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Hi Bruce_Qin,

Let's say you have 2 classes:

- GUI (your Winform)
- NXDiag (your UI Block Styler dialog)
What you can do is using 'show' and 'hide' methods:
Class GUI
void showUIBlockStyler(){
NXDiag myNewDialog = new NXDiag(this);
Now your Winform will hide and the NXDialog will pop up.

Class NXDiag
private GUI myReferenceToWinForm
void NXDiag(GUI myCaller){
myReferenceToWinForm = myCaller
public int apply_cb(){
// do something
In the constructor you have to set a reference to the GUI.

In the method apply_cb you have to do whatever you want to do with your
BlockStyler and after

doing that just say 'show' to the GUI.

Hope that helps!

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