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Reflection paper

Simulation Activity for Elective 2 (Care for Elderly)

Physiological Changes of Elderly

Date: 8/ /16
Location: amphitheater nursing skills laboratory
Name/Title: Physiological changes of Elderly
Age portrayed: 60-80 years old
view about this age group portrayed: I portrayed an elderly person in
age of 80 years old with cataracts on both of his eyes that causes him to be
totally blind with a little light perception.
Our clinical instructor gives us an task to bring a shaded eye wear, a
cup of instant noodles, a thick jacket, a rope, 1 fruit , a piece of bread , a
classic flavor of instant coffee and a local newspaper. Then our clinical
instructor reviled that we will be having a simulation about physiological
changes in older persons.
The day of simulation every one of us will perform an elder person with
different disease depending on our props, some of my classmates wear a
thick coat or a jacket while their dominant hand was tied to their back this
represents that their hand maybe amputated or not able to use due to its
illness, and all of us are wearing an eye wear with different eye illness it
maybe eyes with glaucoma, or cataracts it could be diplopia or retinal
detachment depend on the eye wear that is given to you for me I wear an
eye of a elder person suffering of cataracts that is fully blurred that you may
considered as blindness, this kind of cataracts is more dependent in light in
order to see, while wearing the eye glass I realized that I am simulating two
types of person first was an elder person who has cataracts and second
people that is blind I imagined how hard to live without eye sight.
Then we are instructed to eat foods that we bring, first the cup noodles
no seasoning the purpose of removing the seasoning is to simulate a elders
taste buds on how bland is there taste normally in elder persons their
papillae which is our taste buds decreases that causes for them to taste
bland in a salty food and super bitter in bitter foods then after we ate our
noodles we drink our concentrated coffee that causes us a super bitter taste
and take note this coffee has no sugar or creamer it is a pure mixture of
coffee it was so hard to drink the whole cup of that coffee, then we finish our
food and we drink our coffee now we are required to read a newspaper
article while wearing the eye glass, in my situation it was so hard to read I

only see a shadow of a letter in their headline I tried to put a light on my

newspaper and still I cant read even a single letter I cant even see a face or
anything that explains to me why older people ask for some help in reading
things because of this kind of eye sight.

Wearing the eye glass with cataracts was the activity that really stands
out it has a big impact especially to me this activity really changes my
perception to elder people it explain how hard their situation how different
we live to them it explain the differences in what they see to what we see on
how we use to enjoy our life to how they suffer to their disease, on how we
enjoy our environment on how they cannot appreciate things that really puts
me on a imagination that in the time were I will become old how do I live
with that kind of living how can i function if I have cataracts that causes me
to be totally blind and become more dependent to light how do I live if that
happens to me that explains why elder people should be respected and give
high priority in care or in everything because soon I may experience what
they are currently experiencing now.
For a timespan of one hour and half I experienced how elder client live
this activity gives us a glimpse on what is the feeling of becoming an elderly
this activity will really change your perception to elder people this gives us
inquiry on how we care our client it gives us suggestions that really helps us
in future we give our care to elder client this activity is fruitful activity
suggesting us to double our care in caring this kind of client and respect to
their feelings because our simple pain is in their normal physiology.
This activity may give effect in future interaction with elderlies since
we have an data to our self on how they feel we will use this activity as an
opportunity to avoid things while interacting with elder person.
I guess to improve the elective 2 class we should have make up
classes 2 weeks before the exam what happened last time is that we have
lack of time to study all the materials given prior to the exam that I think
causes us to get low grade having an advance announcement of MUC would
be necessary to plan the schedule that was only my suggestion.

Reflection paper
Simulation Activity for Elective 2 (Care
for Elderly)
Physiological Changes of Elderly

Submitted by: Ylron John A. Tapar

Submitted to: Maria Veronica
Doceo, RN, MAN

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