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other linux commnads:

$ sha256sum <filename> |grep <hash>

# the filename is the downloaded iso file that is being checked
# the hash is the known solution of the checksum
$ sudo dd bs=4M if=<iso_file_to_write.iso> of=/dev/sdX
# X is the device of the flash drive found in gparted
# the command must be done in the directory where the iso file is located
$ touch file.txt
#creates a file file.txt in the present working directory
$ xdg-open file.txt
#opens file.txt in the default text editor (gedit in ubuntu)
$ nano file.txt
#opens file.txt in nano text editor
$vim file.txt
#opens file.txt in vim text editor
$ touch other\ file.txt
#creates a file name "other file.txt" uses the backslash \ to include space
$PS1 = PS1="\u\$ "
#creates a terminal that shows:
user name $
$ find <path> -name <"filename">
# finds all files in the path with that filename
$ history
#shows command history in terminal
$ !32
#executes command 32 from history
$ wget <any file on web page>
#grabs a file from a webpage
$ evince file.pdf
# opens the pdf file in window
to edit a /etc/sudoers file, first
$ cd /etc
$ sudo visudo -f /etc/sudoers
in the file to allow a user to apt-get update - need to add two lines
1.) a Cmnd_Alias line
2.) an group line allowing all commands specified in APT Cmnd_ALias
# Cmnd alias specification
Cmnd_Alias APT = /usr/bin/apt-get update, /usr/bin/apt-get upgrade
# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL
%j42 ALL=(ALL) APT

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