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New Poblacion, Burgos, La Union

First Grading Examination
(First Semester 2016-2017)
Oral Communication
Name: __________________________________
Grade & Section: _________

Score: _____

DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each item before writing your answers on the spaces provided.
Leave no item unanswered.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the letter of the best answer.
_____1. Which best defines communication?
A. It is the process of telling what you want to other people.
B. It is the way in which we could express what we feel and let other people obey what we
C. It is the avenue of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
through speech, signals, writing and behavior.
D. It is the procedure of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings and emotions
through speech, signals, writing and behavior.
_____2. It is the element of communication which makes sense of the message, understands and
translates into meaning.
A. Sender
B. Receiver
C. Feedback
D. Channel
_____3. It is an element of communication which allows the communicator to adjust his message
and be more effective.
A. A. Sender
B. Receiver
C. Feedback
D. Channel
_____4. It is sending or receiving wordless messages like gesture, body language, posture tone of
voice and facial expression.
A. Verbal
B. Non-verbal
C. Oral
D. Written
_____5. A Class of kinesics which have a direct verbal translation.
A. Emblems
B. Regulators
C. Mood Displays
D. Illustrators
_____6. The use of artifacts reveals the following except:
A. self-image
B. your group identity
C. your deepest secrets
D. your interests and aspects of your personality
_____7. Which of the following is an example of interpersonal communication?
A. Jacob and his classmates and deciding who should become their class president.
B. James is discussing about global warming to his classmates.
C. According to Philippine Star, there are around 700 victims of summary execution so far.
D. Jenny and his friends are talking about their business trip.
_____8. Which or the following is an example of verbal communication?
A. Wendell shrugged his shoulders when asked about his father.
B. Winona nods her head as she listens to the speaker.
C. Wyn wyn rolls his eyeballs when her mother asked him to buy from the store.
D. The principal wrote a memorandum regarding wearing of uniforms.
_____9. What model of communication answers the question: Who says what in which channel to
whom with what effect?
A. Aristotlean Model of Communication
B. Lasswell Model of Communication
C. Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication
D. Schramms Model of Communication
_____10. Which model is an example of helical type of communication?
A. Aristotlean Model of Communication


B. Lasswell Model of Communication

C. Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication
D. Dance Model of Communication
_____11. What model is also called as SMRC model of communication?
A. Dance Model of Communication
B. Whites Model of Communication
C. Woods Model of Communication
D. Berlos Model of Communication
_____12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Barlunds Transactional Model of
A. Each communicator acts as both speaker and listener
B. It is a cyclic interaction
C. It is a helical interaction
D. It is best described by our daily conversations.
_____13. Which of the following is not a component of Whites Model of Communication?
A. Thinking
B. Decoding
C. Synthesizing
D. Feedbacking
_____14. Which of the following affects communication in Woods model?
A. Communication constraints and time
B. Continuous process of messages and feedback
C. Signal and field of experiences
D. Controlling factors and interaction
_____15. What are the controlling factors of the source and the receiver in SMCR model of
A. Hearing, tasting, smelling
B. Elements, structure, content, treatment, code
C. Communication skills, attitude, knowledge, social systems, culture
D. Communication skills, attitude, knowledge, social interactions, culture
_____16. What differntiates Schramms model of communication from the other models?
A. It includes field of experiences of the source and the destination
B. It includes presence or absence of signals between the source and the destination
C. It includes the effect of the message coming from the source to the receiver.
D. It allows continuous process of messages and feedback.
_____17. Which of the following is an example of upward communication flow?
A. Providing feedback on employees performance
B. Job Satisfaction surveys
C. communication between peers
D. Communication that takes place between a manager and employees of other
_____18. Which of the following is an example of downward communication flow?
A. Providing feedback on employees performance
B. Job Satisfaction surveys
C. communication between peers
D. Communication that takes place between a manager and employees of other
_____19. Which of the following is an example of lateral communication flow?
A. Providing feedback on employees performance
B. Job Satisfaction surveys
C. communication between peers
D. Communication that takes place between a manager and employees of other
_____20. Which of the following is an example of diagonal communication flow?
A. Providing feedback on employees performance
B. Job Satisfaction surveys
C. communication between peers
D. Communication that takes place between a manager and employees of other
_____21. Which function of communication is used in the following situation: the teacher tells the
learners to submit a picture of the different presidents of the Philippines.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information


_____22. Which function of communication is used in the following situation: Clarisse is sobbing
as she tells her friend how disastrous her day was.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information
_____23. Which function of communication is used in the following situation: the teacher claps
her hands as she cheers for her learners during a basketball tournament.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information
_____24. Which function of communication is used in the following situation: the municipal police
chief discusses the different violations usually committed by teenagers to the learners of BNHS.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information
_____25. Identify the function of a moderator from the following list.
A. To setup arguments
B. To reveal the issue involved the debate
C. To time the speakers and debaters accurately;
D. To prevent the debaters from exceeding the time allotted to them by ringing the bell
_____26. Recognize from the following list which is not an objective in cross examination.
A. To obtain admissions
B. To setup arguments
C. To reveal the issue involve the debate
D. To show the judge how cool you are so they WANT to vote for you.
_____27. Arrange the order of events which should be followed in an Oregon-oxford debate.
A. First Affirmative - Constructive Speech
First Negative - Interpellation of the first affirmative Speaker
First Negative - Constructive Speech
First Affirmative - Interpellation of the first negative speaker
Second Affirmative - Constructive Speech
Second Negative - Interpellation of the second affirmative
Second Negative - Constructive
Second Affirmative - Interpellation of the second negative
Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Negative Side
Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Affirmative Side
B. A. First Affirmative - Constructive Speech
First Negative - Interpellation of the first affirmative Speaker
First Negative - Constructive Speech
First Affirmative - Interpellation of the first negative speaker
Second Affirmative - Constructive Speech
Second Negative - Interpellation of the second affirmative
Second Negative - Constructive
Second Affirmative - Interpellation of the second negative
Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Affirmative Side
Rebuttal of the Team Captain of the Negative Side
C. Both are correct
D. None is correct
_____28. Which of the following should be followed when delivering a rebuttal?
A. Don't make new arguments.
B. Qualify your answers.
C. Indicate the object of your Question
D. Concise A
Read the following oral text and answer the questions that follow.

A. Nelson Mandella Cape Town 1990

Friends, comrades and fellow South Africans. I greet you all in the name of
peace, democracy and freedom for all. I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble
servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be
here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands.


Today the majority of South Africans, black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. It
has to be ended by our own decisive mass action in order to build peace and security. The mass
campaign of defiance and other actions of our organization and people can only culminate in the
establishment of democracy.
The apartheid destruction on our subcontinent is incalculable. The fabric of family life of millions
of my people has been shattered. Millions are homeless and unemployed. Our economy lies in
ruins and our people are embroiled in political strife.
There must be an end to white monopoly on political power, and a fundamental restructuring of
our political and economic systems to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid are addressed
and our society thoroughly democratized.
Our struggle has reached a decisive moment. We call on our people to seize this moment, so that
the process towards democracy is rapid and uninterrupted.
We call on our white compatriots to join us in the shaping of a new South Africa. The freedom
movement is a political home for you, too. We call on the international community to continue
the campaign to isolate the apartheid regime.
_____29. Who is the sender in the above oral text?
A. Nelson Mandella
B. South Africans
C. The homeless and unemployed
D. Apartheid
_____30. What is the message above oral text?
A. The unequal rights of white and black people as well as its effects
B. The unequal rights of the south Africans and the effects to economy
C. The unequal rights of the Americans and the effects to the country
D. The unequal rights of the politicians towards the South African land
_____31. Who is/are the receiver/s of the above oral text?
A. Nelson Mandella
B. South Africans
C. The homeless and unemployed
D. Apartheid
_____32. What level of communication is used?
A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal
C. Mass
D. One to group
_____33. What function of communication is used in the text?
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional Expression
D. Information
New York, 16 December 2005 - Statement by the Secretary-General on Iraq elections
Yesterday's elections were the third time this year that the people of Iraq have braved difficult
conditions and the threat of violence to exercise their right to vote. I pay tribute to their courage
and I welcome the healthy voter turnout and the relatively calm atmosphere that surrounded
election day.
I also offer my congratulations to the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq for having
organized and carried out the election in such challenging circumstances. I am very pleased that
my UN electoral team in Baghdad was able to make a contribution to the electoral process and I
am proud of the role they have played in supporting the Iraqis.
The participation by all communities in this historic election is another milestone in Iraq's
progress towards a democratic future and lays the foundation for national reconciliation.
Whatever the results of the election, there is now an opportunity for a political process that offers
all Iraqis the chance to play a part in building a peaceful, democratic, unified and prosperous
Iraq. The United Nations will stand with them in this endeavor.
_____34. Who is the sender in the above oral text?
A. An Iraqi
B. The United Nations
C. Secretary-General on Iraq elections
D. The Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq
_____35. What is the message above oral text?
A. The result of votes of the Iraqi elections
B. The atrocities of the Iraqi elections


C. The people involved in the Iraqi elections

D. The success of the Iraqi elections
_____36. What function of communication is used in the text?
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional Expression
D. Social Interaction
_____37. Compare Aristotlean Model of Communication to Lasswell Model of Communication.
A. Aristotlean model is composed of 3 components: the sender, the message and the sender.
It is a linear model because it does not include feedback while the Lasswell model of
communication is composed of the following components: Communicator, message,
medium, receiver and effect. Also, it is a one-way model of communication.
B. Aristotlean model is composed of the following components: communicator, message,
medium, receiver and effect. It is a linear model because it does not include feedback
while the Lasswell model of communication is composed of the following components: :
the sender, the message and the sender. Also, it is a one-way model of communication.
C. Aristotlean model is composed of 3 components: the sender, the message and the sender.
It is a two-way model while the Lasswell model of communication is composed of the
following components: Communicator, message, medium, receiver and effect. Also, it is a
one-way model of communication.
D. Aristotlean model is composed of 3 components: the sender, the message and the sender.
It is a two-way model while the Lasswell model of communication is composed of the
following components: Communicator, message, medium, receiver and effect. Also, it is a
transactional model of communication.
_____38. How are the sender and the receiver related in Berlos Model of Communication?
A. The sender and the receiver should have similar field of experience.
B. The sender and the receiver are bound with time and
C. The sender and the receiver should have shared system of understanding.
D. The sender and the receiver should have at least similar levels of the controlling factors.
_____39. Contrast circular model of communication to a helical model of communication.
A. In a circular model of communication feedback is very important while in helical, it is not.
B. In a circular model of communication there is lesser source of barriers while in helical,
barrier could come from any source
C. A circular model of communication signifies continuous flow of communication between
the sender and the receiver while in helical, communication is constant and one can go
back to an idea which is previously tackled.
D. A circular model of communication, communication is constant and one can go back to an
idea which is previously tackled while in helical, signifies continuous flow of
communication between the sender and the receiver.
_____40. Which best explains Barlunds Transactional Model of Communication?
A. Barlunds model is transactional; which means, a communicator can be a sender or a
receiver. The flow of communication is cyclic like our daily conversations.
B. Barlunds model is transactional; which means, a communicator could or couldnt send
feedback in order to complete the cycle just like our daily conversations.
C. Barlunds model is transactional; which means, the receiver should be affected by the
message sent by the sender.
D. Barlunds model is transactional; which means, it starts from a simple idea and expounds
_____41. Wilfred is from Africa, he discussed about wildlife conservation in Japan. In the middle of
his speech, he cracked a joke but nobody laughed. What could be the cause of communication
breakdown in the abovementioned situation?
A. Anxiety
B. Ethnocentrism
C. Incompatible communication codes
D. Stereotypes and prejudice
_____42. The Grade 11 learners of BNHS are having their class near a public market in which, the
vendors are busy selling their goods. The conversations between them could be heard in the
classroom that is why, the learners are having a hard time in understanding their lessons. What
is the most prominent barrier in the given situation?
A. Physical
B. Physiological
C. Psychological
D. Semantic
_____43. Eros is a diligent learner; he always does his best in school but last Friday, he got a
failing grade in Statistics. When his teacher asked him about what really happened, he was


quivering and couldnt afford to answer because of his continuous coughing. What is the most
prominent barrier in the given situation?
A. Physical
B. Physiological
C. Psychological
D. Semantic
_____44. Bryan is an eloquent speaker. He is always invited as a speaker to seminars of teachers,
doctors, and even lawyers. In fact, he has just attended a speaking engagement in United
Kingdom. He is very sure that he knows his topic well but this time, he could see at the faces of
his listeners who are grade 7 learners that they understood nothing about the topic. In fact, no
one was able to ask question from him. Everybody just stared at him in awe. What is the most
prominent barrier in the given situation?
A. Physical
B. Physiological
C. Psychological
D. Semantic
_____45. While attending an international seminar, which of the following could be the best step if
one is trying to initiate a conversation to the other participants?
A. Ask about someones name, age, job, religion among others.
B. Smile and greet fellow participants.
C. Ask questions to the speaker often, with that other participants will notice you.
D. Talk about famous personalities in your country even if the other person doesnt even
know them by name.
_____46. Interpret the following situation: As Macmac was running down the stares, he bumped
into another student who was on his way up. Macmac looked at the learner and held his two
finger up making a V. as he turned around he rolled his eyes, shook his head and smirked.
A. Macmac was sincere about his apology to the learner he bumped.
B. Macmac was hurt. He was just ashamed to admit it.
C. Macmac intentionally bumped the other learner.
D. Macmac was trying get the attention of the other learner.
_____47. Which of the following could be the best emblem to be used by a coach of a basketball
team when he wants to ask for a time out?
A. Make a T sign using his hands.
B. Make a T sign using his hands and shout Time out.
C. Make a T sign using his hands and frown to the referee.
D. None of the above.
_____48. Which best describes effective communication of a speaker?
A. As a speaker, you have to stand correctly and stare at your listeners so that they wont
lose their focus on you.
B. To look intelligent and fluent, you have to use difficult words when you are speaking.
C. When you are the speaker, your listeners should listen to you carefully for you are the only
D. As a speaker, maintain your proper stance, posture and eye contact.
_____49. Which best describes effective communication of a listener?
A. As a listener, it is you prerogative whether to hear or listen. You can choose which best
suites you.
B. As a listener, you should always stare at the speaker to show that you are listening
C. As a listener, it is best to ask questions every now and then to show that you are
interested with the topic.
D. As a listener, practice listening and the art of questioning to clarify some points.
_____50. In an office, a boss went behind his secretary who was on her table. He whispered to her
ears that he wants the papers to be submitted by the end of the day. As a result, the secretary
slapped him. What dimension of non-verbal communication went wrong?
A. Kinesics and Proxemics
B. Kinesics and Haptics
C. Proxemics and paralinguistics
D. Proxemics and haptics
_____51. Which function of communication is best illustrated in the following situation: a teacher
asks the learners to clean their classroom.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information


_____52. Which function of communication is best illustrated in the following situation: A learner
finds studying to be challenging and his mother tells him to pursue his studies because it is still
the best way to ensure his future to be brighter.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information
_____53. Which function of communication is best illustrated in the following situation: A police
officer discussed regarding child protection policies to both the learners and teachers of BNHS.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information
_____54. Which function of communication is best illustrated in the following situation: Jenny sobs
and buries her head to his husband as she tells him about how she managed to escape from her
employer in Saudi who abused her.
A. Control
B. Motivation
C. Emotional expression
D. Information

Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the process of communication.

____________nothing follows_______________


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