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101 Ways to Attract Abundance

A Collection of Abundance Insights, Affirmations, & Tips


Attracting abundance is easy if you take it one step at a time, and one of the best
ways to do that is by starting with just ONE LITTLE THOUGHT at a time.
If your thoughts about money usually lean toward the negative side, it will be
virtually impossible to overhaul your entire mindset in one day. But what you
CAN do is start focusing on thoughts that are just a little more positive, and a
little more positive, and a little more positive still . . . In a relatively short period
of time, you can create some powerful changes that you can not only feel, you
can SEE the proof that they are working. This guide will help you start planting
little abundance seeds by continuously focusing on thoughts of abundance and
For best results, choose one or two positive quotes, thoughts, or affirmations
each day, and devote a few minutes or more staying focused on them and/or
applying the concept in your life. It works if you work it!
P.S. You have my permission to share this free guide with whomever you like.
Feel free to pass it on and thanks for spreading the word!

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1. Appreciate the money that comes

to you, no matter how small the
amount. Appreciation instantly
moves you into a receptive state so
you are open to all good things, and
this works especially well with
money and all forms of abundance.
2. Have fun spending money - yes,
even while paying bills! Say to
yourself, "I feel good when I spend
money!" When you feel good
sending money out, you start
drawing more IN!
3. Daydream about the many things
you want to buy in the future, in
detail. Create your dream home.
Decorate it from top to bottom,
inside and out. Plan the car you
want to buy, down to the last detail,
color, and feature. Mentally buy a
whole new wardrobe, donate to your
favorite charities, and help your
loved ones. In your own mind, you
are completely abundant and have
no problem spending money or
giving it away!

4. Get crystal-clear about WHY you

want the things you want. You want
more income? Why? What will it do
for you? How will it make you feel?
Why do you want to feel that way?
Get to the true core of what you're
REALLY after and you'll have a much
easier time allowing it in.
5. Breathe deeply and slowly while
imagining your energy field e-x-p-an-d-i-n-g with every breath.
6. Spend time looking at beautiful
sights and let them inspire you. If
you don't have any such sights near
your home, go online and find some
inspiring photos.
7. Watch a comedy movie or TV
show. Swap jokes with friends, look
them up online, or buy some good
joke books. Laughter is a fantastic
way to boost your frequency and
draw abundance into your life.

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8. However much money you have in

your wallet right now, give 10% of it
away while affirming that you live in
an abundant universe. Give with an
open heart and absolute confidence
that everything you send out will
come back multiplied many times
9. Rest for a few minutes when you
feel overwhelmed. Stress holds you
out of alignment with abundance you can only allow the things you are
vibrationally aligned with!

12. Stay optimistic - ALWAYS!

Something good can come out of
every situation, despite how bad it
seems at first glance.

13. Strengthen your belief that you

are growing more abundant by the
day. Say, "Things are getting better
and better for me. My success is
growing. I'm feeling much more
abundant. Things are starting to go
my way." The more you say it, the
more true it will become.

14. Pet a cat, dog, hamster, bird,

horse - any furred, feathered, or
hooved animal that loves affection.
It soothes stress and puts you into a
state of allowing - and they will
thrive on the attention too!

10. Exercise to raise your vibration only those exercises you truly enjoy,
like dancing, swimming, bicycling . . .
choose the ones that make you feel
happy and do them often.
11. Write this affirmation 100 times:
"Financial freedom makes me feel
so good!" And FEEL it each time you
write it down.

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15. When you spend money or pay

bills, affirm that the same sum of
money times TEN is coming right
back to you. If you can create a
really solid belief that this is true,
you'll be amazed as you watch the
universe constantly replenish your
abundance! No matter how much
you send out, it just keeps coming
right back!
16. Engage in activities that quiet
your mind and soothe your soul, like
creative hobbies. Try painting,
sculpting, photography, pottery,
sketching, craft projects, or ANY
creative activity that interests you. It
makes you feel centered and does
WONDERS on your frequency, which
moves you into a state of allowing.
17. Affirm your love for yourself
over and over, all day long. "I'm a
great person; I love myself; I accept
myself exactly as I am." This helps
minimize the belief that you don't
deserve abundance, or don't deserve
it as much as some other people do.
18. Rejoice whenever you see
expressions of abundance in your
daily travels. The essence of
abundance can be seen thousands of
times each day: an abundance of
rain, an abundance of traffic, an

abundance of food, an abundance of

laughter, an abundance of
motivation, an abundance of beauty,
an abundance of sunshine...
Some expressions of abundance may
not thrill you if you focus on the
specifics, but if you stay focused on
the simple fact that abundance is
everywhere and let that knowledge
inspire you, you will attract more and
more beneficial expressions of
abundance into your life.

19. Create a habit of wishing great

abundance on everyone you see;
people who appear to be struggling
as well as people who appear to be
abundant already. Bless them
silently and send out a heartfelt
intention that they allow great floods
of abundance, love, peace, and
happiness into their lives. Whatever
you wish on others is what you are
also creating for yourself.

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20. Pretend that you have a TON of

money in the bank right now (you
can decide exactly how much that is)
- and spend 10 minutes feeling so
GRATEFUL for it! Do your best to
FEEL the money as being real and
tangible. Imagine that it is fully
accessible to you right now, and
allow yourself to feel so blessed, so
uplifted, so happy, so free, so
grateful that you have so much
abundance in your life! Thank you,
thank you, thank you!

one nearby - or hug a tree)! Trees

have amazing energy and hugging
one makes you feel good.

21. Take good care of your body.

The better you feel physically, the
better you feel mentally and
emotionally, and the higher your
vibration will climb, which makes you
highly receptive to abundance in all
forms. Eat nutritious foods, drink
plenty of water, exercise, manage
your stress, and get plenty of rest.
When you do so consistently, you'll
find it much easier to stay positive
and allow plenty of abundance.

23. Smile and say, "Good things are

coming to me today!" Positive
expectations instantly boost your
vibration and bring you into
alignment with abundance.
Interestingly, this can work even if
you don't fully believe what you're
saying - you can "fake it till you make
it" and your belief will get stronger
over time!

22. Give and receive as many hugs as

you can, every single day! Hugging
makes you feel loved and loving, and
you are aligned with abundance
when you are attuned to love! If no
one is available to hug at a given
moment, hug yourself, hug a stuffed
animal (or a real animal if you have

24. FEEL as if you are already

wealthy. Close your eyes and
consider, "How would I feel if I had
UNLIMITED abundance?" Stay with
that thought until you tune into the
essence of abundance in whatever
expression pleases you most!

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25. De-clutter and organize your

home and work space. Not only will
it shift you into a positive, serene
state of mind, but abundance thrives
in positive, orderly, harmonious
26. Make room for more abundance
by organizing and simplifying your
finances. Balance your checkbook;
cancel unused subscriptions and
memberships; refinance loans with
high interest rates; set up a new
savings plan, etc. All of these things
can help you feel more abundant and
therefore help you allow more
27. Turn up the music and dance
when you feel sluggish or
overwhelmed. Dancing boosts your
physical and emotional energy,
floods your body with feel-good
endorphins and raises your
vibration. This is especially effective
when you are "stuck" in the midst of
a financial challenge and you can't
see any way to resolve it. Set it
aside, turn up the music and dance
your heart out, and very often that
great energy will attract solutions sometimes in incredible ways you
never would have thought of on your

28. Every day, make it your mission

to get as relaxed as you can about
financial matters, and affirm that
money comes to you EASILY!
Imagine what it would be like if you
never had to struggle financially
again. If you had an abundant
income, paid your bills easily, and
purchased things as you needed
them without breaking a sweat.
Try to adopt that "easy" state of
mind whenever you think about
money, and you will shift your
dominant vibration about money
quickly. And your results will speak
for themselves with an easier flow of
abundance and good fortune.

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29. Follow inspired ideas and

hunches - they usually lead to
fantastic opportunities for increasing
your abundance! How do you know
when you're being given a "nudge"?
Usually it's a spontaneous idea that
just pops into your head while you
are focused on something unrelated.
Or sometimes it's just a feeling that
comes over you and you feel almost
compelled to take a certain action.
No matter how it shows up, the
biggest clue is that you'll be very,
very, VERY EXCITED by the idea.
They're called "inspired ideas" for a
30. Do the work you absolutely
LOVE to do. If you don't know what
you would love to do, or if you don't
know how to transition to work you
truly love, ask the universe to show
you. Then pay attention to anything
that you feel drawn to. Ideas can
come from other people, news
reports, books, song lyrics, road
signs, and virtually everywhere! In
the meantime, at least spend time
on activities you really love to do a
few times a week. It soothes your
mind, opens up your energy, and
allows abundance and all good things
to flow easier.

31. Start building up unshakable

TRUST that the universe is always
guiding and helping you to be
happier, healthier, and more
abundant in every way. The more
strongly you believe it, the more
obvious the support will be!
32. Make time to rest, relax and
recharge each day. The busier you
are, the more you need this
downtime to release stress and allow
your vibration to rise. When you're
stressed, overwhelmed or depleted,
you can't fully allow abundance
because your vibration isn't
compatible with it. Taking just 20-30
minutes to breathe deeply, quiet
your mind and release tension
immediately elevates your vibration
so you can allow abundance to flow

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33. Read uplifting books, magazines,

websites, and newsletters. Watch
movies and television shows that
make your heart soar. Anything that
inspires you immediately boosts
your vibrational frequency and
brings you into alignment with
34. Dress your best! Wear clothing
that makes you feel good about your
body. When you feel good about
yourself, you are lined up to receive
more of everything good you want.
35. When challenges come up,
assume that a solution is already on
the way to you. Say "I know it will all
work out perfectly" - and MEAN IT.
Then focus on letting go and allowing
the best solutions and opportunities
to show up. Any time you feel a little
surge of worry or frustration come
up again, repeat the process. "I
know it will all work out perfectly".
Let go and trust, let go and trust, let
go and trust. Worry and fear are the
biggest causes of most problems
being blown far out of proportion. If
you respond with calm and certainty
that it will all work out fine, it usually
does. If you really commit to this
and make it a daily habit to respond
to challenges and obstacles this way,
you'll be ASTOUNDED by the

fortunate twists of circumstance you

can call forth!
36. Spend quality time with people
you love. Being too busy often
creates a feeling of distance between
you and your family members and
close friends, which leaves you with
an empty, "disconnected" feeling,
which can lower your vibration. If
you make it a habit to spend quality
time with people you love, you boost
your vibration and allow more
abundance to flow! The more FUN
your interactions with others are, the
higher your vibe will get!
37. Seek out interesting, positive
people that you want to cultivate
relationships with. Find them at
seminars, workshops, personal
development clubs, meditation
circles, book clubs, online forums
and creative gatherings. Your
vibration is greatly influenced by the
quality of people you associate with
most of the time.

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If you make it a habit to spend time

with positive, successful, enlightened
people, you will find yourself
becoming more positive, successful
and enlightened too.
38. Find something positive to say
about everyone and everything you
see. Yes, even those really difficult
people, and even those really
frustrating situations! Over time,
this boosts your vibration and
strengthens your focus so you don't
become overwhelmed by negativity.
Negativity will always exist; how you
react to it is up to you!
39. Make it a habit to deliberately
quiet your mind in meditation once
or twice a day. Our lives can get very
loud and overwhelming with
constant noise, stress and
distraction. Meditation is a simple
and effective way to come back to a
state of serenity and clarity. Just find
a quiet place where you can be
alone, breathe deeply and slowly,
and allow your body to relax. Set
aside all negative feelings like worry,
fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness.
Focus on your breathing . . . in and
out . . . in and out . . . in and out . . .
You can also recite a mantra like, "all
is well" or "peace and well-being" to

further encourage a peaceful state of

mind. Just 10 minutes of this can
revitalize you like you wouldn't
believe! You'll feel calm, clear and
uplifted. How does this help you
align with abundance? Easy negativity and stress fill you with
resistance that blocks abundance.
Dissolve the resistance and
abundance can flow freely again.

40. Donate money to causes that

matter to you. Even better,
volunteer your time and other
resources to help those same causes.
When you give of yourself freely and
joyfully, you send a powerful
message to the universe that says, "I
have plenty of
money/time/energy/resources, and
I'm happy to share it in positive
ways." As a result, the universe
sends you even more.

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41. Never say, "I can't afford that."

Say, "I'm looking forward to having
that. The universe will show me how
to get it. I don't need to worry about
it. Everything I desire eventually
comes to me. I will be so happy to
have it because . . . " then focus on
the happy reasons why you want it.
What will it do for you? How will it
benefit you or others? Then let go
and trust that it's on its way!
42. When you see someone who
already has something you've been
wanting, get excited! Say, "I'm going
to have that soon too, and the
universe is just confirming that my
focus has been in the right place!"
43. Keep reminding yourself that
your outer world is only a reflection
of what's happening inside of you.
When you change how you feel, the
outer reflection must change too.
There are dozens of ways to change
how you feel: meditation, surrender,
deep breathing, active faith, humor,
creative hobbies, distraction. Pick a
method that appeals to you at the
time and give it all you've got.
Within minutes you'll be able to tell
whether it's working or not just by
how you feel.

44. Give thanks for the abundance

you don't yet have, as if you did
really have it. Radiate your strong
feelings of joy and gratitude out to
the universe, knowing that they will
attract the very things you are
expressing thanks for.
45. Ask the universe for guidance on
creating more gateways for
abundance to enter your life. Then
sit quietly and let your mind drift and be prepared to jot down any
"ah-ha" ideas that pop up. If nothing
comes immediately, just stay aware
as you go about your daily routine
and ideas should start showing up.
Act on those that feel right to you!

46. NEVER complain, gripe, or regret

past decisions. ALWAYS praise,
affirm, and make decisions that feel
good to you NOW.

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47. Appreciate the companies and

people you send money to for
expenses. Be grateful that they
provide such wonderful service and
create such wonderful products, and
be glad for the opportunity to share
your abundance with them. As you
gladly share with them, the universe
gladly shares more with YOU!
Give with joy, pay your bills with joy,
send money out with joy, and
joyfully allow more money to flow
back to you. There is no shortage, no
lack, no need to worry. There is
always more than enough!
48. EXPECT abundance to flow to
you easily. Say things like, "I know
that money is going to come to me
easily today. I LOVE it when money
flows easily to me! It's so much FUN
having plenty of money! I love the
freedom and fun and excitement
that money provides for me! And
today is going to be one of those fun,
free, exciting, abundant days!"

49. Make a long list of all of the

positive ways that money can be
used. Why is money such a helpful
tool in the world? What does it
allow you to do? What are some of
the positive ways that you would use
money if you had more of it? Go
ahead, dream big!

50. Say this affirmation a few times

each morning: "Today I welcome
the abundance, people, resources
and opportunities that will help me
expand my life."
51. When you feel stuck, take action
- even if the action is unrelated to
the situation that is stuck. Taking
action on anything empowers you,
which helps dissolve inner blockages
to abundance. But make sure the
action you take is enjoyable in some
way - strive for easy, fun or
interesting action steps rather than
those that are strenuous or

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52. Make a long list of the many

ways that money can enter your life:
through your job, through a
business, from doing odd jobs,
finding it on the ground, unexpected
checks in the mail, gifts, etc. A lot of
people get stuck by being open to
only one or two ways to receive
abundance, when the truth is the
universe can find MILLIONS of
different ways to deliver the good
stuff. The more you remind
yourself of these millions of
possibilities, the more open you will
become to them!

53. Find fun, creative ways to reduce,

reuse, and recycle in your home and
work place. However, do so from an
abundance consciousness rather
than a scarcity consciousness. See it
as a fun challenge to find ways to
create less waste and conserve
resources, not because there "isn't
enough" but because you love caring
for this beautiful, abundant world.

Find new uses for old items, buy

products with recycled packaging,
grow your own vegetables, walk or
bicycle instead of driving when
possible, etc. You'll easily save
money, have fun, grow your
abundance and contribute to a
cleaner environment all at once!
54. Imagine that you won the lottery.
Picture yourself depositing a HUGE
check in the bank, and then make a
list of everything you are going to do
with the money. Be detailed, as if
you were truly planning how to use
the money. (Note: even if you have
no desire to actually win the lottery,
this exercise can get such good vibes
flowing that you allow in floods of
abundance from other sources!)
55. Spend as little time as possible
with people who drag down your
energy. It's vital to safeguard your
own vibrational frequency as much
as you can. However, when you are
alone and in a good state mentally
and emotionally, imagine sending
those difficult people the high, pure
energy of love and forgiveness.
Imagine this energy soaking into
them, uplifting them, helping them
to become happier, lighter, and more

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56. Deliberately think in positive

ways about money and abundance.
When you catch yourself saying
something negative about your own
financial situation or someone else's,
or about money in general,
immediately turn it around by saying
something positive. Over time, this
will dissolve resistant thoughts and
beliefs that prevent money and other
forms of abundance from coming to

57. Never focus on why something

ISN'T POSSIBLE. Focus on why it
over and trust that your team of
universal helpers are working on it.
58. Write a letter to your best friend,
letting her or him know about all of
the miracles taking place in your life especially those that haven't really
happened yet. But write the letter in
present tense and put a lot of
positive emotion into it: "Dear Jess,

life has been so great since I started

allowing so much money and
abundance! Here are some of the
fun things I've been doing lately . . ."
Have fun with it!

59. Have you ever tried to estimate

the amount of money you have
received over the course of your life
so far? For every job you've had,
recall your weekly or monthly salary
and multiply it by the length of time
you worked there. Add up the
figures from all of the jobs you've
held and . . . WOW! You've allowed
in SO much money in the past, and
that's just the beginning! Now look
ahead to the rest of your life - how
much MORE money will you allow in
. . . especially now that you know
how to do it much more easily and
frequently? Really gets you thinking,
doesn't it? :-)

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60. Walk through your home and

make a list of every item you own.
All of these things are expressions of
abundance, and you'll quickly realize
just how rich you really are.
61. Say frequently, "The universe
always provides for my needs." Say
it like you believe it, and look for
evidence that it's true.
62. Spend time in nature, noticing
the vibrant expressions of natural
abundance . . . the plants, flowers,
trees, insects, animals . . . this is a
rich universe and you are blessed to
be part of it!

64. Change your old beliefs that

perpetuate a negative view of money
and abundance. "Rich people are
greedy. Money doesn't grow on
trees. Only the lucky ones get rich."
Replace these old beliefs with much
more productive beliefs. "I'm going
to be a compassionate, generous rich
person. Money is drawn to me
according to how I feel about it. I am
becoming more magnetic to money
every day."
65. Never try to force money to
come to you. The moment you start
pursuing it, it moves away. Instead,
relax, detach, and ALLOW it by
boosting your frequency and feeling
as good as you can.
66. Never fear not having enough
money. The moment you start
broadcasting those feelings of fear,
the universe only reflects back that
reality. Keep affirming with
conviction that you ALWAYS have
more than enough money for
everything you need.

63. When something ends or

disappears from your life, start
affirming that a great new beginning
is on the way!

67. Remind yourself often that you

are already worthy. You don't have
to do anything to deserve
abundance; you deserve it no matter

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68. CLAIM your abundance. Imagine

that the universe has unlimited
amounts of abundance already set
aside just for YOU. Picture this
wealth and say, "I claim my
abundance now. I claim my
abundance now. I claim my
abundance and allow it to flow into
my life in fun and surprising ways."
69. Shout "YES TO ABUNDANCE" ten
times. Jump up and down while you
do it!

70. Become a "YES person" in all

areas of your life! Say YES to
abundance in all forms: to good
health, to joy, to love, to peace of
mind, to laughter, to fun, to ease.
Make a commitment to focus only on
things that you can say YES to - and
ignore things that make you want to
shout NO!

71. Visualize finding money in

unusual places, like tucked on a
supermarket shelf, under the seat of
your car, between the pages of
books . . . as you imagine finding
money in these places, get excited
and FEEL as if it's really happening to
72. Does the majority of your money
come to you from activities you
"have to" do? If so, you may have a
strong belief that money can't come
to you in enjoyable, easy, or fun
ways. Start changing this belief by
pondering, "Wouldn't it be great if I
could find ways to allow more money
in ways that are fun and easy?"
When that little nagging inner voice
pipes up and says, "impossible!"
prove it wrong by searching for
examples of people who are making
money doing something they love.
Professional athletes, singers, artists,
actors, coaches, fitness trainers,
consultants, chefs and bakers - there
are so many options to be paid for
work that thrills you and inspires
you! The key is that you have to
believe it's possible for you before
you'll allow in the opportunities to
make it happen.

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73. One of the best ways to become

more successful yourself is to praise
success every chance you get. Don't
resent your neighbor for driving a
nice car; don't be jealous when your
co-worker gets a promotion.
Instead, make it your goal each day
to praise ALL examples of success
that you see. Keep one major thing
in mind: the only reason you are
tempted to criticize others for their
success is because you feel
frustrated that you haven't yet
achieved the same level of success
yourself. But criticizing the success
of others only pushes it farther away
from YOU! Praise and celebrate all
examples of success and you will
invite that same essence into your
own life.

74. You may be resisting allowing

more money into your life because
you fear it would be overwhelming in
some way. Have you ever said things
like this: "I'd love to earn more
money but I don't want the added
responsibility and stress. I wouldn't

know what to do with all of that

money. I'd never get to see my
family because I would have to work
so many hours." The belief that
more money automatically equals
more stress, responsibilities and
longer hours is just a perception!
Certainly it's true for some people,
but is it really true for everyone who
earns a lot of money? Look for
examples of people who are enjoying
a great lifestyle while also allowing
large sums of money. If they can do
it, so can you!
75. What are some of the biggest
"stories" you tell about your life?
"I've always struggled with money.
My family seems to be cursed
financially. No matter what I do, I
can't seem to get ahead." Those
stories become your TRUTHS. Start
creating new truths by telling a
better story. "My life really turned
around when I discovered how to
clear my inner blockages and allow
abundance to flow. It didn't take
long, and it was so easy to do!" The
more you tell this story, the more
true it will become for you.

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76. Whenever you feel negative

emotion about money or finances,
see it as a big, flashing neon sign that
you are NOT in alignment with your
desires. It means your thoughts are
moving in a direction opposite to
what you really want.
When this happens, pay attention to
the things you've been focusing on
lately, and you'll probably discover
that you've been focused on
negativity in some form.
Then turn it around by deliberately
focusing on positivity regarding your
finances. "Won't it be great when
more money starts flowing to me?
I'll enjoy it so much because then I'll
be able to _______" (list the things
that will be different for you, and get
excited and passionate about them!).

77. Keep reminding yourself that you

are in full control of your life
experiences because you are the
only one who has control of your
Say frequently: "I choose my
thoughts; my thoughts create my
78. The more abundant you FEEL, the
more abundant you will BE. Find
ways to feel abundant every day.
Give to your favorite charities; buy
little luxury items for yourself; take
time off to rest and enjoy life; look
forward to having more money but
also be deliberate in being grateful
for the abundance you have right
These little actions taken daily will
build a solid abundance mindset that
continuously draws more abundance
back to you.

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79. Practice getting more

comfortable with larger sums of
money by pondering what it would
be like to have them. If you currently
earn $50,000 a year, imagine what it
would be like to earn $100,000 a
year. How would that change your
daily life? Would you live
somewhere else? Drive a different
car? Travel more? Feel more
secure? "Try on" larger and larger
incomes and see how they feel. If
any of them feel uncomfortable, it's
a sign that you have more work to do
to come into full alignment with
receiving them.
80. Get clear on your "money
triggers" and start clearing them out.
A money trigger is any situation that
makes negative emotions flare up
within you. Examples: Seeing a
person who appears to be wealthier
and more successful than you; seeing
your neighbor with a new car;
hearing about your co-worker's
lavish vacation; paying your bills each

differently about them. For example,

choosing to be happy for your
neighbor and confirming that you
too will have a new car in the near
future. Clearing money triggers
takes time and patience but it's
imperative if you want to allow more
81. Make a list of all of the reasons
why you deserve great abundance.
Don't hold back; jot down every
possible reason that comes into your
head, even if it seems silly.
Examples: "I'm a good person. I
always try to do the right thing. I'm a
hard worker. I'm honest. I ate my
vegetables for dinner last night."
Then look back over your list, and
see if any "negative" reasons why
you DON'T deserve abundance come
to mind. If so, those are limiting
beliefs that need to be cleared out
before you can allow more

When negativity flares up within you

at moments like these, you've got
some chronic beliefs that need to be
cleared before you can allow more
abundance. One way of clearing
money triggers is to start thinking

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82. Grab a sheet of paper and a pen

and write at the top of the page:
"I'm so grateful that I'm living the
good life now!" Then write a
completely fictional (yet wildly
inspirational) account of your
exciting, amazing, abundant new life.
Really get into it and have a lot of fun
with it - even if you have no desire to
do some of the things you write
about. Just have fun imagining that
you COULD do them if you wanted

83. When you feel stressed about

money, say out loud repeatedly: "I
always have more than enough
money. I always have more than
enough money. I always have more
than enough money." Say it like it's
completely true for you, even though
part of your mind will be shouting
"No, I don't!" Ignore that voice and
pretend that you do always have
more than enough money. The more
powerfully you believe this, the more

you'll notice it becoming true.

Money will start showing up just
when you need it, sometimes from
completely unexpected sources!
84. Why do you want more money?
Getting clearer about your TRUE
desires will help you stay focused on
them and allow them more easily.
Start with your basic desire: "I want
more money." Why do you want
more money? "Because life would
be so much easier." Why would life
be easier? "Because I wouldn't have
to worry so much." Why do you
want to worry less? "Because it
would make me feel calmer and
Ahhh - that's your true goal; feeling
calmer and happier! Yes, having
more money is one way to achieve
that, but you can also start achieving
it now by simply focusing on feeling
that way despite your outer
(Hint: the more you focus on feeling
calmer and happier, the faster you
will attract the circumstances that
will heighten those feelings!)

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85. Try to separate the connection

between your work and your
abundance. Abundance certainly
does come to you through your job
or business - but that's not the ONLY
way it can come!
Retrain your mind to let go of
limitations like, "I can't earn
$300,000 a year because I'm not
qualified for a job that pays that
much." You can easily allow your
desired level of income through
many different avenues - your job or
business is just ONE of them.

87. Find something positive to say

about your financial situation every
day, even something very small on
difficult days!
Examples: "I'm grateful that I have
enough money to pay this bill. I'm
glad that I have a regular paycheck
from my job. At least I have a roof
over my head. I know my income
will keep increasing as I learn more
about using the Law of Attraction."
Find a way to see the bright side, and
the bright side will get bigger and

Do the work you love and let the

universe send your income in a
myriad of fun ways.
86. Praise yourself for all of the
progress you have made so far!
Even if you aren't where you want to
ultimately be, you have still been
successful in some ways. Make a list
of everything you've ever achieved,
even if you later decided it wasn't
what you wanted. Pat yourself on
the back and use these insights to
now build something much better.

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88. Look for evidence that your

thoughts create your reality. Think
about the last time you focused on
something for a few minutes, and
then kept seeing references to it or
actual examples of it in your daily
travels. It happens a LOT, and it's
NOT coincidence. Everything you
focus on for a decent length of time
will be reflected back to you in your
outer surroundings. Now think
about what this means when it
comes to abundance, love,
happiness, and well-being. YES - the
more you focus on them, the more
you'll see and experience them

89. Boost your vibration by reciting

some "I AM" statements that make
you feel great.
Say out loud: "I am abundant! I am
grateful! I am happy! I am so
blessed! I am feeling so good right
now! I am so thrilled about my
progress! I am excited! I am eager!
I am optimistic! I am joyful! I am on
my way to everything I desire!"
Whatever makes you feel good, say it
loud and say it proud - but say it like
it's TRUE.
90. What is your desired amount of
income? Choose a monthly or yearly
amount that would be enough to
make you feel comfortable and
secure right now.
Write it on a sheet of paper and look
at it. Imagine that you are now
receiving this amount of income, and
say with gratitude, "Thank you!".
Really try to feel as if you ARE
receiving that amount of income,
and say it again: "Thank you!"
Keep doing this until you feel
genuine gratitude flowing through
you for your new, abundant income.

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91. You can't solve a financial

problem by focusing on the problem.
You need to lift your awareness
higher and focus on the SOLUTION even if you don't know what it is yet.
Say things like: "The solution I need
is already on its way to me. Thank
you, universe, for giving me the
perfect solution!" And try to be as
detached as possible and KNOW that
the solution will show up. More
often than not, it will pop in
unexpectedly while you are focusing
on something else.
92. The best way to create a highpaying career is to center your career
activities around providing immense
VALUE to your employer, employees,
customers, and associates. It doesn't
matter whether you work for
yourself or someone else, whether
you have a partner or not, whether
you work solo or as part of a team. If
you make it your mission to give
something truly valuable to everyone
you serve, success will be yours.
Give massive value, achieve massive

93. Make a list of things you would

LIKE to be true about your financial
situation. Example: "Money comes
easily to me. I only work a few hours
a week. I get to focus on work I
really love. I am my own boss. I
have complete financial freedom and
time freedom."
Choose one of these statements
each day, and say it repeatedly all
day long. You'll know it's not true,
but keep pretending it is. By the end
of each day, you should notice some
vibrational movement on that
particular subject, confirming a shift
in your beliefs.
94. Use one-word affirmations to
tune into the essence of what you
want. For example, say the word
"abundance" a few times. Really
tune into the essence of what
abundance FEELS like as you say it.
As you focus on abundance in this
way, you are actually ALIGNING with
it and allowing more of it to enter
your life! It doesn't happen instantly
but over time you'll feel and see a
noticeable difference. You can do
the same thing with the essence of
love, gratitude, peace, wellness, or
any other quality.

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95. When things go wrong in your

financial situation, be sure not to
infuse them with even more negative
energy. Do your best to step back
emotionally and say, "Okay, this isn't
good but it's all right; I'll get it
straightened out; it's just a minor
obstacle; I choose to stay calm about
it . . ." Believe it or not, just doing
that can often usher in some positive
solutions to get you back on track
quickly. If you freak out and worry
or stress, you just make the
problems worse.
96. No one in your life can force you
to think destructive thoughts. They
may have the ability to influence
your mood and mindset, but YOU
ultimately get to choose! Remember
this when you encounter a negative,
pessimistic, scarcity-focused person.
Don't try to change them, but
remember that you have the power
to choose your own mindset rather
than getting sucked into theirs.
97. Working harder is not the path
to more abundance. It may seem
like it works initially, but over time
you're going to burn out, your
frequency will drop, and you'll
attract more struggle and hardship.

The true secret to effortless,

consistent abundance is getting your
frequency HIGH and then taking
action - not excessive, back-breaking
action; just moderate, focused
action. You'll find that doing this
attracts much more abundance for
far less physical effort!

98. Never worry about "losing"

money, because you can always keep
attracting more and more!
Remember, you will always attract
experiences that match your
dominant frequency. If you do
happen to lose money, focusing on it
and getting upset about it will only
block more money from coming to
you. Instead, switch your focus to
something that makes you feel
abundant and affirm that the
universe will replace what you "lost"
plus a whole lot more! :-)

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99. The more you make it a habit to

focus positively on money and
abundance, the more you will set
yourself up for an AUTOMATIC,
ONGOING flow of abundance and all
good things into your life.
Even though it seems like a lot of
effort is required to change your
focus from scarcity to abundance,
that effort will pay off many times
over once you've created some new
habits of thought and empowering
new beliefs.
Rather than seeing your efforts as a
chore, see it as an investment into an
easier, abundant lifestyle later on.
100. Take a close look at your life
and become aware of other areas
that could be "seeping" negativity
into your financial situation.
For example, your relationships, your
work, your physical well-being. Do
any of these areas have a heavy
theme of scarcity or struggle? And
do those areas sometimes have a
negative impact on how you feel
about abundance?

If so, start changing the way you

think, feel and believe about those
situations too. They will have a
better influence on your financial
situation so it doesn't seem so hard
to make positive changes as it
otherwise would.
101. Do you often feel consumed by
DOUBT? Do you doubt that you can
easily allow more money? Do you
doubt that you can find work you
love? Do you doubt that work could
pay enough? Do you doubt you'll
ever pay off your debts?
Start turning that doubt into ACTIVE
believe that more money can come
to me easily. I choose to believe that
I can find work I really love. I choose
to believe I can earn a great living
doing work I love. I choose to
believe that I can pay down my debts
quickly and easily."
Doubt is really just a negative belief.
But all negative beliefs can be turned
into positive beliefs with a little bit of
consistent effort.

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Need More Guidance on Allowing Abundance?

Many people who try to attract more abundance aren't really sure how to go
about it day by day. They know they need to visualize, they know they need to
change their thoughts, but how? What EXACTLY should they be doing every day?
If you've ever asked these questions, the Allow Abundance Course is for you!
Twenty-six weeks of life-changing activities, games and insights that will change
your relationship with money and abundance forever!
You'll finally know EXACTLY what to do to move into a permanent state of
allowing, with focused weekly lessons and exercises that take only a few minutes
to do, but which dramatically improve your relationship with money.

Get the full details on our course here!

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