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Dear Parents / Carers of children in Year 2,

Welcome back to Walton-le-Dale after the Summer break. Below is a brief outline of the areas
we will be covering in the various subjects over this term along with useful timetable information
and homework guidelines.
During our daily English lessons this term we will be beginning by reading stories by Alan Alberg
including Mrs Wobble the Waitress. Following this we will be looking at non-chronological reports
and poems about our environment. After the half term break we will be reading Traditional Tales
and looking at instructions. Throughout learning in English we will have a heavy focus on
developing writing skills including the consolidation of the correct use of full stops and capital
letters and learning to write and recognise different types of sentences, (Exclamation, question,
statement and command sentences). We will also be learning to include Subordination using when,
if, that or because.
Practising writing sentences with these words in at home would be a great help to your child in
Our theme for the first half of term is Where we Live, followed by Fighting Fit
after half term.
Where we live is a geography and history based theme
where the children will have the opportunity to consider
their own locality, things they might like to improve and
how it has changed over time.
During the theme the Fighting Fit, the main focus will be science and art.
We will be learning about the basic needs of humans, for survival (water,
food and air). In art we will be figure drawing with proportions using
wooden figures which will be developed into clay work.
Please make sure PE kit is named and in school all week.

Swimming is on Wednesday
Encouraging and supporting your child with their homework is an essential
part of school life. Please continue to read books from Bug Club and read
their school reading books at home, with a focus on asking questions about
what they have read. Please support your child to complete the comprehension
For maths, we will send home weekly tasks and also ask you to encourage your children to
regularly access Number Gym and Times Table Rockstars which will enable your child to
practise and become fluent in key mathematical skills. These can both be found on Digital wings.
As you can see, it is certainly going to be a busy term but an interesting and varied one! We hope
you have found this information useful and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any
Mr Agular and Mrs Hocking.

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