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Jorge Polanco

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

RIT Saunders College of Business
MBA Program
Homework 5
Case: Parable of the Sadhu.
McCoy says he is haunted by the decision he made on the mountain. Should he
In my opinion he shouldnt be haunted because everyone did what they could Everyone
did his bit.
It would have been better if they helped the monk get somewhere the could get care of
him, but as in a group, any individual wanted to risk not accomplishing their goal if the
group wasnt doing it together.
They took the monk to a safe place, and when he seemed he could go on his own the left
him. So I think they did what was the best for everyone there.
What does this story teach about leadership and corporate accountability?
This is a perfect example of what could happen in a corporate environment or somewhere
where theres a leader and a group following him.
In this case, there wasnt a group with the same values, so everyone passed the
responsibility to other and then forgot about the monk. They didnt had a leader that
could guide the groups decision.
When it comes to a corporate environment, cases like this happen every day. Everyone
passes the ball (Responsibility) to someone else and forget about it.
When you are a leader you need follow corporate values closely, you need to have a team
that identifies with you, so they can follow you when situations like this come. But as a
leader you cant run from risk, you need to overcome it.
A leader should have corporate accountability; he should put the wellbeing and the goals
of the group in first place. Leaders face stressful conditions and the need to take fast
decisions, this makes ethical decisions harder, thats why they need a process for taking
those decisions. The members of the team, after perceiving this behavior, will be able to
make the right decision.

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