things your child

a close friend or two with whom they can

does rather than focusing on the negative,

confide. Here are some tips to help your child

make friends, and once that friendship is
made, how to nourish it.
Encourage your child to be a Noticer.
Being a Noticer involves more observing than
talking. Ask your child to look beyond themselves, and identify a child who may be new,
or who may need a friend. Encourage your
child to notice things about them, perhaps to
find something of a common interest. This is
a great way to begin a conversation with an

"Social and
are just as
as academic

your child will begin to focus on positive behavior, as well.

Being a friend
One way to help your child be a good friend,
is to learn more about how your child interacts with others. Observe your child in a
variety of social situations. This will help you
gain a deeper understanding of their social
strengths and weaknesses.
Some children need the hidden curriculum.

unfamiliar child. I noticed that you have a

The things that most people just get, some

Star Wars lunch box. I like Star Wars, too.

people dont. Things like when it is okay to interrupt, or when it is okay to enter a conversa-

Teach your child about Matthew 7:12: So in

tion, or when it is best to keep your thoughts

everything, do to others what you would have

to yourself. Role-playing is always helpful.

them do to you, for this sums up the Law and

During family time, practice what to do in dif-

the Prophets. You may also know this as the

ferent social situations. Take turns being the

Golden Rule. Practice this behavior with your

child and the friend, and talk about why some

child, and encourage them to think about it

questions and answers are nice, thought-

as they relate to others, no matter their age.

ful, or appropriate, and why some are not.

fall 2016

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COLUMNS Magazine

Teach your child or teen to think of others; to walk in

Alissa Plaisance currently serves as Student Support

other peoples shoes. Help them think of how people are

Specialist at The Christ School on the First Pres campus in

different, and talk about being sensitive to the needs and

downtown Orlando. She earned her Bachelor of Arts and

feelings of others. For example, sometimes a child doesnt

want to participate in a certain activity because they are
either not good at it or they just dont enjoy it. A child who
isnt as good at sports may not want to play football, but

Master of Arts in Exceptional Education from the University of Central Florida and has earned an Elementary and
Autism Spectrum Disorders Certification from the University of Central Florida.

they might enjoy participating in an art activity. Try to encourage being a big picture thinker - having alternative
ideas for activities and not being stuck in what is comfortable. They may even learn a new activity that they will enjoy.
Remind your child that being a good friend includes being a
cheerleader for their friends. Encourage them to be happy for
their friends successes, share their sorrows, and allow their
friend to have space when needed. This does not come naturally for all people. It is often something children need to
learn and practice as they mature.

When there is conflict


Finding relatable age-appropriate books on

those topics can be an additional resource for
parents. Sometimes when children see the
problem and solution visually, as in a book,
or if the information is coming from someone
other than their parent, it clicks. Mrs. Plaisance
recommends these books:

Even in the best of friendships, conflicts can arise. Ideally,

we want our children to learn to solve conflicts on their own.
Here are a few ways that parents can enable their child to be
Proactively talk with your children about the times they
may feel frustrated in a social situation; try not to handle
the situation in the heat of the moment when emotions are
high. Take some time for them to calm down and be ready
to hear you. Be an emotion coach. Talk to your child about
their feelings in a systematic, problem-solving way.1

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids
by Carol McCloud

Role-play with your child. A parent can role-play different

scenarios. Talk about ways to react in different circumstances.
Practice I statements. These will help your child express
their feelings in a non-confrontational manner when issues
arise. For example, I feel sad when you called me a name, or
I feel hurt when you tease me. This can help a child identify
their feelings, and learn how to better understand their emotions when a problem arises. Communicating using I state-

Parenting with Love and Logic

by Foster Cline and Jim Fay

ments allows the child to express the consequences of the

other childs actions in a more sensitive way.
Encourage your child to pray for a child who is not always
kind, or is having trouble making or keeping friends.

Parenting Strong. How to help kids make friends 2009-13, Gwen Dewar, Ph.D.

fall 2016

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Helping Kids Help Themselves (series)

by Joy Berry


in Haiti

I met Julie Columbino, Founder of REBUILD Globally, nearly

profitability of the people of Haiti. Their first project was

10 years ago. Both in our mid 20's, we shared a strong desire

Deux Mains Designs (meaning "Two Hands" in French), a

to help marginalized people in the developing world. Julie

fashionable footwear company that uses repurposed tires

was employed by Children of the Nations and joined the

and local leathers. Today, Deux Mains employs 25 full time

prayer team for my one-year mission to Kenya at Amani

craftsmen and women in the heart of Port-Au-Prince.

ya Juu. A strong connection between us was immediate-

These artisans now have living wages, housing, health-

ly born, but never could I anticipate where our friendship

care and educational opportunities for their children.

would take me (literally) a decade later.

With her glowing smile, Julie regularly says, every pur-

While God called me back to the states following Kenya,

perity. This grassroots social enterprise continues to

God has continuously called Julie to the most difficult

grow; and last year Deux Mains partnered with fashion

places. On the evening of January 11 2010, Julie felt the

designer Kenneth Cole who personally created one of the

Lord lay one word on her heart: Haiti. She found this ex-

sandals now produced in the Port-Au-Prince workshop.

chase you make at Deux Mains turns poverty into pros-

tremely odd, as she had never given Haiti much thought

before. The next day, Haiti experienced a horrendous 7.0
earthquake that claimed 300,000 lives and left millions of

A new chapter begins

On July 26, REBUILD Globally began another chapter of

Haitians homeless and jobless. Julie immediately packed a

their incredible story - and I was blessed to witness it. I

bag and headed directly into the crisis from which millions

travelled with Julie and the Deux Mains artisans to the

of other people fled. For months, she helped with various

border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic to the Fonds

emergency relief efforts, serving however she could. Yet

Bayard refugee camp, the current home to thousands of

over and over the Haitians would ask her for one thing: a

stateless people.

Fonds Bayard looked and felt like the desert; I have never

Starting to rebuild

seen a piece of land so absent of color. At the entrance of

Seven months later, Julie and a small team began REBUILD

the camp sits a large trailer adorned with the REBUILD

Globally, a nonprofit that provides start up capital, leader-

Globally logo, which recently secured funding from the

ship development and training for the improvement and

United Nations to begin an employment training center for

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COLUMNS Magazine

35 displaced asylum seekers. These trainees will

learn to handcraft the Deux Mains sandal soles
from recycled tires. The hope is that these refugees will become shoemakers, earn a paycheck
and restore the livelihood of their families.
As the employment unit was dedicated, I stood
in complete awe of my dear friend Julie; who
gracefully greeted dozens of Haitians thanking
her for the opportunities she has provided their
community. During the ceremony the people
of Fonds Bayard, the craftsman of Deux Mains
Designs, and Julie loudly sang How Great Thou
Art - in Creole, of course. That day, in a place so
desperate and desolate, I witnessed hope being
restored - Oh, How Great Thou Art!

Working together for prosperity

For the past three years, First Pres has partnered
with REBUILD by allowing their US team to work
from our campus. Visit their new space located
on the southwest corner of Lee Fellowship Hall.
While you are there, buy a pair of sandals-

Above, Julie Colombino at the ribbon cutting with the United Nations for the new
employment unit at the Fonds Bayard Refugee Camp. At top, typical homes in the camp.

it turns poverty into prosperity, literally.

Scarlett Stewart is our Director of Discipleship and
wants to help our church family make the connection between daily discipleship and God's mission to
the world. To learn more about
REBUILD Globally, visit To see all
the things made by the talented Deux Mains artisans
shown below, visit

Above, each pair of sandals is hand crafted. Used tires are recycled to form the sole of
the shoe. At right you can see the footprints cut from the tires themselves.

Above, Scarlett visiting the Deux Mains Design shop. At

right, founder Julie Colombino in the workshop with the
team. REBUILD Globally now employs 60 Haitian artisans.
fall 2016

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where to connect

living as pilgrims and heirs

Join other women in learning about God, together this Fall with our Women Engaged ministry.

For seven Sundays this Fall, our

sermon series and study will explore
our journey on earth as exiles,
strangers and pilgrims. We'll discover how we can live fully and abundantly in this place, not for ourselves
but for the Kingdom, and for the life
of the world.

Follow the Fall Bible study & sermon
series, For the Life of the World, with
the whole church family, starting the
week of September 11.
Wednesday nights in September and
October, join Leigh Swanson, other
moms and mentors for a special Bible
study focused on motherhood.

and Thursday morning sessions.

Register by Tuesday, September 6 at or pick up a hard
copy registration form in the lobby
of the Edington Ministry Center. The
cost is $20.
Questions? Contact Lori Needham



407.423.3441, x1463.

Beginning September 12 and 15

(Monday morning and evening and
Thursday morning), Women Engaged will offer Coffee

Our Women Engaged ministry will also offer an evening

and Conversations as we embark on this journey using

Bible study, specifically designed to help equip women for

the creative exile field guide and video lessons for this

motherhood. Theology for Moms will be offered Wednes-

series. We will remain together for the study session and

days, September 14 - October 26, 7-8:30pm here at the

enjoy hearty discussions facilitated by WE Team Lead-

church. We know every time your child asks a question

ership. Each week, we will use scripture texts from both

that starts with Why? your answer is theological. Why

the sermons and the study guide during our homework as

is the sky blue? Why did Grandpa die? Why is that kid

we set your heart and mind to thinking about this earthly

mean to me? Come discover a love for theology with Leigh

sojourn and the Kingdom of God as both pilgrims AND

Swanson that will shape how you answer even the tough-


est questions. Register at The cost is $10.

Questions? Contact Lori Tipping at or

We will offer child care with a reservation for the Monday

fall 2016

call 407.423.3441, x1453.

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COLUMNS Magazine

family news FALL 2016

congratulations to...

our sympathy to...

Brian William Heaney and Christina

Vasiliki Bartenhagen were married
April 23, 2016, in the Sanctuary.

Kimberly Norris on the death of her

son, Nick Norris, April 24, 2016.
Dave and Pam McComb on the death
of his brother, Donald McComb, April
29, 2016.

James Harrison Blackwood and

Rita Katherine Rose Carpenter were
married May 7, 2016, in the Sanctuary.
Rita "Katyrose" is the daughter of
Darrell and Ritsy Carpenter.

The family and friends of Esther Myers

who died, May 3, 2016, at the age of

Kipp Whittaker and Saruul Borjigan

were married May 12, 2016, in the
chapel. Kipp is the son of Lacy Gray.

Mary Stuart Day and Andre Vidrine

on the death of her father, David Day,
May 6, 2016.

Brandon and Rebecca Hueber are

the parents of twin daughters, Claire
Rebecca Hueber and Catherine "Cate"
Jane Hueber, born May 22, 2016. The
proud grandmother is Becky Martinez.
James and Barbra Speer have
a daughter, Lauren Kate Speer,
born May 25, 2016. The proud
grandparents are John and Donna

Mark and Michelle Hatcher have

twins, a son and daughter, Thomas
Augustus Hatcher and Violet Hope
Hatcher, born July 9, 2016. The proud
grandmother is Karen Hanson.

Friends and family of Ernest Davis,

who died June 18, 2016. Mr. Davis was
an employee of First Pres for many
Friends and family of Gordon Pete
Goodale, who died June 20, 2016.
Mark and Barbara Rushing on
the death of his mother, Lois
Marchinkowski, June 20, 2016.

Brian and Dina DuChene on the

death of his father, Don DuChene,
May 15, 2016. Mr. DuChene was the
grandfather of CJ DuChene.

Richard and Sue Pollock on the death

of his mother, Emma Pollock, June 22,

Jeanne and Rick Richbourg on the

death of her father, Wilbert Ace
Carley, May 23, 2016.

Jason Andrew Sellers and Hannah

Louise Kennedy were married June 11,
2016, in the Sanctuary.

Leah Koon on the death of her mother,

Edna Koon, June 16, 2016.

Courtney and Allen Peacock on the

death of her father, Gene Kelsey, May
6, 2016.

Gwen and Wayne Rich on the death of

her uncle, Glenn King, May 16, 2016.

John David Swanson and Caroline

Wellman Maddox were married May
28, 2016, in the Sanctuary. John
David is the son of David and Leigh

Mark McWaters on the death of his

wife, Meredith McWaters, June 3,

Friends and family of Charlie

Patterson, who died May 25, 2016.
Beverly and Bob Burijon on the death
of her aunt, Joann Johnson, May 28,
Barbara Bartlett on the death of her
mother, Anna Manasco, June 1, 2016.
Stan and Lisa Nusbickel on the
death of his mother, Mary Nusbickel,
June 2, 2016. Mrs. Nusbickel was
the grandmother of Katie and Emily

Sue Fulford on the death of her

husband, Dan Fulford, July 4, 2016.
Mr. Fulford was the father of Kara
(John) Cox and Kelly (Matt) Bednar and
grandfather of Kendall Cox, Camden
Cox, Nicholas Bednar, and Grayson
Gerda Stewart on the death of her
husband, Richard Stewart, July 16,
Dennis and Lisa Brockman on
the death of his mother, Jeanette
Brockman, July 16, 2016. Mrs.
Brockman was the grandmother of
Keegan, Madison, Cole, Kamise, and
Meseret Brockman.
Ann Cross on the death of her
husband, Pete Cross, July 19, 2016.

were here to help


schedule a baptism x1451

request a hospital visit x1455
plan a wedding x1272
arrange a memorial service x1455

fall 2016

gift flowers for worship x1272

ask giving questions x1479
change your address x1471
reach security 407.955.0344

- 23 -

reserve a meeting space x1459

ask about this magazine x1467
subscribe to weekly email x1485


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