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Spring Term 2015

Dear Parents / Carers of Year 6,

Happy New Year! We hope that you have enjoyed the Christmas break. We would like to give you a brief outline of the areas that
we will be covering in the various subjects over this term, along with useful timetable information and a reminder about homework
During our daily English lessons we will investigate a variety of different text types. During the first half term we will
focus on older literature (primarily Macbeth), information texts and poems with imagery. After the half term we will
then move on to studying persuasive writing and explanation texts. We will also continue to have regular guided reading
sessions with a focus on increasing childrens confidence when answering comprehension questions in preparation for
the SATS. Weekly extended writing sessions will give the children the opportunity to put into practise the writing
skills that they have been developing in class, including regular opportunities for them to edit and improve their own work. The new
curriculum places a strong emphasis on the importance of children knowing the correct classification of words (nouns, adjectives,
verbs, adverbs, prepositions etc) so we will continue to do a lot of work in this area. Please can we take this opportunity to reiterate
how important it is that your child reads on a daily basis at home, as this not only supports them during English lessons but all
aspects of the curriculum. You can help to motivate your child by providing them with reading material linked to their interests.
This could include comics, fact books, adventure stories, football annuals etc
Maths lessons will have a strong focus on mental strategies, particularly during starter activities. We will also continue to develop
problem solving skills in practical and real life contexts, and develop confidence applying written methods when problem solving.
Children should be able to recall multiplication and corresponding division facts for all the times tables up to 12 x 12. For example,
as well as knowing 6 x 7 = 42 instantly, they should also know 42 6 = 7 instantly. Please support your child in helping them to
achieve this by ensuring that they are working on their times tables regularly at home as well as in school.
In science children are going to enjoy learning more about the circulatory system this half term, including how the heart pumps
blood around the body through vessels and through the lungs in order to obtain a supply of oxygen. After half term they will look at
classification including subdivisions for vertebrates and invertebrates
In computing pupils will continue to create complex algorithms to break down a program into smaller problems. They will use many of
the key programming skills learnt so far in order to finish their jousting game. Packages such as Manga High and Bug Club will still be
used, where appropriate, in school but their main use should be as part of Reading and Maths homework.
For the first half term we will be continuing our World War Two theme, investigating what life was like both on the battlefield and
at home. We are hoping to visit the Museum of Lancashire, more details on which will follow soon.
In Art and DT we will have great (and messy!) fun creating World War Two soldiers using modroc. We will also
investigate the use of shading to create 3D effects.
In PSHE we will investigate how to manage money well. We will also consider the importance of motivation and goal setting.
In music we will have fun learning more about Jazz music. We will continue to investigate pulse, rhythm and pitch through looking at
a range of music including the Fresh Prince of Bel Air!
Gymnastics and invasion games are on the menu for PE lessons this term. Please ensure that children have their full
PE kit (both indoor and outdoor) in school at all times. Kits can be taken home on a Friday for washing, but must be
back in school on Monday morning.
RE lessons will focus on Buddhism and what can we learn from the life of somebody who started a religion. Children will also
explore what qualities make a good leader.
In French the children will be learning more about French festivals, numbers 30-60, giving and understanding directions and the
weather. Linguascope has a wide range of games that the children can play both at school and at home to enhance their language
skills, and is accessible through Digital Wings. The username and password are both wldps.
You can have a huge impact on how your child develops both in confidence and ability by encouraging and supporting
them with their homework. Weekly spellings will be brought home on a Friday and tested the following Friday.
English and Maths homework will also be given on a Friday to be returned the following Friday, allowing plenty of
time for completion. Children may also be given a small amount of personal research to carry out or something to
bring in to support their other work in class. The children have their student planners which will continue to be
used to record both homework and home reading (to include book details, comments and page numbers.)
It is going to be another exciting term! If you have any questions or feel you have a particular expertise or interest in any of the
above topics please let us know. I hope you have found this information useful and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
any queries.

Miss Keelan and Mrs Bell

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