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The volcano is a mountain formed when magma from the eart to the suface .

Volcanoes can be classified arcording to whether awesomenes devastating

eruptions or quiet and the type of material spewed during erupted . When it
erupted , volcanoes emit lava , volcanic bombs , slag, ash ,volcano ,gas ,and hot
steam . Material released by volcanic eruptions have properties that no other
stone .
Volcanoes formed the result of rock ty liquid collected in the bottom of
the crust . The situation is extremely hot temperatures below the earths crust
causes the rock-ty besomes liquid . This molten rock known as magma ty .
Volcanoes can be formed when two plates pertembungan set . Zone this
setting will be because the temperature is very hot liquid under the crust . This
adds to the liquid portion of the magma in the mantele and to flowed out into the
surface of the eart in volcanoes .
Volcanoes are also found in the sea Permatang zone . Seabed perebakan
apply where magma reses refused litosfera in opposite directions . Lava will form
the bottom of the sea as the sea pematang . The volcano in iceland is of this tipe
of establishmenet .
Some volcanoes are formed in the midle of the plate , the plate away
from the border as the hawaiian islands . Scientists explained that the milestone
mantle rock is heated and rises slowly to the surface of the earth . The
emergence of magma into the earths surface budgeted 13 cm to 15 cm per year
. When a puff of magma rising to the surface of the Earth , volcanoes are
formed. The porcess of formations of this volcano called hot spots ( Hot spots ).
Rajah bellow shows three volcanic formationes .
The term volcano also used to name the phnomenon of formation of ice
volcanoes or volcanic ice and mud volcanoes or volcanic mud . Ice volcanoes are
common in areas that have a snowy winter , while the mud volcanoes can be
seen in the area kuwu , grobogan , central java are popular as bledug kuwu .
Volcanoes are found wordwide , but the location of the most recognizable
volcano is a volcano located in an arc along the Pacific of fire ( Pacific ring of
fire ) .
The volcano is found in various forms throughtout their lives .Active
volcanoes might turn into astive half , breakes , before becoming inactive or
dead . But volcanoes are capable breks in time 610 year before becoming active
again . Thus , it is difficult to the determine the actual state of a volcano , if the
volcano is in a state of rest or have died .

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