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‘Rape fr Ia pt vlna Gran Tes eee in inks 2: Marga OPERA COMPLETA PER CANTO E PSANORORTE. Fr. % soma seo (3), Franco di porto wel Regma, Fr. 3, 86 — Per li Susi alt Unione Bisel, Fr. sige. Propet deft Bar. — Deponn «sonia de antes, ‘Tend | ad waco, pps pedenkouhulee © tance ae sere 487 I CAPULET! E I MONTECCHI (The Capulets and the Montaguos) Opera in two acts. Music by Vincenzo Bellini Libretto by Felice Romani, loosely basod on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet First performed at the Teatro la Fenice, Venice, on March 11, 1830 CHARACTERS Giulietta (Juliet), a Capulet: soprano Romeo, a Montague and head of the Ghibellines: mezzo-soprano (or tenor) Tebaldo (Tybalt), a Capulet partisan: tenor Capellio (Capulet), patriarch of the Capulets and Juliet’s father: bass Lorenzo, physician in the Capulet household: baritone Capulets, Montagues, Ladies, Gentlemen, Soldiers ‘The action takes place in Verona, Italy ‘The time is the XII century ‘THE PLOT ACTI ‘Verona has long been plagued by a feud between the two families of Capulets and Montagues. In the palace belonging to the Capulet family, Capello, and his followers are gathered. The Guelphs are again being threatened by the Ghibellines'. Tebaldo, head of the Guelph faction, informs them that Romeo, the most hated of the Montagues, is leading an army against them. Romeo is the man, so he says, who carlior had slain Capellio's son, and who now sends an envoy to offer peace terms. The envoy, of course, is none other than Romeo himself. Unrecognized by his enemies, he now offers Capellio a plan to end the feud between the two families by allowing him to marry his daughter Giulietta. But Tebaldo is the man Capellio has chosen to marry his daughter, partly as a means to bolster his own political power. Only Lorenzo, the Capulets’ physician, is opposed to his plans, for he knows that Giulietta is engaged in a secret and passionate love affair with Romeo. But his words fall on deaf ears, and Lorenzo is ordered to tell Giulietta of her father’s decision. The Capulets refuse Romeo's offer and vow to continue the bloodshed. In her chamber, Giuliotta is in utter despair. Lorenzo has informed her of her father’s wishes and she wistfully thinks about her exiled lover Romeo, who she imagines to be far away. Lorenzo cautiously reveals to her that Romeo has retumed to Verona in order to see her. Romeo slips through a secret door and flings himself into the loving arms of Giulietta. When he hears of Giulietta’s fate, he suggests that they elope, but Giulietta is reluctant to neglect her filial duties and instead implores Romeo to save himself. Romeo is undecided, but, finally convinced by her words, takes his leave. Giulietta sadly watches him depart. ‘Gualphs and Ghiballines are names of two great political factions in northern Italy from about the 12th to the 15th ‘century. These partis originated in the early 12h century in Germany as the partisans ina struggle forthe throne ofthe Holy Roman Empire between two princely houses, the Welf, who were the dukes of Saxony and Bavaria, and the Hohenstaufen, ‘who wore the rulers of Swabia. In the cours ofthe 13th century the names ofthe two groups lost their original German ‘significance. The Guslphs became the party opposing the authority ofthe Holy Roman emperors in Italy and supporting the power ofthe papacy while the Ghibellins supported the imperial authority. Medieval Italy was Asrupted by the violent political and military conflicts between the partisans ofthe two great factions. In general the great noble families adhered to the Ghibelinnes, while the cities supported the Guelphs. Verona, however, was « Chibelline stonghold. 488 In the Capulet palace, wedding festivities have beon started, Romeo, disguised as a Guelph, is urged by Lorenzo to save himself, but Romeo tells him that a force of Ghibellines is loose in Verona disguised as Guelphs and planning to descend on the palace to halt the wedding, Lorenzo's sympathies are with the ‘two young lovers but he cannot betray his allegiance to Capellio. Fighting can be heard as Romeo rushes fff Gullotta is tom botwoon fear for her lovers life and despair at the bloodshed. When Romeo reappears to urge her to flee with him, he is quickly discovered, and when he announces bimself as, ‘Tebaldo's rival for Giulitta's hand, his true identity is revealed. It is only through the intervention of his followers that he manages to escape the Capulets’ wrath. ACT. ‘Violent skirmishes have once again broken out between the two warring factions and Giulietta anxiously awaits news from the faithful Lorenzo in her apartment. When he arrives he informs her that Romeo is safe, but adds that the wedding, which had been postponed after the recent tragic events, will take place on the following day. If, however, she obeys his instructions, she will be able to avoid the marriage. She is to drink a mysterious potion that will put her in such a prolonged deep sleep that everyone will believe her dead. Lorenzo will tell Romeo of the plan and when she awakens, her lover will be at her side. After a few moments of hesitation Giulietta drinks the potion. At that moment Capellio returns, and although troubled by his daughter's strange appearance, tells her to prepare for the ceremony. As Giulietta walks away, leaning against Lorenzo, Capellio's suspicions are aroused. He orders his men to summon Tebaldo at once and to keep a close watch on Lorenzo, who is forbidden to speak to anyone and must remain in the palace. Ina street in Verona, Romeo is disturbed that he has received no news from Gfulietta and searches for Lorenzo, the only man who can set his mind at rest. Hovering around the Capulet palace he encounters his rival Tebaldo. ‘The two engage in a duel but are stopped short by a sound of wailing voices. A funeral cortdge passes by, taking Giulistta to her grave. ‘Torches cast a dim glow in the crypts where Giulietta lies. Romeo has come to bid his final farewell and dismisses his friends, telling them that he wishes to grieve alone. Beside the tomb he quickly drinks a phial of poison and waits for death to come. At that moment Giulietta awakens, and seeing Romeo, does not doubt that all has gone according to Lorenzo's plan. Her hopes soon fade, and the lovers realize that fate is irrevocably against them. Giulietta listens to Romeo's last words of endearment before collapsing lifeless across his body. “ I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I ACTI ‘Scene One (A gallery in the Capulet palace.) CHORUS (Copollio's supporters) stéxdgoma ‘appena ‘ed ekckotfi Aggioma appena... ed_—_occoci Day is breaking barely... and here we are ‘suri ‘antsi © Unit surti anzi lfalba © unit. arisen before dawn and together. ke ha frekwenti ¢-—=“feleri‘@gunsero, att Che fia? Frequenti © colori giumsero = aon What could itbe? Frequent and rapid came to us ‘asa Kavaljei =e = mlti ingombran Ta tftta Gia Cavalioi =o Milt. ingombren lait. Already knights and men-at-arms are filling the city. ‘alta katdson soldetfito koi Kapelijo ‘rende Alta cegion sollecito coat ee rendo. Important reasons hurried thus _ Capellfo causes to be. (important reasons are the cause for Capellio's hurry.) ‘forse improvevizo turbine ‘sul ‘kapo ‘ai gwelfi Forse improvviso. turbine sal capo ai Guolfi Maybe a sudden — storm cloud over the. head of the Guelphs* ‘forse i monitekki —inisorgono- a ‘nwova. nimista Forse i Montecchi insorgono = @——nuova_nimistal Maybe the Montecchi arise to anew hostility! ‘peran i atid ‘perano ‘kweigibelin Poran si andaci! Perano quei_ Ghibellin Let them perish, the bold ones! Let them die, those Ghibellines ‘pria ‘ke Je porte “saprano ‘atklorde ‘oro atrotfi Pria che Jo porto s'aprano alforde loro atroci, Before the doors are opened —_to the hordes theirs atrocious, (Before the gates are opened to their terrible hordes.) ‘sui kapuleti indomiti verona krolle'ra sui i indomiti Verona crollera. over the Capuleti indomitable Verona will crash down. (over the heads of the indomitable Capuleti Verona will come crashing down.) seo footnote #1 on Guslphs and Ghiellines. 489 no ferotfi w ferocious! 490 I Capuleti e i Montecehi, Act I ‘Scene Two (Tobaldo enters.) ‘TEBALDO ° ‘Gi ka'pel:ljo dgene'rozi atmitfii © —di_—Capellio —gonerosi_ = amici, Oh, of — Capellio generous friends, ontdgunti ——_difen'sori © ‘grave ‘ed alta congiunti, difensor, 8 = grave od alta Kinsmen, defenders, itis grave and important ‘la kaldgon ‘ke ne afduna ‘odidgi a konisesso Ja cagion che ne aduna ogg a = comsesso. the reason that brings us together today to a meeting. ‘prende ed:dzelino _istess#0 allie ‘nostre ‘parte Prende Ezzelino’ _—_istesso allire nostro parte, Takes Ezzelino _himsolf ofthe anger ours notice, (Ezzolino himself takes notice of our anger,) © ‘de monttelcki——sostenitor ‘si ‘zvela @ de’ Montecchi-—sostenitor si svola. and of the Montecchi as supporter_he reveals himself. ose possente ‘ad_—assalime ——_injvia Octo possonto ad assalime —invia.. Anarmy mighty to attackus he is sonding... ‘dutfe ‘ne ‘vjene ‘de gibe'tint al Duce ne viene de’ Ghibellini il Leader comes to us from the Ghibellines the © reo pu jer ere, il pit fiero. and guilty, the most cruel. (The leader of the Ghibellines coming to attack us is the most hated, guilty and cruel man.) CHORUS ‘1 mai Chi mai? Who is it? ‘TEBALDO romeo Romeo! Romeo! cHORUS Romeo! ‘This mention of Ezzelino da Romano, as an ally of the Ghibelines inthe 1200's, is one of the ibrotist Felice Roman's ‘historical inaccuracies. That tyrant, who ruled Verona for more than thirty years, bed been dead since 1250. ttn ae imi I Copuleti¢ i Montecchi, ActI* 491 CAPELLIO ‘si kwel_ romeo ‘kwelkrudo ‘del mio TiKKo_uttfi'zor Si, quel Romeo, qual crudo del mio figlio_uccisor. ‘Yes, that Romeo, that cruslone = of |~=s my_—son_the Killer. (Yes, that Romeo, that cruel man who killed my son.) ‘ekki ra voi ki Tia ke Egli.. (fra voi chi fia che il creda?) He... (among you who might there be that cam believe this?) ‘ekki “di pate ardiffe ‘patti oftferir egli di pace antisco patti offerir, he of -~—_ peace dares pacts to offer, (he dares to offer us pacts of peace,) © ambaffator mandame = a_—Sskonsifarla © ani © ambasciator mandamo a_~—consigliarla =a = noi. and anambassador to send us to. recommendit tous. (and sends for that reason an ambassador to hold counsel and recommend peace to us.) CHORUS ‘patfe sipnor Pace, Signor! Peace, Lord! CAPELLIO sammai Giamamai! Nover! LORENZO. ‘ne wdire il wo! ‘utili forse © Snesti_ satranmo i patti Né —udire il vuoi? Util forse @ ——onesti_saranno i patti. Not listen wish you? Useful perhaps and honest mightbe the -—pacts. (Will you not even hear him? His pacts might be useful and honest.) ° a -kozi “lunge ‘gare ‘dsova ‘der fine oma A cost Tungho gare giova dar fine omai: To such long conflicts © wemust —putan end now; ‘korse ‘gomfjo ‘ai Corse gonfio ai Flowed swollen with blood Adige enough. (The Adige has for too long been swollen with blood.) CAPELLIO ‘fu vendikato ‘il'mio softanto e ‘multo Fu vendicato. I mio soltanto a inulto: It was avenged. Mine only remains unavenged; (That blood was avenged. Only my own blood remains unavenged.) “The Adige is «river coursing through the Venetian provinces, of which Vorona i @ part. 492 . I Copuleti e i Montecahi, Act I ” ‘fo verso respira Chi Jo versd respira. Whoever spilled it _(still) breathes. (Whoever spilled my son's blood is still alive.) © ‘mai fortuna hon Ioffiferse a imjei_“zowardi E mai fortuna non Toffarse 2 misisguardi... And never fortune did not offerhim to = my_—gaze. (Never has fortune brought him before my sight...) innoto 2 “tutti pike fantful partia Ignoto 2 tmitipoicha fanciul partio, Unknown to all,__— since (as) child he had left, vaigo romeo ‘di terra ‘in terra ‘ed = im verona iftessa vagd Romoo di tera in terra, od in_—_‘Verona istossa wandered Romeo fromi land to land, and in Verona even adi ‘piu ‘wolte penetrare ——innoto ard pitt volte penetrare —_ignoto. he'dared more than one time enter unbeknownst. (Unknown to all, for he left when still a child, Romeo wandered from land to land, and to Verona more than once he has come without our knowledge.) ‘TERALDO rimverirlo io sapro ‘ne ‘fetfi_ ‘um Voto Rinvenirlo = io saprix ne foci un voto. Tofind him 1 — willknowhow; about it Tmadea vow. (will find him; I vowed I would do it) © sefbata a= kwesto attfaro ‘del ‘tus ‘saggwe'la—_ventdetta B — sorbataa == questo acciarodel tuo sanguo la_-——vondatta: Is kept for this steel of your blood the vengeance; (The vengeance of your blood is reserved for this sword of mine;) 2 dsttrato ‘per dgujetta Lho giurato per Giulietta: Thaye sworn it for Giulietta; ‘tutta talja ‘fel ‘sa ‘tutta Italia, il ciol lo sa. all of Italy, heaven Knows it. ‘mu ‘dun todo me's “Karoatifretta ‘I Wottfe istante To d'un nodo a me i caro affrotta fl dolco istanto; You ofa knot to me so dear _hasten the sweet moment; (And you, Capellio, hasten the sweet moment of our marriage so dear to me.) ‘ed ©] Yoto delsimante © il——_konfsorte ‘adempira ed il voto doll'amanto il © consort © aadempira. and the vow of thelover the husband ——shalll keep. {and this lover's vow I shall as her husband keep.) I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 493 CAPELLIO. ‘si matvbrattfa. ate dimene ‘fia attar ‘sin dod:dsi—atttfezo Si, miabbraccia. A to = dTmone’—s fin’ altar sin dioggi acceso. Yes, embrace me. For you of marriage be _the altar on this day lit. (Let the wedding altar be lit for you this very day.) LORENZO ‘Yel ‘sin ‘dodkgi Gio! sin d'oggi? Heavens! This very day? CAPELLIO € donde ‘vjene ‘lo sttpor ‘ke ‘ta komiprezo E donde viene Io stupor cho tha compreso? And whence comes the surprise that has seized you? LORENZO a sinnor ‘da febsbre ardente ‘mesta, afflitta © onnor dsatfente ‘Ah! Signor, da febbre ardonte... _mesta, afflitta, © ognor giacente... ‘Ah! Lord, by fever burning... sad,» anguished, and ever _ lying down... ‘ella il sai potria softants me a = fortsa ‘al = ‘sakro altar lla... il sai... potria soltanto imo a forza al —sacro_ altar. she... youknow.. could only go by force to the sacred altar. ‘TEBALDO “kome a fortsa Come! A forza! How so! By force! CAPELLIO, CHORUS © avrai'ty ‘it Vanto ‘di por fine val sup pe'nar EB avrai tu il vanto ai por fine al suo penar. And you will have the boast of —_ putting anendto her _suffering. (You will be able to boast of having put an end to her suffering.) ‘TEBALDO ‘lama ‘tanto © me ‘si kara Lamo tanto, ome a care, Tlove her somuch, and she istome so dear ‘piu del ‘sol "ke mi riskjara . pit del sol chemi rischiara; more than the sun that shines on me; © sipostae = viva in tei E Hipostad viva, in Moi It dwells, itis alive inher ‘onni ‘soja del mio tor ogni gioia del = mio cor. every joy of my heart. Properly, a marriage song of the ancient Greeks; Inter personified as the gpd of marriage, represented asa youth carrying « torch and a vell-« more mature Cupid or Eros. In bret, mene, Imeneo or Imen connote marriage, weddings, nuptials, et. In French hymen and hyménée ar likewise used. 404 I Copuleti © i Montecchi, Act I ‘ma se avessse ‘il mio konttento a kostarte ‘un ‘sol_—_latmento Ma avesse i_mio contento a costarle um sol lamento, But if had my happiness (to) cost her one sole lament, (But if my happiness were to cost her one single lament.) a phttosto © io ‘fekKe'red ‘mile ‘dsomi ‘di dolor ah! pinttosto = io scogliorei. = mille giomi di dolor. ah! Rather 1 would choose athousand days of grief. CAPELLIO. ‘non temer ‘twoi ‘dubbi alckweta Non tomer: tuoi dubbi acquota; Do not fear; your doubts put to rest; ‘ta vetdrai serena eet 1a vodrai sorena 0 liote, Youwill seeher serene and joyful, “ewando te del su. dyermano ‘string ‘al ‘sen—_-vendikattor quando te del suo germano ~~ stringa al sen—_vondicator. when you of her — brother she clasps toher bosom avenger. (when she embraces you, the avenger of her [slain] brother.) CHORUS ‘nostro ‘dutfe ¢ ‘nostro ‘skampo Nostro Duce © nostro gcampo, Our leader and our —_deliverer, ‘muda ‘ferro ‘ed effi in eampo sada. fl foro ed = osci_ in ~— campo; unsheathe your sword and take to the battlefield; ‘ai dguijetma = sia ta mano di Gintiottia. = sian. mano. of Giulietta. © be_-—the~—hand ‘denno ‘premjo ‘al = tu—vatlor dogno Premio al tuo valor. aworthy prize for your valor. (Lot Giulfetta’s hand be a worthy prize for your valor.) LORENZO a dgifljetta «or fin. zvellato “kwesto arkano Jagurats (Ab! Giulistt, or = fia_—svelato questo arcano sciagurato; (Ah! Giulietta, now willbe revealed —_—_ this secret _ dread; (Ab, Giulfetta, now this dread secret will be revealed!) a nom va poter mans ‘ke ti plaki al dgenitor ah! nonvha ——poter umano che i plachi il gonitor!) (eh! there isn't a power human that can placate your father!) ‘TEBALDO Ah, Yamo © m’ pitt cara, etc. LORENZO Ah! Giulietta, or fia svelato, etc. I Capuleti e i Montecchi, Act I 495 CAPELLIO Non temor; tuoi dubbi acqueta, etc. cxHoRUS Nostro Duce @ nostro scampo, etc. CAPELLIO ‘vane Iotentso ety kel pwoi Vanne, Lorenzo; @ = tm_—cho_—ill puoi Go, “Lorenzo, and you who areable to, disponi dsutjeta al tito disponi Giuliotta = al rito; prepare Gfulietta _—_for the ceremony; ‘antsi "ke ‘sol tratmonti Kompjuto il woo Anzi cho il sol_—tramonti. © compiuto_—il voglio. Before that the sun _—_ sets carried out T want it. (I want the ceremony carried out bofore the end of this day.) doman ‘pju jeta ‘fia doman pit lista = fia tomorrow, happier, let her be ‘ke = rattlegri le —pateme ‘mura che —_rallegri Je patorne mura, that ‘she may gladden the _ paternal walls.® (Tomorrow let her be happier and bring joy to her father's house.) (Lorenzo tries to speak) ubbigiffi Ubbidisci. Obey. (Lorenzo leaves.) ‘TEBALDO a sinnor Ant 2 Ab! My Lord! CAPELLIO ‘ti rassstkura ‘sensi ‘de mjei_— diversi ‘Ti rassicura. Sensi do miei diversi Be reassured. Thoughts than mine different ‘nom ‘pwo mutrir éouijenta non pud nutrir Giuliotta: cannot nourish Gfulietta; (Be reassured that Giulietta will always do my will.) "Mura and tetto, respectively moaning "walls" and “oof, are used in post to denote a dwelling 498 I Capuleti © i Montecchi, Act I © 8 tei fia karo. kome a = noi “tutti © a ei fia caro, coms a —noi_— tutti, and to her be dear, as to us al, iL pro gwe'rxjer te wniffe i'swoi destini ‘ai —mjei il pro’ guerrior tunisco i suai destini ai miei. the brave warriors ‘iho binds his fae. to my own. (she.will love, as all of us do, the proud warrior {Tebaldo] who binds his fate to my own.) ‘tanto ‘bene ‘mi perswade amor tanto bene mi persuade amor, such fortune persuades me love, ‘a Di or © kor propenso «=a reder vero e il cor_—proponso © a_—scredor vero and my heart iswilling to_—believe true. ‘ewel ke pju devia quel cho pid desia that which it most desires. (Such a love persuades me to believe that it will be my good fortune to have what my heart most desires.) CAPELLIO ‘ma - ya ver ‘noi sa'vivia Lnetmiko orator Ma gid vor noi savvia i nomico orator. But already towards us approaches the enemy's. spokesman. ‘avi fra Voi ke = ‘de monteeki Ave fra vol cho de'_—-Montecchi Is there among you who of the Montecchi ‘alle Proposte igkini alle Proposto. ——_inchini? to their proposals _bows? (ls there among you anyone who will bow to the Montecchi's proposals?) CHORUS ‘odjoetemo ‘ai = monitekki_ ‘ai gibettlini Odio otemo ai Montecchi, ai _—Ghibellini! Hate eternal to the Montecchi to the Ghibellines! ‘Scone Three (Gnter Romeo.) ROMEO ‘Veto ‘del ‘doltfe inykarko a2 ui meledage Lieto del dolce incarco © cui melegge Happy over the sweet office to which elected me ‘de gibe'ini. §=— il ‘dutfe ‘io tmi pre'sento ‘nobili ‘gwelfi a voi do! Ghibollini~il_-—=S Duco, io mi presonto, nobili Guelfi avai. of the Ghibellines the leader. I _present myself, noble Guelphs, to you. (Happy in the sweet office to which I was elected by the leader of the Ghibellines, I present myself to you, noble Guelphs.) | 1 I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 497 ‘Yjeto “del ‘pari ‘posssa wdirmi tfaskun poike we'ratfe Listo del peri possa udinmi clascun, poichd verace Happy as well may hear me each one of you since true faveltia ‘io ‘parla damistade =e = patfe favolla io parlo d'amistado © pace. word(s) 1 speak offriendship and peace. (Each of you should be no less happy, for I shall speak to you words of friendship and peace.) ‘TEBALDO ‘fa ‘ke = ‘nei_—monttekcki_ ‘poss afifidarsi ‘mai Chi fia che nei Montecchi_ —possa_affidarsi mai? ‘Who is there that in Montecch{s could trust ever? (Who :s there that can ever trust a Montecchi?) ‘CAPELLIO. : ‘fu ‘mike ‘volte ‘patfe fermata Fu mille volta pace fermata Ttwas athousand times peace agrood to © ‘mile ‘volte injfranta e mille volte infrante. and athousand times broken. (We agreed on a truce a thousand times, and a thousand times it was broken.) ROMEO ‘sassi in tua man ke=— ‘santa. © «= imviolata «sia Stasi in tua man che santa o _—inviolata «sia. Itlfes in your hand that holy and inviolate —it be. ‘pari ‘im verona ‘abibjan ‘sedxigo i ——-monttekiki Pari in Verona abbian soggio i Montocchi, Equal in Verona let them have a seat the — Montecchi, (Let the Montecchis have equal place in Verona,) . © fia. dguiljettia = spoza arses © fia Gutiotta. = sposa a =—Romeo. and be Giulietta bride to Romeo. (and let Giuliotta be the bride of Romeo.) CAPELLIO ‘sordge fra ‘noi ‘di sangwe fatal batrrjera Sorge fra noi di sanguo fatal barriera, Stands between us_of_~—swblood. dire barrier, © nonsara mai tolta dsammai To “dsur0 enon sarh mai tolta, giammai, _lo giuro. and itwillnot ever be lifted, never, T swear it. ‘TEBALDO, CHORUS © i dguirjam tutti E ilgiuriam tutti. And we swear it, all of us. 498 I Copuleti o i Monteochi, Act I ROMEO knelt astolta ‘se romeo ttitfize ‘um fikko Crudeli! Ascolta. Se Romeo tucciso un figlio, You cruel ones! Listen. If Romeo killed your son, jim = battakta ke ‘morte in battaglia «= Tati morte: in battle to him brought de inkotpar wne'dei * incolpar ne dei blame you must (Although Romeo killed your son, it was in battle and you must place the blame on fate.) ‘ei me pjamse =e jandge ajkor Eine pianse, 0 —_——piango ancor. He — weptoverit and weeps still. ‘de ti plaka © ‘un ‘altro ‘fikko trove'rai ‘nel ‘mio Deh! ti place, ¢ — unaltro figlio troverai nel mio another son youwillfind in my e ‘allo ‘stolto ed allo stolto and tell the fool ‘ke altro ‘fitko ga troval cho altro figlio gia ‘trovai. that another son already Thave found, ROMEO ‘rome © kwal Come! E " What! And who? ‘TEBALDO ‘io To. L ROMEO ‘uke askolto 2 tel ‘sentiaykor Ta! (cho ascolto! oh cial) sonti ancor... You! (What doThear! Oh heaven!) —_Listen_ again... CAPELLIO aitfesti aissai Dicosti acai. You've said enough. Romo at this point is stil in disguis, and none of the Capulati have recognized im. I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 499 ‘TEBALDO, CHORUS ‘wi Yasin ‘ad uma Wolfe ‘gwerra ‘voi _gridando va Qui ciascun ad una voce guerra a voi “gridando = va. Here everyman with one voice war to you shouting «is, (Everyone here, in unison calls for war on you.) ROMEO ostinati © tal sate Ostinati, etal sara. . Obstinate ones, and so it shall be. Ja temenda——uttritfe ‘spada. a branidir romeo sappresta La tremonda —ultrice spada a brandi Romeo s'appresta, The — terrible dread sword to brandish Romeo readies, © kwalfolgore futnesta ‘mille ‘moti aprporte'ra © qual folgore funesta mille morti_apportera. and asa stroke of lightning deadly athousand dead will slay. (The terrible dread sword Romeo readies and like a stroke of lightning a thousand men will be slain.) yma vatkkuzi ‘al Yel itrato Ma — Waccusi al cielo irato But may you be accused by heaven angered ‘tanto ‘sangwe injvan _ver'sato tanto sangue invan vorsato; (for) so much blood in vain spilled; (May the angered heavens accuse you for having spilled so much blood in vain:) © mm oi_tkada ‘il ‘sangwe ‘ke = alla patrja kostera © voi ricada il samgue cho alla’ patria costera. and on —_you__letfall again the blood that the fatherland _shall cost. {and may this blood that you have shed in our fatherland fall back onto your heads.) CAPELLIO, TEBALDO ‘gwerra a ‘morte atrotfe Guorra’ 2 morte, atroce! War, to thedeath, atrocious! CHORUS ‘Yesssa audatfe ‘un ‘dio soltanto égudikar fra noi_—potra Cosa, audace: un Dio soltanto sindicar fra. noi_—_potra. Stop, boldone, one God alone judge amid us can. ROMEO Ostinati! ‘TEBALDO, CAPELLIO, CHORUS Qui ciascun ad una voce, etc. ROMEO Ostinati! © tal sara, etc. ‘TEBALDO Cossa, iaudace, riedi al campo..ctc. 500 © I Capuleti i Montecchi, Act I CAPELLIO, CHORUS Cossa, andace: un Dio soltanto giudicar fra noi potra. ROMEO ‘Ma Vaccusi il ciel irato tanto sanguo in van versato, etc. ‘TEBALDO, CAPELLIO, CHORUS Si, fra noi potra! ‘Scone Four (in a room in her apartments, Giulietta is seated, dressed in a bridal gown.) GIULIETTA ‘ekekomi fn eta vesta Eccomi in Hota vesta.. Here Tem, in joyous garments. ‘ekckomi sdoma ‘kome vittima tlara Eccomi adorna come vittima allare. Here I am, adorned like a victim at the altar. 9 almem potessi ‘ewal‘vittima Kader deltlara ‘al 'pjede Oh! almen potessi_ qual vittima cader dell'ara al piede! Oh, atest if I could like a victim fall of the altar at the foot! (Oh, if ouly I could fall victim at the foot of the altar!) o—_putisfali ‘ede abborrite ko'zi_ koi fatal Oh nuptial torches abhorrent so, so_— dire ‘sjate ‘per me Tati ferali siate per mo faci _foreli. you are. for me flames fateful. ‘ards ‘una ‘vempa ‘um —foko "tutta mi ‘struddge Ardo... una vampa, un foco. tutta mi strugge. Tam buming up.. a flame, a fire all, consumes me.* (Sho goes to the open window.) reftidserio ‘ai Venti io ‘Kjedo_ im vano ai venti io chiedo invano. ofthe winds 1 ask in vain. Un ‘refrigerio A soothing coolness ‘ove ‘sei tu roimeo ig ewal terra tadxsiri Ove cei tu, Romeo? In qual. torra_traggiri? Where are you, + Romeo? In what land are you wandering? ‘dove imviarti imei sospiri Dove inviarti imiei sospiri? Where shall Isend you my _—_ sighs? “The singer is cautioned that when Giulieta sings ardo (meaning " burn’), she doss not mean burning for passion for ‘Romeo. At this point she is burning out of discomfort and anxioty in a hateful bridal gown for an unwilling marrage to ‘Tebaldo imposed on ber by her father. In the next phase she bogs the wind to offr some cooling solace. I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 501 2 ‘ewante ‘volte 'ti'kKjedo ‘al fel " pjantdsendo Oh —quante volte ti chiedo al ciel piangondo! On, howmany times Ibegged you to _ heaven, in tears! (Oh, how often have I wept to heaven for you!) ‘kon = ‘kwale ardor ta'ttendo e ‘injganno: ‘il'mio de'zir Con quale ardor tattendo e inganno il mio desir! With what ardor Iawaityou and deceive my desire! ‘rad:dgo ‘del “tus sembjante a ‘parmi_ ‘il britlar ‘del ‘d3orno Raggio del tuo sombiante ah! parmi, al brillar dol giorno: Aray of your countenance ah, soemstome the light of — day; a taura ‘ke ‘spira_intomo ‘misembra “un ‘wo sospir eh! aura che spira_intomo misembra un tuo sospir. Ah! The air that wafts aroundme = seems tome __one (of) your sighs. (Sho lets horself fall down on a chair in a sorrowful stato.) ‘Scene Five LORENZO (entering) propittsja =e ora Propizia a Tora. Propitious is. the hour. a ‘non sperato ‘bene ‘siprepari —kweHlalma asutjeta A non sperato. bene sipreperi —quell'alma. Giuliotta! To — anunexpected happiness _let her prepare her soul. Giuliettal GIULIETTA (throwing herself into his arms) lorentso Lorenzo! LORENZO (holding her) ‘or Via ‘ti kalma Or via, ticalma. Come now, be calm. GIULIETTA, sara traykwilla ‘im‘breve——appjen. tragkewilla Sard tranquilla inbreve. —appien. ‘ranguilla. Tshallbe calm soon, fully tranquil. a‘poko poke ‘io ‘manko lentatmente ‘mi ‘strug:go A poco poco io manco, lontamento mi struggo... Little by little 1 amfeiling.. slowly Tam consumed... ase ‘una volta ede. romeo Ah! se una volta —_-vodessi Romeo.. Ab! If — butonce — could see Romeo.. romeo: potria ‘le fuld:dyente ——arrestar ‘anima ‘mia Romeo potria Ia —fuggonto = arrestaro. © anima mia. Romeo could the fleeing hold back soul mine. (Romeo could hold back the soul that is fleeing my body.) 502 I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act LORENZO fa kor diljetta «ekki = im verona Fa cor, Giuliotta... ogi «3 = in. ‘Verona. Take heart, Giulietta.. he is in__—_‘Verona... GIULIETTA, 3 felts ‘ne ame og wid Oh —ciolo! Né a = mo_—do gui Oh heaven! Not to me __will you guide him? (Will you not bring him to me?) LORENZO allimpro'viviza ‘dgoja reddserai tu ‘Alfimperrran gioia roggerai ta? ‘The unexpected joy will stand it you? (Will you be able to stand this unexpected joy?) GIULIETTA ‘piu ke = allaifanno Pin cho all'affanno. More than my suffering. LORENZO ‘or ‘dunkwe prepara a —_vederlo Or — dunque ti propara 2 vederlo: Now then, prepare yourself to. —see him. ‘tl gwidai ‘per ‘kwel seigreta = noi_ ‘sol “noto._—igfgresso Io tol guidai por quol segrotoa noi sol moto ingrosso. I toyouhim led by that secret to us. only‘ known entrance. (I led him to you by that secret entrance that only we know about.) (He opens a concealed door and Romeo appears.) ROMEO (running to Giuliottds orms) a ‘mia dguljetta Ah! mia Giulietta! ‘Ah, my — Giuliettal (GIULIETTA, ‘Ah! Romeo! LORENZO ‘parla soimmes:so Parla sommesso. Speak softly. (Lorenzo leaves.) Scene Six 5 GIULIETTA (with tender joy) ‘io ti rivedo 2 edsoja ‘i atfin lo tirivedo, —ohgioia!. «= st stirrivedo alfin. 1 see you again, oh joy! ‘Yes, I see you again at last. I Capuleti e i Montecchi, Act I 503 ‘alla tomba ew ala tomb E tu tomy grave. And you, “del pari © ‘tanks dol par, = stanco as well, and tired ‘di kwesta Vita travalhfata =e di quosta vita travagliata @ of this life full of travail and von konsolata = mai ‘datum non consolata = mai da un not consoled never by one. (never heartened by a smile from you,) wvengo a —mottir_detfiz0 ° Vengo a —morir_dociso, ° Icome to die decided, © or ‘per‘sempre ‘ai twoi_ne'mitfi por sempre ai tuoi nemici. forever from your enemies. GIULIETTA fuddsire ke “aaigi Cho dicil To flee! What are you saying! ROMEO ‘si fatddsice a noi Si, faggire: a noi non Yes, flee: for us not ‘altro ‘skampo ‘in altro scampo in another way out in (such) éoujetta = kwaltiritrovo toma Giuliottal Quel tiritrovo = io. mail Giuliettal © How dol find you (1) again! ‘Si speme ‘egralaygwente il vedi di spome, ogre, languente, _il vedi, of hope, sick, languishing, as you see, ‘wal edi qual riedi? how — do you return? atfine alfine at long last oskcura, oscura, dark, ‘wo somrizo tuo —_sorriso, your smile, to wrest you ‘meko fuvddsir'dei tu Meco fuggir doi tm. With me flee. must you. ‘esta esta remains ‘danno estremo danno estremo. straits dire. (Yes, flee. We have no other way out in such dire straits.) mikKor ‘patria avrem Miglior patria evrom Abetter fatherland ~—_we will have ‘di kwesta di questa, than this one, 504 I Capuleti 0 i Montecchi, Act I ovunkwe: anidremo_ ovunque —andremo: wherever we go; ke uy kor dezia che = un cor = desia that a heart desires amor” terra amor terri. love shall hold. a to (Love shall have a place for every joy that our hearts desire.) ‘Yel mikkore iol migliore asky better ‘donni ‘ben Diogni bon Forevery joy ‘noi ‘Iwogo noi Ingo us a place GIULIETTA a rmeo Ab, Romeo! Ab, Romeo! ‘kwi—-mannoda Qui m'annode, Here Tam bound, dam ‘wl a ola Solo, ah! solo Alone, ah! Alone perme later Per me la terra For me the earth ‘evi mi'serra um qui mi serra un here Tambheld by a bound here by a power stronger than love.) atlaima ‘mia venir alltalma mia venir the soul mine to go © fistretta 8 tkweste ‘porte a Hstrotta questo porte: is restricted © to.-—these doors; poter damor ‘piu forte poter d’amor pit forte. power than love _ stronger. ‘teko ‘Wel datra teco ilciel dara. with you heaven will allow. (Ab, my soul alone will heaven allow to leave with you!) ROMEO “ke ‘mai ‘sento Che inai sento? What do I hear? GIULIETTA ‘kwello ‘del dover Quollo del —_dovere, That of duty, ROMEO a kniéel donor Ah! cradel, — d'onor Ah, cruel one! Of honor sewesta Tediye ke Questa logge cho This law that ‘de tainrendi Deh! ” terrendi Please! Give in ‘se kal so tical if you care anything tothe entreaties © ‘kwal potere € E qual potere & And what power is ‘dela edise € dolla legge of law and redsoni ‘kwando ragioni quando you speak — when mopsponi e mopponi a you set up as barrier is a pregi ‘mjei @ proghi mio mine ‘deta ‘mia vita dolla mia vite: about my life; maldzigor maggior greater deklonore doll'onore. of honor. from mentite ‘smontita rejected ‘per por for Beg ‘dal by dstmore te te you than love? ‘tu sei rapita te sai repita? youve been tom? ‘tuo ‘kor tuo cor. your heart. I Copuleti i Montecchi, Act I ‘se fedele ajkor ‘mi ‘sei ‘ancor mi soi, if faithful still GIULIETTA a da ‘me ke Ab! da me cho Ah! From me — what ‘sic timmalo © kore sio timmolo = @ —_— coro iff sacrifice you ‘laff atmens Lascia almeno, Allow at least, io morro ‘se ‘mio lo mom so mio I shalldie = if, mine ‘se ‘omni speme © so ogni. spome 8a if every hope is from ‘ma ‘tu = fpure afm ‘mi dei Ma ta pure alcun mi dai But you also GIULIETTA, ROMEO ‘Ah! Deh! ROMEO some for me must (But you too in your heart must make some sacrifice for me.) ‘non wdir non udir to me you are, don't listen ‘piu sikjedi pia richiedi. more do you ask, © Wita evita? and life? konttfedi ‘un concedi un grant one ‘non ‘sei non sei, you are not, me rapita mo rapita: mo taken away; sakifittsjo sacrifizio sacrifice Ah! Cradele! Tarresta a! proghi miei, etc. GIULIETTA Ma ta ai, ma tu pure elcun mi dai, etc. (Festive music is heard from afar) ROMEO ‘adi tu latter funesto Odi tu? Leltar fanesto Do you hear? The altar dire ‘asa tettende sia tattonde. already 4s awaiting you. GIULIETTA “fads va Fuggi, val Flee! Gol ‘asa gia already 505 ke nostro amor cho il nostro amor. but — to our love. ‘sol ‘dritto ‘al dsenitor sol dritto al genitor. sole right tomy father. ‘del tuo ‘kor del tuo cor. of your heart. singfjora sinfiora, is bedecked with flowers, 506 I Capuleti © i Montecchi, Act I ROMEO no teko io testo No... teco io resto. No.. withyou 1 (will) stay. GIULETTA, ‘gwai ‘se padre ti sorprende Guat so il_—ppadre_ ti sorprende! Woe to you if my —_ father surprises you (here)! ROMEO ‘ei = mi'zeni =k ‘spento tnmantsi Eis misvon, = 0 cada ‘sponto innanzi He must killme, or he will fall dead before (Eithor he kills me or he will be killed by me in your presence.) GIULIETTA (imploring) ‘Ah! Romeo! ROMEO ‘mi ‘pregi ‘imjvano Mi preghi invano. You entreat me in vain. GIULETTA, a Gite Emr peta Ah! dito, «di mo_—opiott.. Ah! On you, on me __ have pity... ROMEO a ‘mia duifjetta = vjeni_ im = me ripoza Ah! mia giulisttal © Vieni, in = me riposs: ‘Ab, ‘my —Giulietta! © Come, in = me_find peace; ‘sei ‘mio ‘bene ‘sei ‘ia mia “‘spoza sei ilmio bene sei Jamia spose; you are my —foy, -youare my — bride; ‘kwesto istante ‘ke perdjamo pu ‘per Questo istante che perdiamo pit por This moment that we are losing no longer for ‘a tua mano © Tamia ‘sorte ta mia ‘vita In tua mano ® — lamia sorte, la mia vite, In your _hand(s) is my fate, my Ife, ‘nom ‘miami silekome io, tamo. Ab! non miami siccome fo famo, Ah! Youdo not love me like T love you, ‘non ‘ai ‘aime peta non hai dime pista. you do not have of = me_—o#pity. I Capuleti 6 i Montecohi, Act I 507 GIULIETTA ‘edi ‘um tol_—smomento Cedi un sol ‘momento, ‘Yield for one sole moment, ‘edi ‘al mio ‘volo “al mio. spatvento codi el = mio duolo, al. = mio_—_spavento; yield to my grief, to my __ fright; ‘sjam_—_perduti estinti ‘sjamo ‘se ‘pu ‘Yeko amor ‘ti fa siam —porduti, estinti siamo, se pit’ coco amor ti fa. ‘We are lost, dead we are, if more blind love makes you. (We are lost and dead if you continue to be blinded by love in this way.) ‘de risparmja a ‘kwesto ‘kore = ma‘dzdgor ‘pena ‘orror ma‘d:dgore. Deh! risparmia a questo core. maggior == pana, orror maggiore. Ab! Spare this heart greater sorrow, horror greater. ‘se agkor vivo © perke ‘tama Se ancor vivo a percha tamo, if still Tamalive, itis because Tlove you, lamor ‘kom ‘me = mo'nra Yamor con me moma. love with me shall die. (love will die with me.) ROMEO No, nom hai di me pista, otc. GIULIETTA Ab, Romeo cedi, etc. ROMEO Non hai picta. GIULIETTA. Deb! Cedi al mio duolo, al mio spavento, etc. ROMEO 5 Vieni o in me riposa, otc. GIULETTA Deh! risparmia a questo core, otc. ROMEO Ah! non mami come io tamo. otc. (GIULIETTA Ah! Tamar con me mora, otc. (Finally convinced by Giulietta's entreaties, Romeo leaves by the secret door. She moves away trembling) ‘Scene Seven Gin a hall in Capellio's palace there is a stairway in the background leading to an upper gallery. All is illuminated for a magnificent celebration.) 508 I Capuleti 0 i Montecchi, Act I cHORUS ‘Yeta ‘notte avwenturoza a rei. “yomi ajkor suttfede Liota motto avventurosa a rei giomi_ ancor_succods. Happy night of adventure to evil days still follows. (Happy night of adventure that still follows evil days.) ‘tattfon “ire © Yanni ‘am = poza Taccion Mire @ Vermi han pos Hush the anger(s) and the weapons have a rest, ‘dove atttfende imen ° Je ede dove acconde Imen lo todo; where lights Hymen the marriage torches; (Anger quiets down and weapons are at rest whenever Hymen lights the marriage torches.) ‘dove ‘un izo amor diffokke Dove un iso. Amor discioglie Wherever a-—smile. Amor spreads ‘gi 'poki_—istanti ofa few moments a Yante ‘pene a tante ene; for somany sorrows; "kweste ‘sokKe atkun’ ‘torbido pen'sjer 16 ci sogua in quoste soglio alcun torbido pensior. let us not be followed within these thresholds (by) some dismal thought. (The chorus goes up the stairs and disappear in the upper galleries.) Scene Eight. . (Romeo enters) LORENZO (to Romeo) ‘de per pjeta tanresta ‘non tinottrar Deh! per plot terresta; non tinoltrar Please, for _pity's sake stop; do not enter (any) ‘mal ‘timaskonde —‘kwesta ‘de ‘gwelfi atssiza Mal tinasconde questa de! © Guolfi assisa. Poorly hides you this of the Guelphs disguise. (This Guelph disguise poorly hides you.) I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 509 ROMEO : ‘al mio. periko pensar po'ssio ‘kwando ‘am rival Al mio _poriglio Ponsar possio, quando un rival Of = my tisk think can when a rival sattfingge = a rapirsi ‘i'mio ‘ben saccings =a rapirsi il mio ben! undertakes to. -— steal for himself my —_beloved! ‘ma ‘fo ‘nom ia ‘per Yferto ‘il Gsur0 Ma cid non fia, per corto, il giuro. But this shall not be, for —_ sure, I swear it. LORENZO a lasso © ‘tolta Forse ‘onpi‘speme Ahlasso! 8 +~—tolta forse ogni spome. Alas! Is gone maybe all hope. askolta Ascolta. Listen. ‘gwelfe ‘spokke atvwvolti ‘Kol favor ‘della ‘notte guolfo spoglie avvolti, col favor dolla notte, Guelph garb clad, under cover of night, ‘si‘stanno armati si stanno ‘armati. there are armed. ‘non aspe'ttati pjombe'ran ‘sui netmitfi Non aspettati piomberan sui nomici, Unexpected, they will fall upon their enemies, ‘ed = interotte © fian Te ‘notitse koi ed interrotio = fin. le nozzo cost. and interrupted will be the marriage thus. LORENZO fuinesta ‘notte © «me ‘di sangwee © “stradye Fanosta notte! E mo di_—ssanguo@ —strago Dread night! And me of blood and __ slaughter ‘komplitfe fai complice fai? an accomplice you make me? (What a dreaded night! And you intend to make me an accomy this slaughter and shedding of blood?) 510 I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I ‘me traditor ‘di ‘kweste fermiska ‘rendi Me —traditor i quosta famiglia rendi? Me abotrayor ofthis family you will make? (Will you make me a betrayer of this family?) ROMEO etbiben vmi‘wela =e = ‘salva “'mio rival koi Ebben misvela, © salva ilmio rival cosi. Well then, unmaskme, and save my rival thus. (A great din is heard from within. Trumpets blare as the guests come running from the galleries in utter confusion.) LORENZO ‘owalwmulto ‘tumulto! What tumult! VOICES (from within) I Montecchi! ROMEO 2 ‘ésoja_estrema Oh —gioia_ostrema! Oh, joy extreme! CHORUS (from the galleries) allarmi ‘Alfermi! To arms! LORENZO (to Romeo) ‘Tadeesi va Fuggi.. van. Flee... 80. ROMEO tealds ‘wema io ya ‘kor a vendikarm Tebaldo! = Troma; io gia ‘corro @——vendicarmi. Tebaldo! Tremble; = «I alrwady am running to —_take revenge. CHORUS a i ‘damm ‘noi provivede Ab! Chi d'anmi noi provvede! Ab! Who with weapons will provide ust ‘Ki sokkorso «= tel ‘yi'de Chi soccorso, 0 ciel, cidal Who help, oh heaven, will give us! LORENZO ‘ati “donni Jato ‘dgente akckorre onnun armato ogni Keop quiet! Fromevery side people are coming... eachone armed... I Copuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 511 ROMEO ‘kwella ‘romba © ‘swom ferale Quolla tromba @ —— suon_feralo, That trumpet is (a) sound baleful, ‘swon ‘di ‘morte ‘al mio. rivale katdra suon di morte al = mio_—rivale, Cadra.. sound of death for my rival. Hewillfall.. ah —_yes! (Romeo rushes away. Lorenzo follows him.) Scone Nino (Giulietta comes down from the gallery.) GIULIETTA, ‘tatfe a sitentsjo ‘rena Taco a silenzio regna Abated is the silence reigns ‘grattsje ‘Wi rendo 2 ‘Sorte “ibera ‘sono Grazie tirendo, 0 —_—sorte;_libera sono ‘Thanks offer you, oh fate; free Tam ‘made konidgunti i ‘sangwe ‘per ‘me —versato ‘or viene Ma de’ _—congiunti_ = ill_-—=—sanguo por me —-versatoor viene... But of my relatives the blood because of me spilled now has been... ‘forse trafitto ezangwe “dsatfe Forse ‘rafitto, esangue giace Perhaps stabbed, bleeding to death lies ‘forse 9 ‘kwal ‘sel ‘Kwal Yoko ‘skorrer =” 'mi'sento = in sen Forse... oh! Qual qual foco scorer misonto in son! Perhaps.. oh! What What fire running 1 feel in my bosom! a ‘per romeo _vimjvako ‘elo esting amor Ah! per Romeo vinvoco, Cielo, Destino, Amor. Ab! For Romeo I invoke you, heaven fate, Love. Scene Ton, (Romeo enters.) vedo vedo? do I see? talekweta tacqueta. calm down. I Capuleti o i Montecchi, Act I GIULIETTA aflassa © ardisfi Abilassa!.. © ardisci? Alas! and you dare? ROMEO ‘io edo a Tanti ‘salva © eta To redo a farti salva 0 lista. I comeback to -makeyou safe and happy... GIULIETTA ‘ai kome ‘ai ‘dove Abi! come? ahi! dove? ‘Ab! How? Ah! Where? ROMEO ‘Vieni Vieni. Come. . GIULIETTA te pereresti «=e ‘me Te perderesti oo me. You would be lost, and (s0 would) L ROMEO Giuliottal GIULIETTA, anno Ah no! ‘Ab no! ROMEO vjeni io 'telo‘kjedo in. ‘nome “della dgurata te Vieni. Io tolochiedo in nome dolla _giurata fe’. Come. 1 ask you inthe name of our sworm faith. CHORUS (from within) ‘morte ‘ai monttelcki Morte ‘ai Montecchi! Death tothe Montecchis! GIULETTA, a tafJami ‘dsente ‘ver ‘noi satvvia Ah! lasciami! Gente vir noi savvia. Ab! Leave me! —_People towards us are coming. ROMEO (starting to pull her vey) ‘io tapriro ‘barbari ‘kon ‘kwesto atttfar To taprird ie barber con questo acciar” I. shall open among those barbarians. with this steel aia la via. the way. ° sword in Italian is spade. However, in poetry one finds foro (won), accirolacclerlacciio, (tel) as well a the generic word brando (weapon). ‘Scone Eleven, I Capuleti ¢ i Montecahi, Act I 513 CAPELLIO (entering, followed by'Tebaldo and Lorenzo) ‘ferma Forma. Stop TEBALDO ‘ke ‘miro Cho - miro? What do I see? LORENZO ‘Yel e (Got! a (Heaven! He's ROMEO 9 ‘rabbi Oh rabbi! Ob rage! GIULIETTA, © ‘mio terror Oh = mio terror! Ob, = my terror! CAPELLIO armato Armato Armed ‘TEBALDO ‘sotto mentite Sotto mentite Under false {in disguise!) ‘empio tentavi ompio, tentavi BRS wretch, were you trying GIULIETTA (stepping in betwe fermate ‘padre ‘il perfido D _perfido The — treacherous perduto a pordute, il lost, the ‘eweste ‘soxke queste soglie! these thresholds! ne'miko nomico enemy ‘mizero misoro.) ‘wretched man!) ‘spokte ‘kwale novella insidja spoglio! Quale novella insidia garments! What ordir ondir? to scheme? Soldiers, new plot sotdati Soldati, en the two men) sipnor pjetade piotade... pity... 514 I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I ‘TEBALDO © ‘kwal_pen'sjero ‘rendi ‘dun mentsonnero E qual pensiero = rend dun — menzognero? ‘And what thoughts have you = fora Mar? CAPELLIO. Ginlicttal ‘TEBALDO ‘non rispondi Non rispondi? Won't you answer? GIULIETTA Oh ciolo, oh terror! ROMEO Oh rabbia, oh vondottal TEBALDO (to Romeo) fellon Ki sei Follon!.. chi soi? (You) fellon!... who are you? ROMEO ‘son “tale Son tale... Tam one who... GIULIETTA anno ‘non ‘ti skoprir ‘Ah! no, non ti scopriz! Ah no! Do not reveal yourself! ROMEO . jo sno ate rival Jo somo ato rivalo 1 am to —-you (a) rival. (Lam your rival.) LORENZO igkauto (incauto}! (Foolhardy man! I Capuleti e i Montecchi, Act I ‘TEBALDO rivale ‘ke intends Rivale! Che intendo? Arival! What do I hear? GIULIETTA rents maita Lorenzo, miaita, Lorenzo, help me. LORENZO © istante twemendo Oh —_istanto tremendo! Oh, _ instant tremendous! (Oh what a terrible moment!) ROMEO aime ‘bo tradita Abimo! Tho tradita. Woe is me! I have betrayed her. GIULIETTA, ROMEO solckorso. | sostenpo wkkordaki = akkkordale = 9 Yel Soccorso, sostegno -—accordagli-(accordale) 0 cielo, Succor, help grant him (granther) oh —_—heaven ‘me ‘sola solo, fa 'senno Gel oro —_—futror mo sola (solo) fa segno del loro furor. me alone alone) make the target oftheir fury. CAPELLIO, TEBALDO ‘9 notte raddensa «= te tenebre in feta Oh notte, rddensa = le._—tanobro in cielo, Oh night, deepen the darkness inthe sky, rikopri ‘dun velo nostro rossor Hcopri aun velo ilnostro. ——_rossor. coverup witha veil our blushing, (Oh night, cover the redness of our shame with a veil of darkness.) LORENZO 2 frotte um vel dotrrore Oh notte! un vel 'orrore Oh night! A veil of horror Je ene mimvade ‘un elo donor Le voneminvado un golo diorror. My veins are invaded (by) chill _of horror. (The clashing of arms is heard.) CHORUS (from within) alcko'rrjam romeo ‘Accorriam... Romeo! Let us run in... Romeo! 515 516 I Capuloti o i Montecchi, Act I ‘TEBALDO, CAPELLIO kwai ‘grida Quai grida! What shouts! ROMEO imei fii Iimisi dit My faithful men! GIULIETTA 2 soja Oh gioia! Oh joy! CHORUS (appearing) 2 desso a salvarti ‘um ‘tio. “fi'gwida BE desso. A salvarti un Dio i guida: Itis be. To saveyon god guides us. ‘vjen romeo ‘twoi di ‘ai ‘presiso Vien, Romeo, tuoi fidi hai Come, Romeo, your faithful men youhave near. CAPELLIO. ‘tu romeo ‘ne ‘i zvenai Ta, Romeo! 16 ti svonai? You Romeo! And I did not kill you? TEBALDO © mi ‘sfudsdst © tw vivre Emi sfuggi?... eta vivrai? And you flee from me?..._ And you will (continue to) live? ROMEO ‘sangwe 9 ‘barbari braimate ‘ed i ‘sangwe skorre'ra Sangue, barbari, bramate, ed il_~—samgue scorreri... Blood, oh barbarians, you thirst for, and the —_blood_will flow... GIULIETTA, LORENZO “égusto ‘tfelo ‘u'fianresta ‘da battakta = ‘si fulnesta iusto cielo, tugliarresta da battaglia = si_——_funesta; Mercifut heaven, stopthem from a battle 30 deadly; ‘wekka in'essiun — etgwal ‘moto. “di rimorso © di peta Svoglia imessi un egual moto di —rimorso oe di__—piota ‘Awaken inthem an equal stirring of remorse and of pity. ROMEO, TEBALDO, CAPELLIO, CHORUS ‘al ‘siridesta ‘alla ‘trade ‘ke satppresta AL siridesta, alla strage che sappresta Atthe furor that is reawakened, at the slaughter that _is being readied, ‘kome ‘skosisa da temwoto tutta italje temera come scossa da tremuoto tutta Italia tremera. asif shaken by anearthquake all Italy _will tremble. ROMEO, GIULIETTA ‘se ‘omni ‘speme © a Se ogni spome 3a If every hope is to ‘ai mai ju vedentfi dis mai pit, —vedorci I Gapuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act I 817 ‘noi rapita noi rapita, us lost ‘im vita in vita, of ever again s0e each other alive, “kwesto aldsdio ‘nom fia lestremo questo addio non fia Yestremo, this farewell lot it not be our last one, a “fi vedrems ‘almeno in Yel ah! ci vedromo almeno in iol. ah! We will see one another —_at least in heaven. ‘TEBALDO, CAPELLIO, CHORUS Si, ah! sul furor che si ridesta, sulla strage che s'approsta, ‘antsi‘tempo 0 ‘sol_—_risplendi anzitempo 0 —sol_—risplendi soon oh sunshine © difada attlombre a vel e — dirada alfombre vel. and dissipate _of the shadows the veil. {Rise soon, oh sun, and with your light dissipate the veil of shadows that envelops all of us) LORENZO Ah ai! sul faror che si ridesta sulla strage che s'approsta ‘pjomba 2 ‘notte ‘al Yel kontendi piomba, ch notte, al ciel contendi fall, oh night, to heaven deny to spetttakolo © dotrror knidel lo spettacolo © d'orror crudel. the spectacle of horror_——cruel. Giusto cielo, ta gli arresta, otc. CAPELLIO, CHORUS Al furor cho si ridesta, otc. ‘TEBALDO Al faror che si approsta tutta Italia tremora. ROMEO a dguljetta aio ‘ti perdo Ah! Giuliett, ——addio! ti pordo. ‘Ah, Giuliettal_ “Farewell, Tam losing you. GIULETTA, Ah, Romeo! Mio Romeo! 518 I Capuleti o i Montecchi, Act I ROMEO, GIULIETTA Se ogni spome ® a noi rapita, otc. ‘TEBALDO, CAPELLIO, CHORUS, LORENZO Si, ah! sul furor che si ridesta, otc. END OF ACTI i ase I Capuleti ¢ i Montecchi, Act II 519 ACT ‘Scone One {is still night ond an qpartment in Capello's palace is illuminated by antique twin-branched candelabra) GIULIETTA ‘ne atkun © kruda doloroza intfertettsa Né alcun oh —cruda, dolorosa —_—incertezza! No one Oh — cruel, painful uncertainty! ‘il ‘swon dettlarmi si dilegwo H —suon delfarmi ——si dilogud... The sound of weapons _has subsided. ‘sol ‘watts tratts um —foko_intferto mommotio ‘lund Sol tratto tratto un —fioco_incerto mormorio lunge Only at moments murmur far away ‘ome ‘vents ‘al come vento al like wind at the end i kadde ime ‘i vinse Chi cadde, ohima! Chi vinso? Who hasfallen, alas! Who is the victor? ‘Ki primo io pjandse'ro ne fir possio Chi primo io piangord?... Né —uscir possi! i - Not leave an Il (Whom shall I mourn first?.. cannot leave this place!...) e — inmara ‘di mia sorte io ‘kwima'dsdsiro © ignara di mia sorte fo qui maggiro! and not knowing (of) my destiny There wander about! Scene Two (Lorenzo enters.) GIULIETTA (to Lorenzo) Iotentso ebiben Lorenzo! _—obben?... Lorenzo! Well. LORENZO ‘salvo € romeo Salvo 8 Romeo. Safe is Romeo. . GIULIETTA, respiro Rospiro. Treathe (again). LORENZO. ‘nella ‘da 'swol sorpreza Nella vicina da suoi sorpresa, rocca, Inthe nefghboring stronghold. © by his men surprised, 520 I Capuleti 6 i Montocchi, Act II en ‘ei pwote da Ezzolin ei puote... by Ezzelin' felped, to hope he can... {and helped by Ezzelin, he can now have some hope..) ‘ma tu ‘lassa im'treve = ‘di tebaldo ‘al kastel ‘tratta sai Ma tm, —_lassal inbreve = di_—=Tebaldo al castol tratta sarai, But you, alas, _ soon of | Tebaldo tothe castle taken will be, (soon you will be taken to Tebaldo's castle,) ‘e imme nom fidi ‘se val petrikto estrems so in = me_—non fidi, so al__poriglio estremo if in me youdonottmst, if ~—at the peril extreme ‘kon estrema fermetisa ‘or_-—_‘nom provvedi con estroma formozza. or_—_—non provvedi... with extreme firmness now you do not act... (if you won't trust me and if in this dire peril you do not act with extreme firmness...) (GIULIETTA ke far favelia Cho fax? Favella. What shall I do? Speak. LORENZO ‘ai tuo adds Hai tu —_coraggio? Have you the courage? GIULIETTA ei kjedi E i chiedi? And you ask me that? LORENZO ‘prendi ‘tal filtro a Prondi: tal filtro 8 questo ak Take this; such apotion is _—this, and 0 ‘ke sembjante a= morte ‘sonmo_produtfe cho sombianto == morte sonno produce. that like death. a sleep produces. (Take this phylter: It contains a potion so potent that it induces a sleep-like state resombling death.) ate kreduta cestinta A te creduta estinta, To you, believed dead, ‘tomba fia data ne pater tomba fia data me'_—_paterni tomb will be givon inthe ancestral vaults, @elieving you dead, they will lay you to rest in your ancestral vaults.) See footnote #3 in Act I Capuleti e i Montecchi, Act I GIULIETTA 2 ke dite ‘fra kweli “dsatfe il fratel Oh! che di tu? Fra quelli giaco il —_fratol Oh! What are you saying? ‘Among them lies my — brother ‘da romeo. trafitto da Romeo trafitto... by Romeo killed... ‘esso ‘del mio delitto sordseria punitor Esso

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