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1- Pick out from the text 6 verbs in the past form ( 6

verbes rguliers au prtrit ) then calissify them

according to their pronounciation :



2- Say if the intonnation is rising(montanye) or falling

(descendante) in these sentences:

driving fast means you get to traffic jams faster7. Get your parents to change their
driving habits... and perhaps their car! Cars guzzle fuel, but they use much less if people
drive them gently and keep below speed limits. Big SUVs make about six times their own
weight in CO2 each year. A small efficient diesel or hybrid car covering the same distance
not only uses much less fuel, it makes less CO2. For
shorter journeys, electric
cars are now becoming both cheaper and more popular. Find out more about electric cars
8. Click for video: an 11-minute video on solar energySolar energy is free: see if you can
get your parents and friends interested in free solar wind turbinesenergy -- that's energy
from the sun and wind. Solar panels can help you get much of your hot water and heating
from the sun and even generate electricity. And it's exciting building all these things. If
you live in a windy place, a wind turbine - also called Click for a 11-minute video on solar
power'windmill'- really is a serious option. More and more people are installing them and
more and more companies are producing well-designed, sturdy machines. Click for
videoHere's a great video (like Wallace and Gromit!) about wind turbines. Generating your
own power is a great way to reduce Click for videoyour carbon footprint.

9. Waste not, want not: Tiki's compost heapEating:Learn to cook! Home cooking is not
only fun, it means you don't have to drive to a takeaway or fast food restaurant. Result?
Less pollution. If you make a garden, you can grow much of your own food. Did you know
that if youLearn to cook. It's fun and fewer meat and dairy products, you can
reduce greenhouse gas output? (Here's why.) And Find out how to make
compostcomposting your waste food means it doesn't have to be trucked away to a Click
for photolandfill waste dump where it will cause more pollution including methane, a
powerful greenhouse gas. [why doesn't composting make methane?]

Some Cool Kids - aged between 11 and 14 in San Diego, California, USA - are fighting
against global warming in a really smart way. They've made a website which explains why
eating much less meat is so important. It's a great site so please take a look. You can join
them and commit to eating less meat!
10. Reduce, reuse, recycle:
This kid recycles her toys. She knows her three Rs!Remember your three Rs!
Reduce: the most important. If you don't buy so much stuff in the first place, then you
don't need to reuse or recycle it.
Reuse whatever you can (like plastic supermarket bags). If you can't reuse something,
Recycle it!
The three Rs help cut down the amount of trash that ends up in landfills like thisIf you
can't do any of those things, your garbage ends up in huge landfills. Much of what you
find in these stinking dumps is plastic waste.
This is a special problem so I have
written a guide to the problem of plastic which I hope you'll look at. You'll be shocked by
what you find out just as I was when I was writing it!
11. Turn off and shut it!
Turning things off may seem a boring turn-off hee hee!Tiki makes joke. But leaving lights,
heating, air conditioning, computers, TVs and stuff on when you don't need them wastes
a lot of energy. Turning them off saves money too!
If it's warm in one room and cold in another, close the door. The door helps keep the heat
Leaving things on standby (like TVs, computers and stuff) also uses a surprising amount
of energy.
Switch off and save money!
12. Psst!Tiki's DQT secret Domestic Tradable Quotas: a cool idea whose time has
comeDon't keep this a secret: the future could be Tradable Energy Quotas (TEQs)
Eh?!? What?!? This is one cool secret which no one seems to know about so you really
must tell everyone! Don't be put off if you don't know what TEQs (also called DTQs) are; I
didn't either. But they look like they could be a fair way to help slow global warming and
energy shortages. So get your head round TEQs here and then be sure to tell everyone!
Wikipedia articleWay to go...
Cycling uses your energy, not fossil fuel!Sun-powered cycling
How can you use solar power for cycling? Simple: plants use the sun to make and store
energy. Your food mostly comes from plants (or animals that have eaten plants). The food

gives you energy... so when you walk or jump on your bike, you too are using stored solar
So climate change is not all gloom and doom. There's plenty you can do.
kids can make a difference with climate changeAnd if you haven't tried my Hot Earth quiz
and global warming crossword puzzle, now is the time for both.

Please please remember: how you choose to use energy affects all life on Earth. The more
energy you use, the more the planet warms up. So please think before you act... and turn
off that light. Everything you do like that helps a little!


English test

Put the verbs into the right form:

1-When the earth........................(heat up), the climate changes.
2-And if the climate changes there.........................(be) floods in some areas.
3-The economy would fail if people .................................(not, to work).
4- If the ice melts, the sea levels.............................(rise)
5-Your teacher will be angry if ................................ (we, to be) late.
6-What ............................(happen) if global warming continues into the futur.
7-We would be able to low global warming if we.........................(use) cleaner sources of
8-Your classmates will not be disturbed if ............................... (you, not, to make) a lot of
9-You missed the train. You would have caught it if ......................................(you, to be)
on time.
10-You ................................. (not to fail) your exam if you had studied.
What do you think about climate change? Have you any good ideas about what
we can do to make things better? If you do, write down some tips and solutions
to help the earth.


-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island

-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,
-Apprendre la leon sur Ellis Island
-Rviser le prtrit simple, les differentes prononciation de la terminaison (ed), l'intonnation des
- Apprenez 20 verbes irrguliers
-Consulter ces deux liens et faites un rcapitulatif en anglais,

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