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Chap 32 An Overview of Animal Diversity

A Kingdom of Consumer

32.1 Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes with

tissues that develop from embryonic layers
Nutritional Mode
ingest them; feed by ingesting their food;

Cell Structure and Specialization

eukaryotes; multicellular; lack the structural support of cell walls; proteins support,
another; collagen;

Reproduction and Development

most sexually, diploid usually dominates; zygote cleavage, mitotic cell divisions
without cell growth ; formation of a multicellular stage called a blastula; gastrulation,
layers of embryonic tissues ; gastrula;
some animals, including humans, develop directly into adults, the life cycles of most
animals larval stage; larva sexually immature form of an animal that ;
metamorphosis, a developmental transformation animal into a juvenile that ;
homeoboxes, DNA sequences; Hox gene; genes that influence morphology;
sponges Hox genes;

32.2 The history of animals spans more than half a billion years
1.3 million extant species of animals, ; vast diversity encompasses ... ;
DNA analyses ... fossil biochemical evidence; ... molecular clock;

Steps in the Origin of Multicellular Animals

information about the origin of animals ... identify protist ... closely related;
single-celled ancestors; compare the genome;
cadherin attachment proteins; CCD region;

Neoproterozonic Era (1 Billon-542 Million Years Ago)

fossil; Ediacaran biota; difficult to classify; these macaroscopic fossils, Neoproterozonic
rocks have also yielded ... ;
the Ediacaran period ... early evidence of predation; Ediacaran was a time of increasing

animal diversity; predators acuired novel adaptations; natural selection .. decline of the
soft-bodied Ediacaran species and the rise of various bilaterian phyla;
increase in atmospheric oxygen;
genetic changes affecting development;
Cambrian followed by the Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian ... animal diversity
increase ... mass extinction; Arthropods; Fossils;

Mesozoic Era
Paleozonic Era (542-251 Million Tears Ago)
Another wave of animal diversification ... 535-525 million tears ago; Cambrian
explosion; bilaterians;
the diversity of Ediacaran life-forms declined;

32.3 Animals can be characterized by body plans

32.4 Views of animal phylogeny continue to be shaped by new
molecular and morphological data

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