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Hello guys.

This group has been created to address a specific query. So here it goes
We have to complete 4 physics electives and 15 credits(Do five 3 credit courses or if
you are courageous enough then three 4 credit courses and one 3 credit course)
before we pass out. And more over we will have to complete our second degree
electives also and 2 humanities electives.
Okay, honestly, I dont have any particular inclination toward Physics and I want to
wrap up this elective shit as soon as I can because if you refer the bulletin (Pg 174
onwards) you will get to know what all CDCs you will be having in the coming
semesters and it will be hectic no matter what. So the problem is, as I had posted
on Spectrum, that there is a clash between our Electromagnetism and Optics Lab
and two electives (Astro physics and Theory of relativity) which are somewhat easy
electives and have no pre req. And it is an attempt to ease 3 rd and 4th year a little
Also I heard that many dualites are not able to do 2 PS in their 5 th year as they are
not able to complete all their required courses till then. So they have to stay back
on campus and complete their back logs. And what Ridam bhaiya told me is that he
did a summer term now so as to have an option for 2 PS later in his 5 th year. My
point is we have an 18 credit semester coming, right? And the max limit is 25
credits per sem. Also if someone wants to do 2 PS in 5 th year then why he should do
summer term when that person can wrap up all his courses earlier. Isnt it absurd?
And according to the last timetable which the ID sent us. It was possible to do these
God forbid this. Why would someone want to do a summer term just to complete his
electives and back logs and not to improve his grades?
So what Ridam bhaiya has suggested that all those who have a problem should
send a mail to the ID coz a single mail wont make any impact.
I dunno how well I have framed this message but I hope my message is clear.
Suggestions please?

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