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Where are you now in your moral development based on Kohlberg's Stages of Moral
Development? Cite some situations to illustrate your answer. 

Stage 4 :Authority Orientation. I am the coach of the team “luxury series”, here in my
hometown, being a coach it is my reaponsible to teach on how to be a good leader aside from
teaching on how to be agood player. One of the most important characteristic of an effective
leader is treating people equitably. This involves consistency and fairness, including regards to
applying the rules to everyone equally now the dillema is what Am I supposed to do when a few
superstar player get caught breaking rules that should lead to their suspension drom the team
immediate before a big game taht is very important to the team? If the star players don’t play,
there is a good chance the team will lose. If the team has to win this game to advance to the
championship game, should that affect the coach’s decision?

Coaches are responsible for winning, but they’re also responsible for setting an
appropriate example of leadership for players and treating all teams members fairly. As I’ve said
it is my responsible to teach on how they become a good leader, let them face the consequence
on the things they have done, teach them to follow the rules, because a good leader, is a good

 2.Analyze the story presented about Heinz dilemma. If you were in his situation, what are
you going to do? Based on your answer identify the level of moral development that
describes your   reasoning.

If I were Heinz, I should steal the drug and face the penalty, I would rather save my wife
than obey what the people think is right, because for me saving a life is more important than
breaking the law. I think my answer represents the stage 6 of Kholberg’s stages of development,
the Universal Ethical Principles which is focused on universal human rights, because I feel that
all individuals deserve to afford the drug and be saved regardless of their wealth.
People are successful in life to the degree to which they can organize their world in such
a way that they are genuinely happy. The only difference between people in this area is that some
people are better at achieving their own happiness and others are not particularly successful.
Some people make choices and decisions that make them unhappy and worse off than they ever
would have been if they had done nothing at all. But always, happiness is your goal.
1. Strive To Become A Good Person
In his time, Aristotle examined the human condition and came to a remarkable
conclusion.  He said that, “Only the good can be happy, and only the virtuous can be good.” This
is one of the major breakthroughs in philosophy. Imagine! You can only be happy if you are
a good person, and you can only be a good person, and you can only be a good person if you
practice the virtues that are associated with goodness.
2. Develop A Moral Character
In order to achieve happiness and become a good person, you must know that character is
the greatest success factor of all. If you want to change your outer world, you must go to work,
like a computer programmer at a keyboard, to reprogram your subconscious mind, your world of
values, beliefs, and inner convictions so that the person you are inside is exactly the mental
equivalent of the life you want to enjoy on the outside.
3. Success Factor For Greatness
If character is the greatest success factor to your life, the fundamental component of
one’s character is trust. I n relationships, trust is the glue that holds it all together. It is impossible
for us to proceed in any kind of a relationship unless we trust and feel confident with the other
person.  All good friendships are based on trust. All strong families are based on trust. And in
companies, which are larger business families, trust is the fundamental ingredient that determines
the success and prosperity of the enterprise.
The very best companies to work for have high-trust environments. Everyone in the
company, at every level, absolutely trusts and believes that what people say is true. In almost
every company of value, telling a lie can be a sufficient reason for losing your job.
The ultimate expression of trust is truthfulness. Your very best friends and closest
associates in life will always be those who tell you the truth. The willingness to be absolutely
truthful with yourself and others is the critical mark of a person of outstanding moral character.
If integrity is the core quality then truthfulness is the most obvious expression of integrity.

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