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Ingls Luiz Matutino 1 ano

Be yourself the change you wish to see in the world. Ghandi

Read the poem below and answer the questions:

"Negro" by Langston Hughes

I am a Negro:
Black as the night is black,
Black like the depths of my Africa.
Ive been a slave:
Caesar told me to keep his door-steps clean.
I brushed the boots of Washington.
Ive been a worker:
Under my hand the pyramids arose.
I made mortar for the Woolworth Building.
Ive been a singer:
All the way from Africa to Georgia
I carried my sorrow songs.
I made ragtime.
Ive been a victim:
The Belgians cut off my hands in the Congo.
They lynch me still in Mississippi.
I am a Negro:
Black as the night is black,
Black like the depths of my Africa.

Arose: surgiram
Depths: profundezas

Lynch: lincham
Mortar: argamassa
Ragtime: gnero musical afro-americano do sc. XIX
Slave: escravo
Sorrow: tristeza
1. What is the main theme of the poem?
a) Friendship
b) Racial Pride
c) Love
d) Environmental
2. Marque a alternativa em que o eu lrico faz uma comparao do
a) Black as the night is black
b) I made a ragtime
c) The Belgians cut off my hands in the Congo
d) Ive been a victim:
3. No poema o eu lrico utiliza a figura da gradao com o efeito
de relatar a situao dos Negros cultural e socialmente. Marque
a opo que contm essa sequncia gradativa:
a) Negro, victim, singer, worker, slave, Negro
b) Victim, singer, slave, worker, Negro, Negro
c) Negro, slave, worker, singer, victim, Negro
d) Negro, worker, singer, slave, victim, Negro
4. How many lines/verses does the poem have?
a) 10 lines
b) 12 lines
c) 18 lines
d) 19 lines
5. How many stanzas does the poem have?
a) 5 stanzas
b) 6 stanzas
c) 4 stanzas
d) 7 stanzas
6. Em qual das estrofes exaltada a criatividade e a contribuio
cultural dos Negros para a sociedade?
a) 2nd stanza
b) 1st stanza
c) 4th stanza
d) 5th stanza

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