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Kemaro Island is located in the middle of Musi River in

looked at the top of the jar. he did not search at the bottom of the

Palembang, South Sumatera. "Kemaro" is a word from Palembang

jars. Every time he did not see any gold in the jar, he always threw

which means "kemarau" in Indonesia, or "dry" in English.

it to the river. And finally he opened the last jar. Again, he did not

According to Palembang people, the island is given that name

see any gold. This time he was so tired. He did not have any power

because the island is never getting wet, in other words, this island

to throw the jar into the river. Instead he smashed the jar with a big

is always dry although the volume of water in Musi River is


getting greater.

And when the jar was broken, Tan Bun Ann found the

There is a legend from Palembang about Kemaro

gold! He knew he made a mistake. He immediately jumped to the

Island. Once upon a time, the king which was leading in Sriwijaya

river. He wanted to collect the gold that sank into the river. Siti

kingdom had a daughter, who was called Siti Fatimah. She was

Fatimah saw what was happening. She waited for Tan Bun Ann at

very beautiful. She fell in love with a trader from China, Tan Bun

the river bank, but he never showed up. She was impatient. She

Ann. Both Siti Fatimah and Tan Bun Ann loved each other. One

also wanted to jump and catch him up.

day, Tan Bun Ann wanted to marry Siti Fatimah. Siti Fatimahs

Before she jumped, she told her guards a message, "If

father, the king of Sriwijaya kingdom, offered some requirements

you see a pile of soil on the river bank, and that means it is my

for Tan Bun Ann before married with Siti Fatimah. The king asked

grave." Then she jumped into the river. The guards waited and

him to bring 9 bags of gold. Tan Bun Anns families in China

waited. And several days the people saw a pile of soil. The soil was

agreed with the requirements.

getting bigger and bigger. It finally became an island. The people

Tan Bun Anns families put the gold in the bag, and

named it Kemaro Island.

they covered it with some vegetables to avoid some pirates at that

And there are some tourism objects in Kemaro Island

time, but Tan Bun Ann didnt know about it. Later, the nine big jars

such as 9 Pagoda, the tomb of Tan Bun An and Siti Fatimah, and

from China arrived at the pier of Musi River. Tan Bun Ann

Tree of Love which is said if there are couples who carve their

immediately looked for the jars. He was so surprised. When he

names in this tree then their relationship will continue until the

opened the cover of the jar, he saw rotten vegetables. He only

level of marriage.

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