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STUDIO 2010:

1. Install VISUAL STUDIO 2010 and OPENCV 2.2.

2. Open VISUAL STUDIO 2010 and on the Start Page window that
appears click on New Project button.
3. In the New Project window, select the Win32 Console Application
and give a desired project name and location in the Name: and
Location: tab below the window and click on OK button.
4. In the Win32 Application Wizard-dsd window that appears click on
Next > and Finish.
5. Now the command window for writing codes appears with #include
stdafx.h header file and main( ) function already declared.
6. However, when you try writing the OPENCV codes and functions they
get underlined with red signifying them as the errors. To nullify these
errors we have to include the include and lib directories of
OPENCV to the project.
7. At the bottom left corner of the screen there are four tabs namely
Solution Explorer, Class View, Property Manager, Team Explorer.
8. Click on the Property Manager tab. Right-click on the project name
that is visible in the Property Manager window and select Add New
Project Property Sheet. In the Add New Item window that opens
give a name to the property sheet in the Name: tab and leave the
Location: tab as it is. Click on Add button.
9. Click on the arrow on the left of the project name and then the arrow
under the Debug|Win32 folder.
10. Right-click on the project name under the Debug|Win32 folder and
select Properties.
11. In the def Property Pages window that appears, click on the arrow of
C/C++ and under it select General. Then select Additional
Include Directories and in the drop down arrow select <Edit>. In
the Additional Include Directories window that appears, click on the
New Line button (a button having a folder symbol). Click on the
button and give the path for the include directory of OPENCV and

click on Select Folder button, then OK button and then Apply

12. In the def Property Pages window, click on the arrow of Linker
and under it select General. Then select Additional Library
Directories and in the drop down arrow select <Edit>. In the
Additional Library Directories window that appears, click on the
New Line button. Click on the button and give the path for the
lib directory of OPENCV and click on Select Folder button, then
OK button and then Apply button.
13. Again, under Linker select Input. Then select Additional
Dependencies and in the drop down arrow select <Edit>. In the
Additional Dependencies window that appears, copy and paste all the
list of the file names with extension as filename.lib in lib folder of
OPENCV. Click on OK button, then Apply button and then OK
[Note: It is better to keep all the list of filenames.lib in a text
document for the ease of copying and pasting them at times of need]
14. Now the codes and functions of OPENCV can be written and executed
using VISUAL STUDIO 2010.

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