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Children of the Beast

Issue #5
Friend or Foe

E.M. Moon

E.M. Moon

Copyright 2016 E.M. Moon

All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 1533664323
ISBN-13: 978-1533664327

E.M. Moon

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our

enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
J. K. Rowling


E.M. Moon


Subject Name: Adam Baudin

Subject Name: Violet Eve 16
Subject Name: Adam Baudin
Subject Name: Violet Eve 31
Subject Name: Adam Baudin
Subject Name: Violet Eve 45
Subject Name: Adam Baudin
Subject #001: Violet Eve 71
Subject Name: Adam Baudin


667: Children of the Beast

Issue #5
Friend or Foe
June 8th 2016
Subject Name:
Adam Baudin
Violet was having a hard time readjusting
after we left Las Vegas. She didnt want to leave

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Salome and Khaine, and she didnt want to come

back to New Orleans where she knew shed be stuck.
Thankfully Josiah and the rest of the so
called council werent at Cassandras house when we
got back; the only one they left behind was Jackie.
We hadnt bothered to keep everyone updated like
we promised, so they hadnt bothered to tell us
where they were going either.
We had, however, got quite the nasty phone
call from Josiah once we landed back in New
Orleans. Henri had remembered to text Cassandra on
touchdown, but the welcome home call had come
from Josiah himself.
I happened to have the displeasure of
answering that call.
Hello? We had just pulled in to the drive at
the mansion when the phone rang and Henri signaled
for me to answer.
How was your little trip? Josiahs voice
was surly on the other end.
Uh, it was good. I grimaced at Henri, but
he could hear the Houngan loud and clear.
Wonderful. Im glad youre alive so I can
PERMISSION! Josiahs voice raised in volume.
Even Violet, who had been laid out in the backseat,
sat up at the roaring.

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Josiah, I began, not sure how to broach the

subject, There was no time for me to ask for your
permission, as you put it. There was an emergency
and we had to leave.
I dont care if there was an emergency or
not; you are under my care now. Josiah talked to me
as if I was one of the foster children that he had
never had.
I took a deep breath as Henri parked the car
and hopped out, but I stayed put.
Violet was the emergency, which Im sure
you know. If she is under your care as you put it,
then you should have been concerned about getting
her home. I was curt.
Violet is the main reason I am so infuriated
by your lack of care in this situation. We dont know
if she is safe. There was a weird inflection in
Josiahs speech.
There was no good way to respond to him
without Violet knowing we were talking about her, if
she hadnt heard Josiah already.
But before I could say anything, the phone
was in Violets hand as she climbed in to the drivers
seat next to me.
Hello, Josiah. Im glad that you called since
you are so concerned about our well-being. Im fine,
Adam is fine, and so is Henri. We all came back in
one piece and I only had to kill a couple dozen men
to do it. Violet spit. I couldnt believe what she was

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I heard Josiah start to raise his voice on the

other end when Violet tapped the phone and ended
the call.
Violet. I turned to her, but she just lifted
her upper lip in a sneer.
What? Im not a murderer; you all can
vouch for that. Youre in the same boat as I am at
this point. Violet arched a snowy brow at me.
True, but that could have waited till they
came back and we could have talked to them in
person. I popped the lock on my door and got out.
I dont like the way he talks to any of us,
Adam. Hes an arrogant, self-absorbed fuck wit with
a chip on his damn shoulder. Hes not our warden,
we arent in prison; we shouldnt have to answer to
him for anything! Violet slammed her own door and
came to meet me at the front of the car.
She wasnt wrong. It was strange how Violet
had become so confrontational in just a few days;
when I met her she had been a quiet, mousy thing.
If we dont have them, we dont have
anything. They are the ones that can get to the
bottom of this. I defended the Shamans, even
though Josiah continued to be a dick.
Oh, like they have already? Waitthat
would be us getting all the information on whatever
the hell it is that is going on. Josiah has done
nothing, but impede us from discovering who we are
now! Violet skipped out in front of me to meet
Henri at the stairs.

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Jackie had come out and the two were now

smoking something from a wooden pipe as they sat
on the front porch.
Well I tried to defend Josiah again, but I
had nothing.
Im right, arent I? Violet rocked back on
the top step of the porch and curled her bare toes
underneath her.
Shes right. Jackie puffed off the pipe
before handing it back to Henri.
If Jackie thinks Im right, then it must be
true. Violet shrugged, smirking at me.
Were going to have to tell them that we
have both killed now. I felt like I was compelled to
be honest in our situation.
You didnt kill nobody just because, Adam.
You and Violet had to defend yourselves from
whatever all of that was. Henri didnt agree with
What did happen? Jackie wondered. No
one had told him anything yet.
Im too tired for this right now. Violet got
up from the steps and just walked inside. I wanted to
stop her, but I couldnt move from my own seat. She
didnt want me to follow.
Long story short? Violet is connected to
more of us somehow and ended up in Vegas with
two of them. She promised to help this guy, Khaine,
find his girlfriend, or whatever. Salome had been
kidnapped by a group of loan sharks whose leader

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turned out to bea demon. I had officially said the

word out loud.
Well, theres that word again. Demons and
Angels. How did you know thats what he was?
Jackie was unusually calm about the whole thing.
Because he said so. He went by the name
Merrick, but he told us his name was Shax. I went
on a bit further.
Henris face went dark for a moment before
he took his turn to speak, Shax. I know dat name.
Hes a Goetic demon.
A what kind of demon? The word was
entirely unfamiliar to me.
Goetia was the magickal practice of
invoking angels and demons, described in a 17th
century grimoire called The Lesser Key of
Solomon. There are 72 demons in the book and it
details what they can be summoned for. Henri gave
us a bit of information.
So, now someone is summoning demons?
And angels? I am so confused. I wanted to bang my
head on the bannister next to me.
I dont know if anyone is evoking them;
they could just be walking around amongst us.
Henri gave another option.
Thats wonderful. Just wonderful. I stood
up and kicked a rock off the step.
What about the other two, Khaine and
Salome? Jackie was curious about the others that
were just like Violet and me.

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They stayed behind. I dont know what

theyre going to do any more than we do. She looks
like some swamp faery and he is just a giant wolf.
They dont look normal. I had been thinking about
the two of them on the flight home, wondering what
they were going to do all alone without any idea of
what they had really been through.
They are going to need both of you; make
sure you dont lose contact with dem. Jackie
advised me.
I wont. I pulled my phone from my pocket
and scrolled through to Khaines contact
information. It was sort of nice to have another guy
to relate to, given the circumstances.
Im going to go take myself in for a drink
and watch some TV. Join me? Jackie rose from his
seat and we followed him inside.
A drink actually sounded really good right
about now.

Violets fine; shes asleep. Jackie joined us
in the living room with three cold beers.
I figured; shes kind of been through a lot
these past few days. Boy had she. If anyone
deserved Josiahs trust, it was her. She had gone

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above and beyond to save a couple of total strangers

after being magickally transported to the other side
of the country.
So have you. How you holding up? Jackie
flounced down between me and Henri.
Imgreat. A little hot around the collar,
but Im good. I wasnt entirely lying. I seemed to be
holding it together better than Violet, but what did I
know. I was just as much of a mess as she was
We need to do something with those hands
of yours; youre leaving scorch marks on
everything. Jackie pointed at the blackened top of
one of Cassandras throw pillows.
Yeah. I was embarrassed that I was leaving
my mark everywhere.
You knowIve seen you touch Violet
several times and theres not a burn on her. Henri
chimed in.
Yeah. Another one word answer from me. I
didnt want to hurt her, so I didnt. Maybe if I
wanted to not burn the couchit wouldnt burn.
Shes cute, Adam. Henri grinned, playfully
punching me in the shoulder.
Not you too. Nate said the same thing to me
the other day and I told him that I was in no position
to be in a relationship. I shook my head quickly.
That doesnt mean that you cant Jackie
teamed up with Henri.
No. I wouldnt do that to her. I blurted,
chugging my beer.

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Waityoure telling me you wouldnt if she

offered? I mean, youve been single for months
now. Henri was surprised by my response.
Thats exactly what I am saying. Single or
not, I just wouldnt. My face was stoic. They knew
how I usually was with women; I wasnt exactly
proud of my past. But even if I was still interested in
sleeping around, I wasnt going to do that to Violet.
My, how youve changed. Henri chuckled,
swigging his own beer.
I still have wants, but I dont want her like
that. I guess I wasnt making myself clear.
I wouldnt mind. Of course Henri
wouldnt; he was worse than I was when it came to
But just the notion of him and VioletI was
seeing red for some reason.
I dont think she is interested in you. I grit
my teeth, sending sparks flying from my mouth.
Henri noticed this too and quickly shut his mouth.
Youre probably right. Henri covered his
mouth with his beer and turned away.
I settled myself and finished off my beer
before it got too warm from my touch.
Did you know that Khaine is an IVF baby
too? I steered the conversation down a different
Another one? Jackie looked baffled, That
makes three. What about the other girl?

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I dont know. Never got to talk to her much,

but Violet did. I assumed that Salome probably was
as well.
Did Khaine ever get to talk to his
grandfather? Henri asked, but his guess was as good
as mine. After we found out that Walter had passed,
we all got out of there. Khaine was in no emotional
state to really talk about anything; he just promised
to keep in contact.
I dont know about that either. I hope that he
did, though. I felt my eyes starting to get a bit
droopy. Sleep was calling my name.
Get some rest, Adam. You look ghastly.
Jackie scooted his hip in to me till I was forced to
stand up.
Where is everyone? I was careful not to rip
the scales from my face as I rubbed my eyes.
They all went to the cemetery yesterday and
found something. They wouldnt tell me what, but
said that theyd be gone for a while and wanted me
to keep an eye on you three. Jackie gave the
impression that he wasnt 100% happy about the
I wonder what they found. Henri was
curious, but I was thinking about something else.
Why wouldnt they tell you anything? I
cracked my neck; everything felt heavy at the


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I dont know. It worries me actually; Im a

bit irritated that they wouldnt tell me a thing.
Jackie and I were on the same page.
Keeping da Baudin boys in da dark as
usual. Henri clicked his tongue.
Im about where Violet is with Josiah. Hes
mad that we just left without asking his permission,
but they went off to investigate the crime scene and
not bother to fill us in on what they found. There
were the sparks again.
Dont get all bent out of shape, Adam. We
will know soon enough. Jackie finished his beer and
shooed me out the door to finally sleep.


E.M. Moon

Subject Name:
Violet Eve
I laid in the bed with the covers over my
head, not wanting to come out of my room. Jackie
had peeked in on me, but I pretended I was asleep; I
didnt want to talk right now.
I didnt want to face Josiah when he got back
either because I didnt trust myself to not
permanently fuse him to that fancy leather chair of
his in the dining room.
How dare he try to control us like we were
something to be owned? Sure, we were hardly
human at this point, but we still had free will. And
Josiah seemed to want to take that away from us.
I could hear the muffled vibrations of the
guys below; talking about our little vacation, Im
The clock above the mantle was ticking
loudly in the silence of the room, and I just couldnt
handle it any more. I was lucky I still had my phone,
somehow making out with my purse from the
cemetery two nights before.
I pulled it from the bag in the corner before
searching for Salomes phone number in my brain. It
had become much easier to recall things than before.
The phone rang twice before a familiar voice
answered, He-llo.

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Salome? I hoped that she really meant it

when she said that I could call her whenever.
Violet? Is this your number? She sounded
like she was excited to hear from me.
Yeah, my mobile. I tried not to let the
sentence come out like a sigh, but I was obvious.
Whats wrong?
The Houngan?
Yeah. Treating us like fucking animals. I
could feel myself getting angry again as I told the
tale of our phone conversation.
What gives him the goddamn authority?
Salome sounded like she was angry for me.
Because they are the super-secret society of
magickal practitioners that have to keep the peace in
a world gone to shit. I almost couldnt get the
sentence out before I started laughing.
That sounds like a tag line to a comic book.
Salome laughed along with me.
Josiah is a twat. I was blunt. It wasnt the
first time I had used that word in reference to him.
And none of them are there? They just left
without telling you? I heard Salome drop down on
to something.
Yeah, I dont know where they are, but they
left Adams cousin behind. Didnt stick around him
long enough to find out where they went. I started
to roam the room and went to rummage through a
chest of drawers, looking for something else to wear.

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Fuck em, then. Keeping secrets from us

when we are already a secret. Salome seemed sour.
She was right.
Did Khaine ever get to talk to his
grandfather? I had never gotten the chance to ask
him with the emotional state he was in.
Yeah. Salomes response was short.
And? What was it that Walter wanted to tell
him? She had to know something.
Just that he and Khaines mother had
foreseen Khaine being something great. That a
special seed had been planted in his mother and he
would one day grow in to someone who would make
a difference. They didnt see it being this though. I
could hear it in Salomes voice; she was looking at
herself in a mirror and wondering what the hell had
happened to her.
It gets easier to look at yourself. I half
I always wanted to be a Martian. Salome
snorted, but there was a hint of upset in her voice.
I just wish I knew who did this. I had been
thinking about that the whole flight home from Las
Me too. Salome responded and my eye
twitched. That eye was picking up on something
Did Walter mention anything about the
clinic? I was hoping that maybe he would know
since his daughter went to them. I tried to pose the
question just right.

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Uh, no. I dont think so. My eye twitched

again when Salome answered me.
You dont think so? What arent you telling
me, Salome? She was hiding something; I could
feel it.
He didnt say anything about the clinic. I
could hear how uncomfortable she was becoming
with my probing questions.
I either called her out on it, or let it go.
Usually I would have just let it go; Im not big on
confrontation. But not this time.
Youre lying to me. I uttered and I could
hear Salome draw in a sharp breath.
Violet. She was going to try and talk her
way out of this, but I wasnt letting that happen.
Salomeif you dont tell me what you
know, Im going to come back to Vegas and make
you tell me. That was about as tough as I could be
with her.
Khaine made me promise not to say
anything. Salomes voice lowered to a whisper.
But why? I asked. Why the hell wouldnt
Khaine want us to know anything about the fertility
II cant say anything else Salome
sounded like she was almost afraid of me.
Is Khaine there? Can you put him on the
phone? I was now pacing my bedroom, but could
faintly hear someone coming up the stairs.

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Uhsure. I heard Salome set the phone

down and her voice echoed as she called out to
I heard the door across the hall close and
figured that Adam or Henri had decided to go to bed.
Violet Khaine picked up the phone and
started to talk, but I wasnt having any excuses.
Dont you Violet me. Why didnt you tell
us? I fell back on to the bed and waited for his
I was going to try and see what information
I could get before burdening you with all of it. He
sounded truthful, but my eye seriously had the
twitches; I knew what he was trying to do.
No, you were going to seek revenge. I
blurted. It seemed that I had no filter as of late.
Khaine just started to stutter, making weird
noises as he fought for the words to get him out of
this hole.
Revenge is slightly selfish, dont you think?
Youre not the only one that has been affected by all
of this, Khaine. We need to stick together instead of
striking out on our own. I wasnt trying to mother
him, but he wasnt thinking about everyone else in
the situation.
Violet, II just wasnt thinking. Khaine
sounded ashamed.
Its ok; we are all going through hell right
now, but we need to know the name of the clinic
before we can go any further. That name could be the

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key to unlocking all of this. I paused and waited for

his response.
I could hear him breathing, the wheels
turning in his head as he mulled over what I had
My grandfather said it was a medical facility
called L. Cipher Labs. They apparently came highly
recommended by my mothers doctor.
L. Cipher Labswe finally had a name.
Thank you. I am going to look in to it
tomorrow after I wake up from, what I hope, is the
best sleep Ive ever had. I finally felt relieved that
things were falling in to place.
Let me know what you find. Salome and I
are going to go get something to eat. Call me later?
Khaine sounded like he really wanted to get off the
I will. Night Khaine. I heard his end click
and promptly hit the end button on my own phone.
We now had a name that we could use to
hopefully find someone who knew what all this
bullshit was about. When I got up in the morning, I
planned on finding out as much information as I
could on this L. Cipher Laboratories.

June 9th 2016


E.M. Moon

Subject Name:
Adam Baudin
I woke up to what sounded like a rather
heated argument somewhere downstairs. There were
so many voices yelling at once, that I wasnt even
sure who was actually arguing.
I sprung from the bed and pulled on my pants
before hastily jogging down the stairs to the kitchen
where all the ruckus was coming from.
How dare you talk to me that way! Josiah
roared as I hit the bottom step and rounded the
corner to the kitchen.
How dare I talk to you in what way? Was I
being condescending? Disrespectful? Because I am
pretty sure that I was only speaking the truth. Violet
was standing a few feet away from Josiah, her arms
crossed over her chest, still wearing that silly
maternity outfit that Henri had bought her in Vegas.
Josiahs eyes were bulging from their sockets
as he sputtered, turning to Franklin and Leo for some
sort of help.
What the hell is going on? I was a little
more heated than I had
anticipated. I was tired of Josiahs shit just as much
as the rest of them.
I tried to approach Violet calmly about her
abrupt trip to Las Vegas and she just blew up at me.

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Josiah turned to me, his face screwed up in an

expression that told me he was sugar coating his
initial words to her.
He told me that if I couldnt obey the rules
that he would restrain me so I wouldnt be able to
leave! Violets milky white eyes were haunting as
she tried to keep her cool.
I looked towards the others in the room;
Violet was the only female presence. Henri and
Jackie were silent as they sat at the kitchen island.
Franklin and Leo wouldnt even make eye contact
with mewhy the hell was everyone so afraid of
Josiah? Everyone expect Violet, that is.
Im going to try and explain this as simply
and calmly as I possibly can. Violet didnt
purposefully leave. We did, however, because it
wasnt safe for her to just be wandering around out
there alone. Not to mention the fact that we came to
you for help in the first place, not to be locked away
like sideshow attractions until you find a use for us.
Violet isnt dangerous any more than the rest of us.
She killed an angel, she killed demonsI killed
demons too. We did all of this to survive. We didnt
choose for this to happen and you cant punish us for
that either. I was surprised that I had kept myself
from just spewing fire all over Josiahs face and
melting that gold tooth down to nothing.
Demons? What demons? Josiahs face took
on a completely different expression.
Apparently no one had told him anything.

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I looked to Violet who just pursed her lips,

heaved a heavy sigh, and dropped her arms to her
If you can stand to talk to me long enough
without accusing me of anything, I can explain.
Violet spoke much calmer now than she had been.
Josiah didnt look like he wanted to even
give her a chance, but a hard nudge from Franklin
steered him towards the kitchen island.
In a weird twist of fate, a dream about two
people that I didnt even know brought me clear
across the country. I was meant to meet Khaine and
Salome; people that are just like Adam and myself. I
ended up getting in a little over my head, Ill admit,
because I decided to help Khaine rescue his
girlfriend from some loan-shark thugs. But the doors
that were opened, the things that we found out
theyre invaluable. Violet kept her head cool as she
laced her fingers in front of her on the counter.
What is it then? What did you find? You still
didnt explain the demons to me. Josiahs features
had softened, but he was still up in arms.
Khaine had taken out a loan for the night
club he owns from a man named Merrick. There
were some issues with the pay back and Merrick
kidnapped Salome; all of this happened after the two
of them were affected by the same exact fog as us.
We swooped in to rescue her and ended up fighting a
bunch of gun toting maniacs and a giant crane

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demon named Shax. I let Violet take a break so she

wouldnt continue to incur the wrath of Josiah.
Whyouexcuse me? A crane demon?
Josiah was completely baffled.
Merrick was Shax in disguise. According to
Henri, Shax is a Goetic demon. Violet interjected,
trying to shed a little more light on the situation.
Apparently Henri had filled her in on that little bit of
Shax is a stork, by the way. Theres a
difference. Henri chimed in, looking a bit sheepish.
Josiah cast him an icy stare, but Violet didnt
let the conversation become heated again.
Either way, hes a demon. Violet shook her
head slowly. She had a funny look on her face as she
knit her brow and closed her eyes, that third one
roaming around the room dauntingly.
Vi, what is it? I came over to her,
wondering what she was thinking.
I think I may have made some more crazy
connections. All of her eyes were open now when
she faced me to speak, Besides our assumption that
Jeremy is a demon, which is completely plausible
right now, there are others that Ive encountered that
may also be along those linesthe man that attacked
me my first night here for one. Violet bit her thumb
She was attacked her first night here?
Franklin looked a tad alarmed.

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She was andand I killed him. I had to be

honest now.
Youve killed too? Josiahs reaction to my
taking of a life was much calmer than it had been
with Violet.
Accidentally. I happened to be walking past
Canal Street when I heard a struggle. I went to stop
this guy from doing something terrible when I
accidentally snapped his neck; apparently I dont
know my own strength. I gulped, afraid that Josiah
was going to roar at me too.
I think it comes with the territory. Violet
widened her third eye at me.
You were just trying to protect her. Josiah
nodded at me and I wondered if Violet was going to
permanently glue him to his seat.
Any way, I had a dream while I was on the
planeat least I thought it was a dream. Besides me,
the only other person on the flight was a business
man native to the area. I didnt think about it at the
time since I had no idea about any of this. Violet
flipped her hair over her shoulders, But he killed
the pilot and the flight attendant and tried to ensure
that I went down with the ship as it basically broke
apart over the ocean. I woke up in New Orleans as if
nothing had happened.
Im sure I must have made a ridiculous sound
because everyone in the room was staring at me,
everyone but Henri.

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That doesnt make any sense, Violet. How

are you here if the plane went down? Josiah seemed
skeptical, but I thought I knew how all of it was
The thing that I doI altered reality and I
saved the plane. But whoever that man was, he must
have been a demon or something. Violet was now
studying me, her brow furrowed as she tried to
discern why I had made that initial noise.
Is that what you are doing? Altering
reality? All of a sudden Josiah was intrigued while
his fellow council members just listened quietly.
Henri seems to think that is what I am
doing; it makes sense. We all have special abilities
and that is apparent: Salome has the ability to cause
decay, Khaine can summon what Shax called Hell
Hounds, and Adam is pure fire. I just happen to be
able to alter the world around me to suit my needs.
Violet was so calm it was almost unsettling.
And these people, Khaine and Salome
were they conceived like the two of you? Leo
Khaine was. Still unsure about Salome, but
with three out of four, I assume she is too. I
answered for Violet as her third eye twitched; she
hadnt taken that eye off of me since my little
Then the common denominator in all of this
is whatever clinic you all were created in. Franklin
pointed out.

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Well, of course.
The only issue with that is we still dont
have the name of the facility. Josiah was right; we
still had no idea who had created us.
I do. Violet stated, lifting her face to the
Wait, you do? I didnt understand. She
hadnt mentioned it before now; how had she figured
that one out?
Yes. I called to check on Salome last night
and my super hero senses went off. That was part of
what Khaines grandfather had wanted to tell him.
Violet was tightlipped as we all waited on bated
Well lets have it, girl! Whos done this?
Josiah stood from the stool he was perched on in
Violet looked to me once more before
replying, L. Cipher Laboratories.


E.M. Moon

Subject Name:
Violet Eve
Adam seemed like he wasnt happy with me.
After I had let everyone in on my little secret, we
went our separate ways while Josiah insisted that he
would get to the bottom of this L. Cipher
Laboratories businessbut I had other plans.
I escaped to my bedroom and didnt give
anyone time to talk to me further; I had to figure out
a way to get my laptop back.
Sure, someone in the house probably had
access to a computer or two, but I wanted my laptop.
Not only because it was mine, but because it had all
my writing on it too.
There was a possibility that it was still sitting
in MissysJeremys house, but there was also a


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huge chance that she had gotten rid of everything

that I owned.
I could just escape again and go over there
but that wouldnt be the smartest idea. My best shot
was to figure out how to alter my own reality, like I
did, and bring it to me somehowalong with the
rest of my belongings.
Think, Violet; there has to be a way I
tapped my forehead, careful not to poke myself in
the eye again. I had to have a better hold on my
abilities than I did before; making things manifest
should be easier now.
Maybe if you just want it bad enough, itll
happen. A deep voice startled me from the doorway;
it was Adam.
Adam. I grimaced; slightly embarrassed
that he had heard me talking to myself.
You never told me about your flight. He
just waltzed in to the room and planted himself on
the end of my bed.
I didnt think it was important at the time,
but you sure seem to think it is. I shot up a brow,
spinning myself around on the bed to face him.
I dreamed about your flightright before I
met you. I had no idea that any of it was real.
Adams response was not what I had expected. That
explained the weird noise he made down in the
You dreamed about me? I felt myself
soften at his words, but I had no idea why he would

E.M. Moon

have dreamed about me before we even met. All of

us were connected to one another somehow, so why
I did. I couldnt really see what was going
on in the dream because I was outside the plane, but
I know it was you. He reached out to move a stray
lock of snowy hair that had fallen over my eye.
This is all so fucked up, Adam. I was going
to look up L. Cipher Labs online, but I am still
without my computer and everything else I own. I
hopped off the bed and went for my phone that was
plugged up in the corner.
You can use my laptop if you want, but Im
sure you want your own back. Adam offered,
looking a little restless.
That works for now, but I need to get my
things back somehow. Im tired of dressing like a
new mum. I snapped the extra stretchy waistband of
my pants.
Ill get you my laptop and work out a plan
to get your things back. Adam got off the bed and
walked towards my bedroom door.
Woah, wait. While I appreciate you letting
me use your computer, I dont think getting anything
back from Missy is even plausible at this point. I
warned him. It would be too dangerous if I couldnt
just alter it back to me.
Adam paused for a minute, tongue in cheek
as he thought, I think I have an idea, but you have
to make a deal with me: I let you use the laptop, but

E.M. Moon

you are going to have to locate your stuff with that

third eye of yours first. He pointed at me.
Fine. Go get your laptop and Ill work on
locating things. I waved my hands at him so hed
get moving and I could have some peace.
When he left, I started focusing on my room
over at Missys, but I was still so addled after the
argument in the kitchen that I couldnt clearly
visualize it. I hoped that if I could confirm that my
belongings were still indeed at her place, getting
them to me would go much smoother
But there had to be an easier way to do this, a
simpler way to work this reality altering gift that I
I began picking through my purse, hoping
that there was something inside that would link me
to Missy. There was a tube of lip balm, my cigarettes
and lighter, my wallet
My wallet.
I snapped it open and began rifling through it
for something in particular. Behind my old library
card lay Jeremys Black Card.
Ha! I cried as Adam entered the room, his
laptop in hand.
Ha? What just happened? He opened the
laptop and plugged it in to the wall behind a small
wooden desk in the corner.
I have Jeremys credit card. I smirked,
holding it up between my fingers.

E.M. Moon

And what do you suggest we do with that

besides maxing it out? Adam questioned me as he
booted the computer.
Im sure Jeremy would like it back, so lets
give it to him. We could call Jeremys number and
say that the card was found at ONeills and ask him
to come pick it up. Meanwhile, one of us could be
waiting at his house for him to leave and then sneak
in and snatch up all my luggage. It was a pretty
good plan if I thought so myself.
Were still going to have to break in and a
guy that owns a Black Card probably has a really
good security system too. Adam pointed out a
possible flaw in my plan.
I dont think he does, but I still have my
key. I dangled my key ring in front of his face, the
little yellow bumble bee key right in the middle.
Well, shit. Now we just have to convince
Josiah to let us send out a team. Adam rolled his
eyes once he had the computer up and running and
scooted off the stool he had been perched on.
He still hasnt told us what they found at the
cemeteryjust tell him that he owes us this. I
shrugged, sitting down in front of the laptop.
What if he tells me what they found? Adam
always found the one thing wrong with what I
Then we fucking go anyway! I need my
things! I pointed at the door again for Adam to get

E.M. Moon

You are kinda bossy right now, you know

that? Adam half laughed as he ambled towards the
Im just uncomfortable. I pulled at the lacy
neck of my maternity top.
I can understand that. Ill go talk to Josiah;
you look up this L. Cipher Laboratories. Adam
narrowed his eyes at me as he finally left me alone to
do one of the things I loved most

Subject Name:
Adam Baudin
I knocked on the door to the dining room
where Henri told me Josiah was. Franklin and Leo
had gone to pick up Cassandra, and Medusa was still
at work. It was just the Baudins and Violetand a

E.M. Moon

hard headed man who was essentially holding us

Come in. I heard Josiah call as I cracked
the door open.
I didnt really want to incur the wrath of the
warden, but there was no other way around it, I
need to talk to you about something.
Sit. What do you need? Josiah kicked his
feet up on the table and laced his hands over his
Im sure I know what youre going to say,
but I need you to give us permission to go get
Violets belongings from Missy. I winced, waiting
for him to blow up. I couldnt believe I had to ask
permission of someone at thirty years old.
And how do you suppose you would do
such a thing? Josiah looked skeptical, leaning in
closer to me as he spoke.
Violet has the boyfriends credit card. She
proposed that we use it as a lure to get them out of
the house and then she will sneak in and gather up
everything. I held my breath as I waited for a
That sounds pretty dangerous, but that
doesnt seem to be a problem for the two of you
Josiah poured himself a glass of scotch and leaned
back in his chair again.
Was that a yes? Was that even an answer?
Shes not going to be able to go at it alone.
Take Henri with you since he still looks human and

E.M. Moon

try not to get yourselves arrested; I wont be bailing

anyone out. Josiah flicked his wrist at me while he
sipped at his drink.
At least he said yes, even if the way he said it
was sort of back-handed. I didnt argue, but instead
mumbled my thank you and went to leave the dining
room when I remembered something.
What did you all find at that cemetery? I
blurted, not caring if he blew his top. I could have
made it out without any sort of argument, but we all
wanted to know the answer.
Its not important right now. Josiah waved
me off again, but I was going to stand my ground.
No, it is important. Violet told you the name
of the clinic and now you need to tell us what you
found. You cant just leave us in the dark, especially
since you have nothing to do with any of this in the
first place. If we hadnt come to you for help, we
could be doing our own investigation instead of
sitting here with our thumbs up our asses! I roared;
I was done with him trying to hold his supposed
status over our heads as if we needed to be babysat.
Josiah turned his chair back around to face
me; fire in his eyes that I am sure mirrored my own.
Do you really want to know what we found,
Adam? I fear that if I tell you, it will only fuel this
aggression in your belly. It isnt pretty. Josiah laced
his fingers in front of him as he waited for my

E.M. Moon

Yes. We both want to know. I sat down at

the table and waited patiently for what they had
Josiah got up from his seat and pulled a file
folder out of a bookshelf and opened it up on the
table. He leafed through a small stack of paper;
pulling out several photos and what looked like some
sort of test results.
When we got to the cemetery it was all
roped off by police tape. We have contacts in the
force and were able to obtain legal access to crime
scene photos and the evidence. These pictures were
taken not even twenty four hours after the party.
There were dozens of dead bodies, but I will spare
you the photos of that. These, however, piqued our
curiosity. Josiah slid the photos over to me.
There were various shots of the cemetery,
some of my DJ rig, mausoleums, a shot of the
Beaumont grave that I had found Violet in front of.
Everything was draped in what looked like hundreds
of years of spider webs. It looked as if no one had
stepped foot inside that cemetery in eons and the
spiders had just taken over.
Spider webs? I could feel my face twist up
in utter confusion.
Looks that way, doesnt itbut its not. The
police had initially thought some sort of chemical
warfare since the bodies were covered in
innumerable tumor like masses, but no one had the
webbing checked for anything as they assumed it

E.M. Moon

was just decades of cobwebs. We took a sample and

Leo had it tested. Josiah then slid me the test results
and I scanned the document, not really
understanding what it was that I was reading.
What does all of this mean? I tapped the
results with a fiery finger and instantly burned a hole
straight through the paper.
It doesnt make any scientific sense, but
essentially that webbing is a mitogen that settled
from a gas in to a solid. Josiah looked like he was
biting the inside of his cheek.
A mitogen? I didnt pay that much attention
in science class. I guess I should have.
A mitogen is a chemical substance that
encourages a cell to commence cell division,
triggering mitosis. That fog, which subsequently
turned in to this webbing, activated the cells in the
bodies of all who were present. Essentially it acted
as a trigger and multiplied every cell in their body
like a cancer; their deaths would have been anything
but painless. Josiah informed me as I went back
over the photos and the test results.
Why didnt we die then? Why didnt Missy
or her boyfriend suffer like the rest of these people?
There had to be a good answer for all of this.
Thats what we dont know yet, but we
assume now that it has to do with how you all were
conceived. The mitogen triggered something inside
of you just as it did the rest of those people, but there
is something about your kind that was able to contain

E.M. Moon

that cell division. Instead of riddling your body with

an unstoppable cancer, it transformed you in to what
you are now. You talked about seeing the embryo
injected with something and we think that it may
have been an inhibitor of some sortwhat it was
inhibiting exactly, we arent sure. Josiah paused in
the conversation, waiting for my response.
All those peoplethis just keeps getting
more and more fucked up. I hung my head,
breathing sparks on to the table in front of me.
Yes it does. Myself and the others discussed
having Violet and yourself tested to see what is
different in your DNA from those of a regular human
being. We tried looking in to your medical history,
but it seems that you dont really have one. No
records of any surgeries, major illnesses, not even a
damn cold. Josiah looked at me for an answer as to
Come to think of it, I had never really been
sick. I had never broken a bone, never got the
chicken poxnor did I ever get the flu that I could
Ive never been sick, not until all of this
started. I leaned back in my chair and held my
hands up for him to see, as if he didnt know.
That may be partially due to your initial
injection before implantation, but we will need to
draw some blood to confirm that. Josiah looked
wary, as if I would deny him that, but I couldnt at
this point. We needed some damn answers.

E.M. Moon

Im fine with that, and I am sure I can

convince Violet to as well if she wont agree for
some reason. I set her up with my laptop and she is
researching the clinic. I let slip that she was ahead
of them, but Josiah didnt seem bothered by it.
Good. Henri mentioned that she was a
writer and did this sort of stuff for a living, so I trust
her. His response totally surprised me.
You going to treat her better now? I asked,
assuming that Josiah and I were finally on the same
Im starting to see that she is hardly the bad
guy in this the more we discover on your
transformation. I have been a bit hard on her, on both
of you, and I need to apologize for that. I could tell
the words were hard for Josiah to speak; he didnt
like to admit when he was wrong.
Well, I accept; though Violet may need more
convincing. I smirked and Josiah sighed.
When Medusa and Cassandra return, we can
discuss this further. Until then, let Violet do some
research and go talk to Henri about the best way to
retrieve her things. Josiah stood from his seat and
stuffed the photos and test results back inside their
I finally felt satisfied in leaving his company
and ventured out to discuss the recon mission with


E.M. Moon

Subject Name:
Violet Eve


E.M. Moon

I was trying not to focus on the anxiety that

was whipping terrible images and thoughts through
my head. So much information had surfaced in such
a short amount of time that I thought I would burst if
I kept it all inside.
I let my fingers fly across the keys of Adams
computer as I plugged in the name L. Cipher
Laboratories in to my favorite search engine.
Tons of results popped up, but words were
omitted mostly leading me to dead ends. I tried
variations of the company name and cycled through
site after site, page after page, but there wasnt
How could a clinic that had apparently been
so prevalent not have an online presence? Maybe it
was the fact that they were carrying on these little
experiments and essentially creating an army of
genetically modified beings. I say army as if there
were more than just the five I knew of, but if there
were that many just in this countrythere had to be
more elsewhere.
Just when I was starting to lose hope, I saw
an article that surprisingly had all the key words I
was looking for. It was dated over a year ago, but it
could have been pertinent.
I clicked on the link and it brought me to
someones personal bloga blog I quickly

E.M. Moon

Oh, my God. I breathed as I scrolled down

the page and a familiar picture met my eyes: it was
my mother.
In large red letters was the title What L.
Cipher Labs Doesnt Want You to Know.
I scrolled down a bit more to the text; it
looked as if someone had altered the post, but wasnt
able to pull it from the server.
I write this with shaky hands, but I know it is
something I have to make everyone aware of
L. Cipher Laboratories is a prominent leader
in reproductive biology and fertilityor so I
thought. Ive kept my mouth shut for far too long,
but I cant any longer.
DO NOTI repeatDO NOT do any sort of
business with this company. I may be employed with
them, but not for much longer.
I have worked with them for over thirty years
as a Biologist, striving to eliminate the word
infertility from the vocabulary of every human on
the planet. I myself was told I was infertile at a
young age due to a very rare genetic disorder. This
was part of the reason that I so passionately worked
with this company in hopes that I could somehow
conceive a child and make that a reality for millions
of other women.
My employers knew of my desperation and
inability to conceive so they offered me a position in
a clinical study of theirs, harvesting my ovum and

E.M. Moon

testing their fertility. My uterus wasnt inhospitable,

but my eggs were essentially dead. After months of
harvesting and testing, I got the best news of my life:
they had been able to somehow revitalize my eggs.
They wouldnt disclose to me how, as it was all still
in the testing phase, but they asked me if I would like
for them to try and fertilize it for implantation.
Of course I gladly accepted, but still had my
doubts about actually conceiving. The implantation
came some six months after my final harvest of
ovum, and to my surprise, I became with child in
October of 1986.
I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, a
healthy child that still to this day has never been ill
and, if anything, has been almost too healthy.
Fast forward to a few months ago
I had been doing extensive research in to the
program under which I conceived. I wanted to know
more about how I was able to finally become
To my horror, I discovered that L. Cipher
Laboratories had been doing some questionable
things for the sake of fertility. Not only myself, but
hundreds of others had gone through the same, or
similar, procedure to conceiveall of them using
donor DNA to fertilize the eggs. The embryos were
then injected with an inhibitor serum, the
composition of which I am unsure of, that was said
to contain the fetus from growing too large and
possibly killing the host.

E.M. Moon

Without going in to too much detailthis

laboratory was essentially using grieving and
despairing mothers as hosts for super-soldier
I am currently working on delving deeper
and am not afraid of showing my face. I am in the
process of terminating my position with them and
have been devoting the majority of my time to
figuring out what this sinister company had planned
for our children.
Please, check back often as I bring more
information to light.
I was in total shock. My visions from the
Diviner had been more than accuratemy mother
hadnt conceived me naturally; I didnt even have a
father to speak of.
I went back and reread the blog post a dozen
times, the black text against the dark background
making it harder and harder for me to keep going
over it; for some reason my mother had written this
post differently from the others on her page.
Every other entry had a white background
with your typical black lettering, but this specific
post had been typed over a deep maroon background.
I highlighted the text of the post in order to
read it better and when I came to the first mention of
L. Cipher Laboratories I noticed that the name
became underlinedmy mother had hidden a link in
her post.

E.M. Moon

I clicked the link and a new website

immediately began to load.
L. Cipher Labs: Reproductive Biology and
Fertility. Making miracles, one child at a time. I
read aloud, scanning the website.
The site looked as if it was dead; no one was
manning it anymore, but for some reason it hadnt
been taken down.
I had just begun scrolling through the
testimonials when I heard a knock on my door.
Come in. I absentmindedly called out as I
continued to read.
Violet, you arent going to believe this.
Adam bustled in and pulled up a chair next to me.
I see your not going to believe this, and
raise you a holy fucking shit. I bet Adam, pausing
in my reading.
What did you find? Adam laughed,
scooting up close to me. The smell of Sulphur on
him was becoming commonplace.
This. I pointed at the screen as I continued
to read the testimonials.
You found the website for L. Cipher Labs.
Adam patted me on the back as he scooted closer to
the screen.
I did, but it wasnt easy. I actually found this
first. I switched over a tab to my mothers blog.
Rhaine Quirke? Adam leaned in to get a
better look at her avatar.

E.M. Moon

My mother. I breathed, highlighting the

blog post so he could read it better.
Holy shit. He exhaled as he quickly
scanned through the post. An inhibitor serum? That
must have been what I saw.
And then it led me to their website. From
what I can tell, it isnt active anymore, but something
is just off about it all. I clicked back to the main
page for Adam to read and then back to the
testimonial page.
Our patients can attest to our success.
Adam scoffed as he replaced my hand with his and
scrolled down the page.
I never thought I would be able to have
children. My husband and I tried for years and years
and still couldn't conceive...until L. Cipher Labs.
Dr. Lucinda was fantastic. She assured
my husband through the whole process
that we would indeed become with child. It was such
a relief with all the praying about
it we had been doing over the years.
Sure enough, at almost 50 years old, I gave
birth to a very strong and healthy baby boy.
Thank you, L. Cipher Labs, for playing God when
all else had failed.
50? That woman had a child at 50? Adams
serpentine eyes were wide in awe after he finished
reading the first heartfelt testimonial.

E.M. Moon

That is rather incredible. I responded,

moving on to the next one, My husband and I were
so desperate to have children. My sister already had
seven children, and I not a one. We tried desperately
to get pregnant, but nothing seemed to work, and it
put such stress on our marriage. Finally, L. Cipher
Labs answered our prayers. I gave birth to two
perfect baby boys, having Dr. Lucinda by my side the
whole time. Miracles really can happen with L.
Cipher. Rachel, Age 43. I read the second
testimonial aloud. Something struck me as off with
these endorsements
Oh, ohlet me read the last one. Adam
cleared his throat and went on, Infertility was
something that I knew at a young age. Even
though we thought I was barren, L. Cipher Labs
proved otherwise. Through her incredible methods
of fertility, I was able to birth a strong boy with a
head full of thick, dark hair. Dr. Lucinda had
become more than a doctor to us, so much, that I
even took her suggestion not to cut my boy's hair
and let it grow long. (We live in an area where
long, unkempt hair is frowned upon.) My son has
gone on to fight for his people and make our world
a better place. Dr. Lucinda not only has great
foresight, but she is a great person. This one was
anonymous. He made a face, going on to click
through the rest of the website.
Wait. I stopped him.

E.M. Moon

That story seemed strangely familiar,

along with the first two that we had read. I went
back through and quickly reread them again.
These are fake testimonials. I finally
spoke; I had read these stories before.
How do you know? Adam turned to me,
questioning my intelligence.
Because these are basically stories from
the Bible. I tapped at the paragraphs on the
screen, Sarah was Abrahams wife who gave
birth to his second son, Isaac, Rachel was Jacobs
wife, and the last seems like it might be the
mother of Samson.
Like Samson and Delilah? Adam was
catching on.
Yes. Her name was never mentioned in
the Bible, hence the Anonymous part. I
How the hell do you know all of this?
Adam asked a question that he had already asked
a dozen times before.
You keep asking me that as if I havent
already told youI read a lot and research
everything. I commented, ready to move on.
Lets see if we can find a way to contact
them and get more information because this site
is pretty simple. I clicked on the Contact Us! tab
and began scrolling through.


E.M. Moon

They have clinics in 38 countriesoh,

theres a phone number. Adam stopped my
scrolling and pointed at the screen.
I tossed him my phone and had him dial; I
had never been one to do well with making
random phone calls.
Adam punched in the number and held the
phone to his ear, Its disconnected. He frowned
and hung up the phone.
I went ahead and read the last page, Look
at the clinics they have listed below. I pointed at
the bottom of the screen where three maps were
labeled for just a few of their many clinics.
New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Salem.
Adam scoffed. Two out of those three clinics we
knew of by experience, so to speak.
I went back to the top of the page and
noticed the button link for the patient application.
I clicked on the link, figuring that it could
possibly give us something of import.
But it was even more than I expected
What the hell is that? Adam scrunched
up is face as the link began to load.
The link hadnt taken us to the patient
applicationinstead it directed us to a hidden
page on the website with some rather alarming
text that I began to read aloud.
I don't know how long this will be up.
Eventually someone is going to complain that the

E.M. Moon

Application link isnt working. So listen to me

If you're reading this, it's because you've
been made aware. L. Cipher Labs is doing more than
fertility work... they continue to monitor their
patient's offspring long after what is necessary. There
are files on some of them already; I don't know how
many more exist. They are keeping tabs on them for
some reason, monitoring what they do. Some of the
information has been redacted in these files. What
are they hiding from us?
Click the link below to take you to my blog.
I'm aware that it is extremely public, but that is the
People need to know...
Patients need to know...
The children conceived in these labs
DESERVE to know. I was almost
breathless as I finished reading the cryptic text on the
What the fuck, Violet? Adams jaw
was practically dropped.
I hovered the mouse over the red button
with the words L. Cipher Exposed.
Click it. Just do it. Adam urged me as
my hand shook on the mousepad. What would I find
if I did click on that
link? Would I even be able to handle what I saw?
I swallowed hard as I finally left

E.M. Moon

clicked on the button and the page redirected to a

popular blog site.
L. Cipher Labs Exposed glared back at
me in a blood red font. There were a slew of posts
about demonology, a few alien pictures, some occult
artwork, but at the bottom was the blog post I was
looking for.
Patient Profile #001. An anonymous
someone sent this to me. It seems to have redacted
information on it and it isnt a complete file, just a
few pages. Why is L. Cipher Labs keeping tabs on
the offspring of their patients? We are hoping to
receive more information like this in the future. I
read the post aloud, hovering over the pdf. link for
Patient Profile #001. My hand was practically
shaking as I struggled with the decision to click or
Adam grabbed the laptop and slid it closer to
him, clicking on the file without me. I watched as it
took a second to load and when it finally came up, I
felt myself stiffen in my seat before I slithered from
the chair and straight under the desk.
Adam hoisted me back up and positioned the
computer back in front of us as I nervously peered
back at the screen.


E.M. Moon

Isis that me? I sputtered, pointing at the

picture of patient #001.
It sure as hell looks like you. Adams voice
was steadier than mine, but I could hear the slight
uneasiness in his voice.
I forced myself to look fully at the screen and
took over the mouse pad from Adam.
There was a partial file, my file, from L.
Cipher Labs
It was something that I had not expected...


E.M. Moon

L. Cipher Laboratories
Dr. Lucinda Cipher MD
Head Physician
Subject File: #001


Violet Eve Quirke
Subject #001
Daughter of:
Rhaine Eden Quirke
Patient 0





125 cm

57 kg



Eye Color:






(Color, texture,

Auburn, curly,

Glasses for


Star shaped
mark on skull

County Down,
North Ireland.
Formerly New
Louisiana, USA

Belfast, Ireland

Bartender at
the Cock &
Crow, Belfast.

Above average IQ, writer, creative.
Known skills are incomplete since subject is
introverted and keeps to herself. Limited visibility,
not very outgoing.
Distinguishing Features:
Thick red hair, bright green eyes, Freckles across
the bridge of nose, short stature; under 155 cm
Habits: (smoking, drinking, etc.)
Smoker: Frequent
Drinker: Casually
Good health (As expected)
Writing, Crafting, Reading, Painting, Sculpting,
Research, Dancing. Mostly creative arts
Smart, Quick Witted, Compassionate,
Empathic/Anxious, Fearful, Self-Doubter, Low SelfEsteem, Anger Issues

Does the patient believe in God?
To an extent. Patient is agnostic, leaning towards
older religions. (Polytheism)
What are the patients spiritual beliefs, if any?
Believes in Karma, doing good for the whole,
honoring nature and the life it bears. Similar
beliefs to most nature based religions.
Does religion or spirituality play a big role in the
patients life?
Yes. She seems to have a draw to less restrictive
religions, wanting more freedom and acceptance
than most monotheistic faiths. Her soul is aware,
as we hoped.

Subject seems to be doing quite well after her
mothers passing. Her anger and anxiety were
under control before this event, but still seems
to be holding steady.
Body isnt showing any signs of abnormal
growth, sickness, or other mental health issues,
sans the anxious behavior.
Everything seems to be on track as far as her
Struggling financially, but she is headed back in
the right direction.

Association with Subject #102 is still positive.

Theyve been watching me. My jaw

dropped. The information was minimal, and
not exactly up to date, but it was the redacted
parts that had me questioning what they were
still trying to hide.
Youre Subject #001I wonder
what my number is. Adam was thoughtful,
but I was still thinking about my file.
My mind is blownis my brain
showing? I mumbled, re-reading the file
over again.
Youre fine. Adam patted my head
and I swatted his hand away.
I want to know what is under these
black bars; I feel like there are pieces missing
and the answers could be right under these
inky black devil lines. I hissed, tapping the
screen a little too hard.
That is something we can figure out
later. Adam bookmarked the pages of import
and closed the laptop. Josiah agreed to let us
get your things. I already talked to Henri and
everything is set up. Hes going to meet Nate
at the bar and then call up to Missys and try
to get everyone out of the house. Adam got
up from his chair and beckoned for me to

There is no sure fire way to make

sure everyone is out of the house, but Id
rather face Missy than Jeremy. I got up after
him, still barefoot and dressed in hideous
maternity clothes.
Do you want to wear something of
mine? Adam asked; he could tell that I was
completely distressed with what I was
wearing at this point.
Dont worry about it...Ill have my
own clothes soon enough. I breezed past
him and out the bedroom door before he
could offer me anything else.

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