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Cheryl Hoskinson

Foundations of Education
June 8, 2015

Philosophy of Education
If we go back in time, there is something that we can learn from the
pioneers of education in all walks of life. The main pioneers that have
played a part in my philosophy are Maria Montessori, and John Dewey. The
main thrust of their theories are doing is learning.
What are the goals of society and individuals? I think that this would
fall into the article we read from Yong. Zhao when he said that the two main
things that United States should strive for is a curriculum that focuses on
international issues and prepares students to actively engage in global
affairs, and (2) we need as a society to have more of an impact on poverty
and low-income children. They also need to participate in globalization. As a
society we should be able to work hand in hand with our neighbors around
the world, because we can learn so much from them and in turn they can
learn from us. As was seen by the fact that China is trying to change their
education philosophy, so that more creativity can take place.
As a society we need to put more financial support into our schools
and less into areas like new highways, military and prison. I learned from
watching the second half of Educating Children in America we need as a

society to distribute more money into our education system. In order that
children would be able to go and attend a school that they would consider
homelike and safe. There should be no children going to school where the
roof is about to cave-in. Children should feel proud and enthusiastic about
going to school. They should be able to get up in the morning, and be
thrilled that they are going to school.
This leads me into my own individual goals in that I would try and
make every day special for those children who attend my classes. There
would be activities going on all the time. When people walk by my
classroom they would see learning happening. As in the movie School
Sleuth my classroom would be the one that everyone would want to attend.
It would be fun and never boring. It would basically be Never a dull
moment. Learning would be different depending on who I was teaching
and on their style.
Everyone learns differently and all individuals would be accepted in
my classroom. Those children who are bilingual or English Language
Learners, those individuals who have developmental or intellectual
disabilities, and of course the ordinary student. There are four different
ways that children can learn which brings me back to John Dewey and
Maria Montessori. The first type of learning style is the type of learner is
the innovative learner who learns by reflective observation and concrete
experience. These learners need to have a personal connection to whatever
they learn in order to find it interesting. These students are the why

students. They want to be sure that what they are learning has a value in
daily life situations. They benefit mostly from activities such as brain
storming and cooperative learning. Which is the type of learning that both
John Dewey and Maria Montessori promoted.
The second type of learning is the learners that are analytic learners
they learn by abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. Fact
gathers their main question is what. They learn mainly through lectures.
Students who learn this way tend to analyze data, do independent research,
and find expert opinions on material being presented.
The next type of learner is referred to as the common sense learner.
Common sense learner falls under the categories of active conceptualization
and abstract conceptualization. They ask the questions how does this
work? They are the learner who, if possible, want hands on experiences,
and are considered kinesthetic learners.
The last type of learner is the dynamic learner. They learn through
concrete experiences and active experimentation. These students like to
learn things on their own, but also like to teach others. Dynamic learners
learn through games and simulations.
Differentiated learning takes place all the time in a classroom,
because there are so many learning styles. People learn in different ways,
different speeds, and what works for one person may not work for another.

What conditions would I promote in my classroom would definitely be

a safe and secure place. Students would not have to worry about anything
other than learning. It would be a place where people would learn from
each other and growth would take place. It would not only be a family
atmosphere but also a place that promotes learning. Discipline is also a
form of learning, and those that got out of hand would be dealt with
accordingly. It would be a great place to be, no one would go without if I
need to feed them I would, and there would be no chaos. No one would act
out or misbehave they would be free to be who they are, but not allow to
create chaos in my classroom.
My role as educator would be to promote a learning environment, and
to incorporate to the best of my ability the learning atmosphere in which
every type of learner would learn something. Those children that have
difficult with the English language would have a lab in which they could
practice what they have learned. Some of the students who are excelling in
my class would be able to help those individual out who are struggling in
their learning. There would definitely be field trips, and hands on learning
geared towards those children who learn best by experiencing their
environment. There would be extra help provided for those students who
have disabilities and require extra assistance.
In all I would say that I have learned from educators that have gone
on before me. I have learned from history how to include everyone in a
learning environment. I have gained knowledge from laws that have been

passed like No Child Left Behind that we must teach everyone the
standards even if they do have a different type of learning style. I remember
why I became an educator is because I learned that if you can change only
one persons life than you have truly made a difference. That is my true
philosophy life is worth making a difference even if it is only in one persons

Cite Page

What Are the Four Types of Learning? Faria, Alison, n.d. Web. 08 June 2015.

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