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By default, JMeter sends the request without pausing between each request. In that
case, JMeter could overwhelm your test server by making too many requests in a
short amount of times This may not be what you want. We can add a timer element
which will allow us to define a period to wait between each request.

Timers allow JMeter to delay between each request which a thread makes. Timer can solve
the server overload problem.Also, in real life visitors do not arrive at a website all at the
same time, but at different time intervals. So Timer will help mimic the real time behavior.
We use Timers to implement the THINK TIME


Constant Timer

Gaussian Random Timer

Uniform Random Timer

Constant Throughput Timer

Synchronizing Timer

Poisson Random Time

JSR223 Time

BeanShell Time

BSF Time

Constant Timer

A constant Timer will introduce a fixed delay between consecutive

requests of the same thread.

Uniform Random Timer

Uniform random timer delays

each user request for a
random amount of time

Gaussian Random Timer

Gaussian Random Timer is same as Uniform Random

Timer except that in the latter the variation after constant
offset has a liner distribution, where in the former, the
variation around constant offset has a gaussian curve

Constant Throughput Timer

This timer allows us to keep total throughput constant.Although the Timer is called the Constant
Throughput timer, the throughput value does not need to be constant. This value can be changed
during a test.

Synchronizing Timer

Synchronizing Timer will synchronize requests of multiple threads. it

will add delays between requests such that all threads fire at the
same time thus creating heavy load bursts on your application

Poisson Random Time

This timer pauses each thread request for a random

amount of time, with most of the time intervals
ocurring near a particular value. The total delay is
the sum of the Poisson distributed value, and the
offset value.

BSF Timers
Bean Scripting Framework is a set of Java
classes that is provides scripting
language support within Java applications,
and access to Java objects and methods
from scripting languages)

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