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Shops use ctrl+f to find stuff you're looking for

Note: for weapons/implements and armour I am not including +0, +1 or +2 options. Your
weapons/implements and armour should all be +2 by now ANYWAY so if you wanted to save
money so bad, you can just keep what you've got. A +3 weapon means you're 5% more likely to hit,
and you do 1 extra point of damage per hit. Say you make 4 attacks in a game, that adds up a hell of
a lot. Especially when ALL of you either have 1) ways to hit multiple enemies a turn with multitargets or close bursts/blasts 2) ways to act when it is not your turn with interrupts or immediate
reactions or 3) ways to 'boost' attacks you are already doing.
If a weapon/implement/armour set/neck item does not show its level next to it, it's because it's +3,
which is normal for your level, and I don't wanna type +3 a thousand times. If a weapon doesn't say
what extra stuff you get on a crit, assume it is 2d6. Also I'm gonna try and find more time to do
shopping in future, and especially for the good half there's going to be at least two shops in
Rosemaro, where your half is starting, during the game itself, so don't feel the need to spend
Also ITEM BONUSES DO NOT STACK unless the item says otherwise (they will stack with other
bonuses like feat bonuses or class bonuses etc). A weapon giving +2 to stealth, armour giving +3 to
stealth and a cloak giving +4 to stealth = +4 to stealth from the cloak and nothing else. This is only
for stat bonuses, if they add dice (e.g two items adding damage dice for the same thing), they DO


1: Weapons/implements
1a: All weapons/implements
1b: Military (or better) Weapons
1c: Superior weapons
1d: Implements
2: Armour
1a: Cloth
1b: Leather
1c: Hide
1d: Chainmail
3: Stuff for various body parts (Neck slot really good

idea to get)
3a: Neck slot
3b: Arms slot
3c: Feet slot
3d: Hands slot
3e: Head slot
3f: Waist slot
3g: Rings
3h: Tattoos
4: Alchemy, rituals, hirelings, pets and wondrous items
4a: Alchemy items
4b: Rituals
4c: Hirelings/Pets
4d: Wondrous items
1: Weapons
Simple weapons = anyone who wants to use them (notably Train/Toby who can use daggers as
implements, and Josh if he takes the 'daggermaster' paragon path)
Military weapons = Josh (if using short swords), Yuki, Jordan, Toby (short sword)
Superior weapons = Sam, Josh (if using shurikens), Toby (your garrote)
Implements = Toby (if using ki focus), Declan, Danielle, Train
And yes, you can use things that are 'beneath you', so superior weapons can pick a military effect
If you're a weapon user and want a better class of weapon, look at 'weapon proficiency' feats! There
are also superior implement feats, but they suck IMO

1a: All weapons/all implements

Magic weapon/implement = 9,000 gold. No effect
Duelist's weapon = 2d8 for crits if you have combat advantage. Once a day as a minor action you
gain combat advantage against the next target you hit. 12k
Advantageous weapon = you gain +2 to opportunity attacks with this weapon. 13,000
Shadowrift weapon = once a day when you hit an enemy granting combat advantage, take 5 damage
and teleport 2 squares. 13k
Necrotic weapon/implement = 13,000 gold. As a minor action, you can change all damage to
Poison weapon/implement = 13,000 gold. As above but with poison
Night weapon = no extra dice for a crit, instead the target/s are blinded. Once a day as a minor
action you can do a close burst 2 which blocks line of sight for your enemies. 14K
Farbond weapon (Sam only) = you can call this weapon to you from up to a mile away. 14K
Pinning weapon = once a day, you can 'pin' an enemy you hit with this weapon so that they are

immobilised until you move away from them. 14K

Great Hunger Weapon = 1d8 + 1[W] on a crit. Each successive crit in an encounter has its damage
increased by 1[W]. Once a day when you are hit, you can damage whatever hit you for this
weapon's critical hit damage (including bonuses). 15k
Lesser cloaked weapon = when stowed, this weapon cannot be seen on the user. 16K
Fire/cold weapon/implement = 17,000 gold. Fucking guess.
Assassin's weapon = a crit does ongoing 15 poison damage, save ends. Once a day, one of your hits
inflicts 10 ongoing poison damage, and slows the target. 18K
Runic weapon = when you hit using an arcane attack, you gain 3 temporary hitpoints. 19k
Thundergod weapon = does 2 d12 thunder damage on a crit charge. All charges do an extra d6
thunder damage. 20k
Bloodthirsty weapon = 2d10 for crit bonus. +1 to hit and +3 to damage vs bloodied enemies. 21k
Lightning/Thunder weapon/implement = 21,000 gold
Footpad's friend = when you deal your sneak attack damage, add your charisma modifier. 22k
Psychic weapon/implement = 23,000 gold.
Lifedrinker weapon = when you reduce an enemy to 0 hitpoints, you gain 10 temporary hitpoints.
Radiant/force weapon/implement = 25,000 gold
Magic weapon/implement (+4, not +3) = 38,000 gold

1b: Military (or better) Weapons

Inescapable weapon = each time you miss, gain a cumulative +1 bonus to your next attack (+2 for a
critical fail). When you hit, this bonus resets. 12K
Parrying weapon = once a day when hit, make a basic attack on the target that hit you. If you
succeed, deal your damage and the attack misses. If you fail, you take extra DM-dependent damage.
Dread weapon = on a crit, enemy takes -3 to all defences till your next turn starts. Once a day, you
can make an enemy you hit take -3 to all defences till your next turn starts. 15k
Midnight weapon = crits are 2d12 extra in the dark, or 2d8 extra in the light. You gain darkvision.
You gain +1 to hit while in darkness, but take -2 to hit while in light. Once per encounter you can
release a dark fog in a close burst 2 that lasts until the end of your next turn. 16K
Flanking weapon = you gain combat advantage as if you were flanking an enemy so long as it has
you and one ally next to it, even if you aren't on opposite sides of it. 16K
Transposing weapon = once an encounter on hit, teleport to switch places with target. 16k
Goblin's weapon = your attacks do +3 damage per creature per hit if they are larger than you. 17K
Greater cloaked weapon = +3 to initiative. When you stow this weapon, it cannot be seen on the
user. 17k.
Reproachful weapon = once a day when you hit, the target takes a -2 penalty to its attack rolls, save
ends. 17k
Manifester's weapon = as a minor action once a day you can gain one psionic power point that you
must use this turn. 18K
Master's weapon = while you have a stance active, gain +1 to hit on melee basic attacks and at-will
attacks. Once a day as a minor action; you can have 2 stances active at once during this encounter.
Intensifying weapon = whenever you'd deal ongoing damage, increase the ongoing damage by 3.
Jolting guard weapon = once an encounter when an enemy misses you with a melee attack, it is
weakened until the end of its next turn. 19k
Supremely vicious weapon = 2d8 extra on a crit instead of 2d6. When you roll damage dice on a
crit, you can reroll any number of them exactly once, but must take second result. 19K

Cunning weapon = 2d8 for crits. When the weapon delivers a save-ends effect, it takes -2 to its first
save roll. 19k.
Tyrant's weapon = on a critical hit, the enemy is knocked prone. Once a day, gain this effect as a
minor action: this weapon does 2d6 extra damage vs enemies who are blinded, prone, restrained or
helpless. 20K
Weapon of life conversion = once an encounter when you would use an augmentable power, instead
of spending power points you can take a d6 of damage for each power point spent (up to 4). 20k
Mithrendain steel weapon = whenever you would teleport, you can teleport an extra square. Once a
day when you hit an enemy, teleport 2 squares. 21K
Wounding weapon = when you would do untyped ongoing damage, they take -3 to saving throws
against it. Once a day, a target you hit takes ongoing 10 damage. 21k
Captain's weapon = once a day as a standard action, pick an enemy next to you. You and all allies
within 3 squares of it can make a basic attack against it. Once an encounter as a minor action, you
can give one ally +3 to all damage rolls until the end of their next turn. 22K
Shielding blade = while you hold this weapon, you gain +1 AC
Rhythm blade = while you hold this weapon in your off-hand, you gain +1 AC/Reflex. 23K
Weapon of defense = you gain resist 2 to all damage. Once a day, you only take half damage from
an attack. 25k

1c: Superior Weapons Only

Bloodiron weapon = 2d10 extra on a crit. When you crit an enemy, it takes 3d10 extra damage at
the start of its first turn after the crit. 14k
Transference weapon = once a day when you hit, transfer all save-ends effects from you to target.
Quicksilver weapon = +3 to initiative checks. Once a day when you crit someone, you gain an extra
move action. 15K
Adamantine weapon = 2d10 extra on a crit. Any enemies hit with this weapon have their resistances
halved and/or their vulnerabilities doubled until the end of the encounter. 16K
Communal weapon = 3 times a day, after seeing a d20 roll made by you or an ally within 10 squares
of you, you can add +1 to it. 17k
Battlemaster's weapon = once a day as a minor action, regain a use of an encounter power.
Luckblade = 2d8 on a crit. Once a day, you can reroll a d20. 18K
Vanguard's weapon = 2d8 for a crit. +1d8 on a charge. Once a day as a minor action when you hit
with a charge attack, all allies within 10 squares gain +1 to hit and +your charisma modifier to
damage until the end of your next turn. 20k
Melegaunt's weapon = this weapon crits on a 19 or 20. 21k
Voidcrystal weapon = once a day, a target hit with this weapon vanishes from existence until the
start of your next turn. 27K

1d: Implements only

Implement of tongues = you gain +1 to diplomacy. 10K
Implement of the discerning watcher = once a day when people roll initiative, you and each ally can
take your initiative as 10 if you want to. 11k
Distant shielding implement = once a day as a minor action, pick an ally. The next enemy to attack
that ally (hit or miss) takes 15 radiant damage. 12K
Venomed implement = whenever you do poison damage, you do 3 extra poison damage. 13k
Aversion implement = you gain +2 to all defences from creatures that are suffering from effects
caused by you. 14K

Indisputable gravity = once a day as a minor action, every flying enemy you hit until the end of
your next turn falls to the ground. 14K
Impeding implement = you get +4 to damage vs immobilised, stunned or dazed enemies
Implement of searing death = normal damage for normal crits, 2d8 fire damage for fire crits. Once a
day when you'd do ongoing fire damage, you do 5 more ongoing fire damage. 14k
Implement of fiery might = 2d8 fire damage on crit. Once a day when you hit with a fire attack, you
can reroll up to 3 of the damage dice. 15K
Implement of sudden insanity = once a day when you hit with psychic damage, you can make the
enemy attack a creature of your choice (itself included). 15K
Manual of ninjitsu = when you use assassin's strike, reroll all damage dice until they are higher than
2. 16k
Implement of enduring magic = you can sustain all of your powers which require a minor action
with the SAME minor action. Every time you sustain multiple powers this way, gain 5 temporary
hitpoints. 16K
Controller's implement = once a day as a minor action, you can make all targets of your attacks
weakened until the end of your next turn. 17K
Implement of supplementary force = once a day as a minor action, you can make all targets of your
close blast attacks until the end of your next turn proned. 17K
Implement of nimble thoughts = +3 to initiative checks. Once an encounter you can use your move
action to shift a number of squares equal to your intelligence modifier. 18K
Implement of forceful magic = whenever you would push, pull or slide an enemy, you can do that
by 1 extra square. 19k
Implement of sanctuary = once a day as a standard action, gain +8 to all defences until the end of
your next turn. 20k
Steadfast implement = attacks with this implement ignore up to 10 of any resistance. 20K
Implement of menacing impulse = you gain +3 to insight. Once a day when you hit an enemy, you
can force it to move its speed away from you. This is a fear effect, not push/pull/slide. 21K
Stone of good luck = Once a day when you fail a saving throw, gain +10 to your next saving throw.
Once a day when you make an attack or damage roll and dislike it, gain +3 to it. 22k
Crimson wick implement = once an encounter as a minor action, take 3d6 damage. You gain +6 to
all damage rolls until the end of your next turn. 24K
Implement of mental constitution = you gain +5 to endurance checks. Once an encounter when an
attack would target your AC or Fortitude, it targets your will instead. 25K
Implement of crimson commitment = once a day when you miss, take 3d6 damage to reroll the
attack with a +5 bonus. 27k

2: Armour
Unless I say otherwise on the item, you can use the effect of something in a 'lower class' than yours,
like someone in chainmail could pick from the cloth list, and we'd get you chainmail with that
effect. Because like weapons, I want to reward people for having better
You can get into higher classes of armour with feats! Everyone has cloth, so going up...
Leather armour proficiency: no requirement
Hide armour proficiency: proficient in leather, strength 13, constitution 13
Chainmail armour proficiency: strength/con 13 + proficient in hide OR leather (if you have high
intelligence or dexterity, stick to hide. It's a boring explanation that doesn't make sense so just do it)
Scale armour proficiency: strength/con 13 + proficienct with chainmail
There is also plate, but given none of you have scale and none of you have both strength/con of 15,
I won't list it

2a: Cloth armour

Summoned armour: you can banish the cloth armour to an extradimensional space and recall it as a
minor action. 10K
Armor of resistance: at the start of each game, pick a damage type except force
(fire/cold/thunder/lightning/necrotic/radiant/poison/acid/psychic). You gain resist 10 of it. 11k
Agile resolve vestments: when bloodied, gain +2 to reflex. CLOTH ONLY, 12k
Indomitable resolve vestments: when bloodied, gain +2 to will. CLOTH ONLY, 12k.
Vigorous resolve vestments: when bloodied, gain +2 to fortitude. CLOTH ONLY, 12K
Blackflock robe: once a day when attacked, after the attack you can fly 8 squares, and you are
insubstantial (half damage) until the start of your next turn. CLOTH ONLY, 12K
Enduring spirit vestments: once a day when you use a channel divinity power, you gain +2 AC until
the end of the encounter and regain 10 hp. CLOTH ONLY, 13k
Irrefutable armour: once a day when you miss an attack vs will, reroll with a +3 bonus. 13K
Sunleaf armour: resist 5 radiant. Once a day when hit, deal 2d10 + dex modifier radiant damage to
the attacker. 13k
Repulsion armour: once a day as a minor action you can activate a stance. During that stance, you
can push any enemy 1 square as a reaction to them moving next to you. 14K
Veteran's armour: when you action point, gain +1 to all attack rolls/defences until the end of your
next turn. 14k
Hero's armour: when you action point, you can either gain +2 to all defences until the end of your
next turn, or allow an ally to use their second wind as a free action. 15K
Armour of cleansing: gain +2 to any saving throws against ongoing damage. 16K
Armour of sudden recovery: gain +1 to saving throws against ongoing damage. Once a day you as a
minor action you can end an effect causing ongoing damage, and gain regeneration of the same
amount of damage you were taking. 17K
Armour of essence inviolate: when you use your memory of a thousand lifetimes power, you gain
the result of the d6 as a bonus to your AC until the end of your next turn. 18k
Robe of useful items: once a day you produce a very low-value, non-magical item from the pocket
of the robe. It lasts 1 hour. CLOTH ONLY, 19k.
Robe of stars: once a day as a minor action, gain this effect: all enemies who attack you until the
end of your next turn are blinded (save ends). CLOTH ONLY, 20K
Truesight armour: gain +3 to insight and perception checks. 20k
Desperate resolve vestments: once a day when hit, before the attack lands, you become insubstantial
(half damage) until the start of your next turn and can spend a healing surge. CLOTH ONLY, 21K

2b: Leather armour

Assassinbane armour: you cannot be surprised. 10k
Sylvan armour: gain +3 to athletics and stealth checks. 15k
Stoneskin armour: once an encounter as a minor action, gain 10 temporary hitpoints. 15k
Stonemeld armour: once a day as a minor action, gain this effect: until the end of your next turn,
you gain resist 5 to all damage until the end of your next turn. You can give up an arcane encounter
power to make this resist 7, or a daily to make it resist 10. 16k
Snakefang armour: resist 5 poison. Once a day when an enemy attacks you, it takes ongoing 5
poison damage. 16k
Gambit armour: when an enemy crits you, your next attack against them can crit on 17-20. 17k
Defensive armour: once a day when hit, you gain +2 to the triggering defence until the start of your
next turn. If the defence is now too high, the attack misses. You can spend a psionic power point to
augment this and make it into a +5 bonus. 18K
Gloaming armour: +3 to stealth checks. As a standard action, you can turn invisible until you attack.

Hide of worms: once a day as a minor action, you gain a burrow speed of 3. You can't go through
solid stone. 21K
Survivor's armour: once a day, a willing ally takes the damage of an attack for you. 22k
Displacer armour: once a day as a minor action, gain this effect until the start of your next turn: Any
enemy attacking you must roll twice to hit and use the lower result. 23K
Parchment armour: this armour has 3 charges per day. After making an attack roll, you can spend
any number of charges to give +1 to hit for each charge spent. 25k

2c: Hide armour

Awakening armour: while bloodied, you gain +1 to will. Once a day when you'd be surprised,
you're not surprised. 13K
Healer's armour: any time you would use a healing power, it heals 3 extra hp. 14k
Breaching armour: once a day as a move action when you are next to a wall, you can teleport to the
other side of it. This fails if the wall is more than 3 squares thick (in which case the daily power is
used up but you still have a move action). 15K
Armour of durability: your healing surge value goes up by 3
Flowform armour: once an encounter when subjected to an effect a saving throw can end, you can
save against it immediately. You can spend a psionic power point to gain +3 to this throw. 18K
Aqueous armour: once a day as a move action, you turn into a flood of rushing water and move
your speed. You escape any grabs automatically and can squeeze through any gap that water could
pass through. You can only take move actions until you return to normal, and take 5 damage at the
start of each turn until you return to normal. HIDE ONLY, 21k
Armor of exploits: you can store a MARTIAL power that either you or an ally has in this armour.
Once a day as a standard action, you can use it. If it's an encounter power or daily, it doesn't count
against the normal number of uses for that power, but you do have to action point to use it. 23k
Mirrorsheam coat: gain +2 to all defences against radiant attacks. When enemies hit you with
radiant attacks, they take -2 to hit until the end of their next turn. Once a day, you can redirect a
ranged attack to another target. You must do this before the attack roll, and new target can't be the
attacker, and new target must be in range. 25k

2d: Chainmail armour

Timelink armour: you gain +3 to initiative. Once a day, you can reroll initiative. 11k
Darkforged armour: once a day as a minor action, gain resist 6 damage until end of your next turn.
Giantdodger armour: once an encounter when an enemy bigger than you misses you, shift 2
squares. 13K
Joyous armour: once a day when you spend a healing surge, you + all of your allies gain 6
temporary hitpoints. You can spend a psionic power point to make this 9 temporary hitpoints. 13k
Shared valor armour: every time you grant temporary hitpoints to someone else, you gain half as
many as well. 14K
Rebuking armour: when you hit an enemy with a divine attack, you gain +1 to all defences vs that
enemy's attacks. 14k
Armor of dogged grit: whenever you'd take 30 or more damage in an attack, gain 10 temporary
hitpoints. 15K
Eladrin armour: add 2 to the max teleport distance of any teleport powers. This armour gives none
of the number speed or skill penalties that chain armour might otherwise give. 15k
Feymind armour: once a day, interrupt an enemy's attack on you with an attack on their will using a
d20+charisma. If you hit, the target is dazed (and thus, if they have already taken an action this turn,

the attack stops completely). 16K

Dwarven armour: you gain +3 to endurance checks. Once a day you gain hp as if you'd spent a
healing surge. 17K
Ebon armour: you gain resist 10 necrotic. When an enemy next to you dies, gain 6 temporary
hitpoints. 18k
Counterstrike armour: the first enemy you hit during each encounter takes 5 ongoing damage, save
ends. You gain +2 to hit when scoped in with rifles. 19K
Benefactor armour: once an encounter when you heal an ally, they also regain your charisma
modifier of hitpoints. Once a day when you heal an ally, they can also regain their healing surge in
Shared valour armour: whenever you'd grant a bonus to an ally's defences, you gain that same
bonus. 22k
Skald's armour: you gain +4 to bluff and diplomacy. Once a day, when an enemy would melee
attack you, you can make it target another creature (including itself) instead. 24k
As of right now, nobody has scale armour so I am not gonna write it. If you are seriously
considering scale then lemme know and I'll do a list but don't wanna write a list nobody will use
Also, none of you can wield shields (and for many people like Toby/Jordan/Sam/Danielle it would
be a terrible idea to try). I don't wanna do a list for something nobody will use, but if you were
gonna pick up shield proficiency let me know and I'll hook you up

3: Stuff for various body parts (Neck slot really good idea to get)
3a: Neck slot items
So the reason that neck slot items are really good is that as well as the effect, they will give you +3
to reflex/fortitude/will. You all SHOULD have a neck slot item that is +2 already and if you really
wanna save money, you could get by with that. Up to you
Amulet of protection: no effect, just the defence bonuses. 9K
Lesser badge of the berserker: you gain +4 to all defences against opportunity attacks made while
you are charging. 10k
Sustaining cloak: once an encounter when an effect you could sustain would end, you sustain it with
no action. 11K
Elven cloak: gain +3 to stealth bonus. 12K
Lifesaving brooch: allies gain +5 to healing checks made on you. 12K
Badge of the berserker: your movement when charge-attacking does not provoke opportunity
attacks. 12k
ESP Medallion: you gain +3 to insight checks. Once an encounter as a minor action, you can know
the location of every creature within 10 squares of you. 13K
Fireflower pendant: each time you take fire damage from an attack, gain +3 fire damage to your
next attack. This effect CAN stack. 13k
Absence amulet: attempts to find you via magical means automatically fail. 13K
Necklace of fate: once an encounter, gain +3 to a saving throw. 13k
Cloak of resistance: once a day as a minor action, gain resist 10 until the end of your next turn. 14K
Amulet of mental resolve: you gain +2 to saving throws against effects based on illusions, charms
or attempts to make you fall asleep. 14K
Amulet of physical resolve: you gain +2 to saving throws against all effects with poison keyword,
and also effects that would slow, immobilise or weaken you. 14k
Deep pocket cloak: this cloak's pockets can hold up to 1,000 lbs of equipment of up to 100 cubic

feet. Stowing or withdrawing an item using the cloak is a minor action. 15K
Amulet of the diplomat: once a day as a minor action you gain +3 to will, diplomacy and saving
throws from charm effects. 15K
Amulet of fortune: you can make a saving throw immediately after you crit. 16K
Spidersilk amulet: once an encounter, your climb speed becomes your normal speed this turn. 16k
Choker of eloquence: gain +3 to bluff and diplomacy. Once a day you can reroll a bluff or
diplomacy check
Psyweave cloak: once a day you as a minor action you gain resist 5 to all damage. You can spend a
psionic power point to make that resist 10 damage. 17K
Tenebrous cloak: resist 15 necrotic. Once a day when you're hit by a melee attack, you turn invisible
until the end of your next turn. 17k
Amulet of truth: you gain +3 to insight checks. Once an encounter as a minor action, you
automatically know if there is a secret door/trapdoor within 10 squares of you (although not where
it is). You also gain +3 to thievery checks to unlock that door. Once a day as a minor action you can
identify which creatures within 10 squares of you are illusions or polymorphed. 18K
Amulet of warding: once a day when an ally is hit, they gain +3 to all defences until start of your
turn. If their defence is now higher than the attack roll, the attack roll misses. 18K
Resplendent cloak: you and each ally near you gain +2 to will defence against attacks that involve
charms, illusions or fear. 18K
Pavise charm: once a day as a minor action, gain +2 to AC and reflex until you move. 19K
Cloak of the walking wounded: when you would second wind, spend 2 healing surges, not 1. 19k
Cloak of the bat: once a day as a minor action, become a bat. While a bat, you have a fly speed of 6,
are small, and cannot attack or manipulate objects. 19K
Collar of recovery: whenever you'd spend a healing surge to regain hp, gain 3 more. 19K
Healer's brooch: whenever you'd make someone else gain hp, they gain 3 more. 19k
Cloak of survival: you gain +3 to endurance, resist 5 to cold and resist 5 to fire. 20K
Cloak of the cautious: once a day as a minor action, you gain 5 speed until the end of your next
turn. If you hit anyone during this, you are instead stunned until the end of your next turn. 20K
Cloak of the gargoyle: +3 to intimidate vs non-gargoyles. Once a day as a standard action you
transform into a stone statue of yourself, gaining tremorsense (sensing the location and cause of all
shakes in the ground) within 10 squares of you, resist 25 to damage and gain 5 temporary hp at the
start of each turn. Your only actions in this form are to second wind or end the effect. 20k
Crimson cloak: anytime you are inflicted with ongoing untyped damage, you can immediately save
against it with a +3 bonus to the save. 21K
Amulet of attenuation: once a day, an attack does 15 damage less. 21K
Torc of fortune: you can shift 2 immediately after succeeding on any saving throw. Once a day you
can add 2 to any d20 result after you see it. 21K
Mantle of faith: once a day when you take damage, regain twice your healing surge value in hp. 22k
Timeless locket: you gain +3 initiative. Once a day you can trade a minor action for a standard
action, but cannot do damage with said standard action. 22k
Cloak of the stalking shadow: +3 to stealth checks. Once a day as a minor action you become
insubstantial until end of next turn and gain +5 to stealth checks (yes this stacks with the first
effect). 22K
Cloak of translocation: whenever you'd teleport, you gain +2 to AC/Reflex until the end of your
next turn (SAM MY BOY CAN YOU IMAGINE IF THIS STACKED!?). Once a day as a minor
action, regain use of an encounter power with the teleport keyword. 23K
Amulet of vigor: your healing surge value increases by 2. Once a day when you'd spend a healing
surge, you can spend an extra healing surge. 23K
Lucky charm: once a day when you do a d20 roll, roll 2 d6s. You can add one of the d6s to your
result. Leprechauns will want this item. 24k
Assassin's cloak: you roll twice for all stealth checks. Once a day as a minor action, attack with
charisma+3 vs the will of anyone in close burst 2. On a hit, you're invisible to the target (save ends).

Torc of power preservation: once a day when you use an encounter power, roll a d20+3. If 10 or
higher, you do not expend the encounter power. If not, you don't expend this item's power (but can't
use it again this turn). 24k
Brooch of vitality: increase your max hp by 5. 24k
Stormwalker's cloak: resist 10 lightning and thunder. Once a day as a minor action; until the end of
your next turn, any enemy who hits with a melee attack takes 3d6 lightning + thunder damage. 25K
Amulet of adept movements: you gain +2 to all defenses against opportunity attacks. Once a day
you can gain +1 psionic power point, and also +2 to all defenses until the end of your next turn. 26k
Black star pendant: +3 to stealth checks. If you start the turn in total phasing, you gain phasing
(going through solid objects) until the start of your next turn. Once a day as a minor action you gain
substantial (half damage) until the end of your next turn. 27K
Periapt of cascading health: once an encounter as a minor action, end an effect a save can end. 28k
Devil's claw: resist 10 fire. Once a day as a standard action, attack with charisma or constitution vs
will. On a hit, the target is dominated (you take their turn for them), save ends. 30k

3b: Arms slot items

Alchemical launcher: you gain +1 with alchemy based attacks. 1K
Bracers of tactical blows: opportunity attacks do an extra d6 of damage. 1.5k
Bracers of archery: +2 to damage with a bow or crossbow. 1.8k
Iron armbands of power: +2 damage to melee damage rolls. 2.5k
Trauma bracers: once a day when you crit; one enemy hit can't regain hp (save ends). 3K
Skull bracers: once a day as a minor action; your next attack deals an extra d10 damage. 3.5k
Diamond bracers: once a day as a minor action, gain an encounter-long resistance to a type of
damage you were dealt since your last turn. 4K
Barrage bracers: when you hit an enemy with a melee attack, you gain +1 to hit if you hit that
enemy again before the end of your turn. 5K
Bloodsoaked bracers: once a day as a minor action when bloodied, activate this effect. Until you
either stop being bloodied or the encounter ends (whichever happens first), +5 to damage rolls. 7K
Bracers of respite: once a day when an ally spends a healing surge, regain 2d8 hp. 13K
Bracers of mighty striking: your melee basic attacks do +4 damage. 14K
Bracers of perfect shot: as above but with ranged basic attacks. 14k
Executioner's bracers: when you crit, you deal 2d6 extra damage. 17k

3c: Feet slot items

Spiked soles: you gain +5 to athletics attempts to climb. 1K
Surefoot boots: you gain +2 to acrobatics checks. Once a day you stand up as a free action. 1.5k
Goblin stompers: once an encounter when an enemy misses you, shift 1.
Sandals of precise stepping: gain +2 to stealth/athletics/acrobatics checks. 2K
Shoes of water walking: you can walk on liquid. You can end this if you want. 2.5k
Boots of the fencing master: when you shift, +1 to AC and reflex until the end of your next turn.
Once an encounter as a minor action, you can shift 2 squares. 3K
Boots of quickness: gain +1 to reflex. This stacks with neck slot item bonuses. 4K
Boots of striding: gain +1 speed in light armour (cloth/leather/hide). 4.5k
Halfling boots: you can move through squares of enemies bigger than you. 5k
Wallwalkers: once a day as a minor action, you can walk on walls until end of encounter. 6K
Dragonborn greaves: when bloodied, you gain +2 to speed and +1 to AC & Reflex. 13K
Assault boots: when you crit, the target is also knocked prone. 14k

3d: Hands slot items

Parry gauntlets: your second wind gives +4 to all defences until the end of your turn, not +2. 1k
Gloves of grace: once a day as a minor action, an ally next to you makes a saving throw. 1.5k
Alchemy gloves: you gain +2 to hit with alchemical attacks. 3K
Gauntlets of the ram: +1 push distance to any of your powers that push (not slide/pull). 3.5k
Gloves of the bounty hunter: when you reduce an enemy to 0 hp, you can knock it out rather than
kill it. 4K
Spell anchors: once a day, you can sustain one power which normally takes a minor action to
sustain, for free. 4.5k
Gauntlets of swimming and climbing: you can climb and swim equal to half your speed. 5K
Gauntlets of blinding strikes: once a day as a standard action, make 2 melee basic attacks with -2 to
hit on both. 9K

3e: Head slot items

Circlet of arcane extension: once a day as a minor action, the range of ranged arcane attack powers
increases by 5 squares (no, this doesn't count bursts/blasts). 1K
Savage mask: you gain +2 to will defence vs burst and blast attacks. 2K
Horned helm: your charge attacks do 1 d6 extra damage. 2.5k
Circlet of authority: you gain +2 to diplomacy and intimidate. 3K
Fey-blessed circlet: at the start of each fight, gain your charisma modifier temporary hp. 4k
Circlet of indomitability: you gain +1 to will defence, this stacks with neck slot items. 4.5k
Philosopher's crown: you gain +1 to arcane, nature, dungeoneering, religion and history checks.
Once a day you can reroll a check for any of these skills. 5K
Cap of water breathing: you can breathe underwater. 5.5k
Bear headdress: +2 to nature checks. While under a polymorph effect, gain +1 will. 6k
Diadem of acuity: gain +2 to insight and perception checks. 7K
Eyes of the deep dwarf: while you have a psionic power point, you have darkvision. 9K
Beryl of catastrophe avoidance: you gain +3 to diplomacy and insight. 13k

3f: Waist slot items

Belt of endurance: gain +2 to endurance. Once a day you can treat an endurance check as if it were
a 20. 2k
Belt of sacrifice: each ally within 5 squares of you gets +1 to their healing surge value.
Baldric of time: whenever you roll a natural 20 on initiative, you gain an extra move action on your
first turn of the encounter. 3K
Reinforcing belt: this belt cannot be removed by anyone but the wearer. 3.5k
Belt of vim: gain +1 to fortitude defence. This stacks with neck slot items. 4k
Jet pack: I shit you not, this is literally an item in the builder. You can move 2d10 squares directly
upward as a move action. If you roll a 1 on both, you go 1d10 squares in a random direction and
take 2d10 damage if you collide with anything. 4K
Potion bandolier: this can store up to 6 potions, which you can now drink as a free action and not a
minor action. 5K
Belt of blood: while bloodied, your healing surge value increases by your constitution modifier. 6K
Belt of vigor: you gain +2 to your healing surge value. 11k

3g: Rings

Note: you can wear up to 2 rings. There are few options here because rings are generally for higher
level than you guys
Ring of feather fall: you never take falling damage. 12K
Ring of uncanny judgement: you gain +2 to insight. You know the distance and direction of all
enemies you have marked until the mark ends. 15K
Ring of giants: your crits do +6 damage. Once a day when you hit with a primal attack, you push
one target of the attack 2 squares and knock it prone. 17K
Ring of fury: +2 to intimidate checks. Once a day when you are bloodied, make 2 basic attacks.
Ring of mental power: Once an encounter if you have no psionic power points, gain 1. Once a day
when you miss with an augmented attack, regain the power points you augmented with. 23K
Ring of many forms: when you use a polymorph power, gain +1 to hit on your next attack. 25K

3h: Tattoos
Because the builder is amazing, you can have 2 rings on your 8 fingers+2 thumbs but only 1 tattoo
on your whole body. Wonderful.
Tattoo of bonded defence: the first time you're bloodied each encounter, each ally with the tattoo of
bonded defence can shift 1 square. 1.5k
Quickstep tattoo: whenever you action point, each ally who has a quickstep tattoo can shift 1. 2k
Tattoo of the wolverine: first time you're bloodied each encounter, gain +1 to hit and +2 to damage
on your next attack. 3k
Fleet hero tattoo: when you action point, you gain +1 to speed until the end of your next turn. 3.5k
Backlash tattoo: the first time you're bloodied each encounter, make a basic attack. 4.5k
Teamstrike tattoo: when you action point to attack, each ally who also has a teamstrike tattoo gains
+2 to hit vs ONE of the targets of your attack, who you must name. 7K

4: Alchemy items, rituals, hirelings, pets and wondrous items

4a: Alchemy items
When buying, you are buying a SINGLE USE of the item, unless you have the ability to make
alchemical items, in which case you also learn the formula. Once you know the formula, you can
make an alchemical item every time we take a 'turn' outside of combat for half the item's price.
Sometimes I will let you make one alchemical item of a formula you know BETWEEN games (it'll
depend on if the characters have a chance to rest). If I do time skips and you go hey can I have 40
alchemical items I will punch your fucking face in. You can also make them as a standard action
on your turn in a fight, if you'd ever want to.
Clearwater solution: minor action. removes poison or disease in a small body of water. 20 gold
Panther tears: minor action. You gain low light vision until end of your next turn. 40 gold
Woundpatch: minor action, apply to yourself or a living creature. Next time they spend a healing
surge, they gain 5 extra hp. 50 gold
Lockburst chalk: minor action. make a thievery check with a +9 instead of your thievery skill
against a lock. If you succeed, you destroy the lock. 200 gold
Clarity salts: minor action. You or an ally can make a saving throw against a dazing or stunning

effect, even if they normally don't end on saves. 250 gold

Giggle gas: standard action. Area burst 1 attack within 10 squares of you, +12 vs fortitude on all
creatures. If successful, the creatures erupt with laughter, dazing and slowing them until the end of
their next turn. 400 gold
Keen oil: minor action, apply to a weapon. Until end of your next turn, you crit on 19-20. 500 gold
Twinned flames: as a minor action, you 'link' the twinned flames to another alchemical action. You
can then use twinned flames as a standard action to 'detonate' the item you 'linked' it to, so long as
you are within a mile of it. 600 gold
Antivenom: +2 to saving throws vs poison until either the end of the encounter, or the next 5
minutes in game, whichever is longer. 600 gold

4b: Rituals
When buying, you're buying a SINGLE SCROLL of the item, unless you have the ritual caster feat,
in which case you learn the inscription. If you know the inscription, you can make more copies of
the ritual every time we take a 'turn' outside of combat for half its price. You can only use them
outside of combat or as standard actions, normally during 'turns' we'd take in towns and stuff like
For Yuki only: if you take ritual caster seeing as his mind does not sleep, you can cast a ritual when
we'd sleep in a game (this doesn't count time skips)
Silence: ward a single room, until you sleep people outside the room take -10 to perception checks
to hear the inside of it. 50 gold
Make whole: anything that'd fit in a 10 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft cube is repaired. 100 gold, although you
will also have to pay on top of that depending on what you're repairing.
Magic mouth: you bind a message to a surface, only to be said when certain conditions are met. 150
Animate rope: the rope you enchant can act on its own at your command for an hour. 200 gold
Water walk: you and allies within 3 squares of you can walk on water for 1d4 hours. 250 gold
Scroll of battlefield elocution: during the turn this is used, allies can choose whether to use this
ability. If they do, all creatures within 100 squares hear their words. 300 gold
Fool's gold: Turns real money into lots of fake money. When you use this ritual, you spend an
amount of gold +500 gold to cast it. You then make an arcana check. The check determines how
long the fake money lasts before it disappears, and how big the multiplier is (with 2x multiplier for
1 hour being the lowest).
Lullaby: Roll an arcana check. If the check is 19 or lower, everyone non-PC takes -2 to perception
and insight to find out stuff about the PCs during the turn this is made. From 20-29, they take -4,
from 30-39 they take -6, etc. 600 gold
Delay affliction: You delay the non-damage effects that an NPC suffers for an amount of time which
is determined by rolling a heal check. 700 gold
Undead servitor: you turn one corpse into your undead servant. They have 1 hp and will not fight.
How long they serve is based on a religion check, they can understand language and follow
commands but their speech will give away that they are undead. 800 gold.
Shrink: you shrink an object. How small it goes and how long it lasts depends on an arcana check.
900 gold
Call friendship: target a non-hostile humanoid that is 2 lower levels than you, and roll diplomacy.
Your roll determines how long they will consider you a friend, with 1 minute being the lowest. 1000
Arcane lock: you lock a chest, door or other thing which can be locked. You can open it normally,
as can up to 5 people you think of when you cast the ritual. The ritual is permanent until the lock is
broken (which happens with their thievery vs your arcana+5). 1100 gold

Speak with dead: roll a religion check, divide it by 10 and round up. You ask that many questions to
a corpse, who will answer to the best of their knowledge that they had when they died. This MAY
require diplomacy checks depending on the questions. 1200 gold
Summoned steeds: make a nature/arcana/religion check, your choice. Steeds for up to 10 people
appear and last that many hours. This will give your party greater speed for hunting NPCs, or you
can donate them to NPCs to help them. For people whose actual horses would die or are getting
hirelings and don't want to buy them steeds all the time.1500 gold
Raise dead: Make a religion check. You can raise the corpse of someone who died that many days
ago.. Their soul must not be contained or restricted, and they must be willing to return as an undead.
They return with free will. Being raised as an undead does not fix all things (disease persists,
beheadings are still beheadings). They may or may not have knowledge of their death/be
traumatised by having survived their own death depending on how they died and who they were.
2000 gold

4c: Hirelings/pets
I'm gonna put a limit on one of these per player just for the sake of my own God-damn sanity. These
take no requirements at all other than the gold, where there's an upfront price and a price-per-day.
'price per day' will normally mean per session, although if a big period of time passes I might
charge a little more? Idk tbh. They will not fight and PROBABLY won't put themselves in danger
for you (they may if they trust you, depending on how small the danger is).
The hirelings are first come first served as they are actual NPC characters! I decided to have them
done as a draft. I had one person from each half roll a d100 to determine the order, and Train won!
So pick order will be:
Good guys
Bad guys
Bad guys
Good guys
Good guys (assuming you want all 5, which I doubt tbh lol)
Ordinary cat/hamster/other small, carryable animal: No effect. 100 gold, 1 gold a day
Lysen the messenger: delivers a message from you to an NPC. The amount of time this takes varies
on how far the NPC is away, with it being MUCH greater if they're on another plane. 1000 gold,
100 per day
Barius the alchemist: finds one alchemy item you know the recipe for per day (decided by a dice
roll). 2000 gold, 100 per day
Horse: grants a greater travel speed. Mounted combat is something you can do, but without the
mounted combat feat or mark of handling feat, prepare to suck at it. 3000 gold, 40 per day
'Stanky' Hank: Gives the entire party +2 to monster knowledge checks, and +1 to some other
knowledge checks. Animals do not need to be paid for each day as Stanky Hank loves feeding them.
3500 gold, 100 per day
Margaret Lecaro the researcher: give her a topic and roll a d4. After that many sessions (count the
one where she's told to research as the first), she comes to you with everything she has found. 4000
gold, 100 per day.
Nevaro the chronicler: makes the party's deeds better known, their bad deeds less known, and will
give hints to the party if they have found out something useful in the past and have not made the
connection. 5000 gold, 100 per day

4d: Wondrous items

For the uninitiated/those who have forgot, wondrous items are little magical trinkets where it's up to
you to make them useful. One thing about them is you never 'wear' them, so unlike other stuff
where you pick your best one, you can have as many of these as you'd like, and thus they have more
'staying power' as you level up.
Midnight sixes: a pair of dice which land on what you choose them to. 1.8k
Lucky bag o' bones: once a day as a minor action, gain +2 to your next skill check. 2K
Loadstone of the planes: once a day after a battle, learn the direction of the nearest portal to your
plane of choice. 3.5k
Endless canteen: as a standard action, always produces a pint of water. Any unconsumed water
disappears in one hour. 4K
Watcher's horn: silently wakes all sleeping allies as a minor action. 4.2k
Feast table: as a standard action, produces a feast for 12. May produce positive effects if enjoyed
during particularly good times. 4.5k
Tiren's sphere: can record up to 20 words of speech, to be played back when the owner commands.
Skeleton key: once a day as a standard action, touch it against a lock to make a thievery check to
open it with a +20 bonus. Is a VERY desired item which many many people will hunt for. 7K
Magic citrine: once a day when you crit, spend a healing surge. 9K
Observer's ring: if you wear the ring for 8 consecutive hours, you're attuned to it. Only someone
attuned to it can use it. As an at-will standard action, you can see as if you were in the ring's
location. 10K
Diplomat's table: you and all allies gain +3 to diplomacy, bluff and intimidate while sitting at this
table. This stacks with any other bonuses to these skills. 13K
Stone of storms: once a day, reroll a lightning or thunder attack roll. 14k
Watcher's eye: when a creature enters the eye's line of sight, it telepathically warns you of its
presence, and describes it. This doesn't work if you're on different dimensional planes. 15K
Stone of spirit: once a day, reroll a psychic attack roll. 15K
Stone of flame: once a day, reroll a fire attack roll. 15k
Stone of light: once a day, reroll a radiant attack roll. 16K
Stone of earth: once a day, reroll a missed melee attack roll. 18k
Stone of wind: once a day, reroll a missed ranged attack roll. 18k

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