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Getting to know your child!

I am excited about the new school year and having your child in my class. To help me
get to know them better please fill out this sheet and return it to school this week,
the earliest possible
Childs Name: --------------- Nickname(s): ---------------Date of Birth: ----------------------------------Siblings (Grade level if in GWA) -------------------------------------------Any allergies? -------------------------Mothers name, phone number and email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fathers name, phone number and email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name and emergency contact number: -------------------------------------Are you willing to share your contact information with other parents in the class? (For
play dates, birthday parties)
Yes share all the contact information provided
Only share the following contact information --------------------------Please dont share my contact information
Nannys Name/Mobile: ----------------------------------------------------Drivers Name/Mobile: ----------------------------------------------------Who will be picking up your child from school?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Primary language: --------------------------------Familiarity with the English language: emerging

comfortable fluent

Any other information I should know?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Ms. Mira and Ms. Grace

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