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-------------------K THI CHN HC SINH GII CP TNH LP 12 THPT NM HC 2011-2012


Thi gian lam bai : 180 phut
(Khong ke thi gian phat e)
-----------------------------------Lu : thi c 05 trang. Th sinh lm bi trn giy thi, khng lm trn

I. You will hear Anita Burroughs, an ice-skater, being interviewed about her work. For
each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C
(1.5 points )
1. What problem did Anita have when ice-skating as a child ?
A. There was nowhere to practice.
B. She couldnt find a good teacher.
C. The clothes were expensive.
2. She says she often does shows
A. seven days a week.
B. more than once a day
C. all summer.
3. What does Anita find most difficult about her job ?
A. The performances are tiring.
B. Practicing is very hard work.
C. She misses her family.
4. How does Anita feel about doing radio interviews ?
A. She prefers them to TV interviews.
B. She doesnt know what to say.
C. She looks forward to them.
5. Nowadays, audiences expect dancers to do
A. international tours.
B. longer shows.
C. more complicated jumps.
6. To be a professional ice-skater like Anita , you should
A. work well in a team.
B. remain serious on the ice. C. be a good leader.

II. You will hear a teacher talking to a group of students. For each question, fill in the
missing information in the numbered space
(1.5 points )
Saturday Classes
Classes available : (1)__________ and geography
Classes take place in : (2)__________Road
Classes begin on : (3)__________
Free trip to : (4)__________
Bring :
For more information, phone : (6)________
I. Complete the gaps, using the correct form of the article, a, an , the or nothing (1.5
Over (1)_______ last three hundred years coffee has made its way around
(2)_______world, establishing itself in (3)_______economies and lifestyles of (4)_______main

trading nations. Coffee is now one of (5)_______most valuable primary commodities in

(6)_______world, often second in (7)_______value only to (8)_______oil as (9)_______source of
foreign exchange to (10)_______developing countries. Millions of people around
(11)_______world earn their living from (12)_______coffee industry.

II. Choose the correct answer

(1.25 poinst )

1. Patrick has got a yacht and a helicopter. He __________ be extremely rich.

A. can
B. must
C. should
D. might
2. Write to me and tell me __________ about your holiday in Dalat.
A. every
B. much
C. some
D. all
3. Please answer the phone for me. I don't want to speak to ______ it is
A. whoever
B. whatever
C. whenever
D. wherever
4. I do play badminton, but I __________ tennis.
A. like
B. would rather
C. choose
D. prefer
5. I had __________ reached the theatre when I saw people leaving.
A. quite
B. enough
C. almost
D. rather
6. The shapes of snow crystals depend largely __________ temperature and humidity are.
A. how high its
B. on how high the
C. on how the height of the
D. that the height of the
7. __________ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do not seem high at all.
A. When compared
B. Comparing
C. If you compare
D. Be compared
8. ______ humans, toads have tongues fastened at the front of their mouths, which allow them to
catch insects.
A. Not the same
B. Unlike
C. Except for
D. Dislike
9. A: Can I help you, madam? B: __________.
A. Yes, it's in our summer sale.
B. It's very cheap.
C. No, thanks. I'm just looking
D. Right. It looks a bit small.
10. John: What about collecting used paper, bottles and cans every day?
Lan: . . Lets do that.
A. I can't agree with you more.
B. Im afraid I do.
C. Sorry, I dont like
D. No, its interesting, isnt it?

III. Give the correct form of the word in brackets

Putting some fun into the workplace
A study of 737 chief executives of major corporations found that
98 percent would hire someone with a good sense of humour in
preference to some one who seemed to lack one.
Having fun at work also inspires (1)_______in employees.
According to a survey of 1,000 workers, those who rated their managers
sense of humour above average said there was a 90 percent
(2)_______that they would remain in their job for more than a year. If
they worked for a boss whose sense of humour they described as
average or below, the employees (3)_______of staying dropped to 77
So laughter is (4)_______and good for business. This knowledge
could, however, add to the stress of (5)_______when they are
interviewed if making jokes doesnt come naturally to them. But being
funny doesnt (6)_______mean being a stand-up (7)_______. The

(1.25 points )


important thing is to strive for a light-hearted atmosphere in the

There is, (8)_______, a downside to all this. For instance, some
people working in retail jobs are required to smile (9)_______. Such
enforced happiness can apparently cause (10)_______at work and result
in emotional stress.

IV .Find and correct the mistake


(2 points)

1. We went on dance until the disco closed.

2. He wears so strange clothes that everyone stares at him.
3. Supposing you win the pools, what would you do ?
4. Their furniture are very expensive.
5. Dogs must be kept with a lead.
6. Id rather he stops lying.
7. Ill see her after Ill finish my work.
8. It is known that Mozart has been a child genius.

I. Choose the word that best completes the sentences in the text

(1.875 points )

Tourism can have both a positive and a negative effect (1)________an area, although in
many cases only the positive effect will be obvious. In rural areas, the onset of tourism may have
dramatic effects upon the local community, creating new jobs and providing a flow of cash which
most (2)________will be happy to take advantage (3)________. However, the disadvantages of
tourism can be (4)________dramatic, with towns (5)________their character and becoming
overdeveloped and crowded, as well as more (6)________
On a large scale, tourism can be very beneficial (7)________developing countries. If
tourists spend more money it means that the country can improve living (8)________for its
citizens, as well as create new jobs. Tourists are (9)________the way other people live , and leave
feeling better informed about a different (10)________of life that they otherwise might not have
had the chance to see. Perhaps the most popular type of tourism is going (11)________to a warm ,
sunny place and lying on a beach for two weeks. People taking this kind of holiday
(12)________have no interest in the culture of the place they are visiting and, as a(n)
(13)________, it becomes almost like a home from home. Restaurants cook tourists their native
food (14)________of local specialities , and tourists mix together rather than with locals. This can
(15)________any character the area may have, and the area may lose part of its valuable culture
A. for
B. on
C. about
D. of
A. tenants
B. occupants
C. lodgers
D. inhabitants
A. for
B. in
C. of
D. off
A. impossibly
B. equally
C. hardly
D. differently
A. losing
B. missing
C. finding
D. improving
A. priceless
B. valuable
C. cheap
D. expensive
A. from
B. in
C. at
D. to
A. manners
B. areas
C. conditions
D. facts
A. shown
B. given
C. offered
D. seen
A. attitude
B. way
C. face
D. hint


A. far
A. hardly
A. result
A. in spite
A. create

B. through
B. usually
B. effect
B. instead
B. hurt

C. forward
C. nearly
C. reason
C. in case
C. destroy

II. Read the following passage and answer the question

D. away
D. never
D. affect
D. apart
D. break

(1.5 points )

You are going to read a newspaper article about environmental damage to Europes forests.
Choose from the list (A-H) the sentence which best summarises each part (1-6) of the article.
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0)
A. More research is needed to find out the reasons for tree damage.
B. The situation in Europe may soon get better.
C. Environmental damage is threatening certain European industries.
D. Planting more trees is only part of the solution.
E. Threatened trees need European protection.
F. Europes trees have been harmed in a variety of ways.
G. The forestry industry has acted more quickly than European governments.
H. Europe should pay more attention to its own environmental problems.

Europes Trees in Danger

Forestry experts have called on the European Union to use its powers in order to protect the
continents woodlands. This follows the publication of a recent report showing that one quarter of
Europes trees showed signs of severe damage. The experts are asking for wide-ranging action as it
now seems clear that Europes forests are reaching crisis point.
The study examined trees across the whole of Europe and found that they were being damaged
throughout the continent. Twenty-six per cent of Europes trees had lost significant numbers of
leaves , while more than ten per cent showed signs of discoloration.
The report also put forward factors such as air pollution and climate change as causes of this
environmental problem. Responding to the report, however, a European spokesman said it was too
early to be certain about what was causing the widespread damage. The European Commission has
now begun a more detailed 20-year study which will hopefully produce clearer answers.
Francis OSullivan, senior forestry officer at the World Wildlife Fund for nature (WWF), pointed
out : While Europe is quick to condemn tropical countries over their forestry policies, it has been
ignoring the crisis in its own backyard. Europe now has fewer forests than any other continent
except Antarctica, and has less protected woodland than any other region in the world.
Less than one percent of our ancient forests remain, he added. If this is allowed to continue, the
damage to our forest systems will result in a reduction in water quality and will cause a crisis in
the fishing, tourist and timber industries, as well as threatening the ecological balance in Europe.
Nigel Dudley, a specialist forestry adviser, says that the forestry industry has made substantial
progress in organizing a programme of forest management , but in his opinion European

governments have not been acting quickly enough. Dudley believes that there is a need for further
European action on commitments made at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.
Next month the WWF will be reporting on how well governments around the world have kept
their Rio summit promises. Most governments are expected to get poor reports. The situation in
Europe may, however, be about to improve as the European Parliament is to begin investigating
forest protection and may ask for new safeguards to protect the health of Europes trees.

III. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word

( 3.75 points )


Kids tire of their toys and sooner or later most of us lose interest in our favourite TV
shows. The bottom line (1)________that humans are easily bored. Why?
The answer lies buried deep within our nerve cells (2)________automatically dampen
their initial excited response to stimuli (3)________time a stimulus occurs . Those neurons also
enhance responses to things (4)________change- especially (5)________which change quickly .
We probably evolved this way (6)________our ancestors developed the skill of focusing their
attention on (7)________was moving in the tree above them, a saber-toothed tiger for instance,
(8)________than on the tree itself.
Therefore, boredom, (9)________a reaction to a static environment , turns
(10)________the level of neutral excitation so that a new stimulus, the tiger, stands (11)________.
Sensory boredom has other uses. For example, have you noticed how a foul-smelling room loses
its odour after a few minutes of your (12)________exposed to it? (13)________is because the
excitation levels of olfactory neurons, or smell receptors, decrease (14)________each successive
stimulation , (15)________you notice the offensive odour less and less. So, next time youre
feeling bored, dont complain!


I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given ( 2 points )
1. There is no way Im letting you go to that party!
2. You wouldnt have got out alive without the fire fighters help.
3. Its not like her to behave like that as shes normally very calm.
Her behaviour _____________________________
4. Why on earth did you mention the subject of money ?
I wish___________________________________
5. Have you seen my glasses anywhere by any chance ?
6. Thats the second time this year that Kathy has refused to marry him.
7. She has become a famous novelist.
She has___________________________________
8. The new speed limit will be in operation from eight oclock tomorrow morning. EFFECT
The new speed limit_________________________
II. Writing : Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that
the automobile has caused serious problems. What is your opinion ? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer
(1.875 points )

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