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1. Because DNA replication occurs in this phase of the cell cycle, most chemotherapeutic
drugs for cancer act on the:
A. GI phase
C. Interphase
B. S phase
D. M phase
ANSWER : B (Wheaters Functional Histology, 4th ed., p. 33)
MPL = 0.33
2. Which of the following epidermal cells form a protective barrier against Ultra Violet
A. Langerhans
C. Melanocyte
B. Merkel
D. Keratinocyte
ANSWER : C (Bloom & Fawcetts Concise Histology, 2nd ed., p. 166)
MPL = 0.33
3. In bacterial infection which granular leukocyte is expected to rise significantly
in the peripheral blood?
A. Eosinophil
C. Lymphocyte
B. Neutrophil
D. Basophil
ANSWER : B (Bloom and Fawcett`s concise Histology, 2nd ed., page 48)
MPL = 1.0
4. The spinal meninges is differentiated from the cerebral meninges by the absence
A. Arachnoid villi
C. Epidural space
B. Pial specializations
D. Subarachnoid cisterns
ANSWER : A (Duan Haines Neuroanatomy by Paul Young, 1st ed., page 46)
MPL = 1.0
5. In females, which of the following structures is found in the deep perineal pouch?
A. greater vestibular gland
C. crus of clitoris
B. vestibular bulb
D. sphincter urethrae
ANSWER : D (Clinical Anatomy for medical Students by Richard Snell, 7th ed., 371)
MPL = 0.33
6. During a fight a man was stabbed in the thigh which transected the femoral nerve
just below the inguinal ligament. Which of the following will be manifested by the
A. intact knee-jerk reflex
B. loss of skin sensation over the anterior and medial thigh
C. loss of skin sensation along the medial border of the big toe
D. inability to flex the knee joint
ANSWER : B (Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore & Arthur Dalley, 4th ed.,
page 529 & 563)
MPL = 0.33
7. A lesion of the median nerve in the hand is manifested by:
A. loss of ability to abduct the digits
C. loss of opposability of the thumb
B. claw hand
D. Dupuytren's contracture
ANSWER : C (Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore & Arthur Dalley, 4th ed.,
p. 776)
MPL = 0.33

8. Damage to the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen would affect:

A. facial expression
C. salivation
B. taste sensation on the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
D. lacrimation
ANSWER : A (Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore & Arthur Dalley, 4th ed.,
p. 1098)
MPL = 0.33
9. After a car accident the driver was noted to have clear fluid (apparently CSF) draining
from his nose. The bone which is most likely fractured is the:
A. frontal
C. nasal
B. ethmoid
D. lacrimal
ANSWER : B (Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students by Richard Snell, 7th ed., p. 745)
MPL = .05
10. In portal vein obstruction, blood from the jejunum could return to the heart
through which of the following veins?
A. hepatic
C. splenic
B. esophageal
D. inferior mesenteric
ANSWER : B (Clinical Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore & Arthur Dalley, 4th ed.,
pp. 277-278)
MPL = 0.33
11. Renal calculi are most commonly trapped in which of the following anatomic
narrowings of the ureter?
A. as the ureter enters the bladder
C. at the level of the pelvic brim
B. renal pelvis
D. at the level of the iliac crest
ANSWER : C (Clinical Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore & Arthur Dalley, 4th ed.,
p. 280)
MPL = 0.5
12. Which of the following esophageal narrowings may possibly offer resistance to the
insertion of a nasogastric tube?
A. level of the thyroid gland
B. level of the arch of the aorta as it crosses in front of the esophagus
C. just before entering the diaphragmatic opening
D. level of C7
ANSWER : B (Clinical Oriented Anatomy by Keith Moore & Arthur Dalley, 4th ed.,
p. 152)
MPL = 0.5
13. What position would make it impossible for a patient to keep his abdominal
musculature tensed during an examination?
A. when the thighs are flexed
C. when the arms lie by the side
B. when the thighs are extended
D. when the knees are extended
ANSWER : A (Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition, 2004 p. 168).
MPL = 0.5
14. Malignant tumor of which area of the tongue is expected to metastasize early and
bilaterally into the deep cervical nodes?
A. root
C. central portion, body
B. apex
D. lateral portion, body
ANSWER : C (Netter, Frank H., The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 3,
Part I, 1979, p.28.)
MPL = 0.33

15. Which chamber of the heart is most likely enlarged when there is narrowing of the
thoracic esophagus on Barium swallow?
A. right atrium
C. right ventricle
B. left atrium
D. left ventricle
ANSWER : B (Netter, Frank H., The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 3,
Part I, 1979, p.34).
MPL = 0.33
16. A patient diagnosed with bleeding ulcer on the posterior wall of the stomach
was brought to the emergency room in hypovolemic shock. Which of the following
arteries is most likely eroded?
A. gastroduodenal
C. splenic
B. restroduodenal
D. hepatic
ANSWER : C (Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition, 2004 p. 243).
MPL = 0.5
17. Which of the following statements is correct about the cystic duct?
A. It forms the medial boundary of the triangle of Calot.
B. The proximal portion contains the spiral valves of Heister.
C. It lies at the thickened distal portion of the lesser omentum.
D. It is about 8-10 cm. in length.
Ref. Netter, Frank H., The CIBA Collection of Medical Illustrations, Vol. 3, Part III,
1979, p.22.
MPL = 0.33
18. A neurologic exam of a 34-year-old man reveals direct and consensual light reflexes in
his left eye; but neither a direct nor consensual reflex in his right eye. Which of the
following nerves is most likely involved?
A. right optic
C. right oculomotor
B. left optic
D. left oculomotor
Ref. Snell, Richard S., Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, 5th ed., 2004,
pp. 333-336.
MPL = 0.5
19. A 58 year old man with atherosclerosis suffers an embolic stroke that leaves him with a
left leg paresis. Physical examination reveals Babinski sign on the left and diminished
sensation over his left leg. Blockage of which of the following artery in responsible for
his symptoms?
A. left anterior cerebral
C. left cerebral
B. right anterior cerebral
D. right middle cerebral
Ref. Snell, Richard S., Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, 5th ed., 2004,
pp. 158-160.
MPL = 0.33
20. A 64-year-old man presents with increased language output, most of which is
incomprehensible. Neurological testing reveals that he cannot comprehend verbal or
written language. Where is the location of his lesion?
A. basal ganglia
C. temporal lobe
B. frontal lobe
D. parietal lobe
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Neuroanatomy For Medical Students,
5th edition., 2004 p. 290.

21. The following structures assist in maintaining the kidneys in their normal
position, EXCEPT:
A. renal fascia (Gerota)
B. renal artery and vein
C. renal fibrous capsule
D. perirenal fat
MPL = 0.5
Reference: Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore,4th edition
22. A patient can move his eyeball normally and see distant objects clearly but cannot
focus on near objects, this condition may indicate damage to the:
A A. ciliary ganglion and oculomotor nerve
B. oculomotor nerve and long ciliary nerve
B C. short ciliary nerve and ciliary ganglion
C D. superior cervical ganglion and long ciliary nerve
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Neuroanatomy For Medical Students,
5th edition., 2004 p. 336.
23. The primary site for CSF absorption into the venous system is the:
A. choroid plexus
C. arachnoid villi
B. vertebral venous plexus
D. internal jugular vein
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Neuroanatomy For Medical Students,
5th edition., 2004 p. 459.
24. The cardiac veins that drain into the right atrium through the coronary sinus are the
following EXCEPT:
A. small cardiac
C. great cardiac
B. middle cardiac
D. anterior cardiac
MPL = 1
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 121.
Woodburne, R. & Burkel, W., Essentials of Human Anatomy, 9th edition,
1994, pp. 388-389.
25. The right coronary artery commonly supplies the following structures EXCEPT
A. right ventricle
C. AV node
B. SA node
D. anterior left ventricle
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 119-120.
26. Choose the CORRECT statement regarding the innervation of the visceral pleura.
A. It is sensitive to pain and touch.
B. It is supplied by the intercostal nerves.
C. It is innervated by the phrenic nerve.
D. It receives autonomic supply from the pulmonary plexus.
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Woodburne, R. & Burkel, W., Essentials of Human Anatomy, 9th edition,
1994, p. 373.
Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 89.
27. The respiratory bronchiole has the following characteristics EXCEPT:
A. Lined by simple columnar epithelium
C. Presence of glands and cartilage
B. Presence of goblet cells
D. Abundant smooth muscle
MPL = 0.25
Reference : Gartner, L. & Hiatt, J., Color Textbook of Histology, p. 355.

28. The non-ciliated epithelial cells on the terminal bronchioles are called:
A. clara cells
C. Type II pneumocyte
B. Type I pneumocyte
D. dust cells
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Junqueira, L.C. & Carneiro, J., Basic Histology,
10th edition, 2003. p. 355.
29. A 43-year-old woman undergoes a radical mastectomy. Winging of the scapula is
observed after she recovers from surgery. Damage to which of the following nerves is
suggested by this finding?
A. axillary
B. supraclavicular
C. spinal accessory
D. long thoracic
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 499.
30. A 24-year-old male patient sustains a fracture at the midshaft of the humerus. The
patient may sustain injury to a nerve which is likely to produce:
A. claw hand deformity
B. winging of the scapula
C. wrist drop
D D. carpal tunnel syndrome
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 510.
31. A 20-year old male fell twice in the course of a basketball game and each time he used
his right arm to break his fall. He felt pain in the right shoulder the following day.
Physical examination revealed no deformity. However, there was deep tenderness in the
acromion process. Abduction of the right arm was painful. The injury is most likely a:
A. tear of the deltoid muscle
B. shoulder joint dislocation
C. fracture of the clavicle
D. rupture of the supraspinatus tendon
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 542-543.
32. A patient is unable to flex the proximal interphalangeal joint due to paralysis of the:
A. palmar interossei
B. flexor digitorum profundus
C. dorsal interossei
D. flexor digitorum superficialis
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004, p. 535.
33. Intramuscular injection should be given in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks to
prevent damage to which of the following nerves?
A. sciatic
B. obturator
C. superior gluteal
D. lateral femoral cutaneous
MPL = 1
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 610-611.

34. A patient suffers a fracture of the medial malleolus. A consequence of such injury is
scarring & entrapment of the nerve in this area. If this should occur which of the
following conditions would result?
A. anesthesia of the sole of the foot
B. decreased pulse in the dorsalis pedis artery
C. foot drop
D. loss of eversion
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 666 & 712.
35. What ligament prevents the dislocation of the femur backwards at the knee joint?
A. anterior cruciate
C. lateral collateral
B. ischiofemoral
D. posterior cruciate
MPL = 1
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 678-679.
36. Which of the following pharyngeal arches forms the muscles of mastication?
A. 1st
C. 3rd
B. 2
D. 4th
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Sadler, T.W., Langman's Medical Embryology, 9th edition, 2004, p. 366.
37. Postoperative hoarseness after thyroidectomy results if one of the recurrent nerves is
accidentally cut while ligating which of the following vessels?
A. superior thyroid artery
C. superior thyroid vein
B. inferior thyroid artery
D. middle thyroid vein
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 746.
38. Which of the following statements about the pars distalis is CORRECT?
A. The basophils are the most numerous cells.
B. The acidophils synthesize Growth Hormone and Prolactin.
C. It receives blood directly from the internal carotid artery.
D. It is derived from the floor of the diencephalon.
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Junqueira, L.C., Carneiro, J. & Kelly, R. Basic Histology, 8th edition,
1995, pp. 378-386.
39. The pelvic diaphragm is formed by which of the following structures?
A. sphincter urethrae muscle
B. perineal membrane
C. deep transverse perineal muscle
D. levator ani
MPL = 1
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 343-344.
40. In males, the mucus-secreting glands found within the deep perineal pouch are the:
A. seminal vesicle
C. Cowper's glands
B. Skene's glands
D. prostate glands
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 435.

41. The structure that serves as a landmark in doing pudendal block anesthesia through a
transvaginal approach is the:
A. iliac crest
C. ischial spine
B. ischial tuberosity
D. sacral promontory
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 442-443.
42. To control bleeding due to uterine atony, which of the following arteries should be
A. internal iliac
C. superior mesenteric
B. external iliac
D. middle sacral
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 351-352.
43. Which of the following statements is true of oogenesis?
A. At birth, the primordial follicles contain oogonia.
B. The first meiotic division is completed at fertilization.
C. The ovum is released together with the zona pellucida and corona radiata.
D. The secondary oocytes has 46 chromosomes.
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Junqueira, L.C., Carneiro, J. & Kelly, R. Basic Histology, 8th edition,
1995, pp. 439-442.
44. Into what vein does the left ovarian vein drain?
A. Renal
C. portal
D. iliac
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 176.
45. Histologically, plasma cells can be recognized by the arrangement of the:
A. cytoplasmic granules
E B. mitochondria
F C. heterochromatin granules
G D. nucleoli
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Gartner, L.P. & Hiatt, J.L., Color Textbook of Histology, 2nd edition,
2001, p. 122.
46. To avoid hitting the lungs, the best site for thoracentesis is at the level of the:
A. 9th intercostal space, midaxillary line
B. 6th intercostal space, midclavicular line
C. 8th intercostal space, scapular line
D. 7th intercostal space, midaxillary line
MPL = O.33
Reference: Clinical Anatomy by Snell, 7th edition, 2004 pp 89-90
47. In the cardiac silhoutte of a radiograph the right border of the heart is formed by the:
A. right ventricle
B. right atrium
C. ascending aorta
D. left atrium
MPL = O.5
Reference: Clinical Anatomy by Snell, 7th edition, 2004 pp. 139-140

48. Which of the following layers of the scalp contains the emissary veins?
A. skin
B. aponeurotic
C. loss areolar tissue
D. periosteum
MPL = .5
Reference: Clinical Anatomy by Snell, 7th edition, 2004 p. 760
49. Which of the following statements is true about the ileum?
A. Plicae circulares are absent in the terminal portion.
B. The mesenteric vessels form 1 or 2 arcades.
C. The mesenteric fat is scanty near the wall.
D. It lies in the lower part of the lesser sac.
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 243-244.
50. In order to examine the tympanic membrane in adult, the auricle should be pulled:
A. upward and forward
B. upward and backward
C. downward and forward
D. downward and backward
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 834.
51. A 17-year-old female has painful pimple just below the lower lip. The pain is due to
irritation of which nerve?
A. opthalmic
B. maxillary
C. mandibular
D. facial
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 768.
52. Which of the following statements about the cells in the testis is CORRECT?
A. The spermatozoa are the largest cells in the seminiferous tubule.
B. The sertoli cells are resistant to ionizing radiation.
C. The Leydig cells secrete Androgen Binding Proteins.
D. The most mature spermatocytes rest on the basement membrane.
Reference : Junqueira, L.C., Carneiro, J. & Kelly, R. Basic Histology, 8th edition,
1995, pp. 423-431.
53. An 18-year-old male had an infected pimple at his right nasal ala. To what cranial
venous sinus can infection spread into?
A. sigmoid
B. transverse
C. superior sagittal
D. cavernous
MPL = O.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 769.

54. In a patient with fracture of the distal 3rd of the femur, the distal fragment is
displaced posteriorly due to the pull of what muscle?
A. gastrocnemius
B. biceps femoris
C. semitendinosus
D. semimembranosus
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 665.
55. In doing tracheostomy at 2nd-4th rings, what structure will be encountered and
should be avoided?
A. thyroid isthmus
B. remnant of thymus gland
C. vocal cords
D. esophagus
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 751.
56. A man suffered from a gunshot wound. The bullet entered anteriorly at the angle of
Louis. If the bullet went straight backward, which vertebrae would most likely be
A. C6-C7
B. T4-T5
C. T9-T10
D. T12-L1
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 67.
57. During thoracentesis, the last layer to be traversed before pleural fluid can be
aspirated is the:
A. transversus thoracis
B. endothoracic fascia
C. parietal pleura
D. visceral pleura
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 74.
58. Occlusion of the marginal branch of the right coronary artery will result to
infarction of the anterior part of which chamber?
A. left atrium
B. right atrium
C. left ventricle
D. right ventricle
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 119
59. During D & C (dilatation & curettage procedure), the instrument accidentally
punctured the uterus anteriorly. Which structure might be injured?
A. urinary bladder
B. uterine artery
C. sigmoid colon
D. duodenal ligament
MPL = O.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 392

60. A dehydrated 3-year-old child has only one prominent vein and that is located in the
ankle in front of the medial malleolus. What vein is it?
A. anterior tibial
B. posterior tibial
C. small saphenous
D. great saphenous
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 614
61. In umbilical cannulation of neonates, which of the following vessels is used?
A. right umbilical vein
B. right umbilical artery
C. left umbilical vein
D. left umbilical artery
MPL = O.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 192
62. To test for the integrity of the inferior oblique muscle of the eye, the patient is ask
A. turn the cornea directly laterally
B. look laterally and upward
C. turn the cornea direct inferiorly
D. look superiorly
MPL = O.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 825-826
63. In direct inguinal hernia, the bulging mass is found within the Hesselbach's
triangle. The posterior wall of this triangle where hernias protrude is the:
A. inguinal ligament
B. external oblique aponeurosis
C. transversus abdominia aponeurosis
D. transversalis fascia
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp. 196
64. Pain of acute viral hepatitis is secondary to irritation of which of the following
A. liver parenchyma
B. ligaments of the liver
C. parietal peritoneum around the liver
D. Glisson's capsule
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 476
65. During surgery for cardiac tamponade, a nerve along the pericardium was noted to
be injured. This nerve injury will cause paralysis of the:
A. diaphragm
B. esophageal sphincter
C. intercostal muscles
D. heart
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 476


66. After feasting with grilled milkfish, a 30-year-od female felt pricking pain in her
throat. She consulted at the ER where direct laryngoscopy was done. A fish bone if
present will most likely be seen in what area?
A. epiglottis
B. piriform sinus
C. ventricular folds
D. vocal folds
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 871
67. A 25-year-old male was brought to the ER after he was thrown off his motorcycle.
He was found unconscious but breathing. CT scan revealed right temporal bone
fracture and epidural hematoma. What artery was most likely injured?
A. internal carotid
B. internal maxillary
C. middle meningeal
D. superficial temporal
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 791
68. A 8-month-old boy was brought to the clinic for well-baby check up. You would
expect which cranial fontanelle to still be open?
A. anterior
B. posterior
C. sphenoidal
D. mastoidal
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 796
69. The vermiform appendix is best located by following the:
A. anterior cecal artery
B. descending branch of the right colic artery
C. ileum to the ileocolic junction
D. teniae coli of the ascending colon
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 246
70. The structure that allows air pressure to equalize between the middle ear and the
outside air:
A. external auditory meatus
B. round window
C. auditory tube
D. oval window
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 841
71. Which of the following cells is responsible for myelin formation in the brain and
spinal cord?
A. Schwann cell
B. oligodendrocyte
C. astrocyte
D. microglia
MPL = 0.5
Ref. Color Textbook of Histology by Gartner & Hiatt, 2nd ed., p. 192


72. The auditory receptor lies in the epithelial structure at the:

A. cochlear duct
B. semicircular duct
C. scala tympani
D. scala vestibuli
MPL = 1.0
Ref. Color Textbook of Histology by Gartner & Hiatt, 2nd ed., p. 532
73. Bitemporal hemianopsia results from a lesion involving the:
A. visual cortex
B. optic tract
C. optic chiasm
D. optic nerve
MPL = 0.5
Ref. Endocrine System, The CIBA Collection by Netter, Vol. V, p. 18
74. In bronchoscopy, the bifurcation of the terminal end of the trachea is marked by
which of the following structures:
A. trachealis muscle
B. epiglottis
C. vocal cord
D. carina
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 90
75. The widest and most dilatable part of the male urethra is the:
A. Bulbous
B. prostatic
C. membranous
D. penile
MPL = 1.0
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 pp 361-62
76. Which of the following arteries ensures the continuity of blood supply of the entire
large intestines:
A. superior mesenteric
B. inferior mesenteric
C. celiac trunk
D. marginal artery of Drummond
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 262
77. Accidental ligation of the celiac artery will compromise blood supply to the
following organs EXCEPT
A. liver
B. spleen
C. stomach
D. colon
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 261


78. Which of the following structures increases the surface area of the cerebral cortex
A. gyri
B. sulci
C. invaginations
D. villi
MPL = 1.0
Ref. Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students by Snell, 5th ed., p. 9
79. Parathyroid glands are embryologically derived from:
A. neural crest
B. outpouchings of the primitive gut
C. thyroid anlage
D. 3rd and 4th brachial pouches
MPL = 0.5
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 p. 748
80. The layer of the epidermis that typically appears as a single layer of mitotically active
basophilic cells is the stratum :
A. germinativum
C. granulosum
B. spinosum
D. corneum
MPL = 1
Ref. Basic Histology by L. C. Junqueira,, 8th ed., Chapter 18 p. 316
81. Which of the following features describes the skeletal muscle?
A. multinucleated
C. branching fibers
B. centrally located nucleus
D. presence of intercalated disc
MPL = .5
Ref. A Textbook of Histology, Bloom and Fawcett 12th ed. Chapter 10
Basic Histology by L. C. Junqueira,, 8th ed., Chapter 10 p. 182
82. Hassall's corpuscle is a characteristic finding in the:
A. lymph nodes
C. spleen
B. thymus
D. tonsils
MPL = 1
Ref. A Textbook of Histology, Bloom and Fawcett, 12th ed., Chapter 14
Basic Histology by L. C. Junqueira,, 8th ed., Chapter 14 p. 253
83. If the palate fails to elevate on the right side when the patient says "Ah", one would
suspect a lesion of the:
A. right vagus nerve
C. right spinal accessory nerve
B. right glossopharyngeal nerve
D. trigeminal nerve on the left
MPL = 0.5
Ref. Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, S. Gilman and S.W.
Newman, 10th edition, Chapter 11, p. 103
84. The ability to recognize an unseen familiar object placed in the hand depends on the
integrity of which of the following pathways?
A. spinothalamic
C. dorsal column
B. spino-olivary
D. corticospinal
MPL =0.5
Ref. Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, S. Gilman and S.W.
Newman, 10th edition, Chapter 11, p. 103


85. The scala vestibuli and tympani are continuous at the:

A. modiolus
C. spiral lamina
B. helicotrema
D. none of the above
MPL = .5
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore 3rd ed. Chapter 7
Basic Histology by L. C. Junqueira,, 8th ed., Chapter 24 p. 469
86. The pyramidal tract descends and passes through the following structures, EXCEPT:
A. internal capsule
C. crus cerebri
B. midbrain tegmentum
D. medullary pyramids
MPL = 1
Ref. Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, S. Gilman and S.W.
Newman, 10th edition, Chapter 8, p. 61
87. To prevent ischemia of the forearm when the elbow is too swollen, which of the
following structures should be cut to release pressure on the brachial artery?
A. bicipital tendon insertion
C. bicipital aponeurosis
B. medial intermuscular septum
D. pronator teres belly
MPL = .25
Reference: Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore 3rd ed. Chapter 6, p. 729
88. Which of the following nerves arises from the lateral cord of the brachial plexus and
pierces the coraco-brachialis muscle to course downward between the biceps and
brachialis muscle?
A. ulnar
C. musculocutaneous
B. median
D. radial
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004, Chapter 9, p. 509
89. For a soccer player to have a strong kick, leg exercises should concentrate on which of
the following muscles?
A. hamstring
C. quadriceps femoris
B. pes anserinus
D. gluteal
MPL = 0.5
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 5
90. Which of the following muscles is called the "prayer muscle" since it flexes the head?
A. sternocleidomastoid
C. splenius capitis
B. semispinalis capitis
D. longissimus capitis
MPL = 0.33
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 8, p. 1006
91. The sternal angle is a useful landmark in counting the intercostal space. It corresponds
to the level of which of the following pairs of costal cartilages?
A. 1st
C. 3rd
B. 2
D. 4th
MPL = 0.33
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 1,pp 66-67
92. A massive infarct of the heart involving the septum, apex and the left ventricle is likely
due to occlusion of which of the following arteries?
A. right coronary
C. left anterior descending
B. circumflex
D. right interventricular
MPL = .5
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 1


93. The thoracic duct passes through which of the following the diaphragmatic apertures?
A. aortic
C. caval
B. esophageal
D. sternocostal
MPL = .5
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 2 p. 294
94. The triangle of Calot is an important anatomical space which helps us to locate the:
A. common bile duct
C. porta hepatis
B. pylorus
D. cystic artery
MPL = .5
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 2
95. The ligament of Treitz marks the junction of which of the following gastrointestinal
A. duodenal-jejunal
C. jejunal-ileal
B. gastroduodenal
D. ileo-cecal
MPL = 25
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 2
96. Which of the following statements is correct about the Islets of Langerhan?
A. The cells secrete insulin.
B. The Islets of Langerhans are most numerous in the tail.
C. It is composed of serous cells.
D. It's secretory activity is influenced by cholecystokinin.
MPL = 1
Ref. Basic Histology by L. C. Junqueira,, 8th ed., Chapter 21 p. 395
97. The reproductive organ of the male that produces a viscid, yellowish secretion that
contains spermatozoa- activating substances is the:
A. Cowper's gland
C. seminal vesicle
B. prostate gland
D. bulbourethral gland
MPL = 0.5
Ref. Basic Histology by L. C. Junqueira,, 8th ed., Chapter 22 p. 443
98. A 28 year old man sustained a pelvic fracture due to a motorcycle accident. Which
portion of the urethra was most likely injured?
A. prostatic
C. bulbous
B. membranous
D. penile
MPL = 0.33
Ref. Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Moore, 4th ed. Chapter 3 p. 403
99. Which layer of the uterus is sloughed off during menstruation?
A. zona functionalis
C. basalis
B. zona basalis
D. entire endometrium
MPL = .5
Ref. A Textbook of Histology, Bloom & Fawcett, 12th ed. Chapter 32
100. Malignant cells of the nipple are expected to metastasize initially into which of the
following group of lymph nodes?
A. pectoral
C. subclavian
B. axillary
D. internal mammary
MPL = 0.33
Reference : Snell, Richard S., Clinical Anatomy, 7th edition., 2004 PP. 458-460.



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