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Children of the
Issue #6
What Dreams May Come

E.M. Moon

Copyright 2016 E.M. Moon

All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 1533666466
ISBN-13: 9781533666468

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood

there, wondering, fearing, doubting,
dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to
dream before.
Edgar Allan Poe

1. June 16th 2016: Naomi Star 5
2. Subject #001: Violet Eve 9
3. Subject Name: Adam Baudin 16
4. June 17th 2016: Naomi Star 28
5. Subject #001: Violet Eve 34
6. Subject Name: Adam Baudin 46
7. Subject Name: Naomi Star 52
8. Subject #001: Violet Eve 56
9. Subject Name: Naomi Star 60
10. June 18th 2016: Adam Baudin 66
11. Subject #001: Violet Eve 79
12. Subject Name: Adam Baudin 87
13. Subject Name: Salome Vexx 94
14. Subject Name: Naomi Star 100
15. Subject #001: Violet Eve 106
16. Subject Name: Adam Baudin 110
17. Subject #001: Violet Eve 113
18. Subject Name: Adam Baudin 120
19. Subject Name: Naomi Star 125
20. Subject #001: Violet Eve 135
21. June 19th 2016: Naomi Star 148
22. Subject #001: Violet Eve 154

667: Children of the Beast

Issue #6
What Dreams May Come
June 16th 2016
Subject Name:
Naomi Star
Things were different now.
I felt like I had been asleep for
months and hadnt woken once. I was stuck
in this endless loop of dreams and
nightmaresand most of them werent even
Most were people in my apartment
complex, some were patrons of the shop I
worked in, and others just seemed ancient
almost Biblical.
I just floated around inside peoples
heads like a damn ghost, watching the
strangest things play out in front of me.
It went on like that for days.
I finally got so frustrated that I
changed the focus of a dream I was in. A man
was running, terrified of some sort of
unknown force; a dream that had played out
in front of me for the thousandth time.

Why cant you just wake up!?

Pretend like youre running from something
funny, for Christs sake! Always with the
nightmare shit. I cussed aloud and watched
the man dash by me being chased bya
giant hot dog with all the fixings.
The man turned to see what was
chasing him, like he always did, but this time
it was a hot dog in a bun with little cartoon
arms and legs rushing behind him.
Instead of continuing to run like a
maniac, as he always did, he laughed. He
laughed so hard that the hot dog stopped and
looked around itself to see what was so damn
The more he laughed, the more the
hot dog became confused and I watched as it
dissolved in front of us.
I sat bolt upright in my bed, wide
awake. It was the first time I had been awake
since right before my birthday.
Peering around, I noticed that my
room didnt look anything like it had when I
had fallen asleep. Call me Rip Van Winkle,
because it looked as if I had been asleep for
My room was coated in cobwebs,
obscuring my furniture and anything else that
lay about.

What the? I slid out of bed and

wandered around my room, pushing through
the webbing as I made a trail out to my
kitchen and got a drink of water from the tap.
My living room and everything else
looked just as it had when I had come home
from a long night of partying for my 30th
birthday; a big difference from how my
bedroom looked.
I was at a loss for words, but figured
maybe a bit of TV would calm my nerves. I
filled my cup up with more water and sat on
the sofa, clicking the television on.
In other news, a mass suicide that
occurred on the evening of June 5th is still
under investigation. Police have no leads and
are currently trying to obtain some sort of
guest list to see if anyone was missing. Over
thirty bodies were found in the cemetery just
outside of New Orleans. A news reporter
spoke before shifting to video footage of the
crime scene.
I almost spit my water out as the
video showed the same cobwebs that were in
my room, draped all over the cemetery
headstones and mausoleums. This webbing
didnt look like your typical cobwebs. It was
tinted an almost blue; a color that was
practically lost to the average eye.

The Police are currently looking for

Jeremy Beaumont who inherited the
cemetery from his family, but his
whereabouts are unknown at this time. The
reporter finished as they moved on to a new
There was a connection there. A
connection between why I had been asleep
for well over a week and a cemetery party in
the Deep South; New Orleans was a city that
I knew quite well.
I was probably going to be fired for
this in the morning

Subject #001:
Violet Eve
Missy was gone. In a way I felt relief,
but also intense grief that the only person left
from my childhood was now dead. The only
thing I had left to remember her by now was
the bumble bee key and the sheets of flesh
from her palmsgruesome.
I spent the week after her death holed
up in my room again. I had my stuff back and
was taking my time unpacking and
organizing it in my new bedroom, trying to
keep my mind off the scenario in which I had
to take them back.
Cassandra had asked if Adam, Henri,
and I had wanted to move in since the shop
was destroyed. She had also allowed Khaine
and Salome to stay for as long as they needed
to, which was surprising, considering she
didnt even know them
But I needed them to stay.
The more of us there were together,
the better off we all would be. We could keep
each other safe and fight this, but there was
still so much that we didnt know.

I had been spending long stints in

front of the dresser mirror, examining my
skin in different outfits, trying to play down
my white hair, and trying to make that damn
third eye less creepy looking.
I was a mess inside and out; not
comfortable in my own skin and not
comfortable with the chaos that was going on
around me.
Makeup just isnt helping. I
chucked my compact at the dresser and
dusted off the caked on powder. I was
wearing my favorite purple outfit: high
waisted shorts and a Cheshire cat top.
But the outfit just clashed with my
skin too much!
It all used to look so perfect with my
pale complexion and fiery red hair, but now I
looked as if I had just eaten a Gobstopper.
Why cant I just fucking fix this? I
cursed, kicking at one of my bags. I page slid
out of my portfolio that was propped on top. I
was a writer first and an amateur artist
second, as I liked to try and sketch my
characters to give me visual inspiration.
And this particular sketch did not

I had totally forgotten about

this illustration in particular. When I
had come up with the character
idea for Violaceous, I had imagined
her in two different ways. One was
how I looked now, whether that was
foresight on my part, Im not sure;
the other was of a more natural, but
still vaguely threatening character.
Instead of the lavender skin,
she was as pale as I was with
ultraviolet hair. The eyes were still
just as dead as mine, milky white
orbs set in pale pink flesh, but the
third eye was nothing but a tattoo.
It still saw everything, despite it not
looking like a normal eye.
This could work. I mumbled
to myself. If I could alter everything
else, if I could heal myself from
being mortally wounded; I was sure
I could change my physical
Somewhere in an alternate
universe existed a version of me
that probably looked just like this.

Alright, Vi. Work your magic.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my
hands together as I let myself recall
the colored pencil sketch that I had
just been looking at.
I just wanted some sort of
semblance of my former self, even
if it was without the red hair and
green eyes. We had to find a way to
make ourselves at least look
somewhat normal so we didnt have
to stay confined to the house.
There were four of us now,
and walking around out in the open
looking like Halloween in June just
wasnt going to work.
I opened my eyes and
stopped holding my breath. The
image that shone back at me was
exactly what I wanted.
My once white hair was now a
violent shade of purple, thick and
heavy around my shoulders as it
cascaded down my back in waves.
The eyes were still a hazy cloud of

white, but the third one was now a

simple tattoo in purple and black
My skin was back too, though
I felt like it still had a slight purple
tint to it.
Now thats much better. I
sighed. I felt vain, though. The
others still very much looked like
something straight out of a fantasy
film, and here I was looking
somewhat normal.
Maybe I could change them
tooif they were as concerned as I
was about their appearance.
Shameful. I scolded myself,
pinching at the pinky flesh of my
Knock, Knock.
It was Salome. I had let her in
to my inner sanctum, but had been

keeping everyone else at arms

Come in, but shut the door
quick. I instructed her, smoothing
out some wild hairs atop my head.
Salome entered and breathed,
Holy fuck. How did you do that?
She walked up to me and ran her
fingers through my bright purple
It was something I drew. I
handed her the sketch and watched
her compare and contrast between
me and the illustration.
When did you draw this?
She asked, seemingly quite
impressed by the artwork.
Same time I drew this one. I
handed her another sketch; a
drawing I had done years ago of a
purple skinned, white haired woman
with three eyes. I did these back in

You mean you became your

art? Salome seemed to think it was
rather incredible.
A character. Thats
Violaceous. She was this sort of
super hero concept I had been
toying with. I never really did
anything with her, but I just loved
the idea. I explained, putting on a
little eyeshadow.
Can you change me too?
Salome asked after thinking about it
for a moment.
I figured youd ask. I can try,
but I cant promise anything. I
warned her. I was getting better,
but I had never altered the way
anyone looked before now.
I dont care. I cant possibly
look any worse than I do right now.
She shrugged, waiting for me to doll
her up.
Close your eyes then. I
commanded her. Id rather her eyes

be closedjust in case something

went wrong.
I set up a sketch in my mind,
pulled ideas from far away realms
and then focused all of those
concepts on to Salome.
After a few moments I was
rather satisfied with my results and
told Salome that it was ok to finally
take a look at herself in the mirror.
Violet. Salome turned and
grinned at me as she messed with
her new hair.
I had taken the green tint of
her skin down a few shades, shrunk
her antlers till they were almost
invisible, replaced her swampy hair
with thin, green dreadlocks, but had
left the pointy ears and black eyes.
Just the right amount of
freak. She smiled at me before
giving me a big hug.

Im glad you like it. You think

the guys will want me to make them
over too? I wasnt sure if they were
as concerned about their
appearance as Salome and I had
I think Khaine likes his claws
and sharp teethas do Ibut I am
not sure how Adam feels. Hes been
pretty quiet the last few days. Hell
go smoke with Khaine, but has
hardly spoken to anyone else; I
think hes taken Nates death pretty
hard. Salome informed me.
Not only was I vain, but I was
selfish. I hadnt even considered
how fucked up he must have felt
after discovering the badly mangled
body of his best friend.
Maybe I should talk to him. I
bit at my lower lip, turning myself
away from the mirror. I didnt care
what I looked like at this point; I just
wanted Adam to know that I was
here for him, despite my
disappearing act.

Im going to go talk to him. I

nodded at Salome before she
Do that, but the real reason I
came up here was Josiah. He
requested that we all meet on the
front porch, but I have no idea why.
Salome followed me out the
bedroom door, but instead of going
downstairs with her, I knocked on
Adams door. I could hear music
blaring from his room, and waited
for him to answer.

Subject Name:
Adam Baudin

I didnt hear Violet knock the

first time. My music was up so loud
that it drowned everyone out and I
liked it that way.
She must have knocked a few
more times before I finally heard it,
turned down the volume, and
answered the door.
What I found was an entirely
new version of her.
That porcelain skin was back,
but the red hair was now purple and
the third eye had melted in to
nothing but a tattoo on her
Can I come in? She asked
quietly. I thought for a second I
could detect the former green of her
eyes beneath those cataracts.
Yeah. I dont really want
company, but Ill make an exception
for you. I gave her a half smile and
opened the door wider for her to
come inside.

I had tried to make the room

feel like home with the few things
that Henri had saved from the shop
before the Police took over for their
You like Led Zeppelin? Violet
smiled dreamily as she looked at
the poster for Mothership.
I do. One of my favorites, but
I lean more towards Pink Floyd.
This was the first time we had had
any sort of idle chit chat since our
Pink Floyd is good too. All
classic rock is goodespecially the
Brits. Violet sat herself down on
the edge of my bed while I went to
clear away all the vinyls that were
littering the top of the bedspread.
So, whats up? I sat on top
of my mini amp and waited for her
to speak.
Justwondering how you
were holding up. She arched a

purple brow at me. I knew she was

talking about Nate, but I didnt want
to talk about him.
Im good. No big deal. I
drew my mouth in to a thin line and
tried to make Violet believe my
words, but she clearly didnt.
Salome said you were taking
it pretty hard, as you should. I just
wanted to make sure that you were
alright. Violets gaze connected
with mine for a moment and I really
wished I could see those green eyes
of hers that I had become fond of
when we first met; I could get lost in
them right now with how I felt.
Why didnt you fix your
eyes? I blurted in response, a reply
that was ruder than I had meant it
to come off.
Because these are how the
characters eyes look. Violet shot
back, her lips pursing after she

What do you mean? I wasnt

sure I understood.
The other look, this look
both are character concepts I drew
up a few years ago. I had to explain
the same thing to Salome. She
shrugged, now looking a little selfconscious.
Theres nothing wrong with
it, I just figured youd want your
original eyes back. They were such
a beautiful color. I couldnt help
myself. Even though I wasnt
looking for any sort of relationship,
or even a casual rompI couldnt
help but be Casanova.
Violet blushed lilac and
averted her gaze from mine, a slight
smile creeping across her lips.
I just figured the white eyes
still gave me a vaguely threatening
appearance without looking like I
stepped out of an acid trip. Violet
blinked, but when she opened her

eyes, they were that gorgeous

emerald green that I loved so much.
Well, I like them both ways.
I smiled back, momentarily
forgetting about Nate.
Thank you. She replied, and
I assumed I had derailed her
immediate concern for me.
Then a thought struck me, I
meant to tell you something the
other dayJosiah told me what they
found at the cemetery.
He did? I would say that was
surprising, but he seems to have
changed his tone about us a bit.
Violet had noticed that too.
I was just going to give her
the run down when another knock
sounded on my door and Henri
cracked it open.
Josiah wants us down on the
front porch. He said he has
something he needs to discuss with

everyone. Henri caught sight of

Violet and wiggled his eyebrows at
me while mouthing something
about her current appearance.
Of course he does. I replied
as Violet got up and let Henri direct
the two of us to the front porch.


Everyone accounted for?

Josiah was set up in an antique
rocker, a large electronic tablet in
his lap. Everyone else was already
out there, including the entirety of
their little council, with Salome and
Khaine to make it complete.
I meant to go over with all of
you what we discovered at

Beaumont cemetery, but

unexpected events have delayed
that. Josiah turned the tablet on
and began swiping away through
pictures before he found the one
that he wanted.
These are pictures from the
cemetery, taken by myself on the
6th. He turned the device around so
everyone could see what he was
talking about. It was a shot of the
Beaumont mausoleum covered in
what I had originally thought to be a
thick shroud of spider webs.
Cobwebs? Khaine didnt
seem to think that cobwebs in a
cemetery were that big of a deal.
Salome, on the other hand,
had her inky eyes narrowed in on
the screen.
Not cobwebs. We had a
sample tested and the mess seems
to be some sort of mitogen in a
solid state. These cobwebs were
once that fog that transformed the

four of you. Josiah pointed at each

of us individually.
Youre taking the piss. Violet
exclaimed. She was just as shocked
as I had been.
I dont know what that
means, but I can assure you that I
am not. This mitogen was used, we
think, to activate something in your
bodies that triggered your
transformation. We have no idea
how it was able to go from a
gaseous state to a solid of sorts, but
that is neither here nor there. This
mitogen also killed any human that
was exposed to it, but not you four.
Youre different, not entirely human,
and we want to have your blood
tested to see what the difference
is. Josiah passed the tablet around
so everyone could get a good look
at the pictures. It had just gotten to
me when a bar popped up across
the screen with a news alert.

The title read, Mysterious

Webbing Appearing All Over the
I knew I was supposed to just
be looking at the pictures, but the
headline had caught my eye. I
clicked on it and a news article
popped up, complete with video
Uh, Josiah. I turned the
screen around so he could see what
I was seeing. He grimaced, an
expression that told me this wasnt
news to him.
What is it? Violet craned her
head to get a look at the screen and
saw the headline for herself.
I didnt bother waiting for
Josiahs approval before I clicked the
play button on the video and waited
for it to load.
Mysterious spider like
webbing is popping up all over the
world and it seems to be a

phenomenon that has baffled the

general populace and scientists
alike. About a week ago, witnesses
all over the globe in over 38
countries have taken pictures and
video of the sticky, web like
substance. There seems to be no
sort of arachnid or insect that has
created them and upon further
inspection, they appear to be
nothing more than just cobwebs.
The strange thing is that all of these
sightings seemed to crop up around
the same time: all after June 6th.
Lets see what actual eye witnesses
have to say about it. A familiar
news anchor named Jessica
Blanchard was covering the story as
she switched to eye witness video
We cant explain it. Started
driving to work on Monday and the
highway was just covered in these
webs. Looked like Spider Man had a
blast! A man from California
chuckled as they showed video
shots of the old Pasadena Highway.

All over my fields. I woke up

to find my crops completely covered
in it and it seems like my corn just
doubled in size over night. It truly
was a miracle for us, but the CDC
wouldnt let us take any of it home,
let alone consume it. Another
woman attested about her farm out
in the Midwest.
Its the End Times, I tell ya.
Jesus aint happy with the heathens
and liberals running around out
there letting everyone and their
brother do whatever the hell they
want. We are being punished. A
man in Georgia stood in front of a
church that was just doused in the
And this phenomena is not
restricted to just the United States.
There have been reports as far as
Japan and Australia where people
are experiencing the same
mysterious substance. Stay tuned
as we receive further information on
the webbing that is taking the world
by surprise. Im Jessica Blanchard

with WWL-TV. The anchor signed

off before the video ended.
There has to be dozens of
us. Salomes inky black eyes were
wide in awe.
Hundreds. Violet disagreed.
Most likely; Im sure there
are a lot more of your kind out
there. Adam filled me in on what
Violet discovered regarding L.
Cipher Labs and we are currently
trying to get ahold of anyone who
may have worked with them.
Josiah put the tablet down and lit a
So, what do we do? Are we
going to try and find more of us, or
just sit here and wait for them to
find us instead? I questioned. After
what happened a few nights ago, I
wasnt sure Josiah was going to let
us leave any more.
The issue with that is finding
them. We could head to one of the

many locations that the webbing

was spotted at, but that doesnt
mean well find anyone afflicted.
They could be long goneor dead
even. We just have to sit tight and
try to work on shedding some more
light on the situation. Josiah
offered me a cigar and I took it
before lighting his with my finger.
Wonderful. More waiting.
Violet scooted closer to me on the
steps and took my unlit cigar. I lit it
for her and she thanked me before
puffing away.
There is one thing we could
take a look at, however, but it would
be a long ride and I dont think we
have the disposable money to send
all of us up there. Josiah took a puff
off of his own cigar and addressed
And that would be? Salome
asked for Violet instead.
We have a business
acquaintance up in Salem. She

called Cassandra this morning and

said that she had just woken up
from a week and a half long sleep.
Her room was covered in cobwebs
and she has seen the newswanted
Cassandra to give her some
advice. Josiah arched a brow and a
grin spread across Violets face.
You think she is one of us? I
was just as hopeful as she was.
Yes. She said that she spent
well over a week walking in and out
of peoples dreams and it wasnt
until she got fed up with it, that she
realized she could apparently
manipulate the dreams she was in.
This woke her up somehow, but she
is now afraid to go back to sleep. I
plan on staying behind with Leo and
Franklin, Medusa and Jackie have to
work, but Cassandra offered to
accompany you. Josiah finished
half of his cigar and snubbed it out
in a crystal ash tray.
When do we leave? Violet
perked up from the stairs and

looked as if she was ready to drive

to Salem all by herself.
We will leave this evening.
That should give you all time to
pack and get things in order.
Cassandra finally took her turn to
And maybe you can make
these other two look a bit more
human like? The lot of you will get
burned at the stake walking in to
Salem like that. Josiah was rather
amused at his own joke.
Speaking of which, how did
you manage that one? Medusa
pointed at Violets long purple hair.
The same way I do
everything else. Violet shrugged,
finally picking her jittery self up off
the stairs.
Go on then. Get yourselves
prepared to leave this evening. Leo
is letting you all use his crossover
so at least the trip is comfortable,

but his only stipulation is that you

let him take a blood sample first.
Josiah clapped his hands on his
thigh and stood up from his rocking
Violet nodded and was gone
in a flash as Salome quickly
followed. Khaine waited for me
before entering the house to pack
our things.
Im glad Salome has found
herself a friend. She doesnt play
well with most women. Khaine
confided in me as we climbed the
front stairs.
I think Violet needs the
companionship right now, especially
after what happened to Missy. I still
felt bad for trying to kill her friend.
I think she understands that
what happened wasnt anyones
fault but Missys. She made her
choice. Khaine interjected to
comfort me.

It seems that way, but I still

dont understand why angels, or
whatever Jeremy actually is, would
be after us. Just saying the words
made my brain hurt.
Maybe we really are some
sort of demonic hybrid. Only time
will tell. Khaine broke off from me
as he entered his own room and I
went to mine.
Things were starting to get
heavy and I wasnt sure what we
were going to find in Salem.

June 17th 2016

Subject Name:

Naomi Star

You should be fired, but we

were able to get someone in to
cover your shifts. We understand
that you were sick and you are one
of our best practitioners, so Im
giving you a Get Out of Jail Free
card. Next time, try to find a way to
call in and let us know. Allison
mildly scolded me as I entered work
two evenings after my rude
I really do apologize. My
phone was off and the flu can be a
real ass kicker. I felt a little
embarrassed that I had to lie, but
no one was any the wiser.
Evening shift should be a
cake walk tonight for you because
of the Salem Pub Crawl this
weekend. You may get a lot of
people wanting readings though, so

you should tip out really nice. Oh!

And we got these really cute
souvenirs from the pub down the
street. They asked if we would wear
them as advertisement; I agreed
only if they would do the same for
us. Allison finished the paperwork
from the earlier shift and handed
me the stack before sliding a little
wooden medallion on a chord over
the counter.
Ive got it handled. I smiled
as I tucked a stray lock of hair
behind my ear and looped the
talisman with a cauldron burned on
to it reluctantly around my neck.
Call if you need anything!
She waved me off as she exited the
shop and I got ready to wait for
customers to possibly pour in.


Allison had been rightit had

been a slow evening. Only a few
people came in to buy a couple
crystals and some incense. They
were only mildly inebriated and I
kind of wished I had a glass of wine
myself after the week I had.
The chimes above the front
door sounded and I looked up from
the novel I was reading to see an
incredibly attractive woman enter,
with long jet black hair and blood
red lips.
Welcome to Brighids Dawn.
Can I help you with anything? I
greeted her as she sauntered over
to the glass counter and started
looking at the crystals inside the
Just looking for right now.
She responded in a thick accent
that was unfamiliar to me.

Well, my name is Naomi. If

you need anything just let me
know. I smiled at her weakly as she
sashayed over to another display
that held the Dream Crystals. She
picked up a small charm set with
Moldavite and dream quartz and
began rotating it in her fingers as
she closed her eyes. I assumed she
was trying to feel its energy as she
set it back down and picked up a
large hunk of Lemurian crystal,
repeating the same ritual.
There was something off
about her; something I didnt quite
like, but since she wasnt harming
anything there was nothing I could
do. I just had to wait till she found
what she wanted, paid for it, and
She now had a handful of
assorted crystals and came back
over to the front counter to set
them down.
Can I ask you a question,
Naomi? She had caught my

attention, her deep brown eyes

almost glowing under the glittering
of the Aura quartz in the case
Of course. Im here to help. I
forced another feeble smile out of
pure discomfort, but I had to be
polite to the patrons, regardless of
how they made me feel.
What do you know about this
new Pub that they just built a few
doors down? It seemed to go up
overnight. She leaned in over the
counter to thumb the medallion
around my neck and I could smell
the scent of forest rain on her skin.
Well, most of our community
isnt so keen on it since it is kind of
a mockery to the Salem Witch Trials
in a sensebut I heard that the
opening tomorrow night is going to
be huge. Half off drinks and
appetizers if you come in wearing a
witchs hat. I explained, though I
wasnt happy about the pub. It was
called The Witchs Brew, which was

fine in and of itself, but they had

erected a makeshift pyre in front of
the establishment with a sign that
read Try Our Pyre Fire Cocktail. I
assumed it was probably loaded
with Fireball.
It does seem a bit tasteless,
doesnt it? I saw that pyrewhat
are they planning on doing with it?
She was now running her hands
over the glass top of the counter as
she spoke.
I heard that they were going
to light it as some sort of gimmick
to get more customers. They had
everything cleared with the Salem
Fire Department to keep the blaze
contained, but I find it very
distasteful. Even though she made
me uncomfortable, her way of
thinking seemed to be aligned with
most of our Pagan community here
in Salem.
And where did they get the
pole for the center of the pyre? I
noticed that the wood looked

ancient. This woman was just full

of questions, but another couple
had come in and was waiting
patiently behind her to ask their
That I dont know. There was
a rumor that it was one of the trees
that was in the wooded area off of
Boston Street, but I cant confirm
that. I nodded at the couple behind
the woman to let them know I would
be with them shortly.
Ah, I see. Thank you, Naomi.
You were very helpful. She smiled
and tapped the pile of crystals in
front of her. I took that as she was
ready for me to ring her up and
made haste with finishing her
purchase so she could finally leave
and I could help the next people in
My name is Gabi, by the way.
Ill probably be back very soon; Im
in need of a good tarot reading.
She smiled at me, showing two rows

of sparkly white teeth before finally

making her leave from the shop.
We look forward to seeing
you next time. I lied. I just wanted
her to leave so I could help these
customers and then smudge the
shit out of the shop.
Something was just off about
the woman and I couldnt quite
pinpoint it, but I hoped she wouldnt
come back

Subject #001:
Violet Eve

I had been passed out in the

far backseat of the crossover, my
head on Salomes shoulder, when
we finally entered Salem. She shook
me awake to point out the window
at all the crazy shops and people
milling about on the streets. It
seemed like there was some sort of
celebration going on and by the
looks of it, everyone was knackered
as hell.
Whats going on? Everyone
looks sloshed. I heard Henri ask
from the seat in front of me where
he and Khaine were now looking out
the windows.
I saw a sign when we
entered the city saying something
about a Pub Crawl. Cassandra

replied as she turned down a side

I see the crawling alright.
Adam laughed as we watched a
man stumble, trip over his own feet,
and begin crawling his way towards
something that could prop him back
Cassandra parked the car in
front of a beautiful shop whose
windows were full of dragon
statuary, large crystal points, and
wind chimes. The sign above read
Brighids Dawn in bright blue
letters. She killed the engine and
we all began to pile out of the car.
I had made the altered men in
our company look a bit more
human, but there was only so much
I could do. Adams horns had been
diminished to the point that his hair
would cover them and the scales
looked more like scarring around his
eyes, but there wasnt much I could
do for his flaming hands and arms.
He had to just control his fire so he

didnt torch the long sleeves he had

donned to cover them up.
Khaine had been much easier
to do since his affliction wasnt as
obvious, but his hulking size still
made him a bit intimidating to
Have I ever met this
woman? Henri asked as we made
our way in to the shop.
Youve spoken with her
before over the phone, but thats it.
I had her order the Vodou products
that she carries here from your
shop. Her name is Naomi and you
arent allowed to try and bed her,
Henri. Cassandra scolded him as
we opened the front door to the
sweet melody of wind chimes and
stepped inside.
Welcome to Brighids Dawn
A woman with strawberry
blonde hair was carefully hanging
up bags of herbs behind the counter
as she turned to see all of us

standing there. Cassandra! Im

so glad that youre here. She
rushed from behind the counter and
embraced the tall woman in white.
How are you holding up?
Cassandra asked, studying her face.
The womans eyes looked a bit
dark, like she hadnt slept in a few
I havent slept since I called
you; Im afraid to. Naomi
lamented, now glancing to see the
rest of us standing by awkwardly.
You brought company?
Naomi instantly looked addled as
she shifted her attention down the
line from one of us to the next.
Theyre here to help. This is
Khaine, Adam, Salome, Violet, and
Henri who youve spoken with
before. Hes the proprietor of The
Crescent City Shaman in New
Orleans. Cassandra introduced us
all before Naomi interjected.

Your herbal candies are a big

hit here; everyone loves them. She
complimented Henri who just
grinned widely at her. Cassandra
might have told him no, but he was
already smitten with the woman.
Is there a place we could all
sit and talk? Cassandra asked
gently as Naomi kept glancing at
the door.
Im getting ready to close up
shop and then maybe we could all
go get a drink and talk about it.
Naomi suggested as she went to
finish counting down the drawer.

In less than fifteen minutes

she had finished her closing duties
and had locked up shop as we
headed up the street to one of the
many pubs lining the city.
We stopped at the first one
we came to, a pub titled The
Witchs Brew.

This one isnt open yet.

Naomi screwed her face up in
disgust at the prop they had
erected in front of the bar. A sign
that read Try our Pyre Fire Cocktail
was tacked to the post of a
makeshift burning stake like the
ones used to kill witches so long
Thats bloody offensive. I
breathed, taking in the sight in front
of me.
Thats what I said, but it is
Salem after all; anything for a
buck. Naomi sounded bitter.
Whats the best place to get
a drink around here? Salome asked
as Naomi still focused her attention
on the unlit pyre.
Down this way. Ill take you
all to my favorite dive. Naomi
snapped her attention back to the
group and waved her hand for us to

It took us a minute to get a

seat at Naomis usual bar, but we
requested one out on the back
patio, hoping there would be less
people to overhear our
conversation. Everyone ordered
their drinks, except Khaine who we
discovered had been sober for
months now, and began our talk
once everything had gotten to the
Naomi informed us of her long
sleep, waking to the cobwebs, and
seeing the news report about
similar incidents all over the globe.
I just dont understand it.
What is going on? Naomi had
downed her second glass of white
wine and was starting on her third.
We still arent totally sure.
There are some forces at work here
that we are quite unfamiliar with in
this sense, but from what we know
Cassandra paused, trying to find

the right combination of words that

wouldnt send the woman running
for the hillsso I stepped in.
We arent normal, Naomi.
None of us are. I gestured from
myself down the line to Salome,
leaving Henri and Cassandra out of
the group, We were all conceived
using a method of IVF that left us
like this. I let myself shift
momentarily to my prior form and
back again. Naomi blinked a few
times, rubbed at her tired eyes, and
came in close to get a better look at
Im still dreaming, right?
She cocked her head at me and
finished off her third glass of wine.
No, youre very much awake.
There is something inside of us that
was altered by a mitogen in the
form of this fog. When it settles
after activation it turns in to the
webbing that you saw in your room
and on the tele. There are obviously
quite a lot of us that have been

affected by this. It changed us on a

molecular level, on a spiritual level.
We have been calling ourselves
mutants, or demons, but I dont
necessarily think either of those are
the correct term. I shook my head
at her.
I dont think I was conceived
any other way than natural, though.
My mom and dad struggled with
pregnancy, yes, but I never knew
anything about IVF. Naomi shook
her head back at me.
I had no idea either, but that
is exactly how I came to be. All of us
were conceived that way, I glanced
at Salome. She had been as well,
even though we hadnt been sure
until a few days ago. Turned out
that her mother and father had
gone to the clinic for a trial as a
couple, but had been none the
wiser when her mother had been
impregnated with an embryo that
had no relation to her father.

This is insane. Naomi began

to laugh as she reached out and
plucked Henris beer from the table
and downed it. Even though he was
now beerless, he was impressed by
her ability to hold so much liquor.
We all pretty much said the
same thing, but with what we have
been through, we cant deny it.
Adam tried to make her understand
as he educated her, We all have
special abilities here. I am basically
a big ball of fire, Violet can alter the
world around her, Khaine can
summon and control Hell Hounds,
and Salome has the power of decay.
From what we were told, your
dream walking seems to be yours.
Naomi paused mid drink and
thought about it for a second, I
didnt think about that. But I look
rathernormalcompared to the
rest of you. Naomi tried not to
offend, but at this point none of us
were hardly offended by that.

We actually dont even look

like thisyou saw a brief glimpse of
my true form. The rest of us are
kind of on the same page, but not
all of us changed physically. I
thought back to Missy. Appearance
wise, she looked the same as she
always had, but her soul was the
part that had turned in to a
terrifying monster.
Why though? Why us? Why
make us this way? Naomi shot off
with a barrage of questions.
Were still in the process of
figuring that out; the more of you
we encounter, the more we seem to
know. I can go in to more detail
later, but not here. Too many prying
eyes. Cassandra spoke and I
noticed that quite a few people on
the patio were staring at us. My
camouflage was not up to most
peoples standards, apparently.
Then lets get the fuck out of
here because I have to know what is
going on; I need to be able to get

some sleep. Naomi rose from her

seat after emptying another glass of
wine and stumbled slightly before
Henri helped her steady herself.
Cassandra tossed some cash
on the table for a tip and the lot of
us made our way out the back gate
of the patio and to our cars.


Naomis flat was smaller than

the one Henri and Adam had
occupied, but it was immaculate
and richly decorated like a hippies
dream. She immediately lit some
sage and cleansed everyone as
they came through the door.
Just in case. As she put it.

She graciously offered us a

drink as we sat in her living room
and she ran to the kitchen to grab a
bottle of wine.
I swear I am not an
alcoholicthis is just a lot to
swallow. Naomi defended her
copious amounts of wine drinking
tonight, but I didnt blame her one
Trust us; we know how
traumatic it can be. Adam assured
her. I thought back to my
transformation in the cemetery; it
made me begin to wonder about
I just thought of something,
I burst in to the conversation, All of
us had extremely painful
experiences when we transformed,
but you didnt mention anything
about that.
I was asleepI dont
remember anything except coming
home from partying for my birthday

and then I woke up a few nights

ago. Naomi sipped at her wine and
kicked off her sandals.
And what about your dreams;
tell us a bit more about that.
Cassandra derailed my question
from further thought and went on.
They started out as my own,
but I have been lucid dreaming for
years so I thought Id be able to
wake myself up. Instead I ended up
in my neighbors dreams and just
kept going on from there till I
figured out I could change the
outcome of this one dudes dream
and I woke up. Naomi shrugged as
a black and white cat slunk out from
behind an ottoman and crawled in
to her lap.
Dream walking is a pretty
awesome power to have. It was the
first word Henri had spoken since
we sat down. He was already
infatuated with Naomi and he had
hardly known her an hour.

Maybe, but with not being

able to sleep it seems like more of a
curse. Naomi sighed as she sunk in
to the sofa. I just dont understand
None of us did at first, but
we figured it out. We all have the
same birthdays, we were all IVF
babies, and we all have special
powers and abilities that are beyond
regular human capabilities. Its
scary, but we have a choice on how
we use them and what we do with
our lives. I chimed in to comfort
her some more.
Its getting late and we still
havent checked in to the hotel.
Cassandra glanced at her watch.
Youyoure leaving
already? Naomis expression was
one of dismay. I could tell that she
didnt want to be alone.
We drove all day and I am
sure all of us want to get some rest.
We can work on things tomorrow.

Cassandra responded. I wasnt very

happy with the way she was
treating Naomi considering they
were friends.
Ok. That sounds good.
Naomi didnt argue, but I could see
that she was dreading sleeping
alone as everyone stood to leave.
We were all saying our
goodbyes and when the lot of us
had exited the apartment, I silently
pulled Naomi aside.
I know you dont want to be
alone because you are afraid to
sleep. I know how that is; Ive had
night terrors for years and with
these new abilities my dreams have
taken me clear across your
country...literally. We may not have
the same gifts, but I think they are
similar and I just wanted to give you
some advicenot that I am an
authority or anything. I rambled,
avoiding looking at Naomi. She
slightly intimidated me for some

Ill take that advice; anything

is better than nothing at this point.
Naomi looked so damn tired.
You said you lucid dream;
take advantage of that. Know that
you are the one in control of these
dreams, not the dreams in control of
you; you can do whatever it is that
you want. If you want to wake up,
then wake up. If you cantjust call
out to me. Im sure Ill hear you. I
patted her on the shoulder and she
pulled me in to a big hug before she
said anything in return.
Thank you. Youre right; Im
strong enough to control this.
Naomi took a deep breath and
opened the door for me. I waved at
her silently as I slipped down the
hall and left her alone to finally get
some resthopefully.

Subject Name:
Adam Baudin

Thank you so much.

Cassandra thanked the woman at
the front desk of the Hawthorne
Hotel and came to bring us our
We could only afford two
deluxe suites, so Violet, Khaine, and
Salome will be in one room and
then me, Henri, and Adam in the
other. She handed a key card to
me and the rest of the group before
Violet spoke.
Wouldnt it make more sense
to put us three in one room and the
blokes in the other? Violet waved
her key card between her, Salome,
and Cassandra.
I just figured since you and
Salome are so close and she and
Khaine are an item that it would just
work out better that way. Plus, Henri
and Adam are brothers and they
can share a bed. Cassandra smiled
at me.

I guess that makes sense.

Violet muttered, but she looked like
the notion bothered her for some
Right. We are in room 418
and you all are in room418.
Cassandra was looking at the
receipt in her hand.
I thought you said there were
two rooms? I shot up a brow.
Excuse me, Cassandra
called out to the woman at the
desk, I requested two deluxe
rooms, but this says that we are all
in room 418?
Yes, maam. Room 418 is a
deluxe room with two Queen beds
and a sitting area with a sofa bed.
That was all we had left when the
room was booked. The woman
shook her head.
Thanks for telling me, Josiah.
Okwe can make this work.
Cassandra looked rather irritated,

but headed off towards the elevator

any way.


This isnt so bad. I

exclaimed as we all settled in to the
room and got our things situated.
Yeah, but now we have to
figure out sleeping arrangements
with only three beds. Khaine
tossed his bag on the sofa, but
Cassandra picked it up and took it in
to the bedroom.
Khaine and Salome in one
bed and then I guess myself and
Violet in another and you boys get
the third. Cassandra threw her bag

on to the other Queen bed, leaving

the sofa for me and Henri.
Violet looked like she didnt
want to sleep in the bed with
Cassandra, but what was she going
to do?
I helped Henri pull the sofa
bed out and immediately plopped
myself down on the mattress and
kicked back.
What are our plans exactly?
Violet was settled on the edge of
her bed with her shoes already off;
barefoot as usual.
I want to help Naomi with her
abilities. She is a bit more than just
an acquaintance to me and I want
to make sure she is safe and
comfortable with her new powers
before we head back to New
Orleans. Cassandra slipped in to
the bathroom and came back out
wearing the slinkiest neglige I had
ever seen. I watched as Henris

eyes went wide and he buried

himself in the pillows next to me.
We arent going to try and
stick around to, you knowmaybe
try to find the clinic that was
located here? Violet was pushing
Cassandra and oddly combative
about her plans.
Josiah did show me the
website you and Adam stumbled
upon. I guess we could try and find
it and see if anything comes up, but
lets try and get some rest for right
now because I am exhausted after
that last quarter of the drive.
Cassandra agreed and slipped in to
her side of the bed.
I was tired myself, but wired
for sound for some reason. Henri
was tossing and turning next to me
on the sofa as Khaine and Salome
changed in to their pajamas and
climbed in to the other bed.
Violet was still sitting on the
edge of hers, just staring at the

floor with her tiny feet tucked

underneath her.
Not tired? I asked her,
pulling off my heavy boots before
the long sleeved shirt that I had
been wearing; it was starting to
make me hot, if that was even
I am, but I just keep thinking
about Naomi. She was really scared
and I dont blame herdreams have
always been a terrifying thing for
me. Violet pulled her purple hair
away from her face and I could see
the tattoo of the third eye waiver in
its reality as she thought.
Did you talk to her? I asked as she
got up from the bed and came to sit closer to
I did. I suggested that she trust
herself, take control, and that I would be here
if she needed to find me. Violet insinuated
that Naomi could find her in her dreams.
Then maybe you should get some
sleep in case she comes looking. I threw an
old band shirt over my head and sat back
down on the bed.

Im just not comfortable with this

sleeping situation. Violet replied as she
turned to see Cassandra all curled up under
the fuzzy blankets, asleep.
Cassandra wont bite. I assured her,
but she just shook her head.
That isnt it. I dont like the way she
treated her so called friend. Naomi was
clearly fearful of being alone and Cassandra
didnt even offer to stay with her or bring her
here; she just waved it off. Violet seemed
I dont think she meant anything by
it. I found myself defending Cassandras
Regardlessmaybe I should have
stayed instead. Violet got up from the end of
the sofa bed and meandered back to her own.
Shell be ok, Vi. Just get some rest.
I whispered at her in the darkness as she
clicked off the bedside lamp.
Sure. She mumbled as she rolled
over and went to sleep.

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