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Comparing Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells

A cell is the building block of all life. It is the smallest structure that
can be classified as a complete living organism. A cell is the building block
of all life. It is the smallest structure that can be classified as a complete
living organism. All cells metabolize nutrients. A metabolism is the set of
chemical reactions that occur inside of cells. All cells reproduce themselves.
All cells contain genetic material in the form of DNA. DNA stands for
deoxyribonucleic acid. All living things maintain a steady balance of water,
nutrients and energy known as homeostasis.
All cells, and therefore all living things, have some organelles and
structures in common. All cells are surrounded by a cell membrane.
Membranes are selectively permeable which means they only let certain
things enter and exit the cell. All cells are full of an aqueous solution call the
cytoplasm. It is an aqueous solution because the solvent is water! The
cytoplasm contains all of the nutrients and organelles the cell needs.
Every cell contains genetic material in the form of DNA. This DNA is
wrapped around proteins and packaged into large, complex structures called
chromosomes. The information that is stored in DNA is used to make all of
the cells proteins. These instructions are sent out of the nucleus, and it is
the ribosomes of the cell that read these instructions and make all of the

cells proteins.

While EVERY cell has chromosomes containing DNA, the location of the
chromosomes is the main difference between a eukaryotic and a prokaryotic
cell. Eukaryotes store their DNA inside the nucleus. The nucleus controls the
cells functions because it has the cells instructions in the form of DNA!
Prokaryotes have a circular chromosome of DNA that found in the cytoplasm
of the cell. It is NOT stored inside its own organelle. (We call the

chromosome circular because it makes a loop. It does not stay in the

shape of a perfect circle.)
Eukaryotic cells also contain many other membrane-bound organelles
like the ones shown below that have their own membranes. Prokaryotic cells
do NOT contain any membrane-bound organelles.

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