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M: Ok, lets star our meeting, as I already asked you for carrying out ideas to

figure out transportation problems. You know that our company is going
under, so we really need creative ideas to take off our sales. I need you to
do your best because I have to lay off one of you.
Lisset, could you start please?

OK, how it is going to change the world?

I wonder if it would work well in our country, you know that the crime is a
big problem to face every day, what do you think?

I think hybrid cars could have been a better idea if we adapt that system to
the buses, why your idea is better?

Juan Diego, its your turn.

How it is going to improve our lives?

I suppose that a thief couldt steal an autonomous car, right? But what
about a hacker? Could they manipulate the cars using a software?

I hear that there have already been some proofs in the U. S. where there
have been some accidents. May autonomous cars have cause those
(dices que los acidentes fueron provocados por los humanos en estado de
ebriedad, drogados, distraccion, no fue culpa de los carros)

I really liked your presentations, Ill say my decision at 6:00. See you!

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