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January 19, 2016 (Chapter 3: Myths of Creation)

-Images address the creation of the world

-Gaia (Earth)
-Uranos (Sky; Gaia son and husband)
-How do these images relate to Greek ideas about creation? Ideas of sacred marriage;
creation of the world
-Sarcophagus: eating the flesh box; carved stone vessel; ancients used to put remains of
-Thoughts on Phaethon and Endymion
-Generational conflict; desire for overthrow of authority
-Paternal wisdom should be respected
-The importance of oaths and vows
-Father figure has the right to strike down destructive youth
-Phaethon: the glory and fragility of the human condition
-Endymion: to sleep, per chance to dream
-Modern urns: life as journey; death as arrival or beginning; soul as paradisiacal
bird; humming bird drinking lifes nectar
-Variants on the story of Endymion
-Zeus punishes Selene (Making Endymion sleep forever due to her neglecting her
duties; grant something as punishment is a threat)(Female desire must be controlled by
patriarchy; female Duties)(Females have duties and these duties must not be neglected)
-Zeus grants Selene her wish (Grant something with a gift is not aiming to punish
but desire)(Zeus as benevolent father; female desire is legitimated; attraction to male
body; female rape of (human) male; Eros as desire for control)(Eros=desire attraction;
desire for control in this variant story by lying next to a sleeping man forever)
-Zeus grants Endymion his wish (Eternal sleep relieves humans from misery;
sleep as freedom)(Freedom through sleep and losing consciousness)
-How does the message of the Endymion story change with each variant?
-What are some life realities, human behaviors, and social scenarios implicit in the story
of Eos and Tithonus? (Vanitiy-Eos; Death is there for a reason because even though
Tithounus is immortal now he is still growing old; Dont cheat death; There is a reason
for death and sometimes it is a mercy for some individuals; Physical attractions where
female attractions towards the males; Female desire for a male youthful body)
-Thoughts on Eos and Tithonus
-Be careful what you wish for
-Longevity is worth nothing without youth
-Eros is physical attraction; love (philia) is care
-Society and the elderly: love and hate relationship
-Denial and avoidance as coping strategies (Out of site out of mind)
-Psychological motifs in Uranus castration
-Father fears and antagonizes children
-Wifes discontent with husband
-Mother parentifities children
-Mother transfers loyalty to son
-Son destroys and replaces father

-Freuds Castration Compled: males fear of castration due to guilt for desiring
-Cronus swallowing his children: Ancient and Modern interpretations
-Swallow his children whole because he doesnt want his power to be overthrown
by his children
-Tell the children apart from his bite marks
-Symbolic aspects of Crouns Cannibalism
-Social: intergenerational hostility
-Anthropological: fathers resentment of his children (because children represent
burden upon the household)
-Political: leaders violence against their people
-Zoological: male animals often kill their young (because they see some sort of
competition; also the mothers behavior only tends towards children not father)
-Biological: the rarity of meat; heavy stomach
-Metaphysical: human fear of chronos (time) and death
-Aesthetic: babies are vulnerable in dads hands
-Eros as creative force (Hesiod)
-Movie: The Fifth Element w/ Bruce Willis
-Why does the representation of Eros change form non-representational to
- Incarnated as human, Eros becomes comprehensible
-Why are wings a feature of Eros?
- Wings express physiological symptoms: felling of high, jetlag, or dream state
-Why is Eros represented differently in the social contexts below?
-Eros deceives women, but is more honorable with men (erastes-eromenos
-Thoughts on Eros
-Incarnated as human, Eros becomes comprehensible
-Wings express physiological symptoms: felling of high, jetlag, or dream state
-Eros deceives women, but is more honorable with men (erastes-eromenos
-Heterosexual Eros seems younger and ore playful
January 21, 2016 (Chapter 4: The Creation of Mortals)
-Titano/Gigantomachy (almost one and the same)
-Palazzo del Te, 1524-1534
-Interpretation of Titano-Gigantomachy
-Historical: conquest and amalgamation b/tw Minonans and Myceaeans (20001000 BCE)
-Religious: progressively less fear of celestial phenomena
-Cultural: from (monstrous) chaos into (anthropomorphic) order
-Tom Tsuchiaya, Atlas Recycled, 2010
-What is a common element in these images and how does it relate to Classical myth?

-Common element is a snake and it relates to Classical myth because a sleeping

snake should never be awaken (deceit, the snake is always represented for what the
human is doing)
-The Creation of Humans (Slide Read Passage)
-Questions on Pandora
-What stereotypes of female behavior does Pandora express? Consider how she
was made and what attributes she is give by the gods? Pandora expresses female behavior
is female sexuality and beauty comes from evil, Like Eve where she destroys innocence
-What difference does Pandoras motivation make in earlier and later versions of
the myth? Difference in motivation can lead to evil
-What is hope doing in the box with the evils? Hope keeps the evil in check, hope
is an energy that can contain evil, hope is the greatest evil of all (it can be bad if it does
not meet expectation)
-Thoughts on Pandora
-Hephaestus=artificial, Athena=clever, Aphrodite=sexual, Hermes=deceiver,
-Motivation: divine compulsion vs. free will
-Hope may be an evil (false hopes) butit is necessary to make life livable, so it
is also good
-What life realities, social scenarios and values, and generally symbolic ideas do you see
in the story of Io?
-Thoughts of Io
-Zeus dominant sexuality; disregard for wife
-Victimization of the lover
-Matronly hostility toward younger woman
-Blaming the victims of sexual violence
-Female suffering is hysterical
-Animalistic nature of the female; why bovine? Why a cow? Because they are
ugly for female jealousy; ugliness the weight
-Ultimate female purpose: childbearing (a boy)
-Divine reasoning is hidden from mortals
-Thoughts on Prometheus
-B/tw god and man; intermediate Creator
-Champion of humanity; punished fro mans sake; Christ figure
-Every man is a potential hero
-Etiology for enjoying the meat; legitimates human camaraderie and pleasure of
the feast
-Etiology for fire (ancient electricity), technology, and progress
-Represents opposition to (divine, patriarchal, political) authority
-Man can play god with interventions, but will bear consequences; the price of
-Thoughts on Lycaon
-Ancient Hospitability= matter of life and death; respect for guests; the dangers of
being hosted
-Pastoral society=wolf is villain; totemic animal
-The loneliness of the wolf; human compassion for it

-Dog (domesticated) vs. wolf (wild) = human allegory

January 26, 2015 (The Twelve Olympians: Zeus, Hera, and Their Children
-The Olympian Family (Look On Slide)
-Zeus (Jupiter)
-Represented as the mature god
-Beard to show he is a grown up man; a king
-Overthrew his father Cronus to become ruler of the gods
-Married to Hera
-Father of many gods and heroes
-God of the sky (weather), justice, kingship
-Major Panhellenic Cult Centers of Zeus
-Panhellenic means all the Greeks
-Dodona: major oracle of Zeus
-Olympia: Zeus became the principle god there
-Cult Statue of Zeus
-Made by Athernian sculptor Pheidias
-Chryselephantine=Gold (chrysos) + Ivory (elephantinos)
-Eagle represents Zeus kingship, authority
-President of the United States Seal
-Arrow to represent force
-Olive branch represent peace
-Eagle represent leadership, authority, military force
-Eagle Standards
-Aquila, Standard of the Roman Legions
-Double-headed eagle, Russian Imperial Standard (represent the twin power of
church and state)(represent the unification of the west and the east)
-Hera (Juno)
-Powerful queen of the gods
-Wife and sister of Zeus
-Mother of Hephaestus, Ares, Eileithyia, and Hebe
-Goddess of Marriage
-Zeus owes Thetis
-Thetis went for help when Zeus was wrapped up in rope by Aphrodite ect.
-Zeus wanted to marry Thetis (prophecy of Thetis son being more powerful than
Zeus so Zeus let Thetis marry a married man)
-How is the Zeus worshipped at Olympia similar to or different than the Zeus of myth,
particularly as he appears in Iliad, Book 1?
-Both myth and cult humans go to Zeus for help
-Zeus not as just in myth
-Zeus as a Paradoxical Figure
-Dignified patriarch and ruler of gods and men
-Guarantor of justice and oaths, protector of the suppliant
-Wise, with knowledge of the future
-Patron of kinds, bestower of victory

-Not completely omnipotent: threatened by uprisings and subject to the Fates and
the power of Aphrodite
-Not completely omniscient: deceived by Prometheus and Hera
-Philanderer with uncontrollable sexual appetite and the ultimate virility and
-Zeus and Ganymede
-Zeuss affair with Ganymede as lover
-Look on slide
-Hephasestus (Vulcan)
-Acts as a mediator warning Hera not to approach Zeus because Zeus is more
powerful than her
-Son of Hera (and Zeus)
-Physically lame and object of ridicule
-Object of laughter
-Possesses metis: cunning intelligence
-God of technology, crafts, and skills, especially of the forge
-When a female gives birth autonomously, without sexual intercourse with a male
-Virgin (parthenos) + Birth (genesis) =Parthenogenesis
-Beauty and the Beast scenario
-Hephasetus marrying a beautiful wife Aphrodite even though he is ugly
-Aphrodite cheated on Hephasetus with Ares
-Who are the winners and the losers in the Song of Demodocus? What do the narratives
of Iliad 1 and Odyssey 8 together tell us about the world and lifestyle of the gods?
-Takeaways from the Song of Demodocus
-Desirable female chooses handsome brute over deformed craftsman
-When Hephaestus outsmarts, entraps, and exposes his wife in adultery he also
exposes himself as a cuckold, and ends up again as a butt of the divine joke
-Ares becomes object of admiration more than laughter, as Hermes and Apollo
identify with him; he gets off relatively scot-free
-Male gods, but not female goddess enjoy pleasures of voyeurism
-Aphrodite is an object of voyeurism and she is exchanged b/tw male gods like a
piece of property
-The World of the Gods
-Gods each have their own decked-out houses on Olympus, but they also have an
active social life
-Gods enjoy leisure, spending most of their time feasting, listening to music, or
making love; they dont have regular work, except for Hephaestus
-There are factions, conflicts, and rivalries b/tw the gods, but these are all
resolved non-violently
-Divine social structure is patriarchal, although goddesses have some degree of
autonomy and power
-Aphrodite (Venus)
-Daughter of Zues and Dione OR arose from the semen of Ouranos
-Goddess of desire, sex, and fertility
-Dominates mortals and immortals

-Ares (Mars)
-Son of Zeus and Hera
-God of War; God of the Battlefield
-Bloodthirsty, violent, and dislike by Zeus in the Iliad
-Giver of martial vigor, ferocity, courage and appropriate restraint in the Homeric
Hymn to Ares
-Tyrant against the rebellious, champion for the righteous in the Hymn
-Aphrodite and Ares: A Perfect Pair
-Represent physical perfection
-Connected with force and domination
-Cause sleep or death
-Bring bodies together in union (mixis) in bed or on the battlefield
-Sexual partners and allies in myth
-Worshipped together in cult
January 28, 2015
-Man setting up an ithyphallic herm
-Attic red-figure; ca. 440-430 BCE
-Representing and Defining Divinity
-Protesting Dogma
-In 1999, Lionsgate Films released Dogma, a religious satire focusing especially
on the Roman Catholic Church
-It spared protests and was denounced by the Catholic League as blasphemy
-At one point, a cardinal (played by comedian George Carlin) introduces Buddy
Christ, a new, more inspiring sigil.
-Why offensive Buddy Christ?
-Making light of divinity
-Novelty (departing from established conventions of representation)
-Humanity (too much humanity; wrong of humanity)
-Greek Anthropomorphism
-Greek gods and goddesses typically conceived as human in form and characterfor better and worse
-Sexual relationships, including affairs
-Fight humans and each other
-Feel pain, bleed ichor
-Lie, cheat, steal
-Not omnipotent; omniscient
-What Makes Them Divine?
-Greek gods and goddesses are:
-Immortal above all
-Superhuman powers
-Superhuman beauty
-Superhuman knowledge
-Lives easier than humans
-Involved in the lives of humans
-Divine Interventions

-Gods take a hand in human affairs

-Play favorites with humans
-Respond favorably to prayers and benefactions
-Punish humans who insult them or harm their favorites
-But gods are also fickle
-NO guarantee theyll help you
-Humans dont love the gods
-Gods and Humans
-Divinities share human characteristics, for better and worse
-Not universally
-Divinites are immortal, more powerful than humans and involved in human lives
-Religion in a Civic Context
-Religion and Public Life
-Prayer intrudes on public life
-Or stands out, at any rate
-Prayer not communal
-Private moment in public space
-Secular vs. religious
-Some Assumptions
-Separation of church and state
-Centered on a sacred text (fundamental and fixed)
-Religious authority comes from study of and expertise in a sacred text
-Centralized authority (Doctrine and practice flow down to individual
communities from a central authority)
-Polis Religion
-Loss of citizenship=unable to enter temples or participate in the religious life of
the city
-Temples dedicated to state gods
-Magistrates had religious studies (IN Athens, the wife of the archon basileus
participated in a ceremony where she married Dionysus)
-Festivals in honor of the gods were organized by the state
-How to Sacrifice
-Pick an unblemished animal
-Pour water and sprinkle barley-meal
-Pray (including request)
-Cut off lock of hair and bun
-Strike animal on head so that it is dazed
-Cut throat, collecting blood in bowl
-Women cry out in unison (ololuge)
-Cover bones with fat and burn to gods
-Cook organs and flesh and eat
-Sacrifice and Human Community
-Community roles defined by participation in sacrifice
-Nestor (King( leads the sacrifice by offering the prayer

-Nestors sons (princes) lead the heifer to the altar and kill it
-Nestors wife (queen) and daughters (princesses) raise a ritual cry when the
animal is struck
-Members of the community receive a share of the meat
-Sacrifice and Cosmic Community
-Puts the community right with the gods
-Defines the boundary b/tw humans and divinities
-Gods get bones and enjoy the savor (undecaying)
-Humans get meat and organs (decaying)
-Humans mortal and subordinate to gods
-Defines the boundary b/tw humans and animals (cooked vs. raw meat)
-Religion, Community, and Politics
-Primary site of religious experience would be local (polis-level) for most people
-Local gods and heroes
-Local faces of Olympian gods
-Local myths and festivals
-Priests and priestesses come from the community
-No hereditary class: elected, auctioned and appointed
-Sacrifices, upkeep of temples, finances-learn from doing
-Often coextensive with political/economic elites
-From Polis to Pan-Hellenic
-Different poleis have their own versions of certain myths
-Reflexes of variant local traditions
-You want your poetry to be popular or authoritative across the Greek World?
-Find a way of dealing with and negotiating diverse local traditions
-Religious Authority
-Homer and Hesiod authoritative because Pan-Hellenic
-Suppress myths that are strictly (or controversially) local
-Help forge Greek identity
-Common body of myth and ritual
-Common sites of myth and ritual
-Religious authority shades into political authority (Delphi vs. itinerant seers)
-Religion and civic community coextensive
-Religion implicated in and a venue for conflicts w/in the community
-Expedition=conflict between masses and elite
-Herms a symbol of mass, egalitarian ideology
-Attacking the herms=attacking the (democratic) civic community
-The Lessons of Croesus
-Croesus guilty of hubris (excess)
-Doesnt respect the boundaries b/tw humans and mortals
-Blessings only to be counted in death
-Human=mortal + suffering
-Gods=immortal + carefree
-Excessive faith in own power, wealth and ability to control fate
-Offerings at Delphi

-Affirms the authority of Delphi

-------------------------------------------------EXAM #2---------------------------------------------February 4, 2016 (Chapter 7)
-Galatea: echoes Aphrodite triangle but:
-Acis is not Ares; different model of beauty
-Polyphemus: Hephaestus nightmare (or fantasy)
-Roman fresco: utopian victory of the lesser man
-Female resistance to marriage; female instability
-Marrying up for Peleus; son surpassing father
-Human wish: mortal rapes god (but: male/female)
-Two models of female jealousy
-Interpretative Models for Marine Deities
-Psychological and anthropological: human desire and fear of sea travel;
transgression (e.g. The titanic)
-Religious: sea is mysterious and unpredictable; mishaps and success at sea are
due to divine powers
-Societal: seafaring drives commerce and progress but also forces transformation
of the people (landlocked vs. coastal regions)
February 9, 2016 (Chapter 8 & 10: Athena & Artemis)
-Advertise Athena in Government Military to show:
-Strategic violence
-Military intelligence
-Why did the Greeks choose this bird to associate with Athena?
-360 ability to rotate neck; making a sure perspective before an attack; waiting
during the dark; moon goddess going towards the night like owl is nocturnal; Owl has
very big round eyes like Athena who has good eyes to see things
-Thoughts on Minerva and ARachne
-Lack of female role model: daughter does not know her place in society
-No other priviledge or pride; over-invested in her talent; masculine ambition;
self-made person
-Athena holds back because she sees the similarity
-Arachnes rude reply: anger conceals grief
-Arachne raises feminine voice against male privledge; Athena sees the point
-An Ovidian allegory for the artist oppressed by tyrannical regimes?
-Image of Athena on tomb in Athens
-Athena without her shield and spear lowered to the ground
-Looking at the tomb that has the names of the soldier
-Athena being the protector of the city
-Athena very reflective of what violence means
-Keeper of peace
-Unmarried women are considered virgins (ex: Queen Elizabeth)
-How are these images related to our topic?
-Women superiority

-Shows women are more empower and in leadership positions

-Strategic warfare and politics are men dominant positions but Athena and these
women are filling those spots
-The way they dress is a bit masculine like Athena dressing masculine
-Artemis has a dual identity
-Goddess of the hunt
-Protector of little baby animals to grow into adults
-Artemis Domain
-Infant: pre-civilized state; speechless
-Child: often irrational; needs training
-The ancients struggled with the idea why bad things happen to people when they
dont seem to deserve them
-The originally myth transform Acteon into a deer and his dogs try killing him
because they didnt know what was their owner
-Thoughts on Actaeon and Callisto
-Zeus expresses gender switch fantasy
-Callisto punished by female superior for her shame (~Io)
-Casllisto bears Zeus a son (~Ios descendant = Hercules)
-Callisto and Arcas become scientific aetia (~peacock)
-Rape as violation of ones physical/moral integrity:
-Actaeon penetrates with his eyes; Artemis through the dogs; rape as metaphor of
divine retribution
-Artemis mercry? (book image) arrow version opens the story up
-God>Human>Animal: human stands between the two; can go either way;
interchangeable to gods
-Domestication suppresses animal instinct; man can turn from predator to victim
February 11, 2016 (Chapter 9: Aphrodite and Eros)
-Hippolytus Problem of Evil
-Is the question of how to reconcile the existence of evil with that of a God who
is, in either absolute or relative terms, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent
-Argument from evil attempls to show that the coexistence of evil and such a God
is unlikely or impossible if place in absolute terms
-Attempts to show the contrary have traditionally been discussed under the
heading of theodicy
-Artemisian virginity, keeps oaths, but
-His deeper motives for his virginity: misogyny, self-hatred, father rejection
-Phaedra has no control over her Eros, butacts virtuously
-Gods do not enlighten or redeem humans
-Phaedras Eros is Hippolytus fault, but the suicide is her own
-Thoughts on Pygmalion
-Male attraction to virginal female; staking a claim
-Male rejection of sexually experienced female
-Desire to mold and shape according to preference
-Female silence: immobility; trinkets and baubles

-The velveteen rabbit or Pinocchio effct

-Pygamlion effect is the phenonmen whereby higher expectations lead to an
increase in performance
-The duality of Aphrodite: sexual extremes
-Thoughts on Venus and Anchises
-Female abstinence=empowering (Athena, Artemis)
-Female desire, sexuality=compromising (Phaedra)
-Female Eros for male (Selene, Eos); the irrational factor
-Female lying about sexual experience; hiding the number
-Female sleeping down; not corresponding to male
-Morning after syndrome=regret, rationalizing, attempt to self-justify
-Male fear of emasculation by female sexuality
-Female request for discretion.
-Socratic (Platonic) Eros is intermediary:
-Neither god nor mortal but a spirit (daimon)
-Neither poor nor rich
-Between happiness and despair (distressed, sad)
-Needful but resourceful (doesnt have a lot but not completely)
-Between ignorance and wisdom (neither a fool or a wise man)
-Eros is a collaborative effort for wisdom (=philo-sophia: philia of knowledge)
-Levels of Socratic Eros
-Level One: lust; desire to procreate through Eros; heterosexual Eros (making
own children)
-Level Two: subject for the beloved (he or she); children of the mind might be
creating stories or poems with the other person (moral lessons; stories; intellectual;
conversations; mental hint)
-Level Three: looking beyond the physical beauty and love the person for what is
in the inside not the outside (you train and the one you love to train into a better person)
-Cupid and Psyche (Roman story)
-Elements of folktale: evil step mother; bad sisters; sorting task; help by animals;
happy ending
-Platonic: interpretation: the souls (psyche) search for completion (Eros) through
inquiry (the search of the soul for wisdom with or without god)
-Religious: interpretation: the human search for the divine (the soul looks for god)
-Social: interpretation: the pitfalls of marriage and coming of age
-Anthropological: interpretation: heros journey
February 16, 2016 (Chapter 11:Apollo)
-Apollo male version of archery
-Apollo proclaimed as the God of Music (the liar)
-Apollo sitting on 3-legged vessel (simple decoration; ritual water or wine); vessel
associated with the domain giving divine guidance
-Apollo associated with Dolphins (anaphormorphism)
-Dolphins associated with divinity
-Slaying the Pytho
-Back coin Apollo with his arch killing the Pytho

-The Sincerity and Reliability of the Oracle

-The elusive inner temple: the hallucinogenic fumes theory
-Ancient (and modern) spiritual belief; mediums
-Political expedience > diplomacy b/tw states
-Crooked Apollo > allows for personal responsibility
-Thoughts on Cassandra
-Spitting/disbelief of oracles adds an element of humiliation to the punishment
-Reveals Apollo as inventively cruel; disturbed imagination
-Cassandra Complex (disambiguation): is a psychological phenomenon in which
an individuals accurate prediction of a crisis is ignored or dismissed
-Myth and Etiology
-Apollo and Daphne
-Pursuit and transformation
-Thoughts on Apollo and Daphne
-Pendus= argument from social convention
-Daphne= argument from religion and myth
-The irrational nature of Eros (-Phaedra by Aphrodite)
-Eros as animalistic predator; female horror and flight are attractive
-Ovid adds Roman triumph to bring laurel up to speed
-Tree anthropomorphism; belief in indwelling spirit (also in Cyparrius)
February 17, 2016 (Chapter 11: Apollo)
-Asclepius Healing Method
-Incubation (sleeping in a holy place)
-Patient falls asleep in the hope of having a healing vision of Asclepius
-Free snakes lick the disease off the afflicted
-Archaeological evidence for hot springs and curative baths
-Guild of physicians: Asclepiadae; the most famous is Hippocratus
-Hippocratus Oath
-I swear by Apollo
-Socrates Final Words
-Make a sacrifice of a chicken to thanking for having a good and pure life
-Thoughts on Coronis and Asclepius
-Death in labor; having to choose between saving the mother or the child:
Caesarian birth
-Shooting the messenger; cautionary story about gossips; might makes right
-The aesthetics of dark/light; aetion for bi-chromatic crows
-Centaur is a hybrid creature; human and veterinary medicine not separated; man
as animal
-Thoughts on Marsyas and Pan
-The artistic hubris of Arachne or Niobe
- ~creative originality should be toned down
-Rustic music (pipes) vs. sophisticated music (lyre; Apollo)
-Midas: standing up to superiors, not a good idea
-Midas: authority disrobed, ridiculed
-The cruel humor of Apollo > skin defines self

-Barber: secrets are not to be trusted to body therapists

-Barber: human desire to share a juicy secret
-No secret is safe: walls have ears: if walls
-Binary Nature of Apollo
-Violence vs. musical order and harmony
-Beautiful but undesirable; generous vs. vindictive
-God of prophecy but clueless and destructive in his love affairs
-Healer (father of Asclepius) vs killer (Coronis)
----------------------------------EXAM #3---------------------------------------February 25, 2016 (Chapter 12: Hermes)
-Pictures of Women with Purses representing Hermes
-Purse very expensive giving status
-Hermes is continuing to progress in prestige in equity
-Cultural object
-Cattle Thief (On Slide)
-Vase for myth
-Vase shows God Apollo to acquire the baby Hermes to see what happened to the
-Cattle is somewhere else away
-Zeus is the father of Hermes came in the cave to assist the Maya against
-Maya shows Hermes as a baby
-Zeus hands shows aggression
-Zeus and Maya come to rescue
-Cattle Thief (Not on Slide)
-Amethic hymn
-Apollo does not see the cattle
-Hermes all by himself
-Maya and Zeus does not come for Hermes rescue
-Token in a thief life
-Thoughts on Hermes
- Compared to the other gods/goddesses, Hermes is less violet. He is more of a
child and even humorous.
-The naughty boy archetype (Peter Pan)
-Selfish, liar, disgusting (p.291) but adorable; child prodigy
-Irritated but amused adults indulge him
-Son defends single mother (<Cronus-Gaea, Zues-Rhea)
-Invention of the lyre=legitimates animal use for human pleasure
-Jamming sessions of young men; the comforts of music
-Theft of livestock common in the ancient world
-Even thieves need a patron: religious liberalism
-Peaceful resolution of conflict through gift exchange
-Hermes cannot touch the meat: abides by mans rule
-Inventor of fire by friction: an alternative to Prometheus
-The Little Rascals
-Story of Hermes
-A story of child of shannagions

-Dennis the Menance

-Boys will be boys
-Home Alone
-Boy acts aggressive but still be very delightful
-Adults Hermes (On Slide)
-Not as masculine as Apollo
-Collecting coins and stamps
-Hermes will travel quickly and protected by him to carry message
-Guide to the Dead (On Slide)
-Journey from the living to the dead
-Big Wine jar
-Scene from Homer Illiad
-Warrior just died and dripping blood
-Hermes comes to him and brings together two servants who are twin brothers
-Twin bothers: one sleep and one death
-Hermes lift up with the servants the body of the warrior to go over the line of the
-Hermes in the Countryside (On Slide)
-Stone carvings for protection
-Give a sense of animorphism
-Hermes himself overlooking his statue in there in some spiritual form
-Young shepard being chased by a creature who was said to inhabit the
-Hermes statue set on a rock
-Human like Shepard then will be penetrated
-Thoughts on Hermaphroditus
-The dangers of coming of age and leaving home; Hermaphroditus should be a
god but
-The ambiguous sexuality of the teenager
-Biological sex vs. social gender vs. sexual preference
-The vulnerability of the beautiful, girly man (~Acis)
-The sexually assertive female (~Selene/Endymion, Eos/Tithonus,
-Male aversion to female assertiveness (~Hippolytus, Pygmalion)
-Salmacis prayer=male emasculation, Aristophanes nightmare
-Hermaphroditus prayer=misery loves company
-Facination with androgynous aesthetics
March 3, 2016 (Chapter 13.2)
-Thoughts on Icarius, Erigone, and Midas
-Reaction to established norms; ganging up against newcomer
-Human resistance to losing control; holding onto reason and order
-Alcohol poisoning; mean drunks rowdy crowds>mob lynching
-Devotion to father; hanging is feminine (~Arachne, Phaedra)
-Unbreakable vows

-Apollo>Sibyl, Cassandra
-Midas gets away with unbreakable vow=
-Dionysus: less authoritative, but also: more irrational
-Satyrs, Silenoi, and Pan
-3 male attendants of Dionysus
-Satyrs looks human but horse tail and chin; shown in sexual arousal; chasing
nymphs, woodland animals; black beard=young one
-Silenoi are satyrs grown old; hair and tail are white and not shown as sexually
aroused; portrayed as philosopher and wise people
-Fruit of Dionysus is grapes
-Satyrs have hooves because accompanied by another deity known as Pan
-Pan was son of Hermes and a nymph
-When Pan was born mom abandoned him because he was ugly
-Pan a woodland God; intoxicated and surreal; depicted as always aroused
-History, myth, religion, society
-Pan-ic and goats
-Pan and Zoophilia
-Sexual relation with animals and humans
-Pan has a dark side
-Taboo behavior (incest)
-Classical paintings of Narcissus
-Modern painting
-Thoughts on Echo and Narcissus
-The dangers of coming of age; wandering away from home
-The ambiguous sexuality of the teenager
-Mishandling of Eros at this stage can destroy
-Eros as a liberator from the tyranny of the self: ec-stasis
-Eros is possible only though the absence of the other
-The reality of ancient mirrors: distortion
-The stranger in the mirror predicament: dissociative disorder, an ecstatic experience
-Need for external validation of ones uniqueness
-Obsession with self-image>Freuds narcissism (=physical into
-Thoughts on Pan, Echo, and Narcissus
-Scientific reasoning, action
-An inferior caught between superiors
-Female ignored by self-involved man
-------------------------------------------------EXAM #4---------------------------------------------March 24, 2016 (Chapter 20: The Odyssey)

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