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Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

With technology being at the forefront of childrens lives, it is important for teachers to
integrate technology in the classroom. Integrating technology is the ability to introduce computer
and technology tools to students for their learning and problem solving skills. It is engaging to
students and can motivate them and increase their development. Not all children learn and gain
knowledge at the same speed. Using differentiated instruction (DI) is an approach to teaching
and planning that can address the needs of diverse learners in an inclusive classroom (Tobin &
Tippett, 2014). There are many tools that are available for teachers that are designed to enhance
this learning experience. Incorporating tools that students enjoy viewing such as YouTube
videos, IPad, and blogs as part of their instruction can develop their skills and increase their
learning potential.
Technology to Differentiate Instruction
YouTube is one of the most popular and easy to use tools available. YouTube is a public
service that has videos on many different topics that be used in the classroom by students.
YouTube is considered an effective instructional tool for increasing learning in students in the
classroom (Alwehaibi, 2015). Teachers can show students videos regarding a subject she is
reviewing. The student can use YouTube as a supplement to what has been discussed in the
classroom for greater enhancement of their skills. Students enjoy watching videos, whether it be
singing or interactive, they are engaged. When students are engaged, they are more focused in
the classroom and information is absorbed. Students can create projects like developing stories

with scripts that can be turned into their very own movies for viewing and interacting as well as
collaborating with students all around the world. All students learn at different levels, YouTube
allows teachers to create lessons for viewing according to the students level which allows the
student to learn at their own pace and style. Students can access teachers videos while away from
school for whatever reasons to always remain on top of their studies. YouTube is user friendly
for all, however, young viewers always need adult supervision when using search the engines.
As with any technology, there is always the matter of unsolicited information and material that is
inappropriate for young viewers. Using and applying YouTube as a learning tool can be
empowering and engaging for students for the development of their skills.
ISTE Standards
Students can use YouTube as a resource for facilitating and improving their creativity.
When students create videos, they are using their creative skills to support and promote their
development. YouTube is engaging for students which increases their exploration and creativity
for wanting to learn more and to collaborate interactively. Students are using a variety of
YouTube resources designed to produce greater meaningful experiences for themselves and
others (ISTE Standards for Students).
The IPad can be used a learning device in the classroom. The implementation of the iPad
as a teaching and learning tool aligns with 21st Century technology skills (Eppard, Nasser &
Reddy, 2016). The IPad is a mobile technology device designed to be used like a computer only
on a smaller scale. Teachers can use the IPad to display material designed for the classroom.
Currently, the IPad boasts over 65,000 educational apps that can be used to for every learning
style. By hooking up the IPad with a projector information saved on the IPad can be viewed for

students to observe. Within the classroom, students can be put into small groups according to
their learning abilities using the IPad. These groups can view information that has been tailored
to fit their needs to enhance their development of different topics and subjects. The IPads are
small and portable for little fingers with vivid live colors that are attractive to children because it
is just the right size for them. Using IPads in the classroom to cultivate students motivation and
creativity can improve their overall development and wellbeing.
ISTE Standards
IPads can be used to connect to resources that implement material for students in the
classroom. Students can explore different avenues of creativity using the IPad to discover hidden
talents that allows them to achieve success. Students can interconnect with the digital world in a
safe and ethical environment using this tool. Students can develop meaningful experiences that
inspire and challenge them to take charge of their learning (ISTE Standards for Students).
Blogging is another way of encouraging students to excel as an individual and in the
classroom. Knowing that blogging is engaging and a form of communication, it seems a valuable
tool in school instruction (MacBride & Luehmann, 2008). Blogging is safe for children and
allows the teacher to introduce topics that the students can elaborate on. Students can be
encourage to build their very own online journal of subjects. Teachers can also have students to
blog about anything from the weather to undertaking projects in the classroom to develop
students skills. Teachers can assemble students in smaller groups to blog and share ideas to
encourage other students growth and engagement. Children do well when the teacher provides
material that is designed to fit their needs. It creates an environment for interaction and learning
all at the same time. Blogging will allow students to interact with other students around the

world. Students will collaborate and exchange thoughts and ideas without having to leaving their
classrooms. Blogging will teach students to be tech savvy and to have fun. It is an exciting tool
that all students will benefit from to enhance their own unique ideas and originality.
ISTE Standards
Blogging is great for skill building and increasing students overall performance. It will
challenge students and allow them to connect on higher levels. Students will be taught to act
responsibly and work independently to build their knowledge. Students can be expressive as
they explore and communicate with others to problem solve and interchange ideas using this tool
(ISTE Standards for Students).
Pros and Cons
Differentiating technology in the classroom has many benefits. It allows students to learn
and develop at their own pace. Teachers can present content that is suitable for their needs and
advancement. When children are allowed to grow at their own speed, it becomes easier for them
to learn. It allows teachers to be creative with their lesson plans for the different subjects and
topics. Differential is not demanding but empowering the student to grow and improve. Although
there are benefits to differentiating technology also comes challenges. Differentiating is
designed for the student, however, it can be daunting for the teacher. Teachers would have to first
recognize, address and supplement information for students to best fit their needs. Because the
approach is different for most if not all, it is also time consuming. More time has to be allocated
to lesson planning for each student and less time to teaching. Sometimes, more time is spent on
those needing the most help creating interruptions in the flow of progress. Differentially benefits
all and teachers have to determine the best fit for all students in the classroom.
Concluding Paragraph

Technology in the classroom is important to students because it is engaging. Students

enjoy technology and it allows them to be creative and expressive when given the tools they
needs. Integrating the classroom using differential technology gives the students the ability to
excel and to be empowered to work at their level. Utilizing these technological tools builds
students skills and abilities where they are capable of interacting and collaborating on many
levels. By incorporating technology in the classroom, teachers open the doors for an informative
and engaging environment.

Alwehaibi, H. O. (2015). The impact of using youtube in efl classroom on enhancing efl
students' content learning. Journal of college teaching & learning, 12(2), 121-126.

Eppard, J., Nasser, O., & Reddy, P. (2016). The next generation of technology: Mobile apps in
the english language classroom. International journal of emerging technologies in
learning, 11(4), 21-27. doi:10.3991/ijet.v11i04.5293
MacBride, R., & Luehmann, A. L. (2008). Capitalizing on emerging technologies: A case study
of classroom blogging. School science & mathematics, 108(5), 173-183.
Tobin, R. r., & Tippett, C. c. (2014). Possibilities and potential barriers: learning to plan for
differentiated instructions in elementary science. International journal of science &
mathematics education, 12(2), 423-443.

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