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Solving Equations

Unit 2 Vocabulary
-You will create a flashcard for each word listed.
-Flash card words will be assigned each week.
-It is your responsibility to keep up with your vocabulary
-For words that have a star next to them, you will create a
Marzanos vocabulary graphic organizer.
-Flash cards/Marzanos graphic organizers are due with your INB on
test day.

Conversion Factor: a ratio of two equivalent measures

in different units
Equivalent Equations: equations that have the same
Formula: an equation that states a relationship among
**Inverse Operations: undoes an operation (to isolate
a variable)
Literal Equation: an equation that involves two or more
**Proportion: an equation that states that two ratios
are equal
**Rate: a ratio that compares quantities measured in
different units
Ratio: compares two numbers by division

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