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Nama:shinta dwi astute

Assalamualakum wr.wb.
My theme today is about the "teachers ' day" which falls squarely on 25
November. On this day we all convey a profuse gratitude to Mr. and Mrs.
Teacher who had devoted as the educators. Thanks to the devotion of Mr.
and Mrs. Teacher who has poured out upon us, so we can achieve a good
result. With the guidance of Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, we feel it is under the
supervision and care of the elderly siblings alone. This is because the
teachers have formed a close bond. I represent from friends saying "happy
teachers ' day"
On the other hand, it is also called the teaching profession as a noble
profession. In this regard, it should be realized that a teacher in the exercise
of their profession required the presence of good attitude and high morals.
Or in other words the nature of the profession of the sublime is the devotion
of humanity.
Every teacher should know their role and tasks in detail if they want to try to
do and make teaching memorable. Among the duties of a teacher are:
1Delivering science
2Deliver a message
3Provide expertis
4.As a mentor, educator, reformer, exemplary, giver of clues and so
Clearly, it shows that being a teacher is one task and role of a rather heavy.
In fact, the task was considered as hard is accepted as a duty and
responsibility in a positive way.
Teacher who I respect
Thanks to the father/mother, teachers, who have participated actively and
boasts. I am proud to hang out together, fought in the same place and
struggle to build the school in the direction of better, building a generation of
the nation. And I feel God gave grace a tireless goodness for all of us.
We can only pray, we wish Mr. and Mrs. Teacher that we love always in grace
and his mercy and in health, prosperity, happiness, and patience our

Thats all my speech, may what I have delivered be useful in our life. If you
found many mistakes in my speech please forgive me
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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