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Psychology I

Brain Test Review

Mrs. Forbes
Use this review sheet to prepare for the Brain test. The testing window will be
announced in class and you must achieve mastery before the window closes. Turn this
completed review sheet in after achieving mastery (check your answers after taking the
Structure of the Nervous System:
What does the central nervous system consist of?
What nervous system would be disrupted if you experience problems in the arms and
What nervous system would respond if you came home to a burglar and your heart was
racing and you were perspiring?

Structure of Neuron:
Know the order of the structures in a neuron as the impulse travels through.
What is the function of the dendrites?
Multiple sclerosis slows neural messages by affecting what part of a neuron?
What are action potentials?
What is a synapse?
What are neurotransmitters?
When you sprain an ankle, what types of neurons relay messages from your ankle to the
What neurotransmitter is linked to depression, insomnia, and appetite?

Endocrine System:
What is the master gland?
What are the chemical messengers produced by endocrine glands?

What part of the brain instructs the pituitary gland?

What are the two hormones produced by the pancreas?

Structure of the Brain

Which are the structural scans?
If a patient is shot in the head, what type of scan might a doctor use to determine the
extent of the damage?
What type of scan might a researcher who wants to determine brain activity during sleep
You need to know the functions of the following brain structures: (note: doing the extra
credit psychsim on Brain and Behavior would be super helpful!!!).
Brocas Area
Wernickes Area
Parietal Lobe
Temporal Lobe
Reticular Formation
Frontal Lobe
Occipital Lobe

Hemispheres and Split Brain:

What brain areas are found specifically in the left hemisphere (in most individuals)?
If the picture of a comb is presented to the right hemisphere of a split brain patient, what
can they do with it?

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