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Ben Kim

Reflective writing
Writing is a prevalent and an important activity, in which spoken language is converted
into palpable or visual forms. Through writing, people are able to communicate ideas and share
their perspectives on different issues. Further, people are also able to establish links between
communities, across diverse cultures, periods, and space. If not properly handled, writing can
also yield societal divisions, through propagating conflict. Typically, the results yielded through
writing depend entirely on the purpose of the writer, and the audiences level of understanding.
Overall, I have learned that writing is an important activity, which serves five predominant
purposes. These include persuading, informing, educating, motivating, and entertaining.
Writing skills are vital for effective and purposeful writing. Through the class, I have
learned various writing skills. These skills include using appropriate grammar, spellings, and
punctuation. Failure to observe grammatical, spelling and punctuation rules in writing may be
detrimental. With errors in the areas mentioned above, writers are less likely to communicate
their ideas, intentions, and perspectives effectively. As a result, the audiences will not be in a
position to understand the message and information being conveyed through writing. Through
the class, I have understood the importance of re-reading and crosschecking. I have managed to
lessen grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, which may mitigate the effectuality of my


writing. After engaging in frequent group work, I have also understood that people have different
writing abilities. On one hand, different individuals may have effective writing skills. On the
other hand, others may have ineffective writing skills. However, those with poor writing abilities
are able to improve their skills through regular and relentless practice.
Conducting research is important. Typically, research involves the comprehensive
evaluation of credible sources. In my opinion, conducting research is important since it
replenishes writing. Research boosts knowledge by providing diversified information and facts.
Writing is not only limited to personal life experiences. A writer may be required to write on
other societal related issues. In such a case, the writer will be obliged to refer to other sources, in
order to establish solid facts and provide relevant information. Research is also important since it
enables writers to understand complex issues. Effective writing does not rely entirely on the
writers point of view. By enabling a writer to comprehend complex issues, research ensures that
writers build strong credibility, and come up with relevant ideas and stories. Further, I feel that
research is important because it helps writers to build their overall writing skills and
competencies. Through research, individuals are exposed to a diverse array of writing skills. In
this case, they are more likely to borrow ideas from other writers. This ultimately enables them
to build their skills thus, boosting the effectuality of their writing.
Collaboration is also fundamental. Through collaboration, participants are able to
diversify their knowledge. Typically, collaboration combines resources such as experience,
talent, and knowledge. By sharing these different resources, people are able to diversify their
knowledge and reinforce their levels of understanding. Further, collaboration is also important
since it reinforces self-awareness. Through collaboration, participants are obliged to contribute.


Therefore, they are able to identify areas that they are good in and those that they are poor. This
enables them to capitalize on their fortes and improve their faults.
Given the importance of collaboration, my friends and I have formed discussion groups.
However, these groups are fraught with issues, which undermine the effectuality of
collaboration. Typically, people have different perspectives and opinions, on different issues.
Differing opinions among group members often raise conflict. The participants often try to
impose their ideas and opinions on other group members. Other participants also make it difficult
for other members to share their ideas. These issues, in turn, make it difficult to ensure effective
collaboration. However, these issues can be addressed through adapting effective group work
skills. Group members should be encouraged to foster mutual respect, ensure a constructive
response, minimize criticism and prejudice, and adapt effectively listening skills.
With regard to improvements, I feel that the instructor could consider focusing on two
predominant areas. First, the instructor should focus on issues regarding constructive research. In
this case, the instructor should inform students on appropriate research skills and strategies. So
far, I have not been in a position to improve my research skills. As a result, I find it difficult to
conduct appropriate and purposeful research. By focusing on issues pertaining research, the
instructor will not only build the students research abilities but will also build their ability to
integrate research in writing.

Second, the instructor should focus on issues regarding

collaboration and teamwork. During group discussions, my colleagues were not receptive to new
ideas and opinions. This raised conflicts among the participants thus, impeding effective
teamwork. To address such issues, the instructor should focus on relevant teamwork skills. These
skills will, in turn, make it easier for

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