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Vayu Publication , New

A foundation course for the professionals to achieve excellence in life
through self exploration

Dedicated with gratitude to

Poojya Gurudev
Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharyaji
Param Vandaniya
Mata Bhagwati Devi Sharmaji
Patron founder of
All world Gayatri Pariwar
Shantikunj, Hardwar

With their loving - blessings

This work became successful


Brief Contents:
About the Authors
An Introductory Overview of the Book

Section I : Introduction to Value education

Chapter I: Basic of human values
Chapter 2: Understanding value in education
Chapter 3: Self exploration as the process for Value education
Chapter 4: Human aspiration much needed sugar of life
Chapter 5: Understanding human aspiration the clash of consciousness
Section II : Understanding the harmony at various levels
Chapter 6: Understanding the concept of harmony
Chapter 7: Understanding the concept of self (I) and body
Chapter 8: Understanding myself
Chapter 9: Harmony with in the family
Chapter 10: Harmony with the society
Chapter 11: Harmony with nature
Chapter 12: Harmony with cosmos and concept of existence
Section III : Righteous Understanding of professional ethics
Chapter 13: Basic of universal human values and ethical human conduct
Chapter 14: Holistic alternative towards universal human order
Chapter 15: Professional ethics a complete overview
Chapter 16: Holistic approach towards life style the road ahead



fine morning my colleague Pf. Sanjeev Sharma called me. He

was bit annoyed and complaining about the social and moral
degradation and ultimate decay of society. His outburst looks
natural and he as pioneer in the field of education is going
through many rough patches in around life. We exchanged

views a lot on that day and come across many segments and finally landed up
on conclusion that our emotional and sentimental Bakjhak will be presentable
to the society in the form of a book on Human Value and moral ethics.
Human as the name suggests High Man is a pioneer in the Gods kingdom.
He is highly edited version of animal and being on this earth with an additional
hard disk i.e. the mind. The heavy head Human is the only creation of God who
can think, act and change the so called mystical world of God. In the world of
new interventions and innovations the rapid development are leading towards
a goal where creation of God is on the cards and if it is materialize in a perfect
day, it must not be a surprise.
Actions and moving ahead is synonyms of Human efforts. To pace up the life
with the help of machine is making the journey smooth and effective and now it
looks that the entire world is under control. The sky is the limit, shows the
determination and enthusiasm of the human mind. To conquer the earth was
mile stone of last century. Now the Google earth, sky and water are providing
new dimensions to the thrust of human being.
Surprisingly the growth of mind is directly proportional to the growth of society
and so is benefitted for the country and world. This progress has provided
many wings and opportunities to entire human society. In the field of science,
management, information technology, sports, lifestyle all is being now
governed by this modern and sophisticated approach. It looks so that apart
from the cloning of the Soul, the entire worldly things are getting done in the

laboratory. The artificial world is being continuously replacing the real world.
This is really remarkable as the human efforts are just some centuries old
whereas the God, the generator, operator or the destroyer took million of the
years to create history and historical being on this earth.
The question arises what happen next when the man creates a man? What
happen when he conquer the universe? What will be the matter of research
after that is a matter of debate for entire intelligentsia. It looks from this end of
the world that one thing is missing alarmingly is the soul. Who is the loser, what
is going behind is Thyself. Hardly has it made us to look into inside of the self
and come around any new theory or definite result. Seldom has we time to
introspect for to realize thyself. What is the purpose of making over here? Who
am I? What am I?
Do these questions ever haunt us or we are just merely spectators waiting for
someone to come up with solutions at some day and we just clap and
acknowledge the new finding. The technocrats who are supposed to more
introvert must come up aleast some programming structure, why we cant
debug the life error. We had some many objects, classes and variables in
enormous programming libraries, Cant we manage a single program i.e. the
program of life. Why is it so miseries in nature, arent we come up with some
perfect operating system which can be once installed can make and match
everything which a small but happy life needs?
We the so called educated people of the society do really need a human value
based education. The values which are in our nerves, bloods and vain, right
from the birth or call it hereditary as Bharat vanshi does really need a lesson
of moral ethics. Ethics is the treasury which we feel proud, and we do seldom
said that the Indian culture has shown the world the torch of knowledge. Do
these honorable citizens of India have forgotten to switch on the light of this
torch or they have focused everything on the world and look so forgotten the
basics and lost the glaze and glamour in the extreme dusk.


Who will show the path? The education which we are getting in our colleges
and school has lost its basic goal and original objective. Why and whom for the
education is more answerable rather than giving answer to what for this
education is? Is it just a process of providing another paper sheet which worth
less than a few hundred rupees or getting high salary package or to get the life
in a perfect shape or to show the art of living to the world? Many theories and
styles of teaching are in the world but it looks that everything is just leading
toward a new square where every road leads to new mystery and surprises for
life. Many workshops, seminars, government and NGOs are working on this
hot topic but mostly everyone is blaming for the others occupancy of the
crease in the field and still the game is on for someone to looks into it and acts
Education is more than basic understanding of livelihood. It is greater than
attaining the perfection in gimmicks and getting successful in life. Education is
an eye opening exercise for the man to become perfect in all prospers of life.
For that only the Gurukuls were established in our ancient Indian system. The
Gurukul were a perfect center for attaining vital knowledge and life time
experience in mind, body and relationship. The dimensions and philosophy of
mind, the knowledge of body internal as well as external along with subtle
dimensions is easily understandable in that education Harvards. The
relationship with the body to cosmos, body to subtler world, the man to society,
society to the world and the world with cosmos is easily answered in the Vedic
The concept of looking beyond the self is easily known to the many scholars in
Vedic period. The real treasure of looking inside the self, the pure Atman,
Thyself is the well known fact in the earlier days. The Atmana
Sarvabhuteshu, is the principle of living. Aham Brahmasmi, Tatvamasi,
Sachhidanana aham, was the mantras of self exploration. The physical, astral
and causal body exploration was easily understandable and acceptable to the
society. It was the vision with a perfect structure of the society. Every soul is
potentially divine is not the matter of preaching but practicing and this only


make us proudly profounder of Vasudhev Kutumbkam. In other word it was

mentioning Global village not of networking or communication technology but
of pure soul and open hearts mankind.
Globally its matter of debate what is to be the universal concept of values? The
ethical human conduct is the matter of exchanging view all because of
diversified cultural barriers and limitations. The intelligentsia will come up on
any concrete result is matter of question but one thing is easily depicted that
the universal love, brotherhood and the welfare of the entire world is the great
matter of concern. After all it is the matter of existence or extinction from the
world. The global warming, the climatic extreme changes, the disturbed water
cycle all is being indicating that something seriously is gone wrong. It is just
beyond the capacity of an individual or the society or the society. All we can do
is to come together not for opening big mouths, giving lectures on moral and
social diversities but to put together into the format of one language, one action
and one most probably the result i.e. to save the mankind, the global safety.
The rational knowledge must be transformed into the matter of line of action.
The deeds with a definite path way will lead us to a better future and prospect.
The righteous knowledge must not confine to certain holy books or scriptures
but should be induced into the life style of common man. The man who is a
knowledge structure of all sorts of worldly mundane activities must possess the
knowledge of how to life in the harmony with the different other living beings,
nature and at the most with other human beings.
Basically it is the matter of self exploration, the way of finding some desired
results and putting into the fashion that other can understood, apply it into day
to day lifestyle and must incorporate as a habit not as change of taste.This
book is merely an effort in the well being of the society. The work is subjective
and enormous discussion and distinction has been done to come up with some
definite results. It is being gone through many interactive board discussions,
round table conference and technological surveillance in order to get the best
from the available resources.


This book will provide a road map to basics of human values and professional
ethics. The scope and the horizons of value education can be easily
understood by going through some thought provocative statements in the
coming chapters. The mind and its relationship with the body, soul can be
better realize by going through the contents in details. The harmony with the
nature is to be understood firstly and then the action accordingly is the need of
the hour. The personality of the self and then looking beyond the self is the
new dimensions of understanding the best of us we have. The universal value
and the ethics and moral stories will provide an insight view of the Rishis and
munis of Vedic era. The professional standard and the ethical relationship will
lead the professors as well as the students to get a practical approach in the
We are grateful to many laureates physical and subtle in this world for making
us to come up with this foundational course in the human value and
professional ethics. Our humble request to the intellectual class is to provide
us the feedback which is more vital for the writers especially who have a small
experience in the field of writing to shape and tone this book into a perfect
physical sheath and to serve the society as always in the search of new lights
and horizons.



Abhay Saxena
Sanjeev Sharma

We are heartily grateful to many stalwarts and experts during the development
of the course material which comes into the shape of the book after yearlong
efforts. Their regular input, discussion and kind suggestion has makes our
work easy.
In particular, we wish to express our indebtedness to Dr. Pranav Pandya,
Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti vishwavidyalaya for providing us a new vision on
holistic life style, Bhagwad Geeta in new perspective and meditation through
his regular discourses.
In formation of this book and writing various chapters, the tangible help was
provided by Dr. S.P.Mishra, vice chancellor, DSVV, Pf. S.K. Agarwal, Shobhit
University, Pf. Om vikas, CDAC Noida, Pf. M. S. Rohtang, H.N.B. University,
Mr. Rakesh Saini, Faculty DIT, Dehradun.
We are also grateful to our wives Anjali Saxena and Reena Sharma for their
dedicated support and encouragement to carry out this uphill task successfully.
We are rather thankful to Ms. Upasana Saraswat, a student of final year
graduation & Mr. Gopal Krishna Sharma, M.Sc. (C.S.) first year student of
DSVV for providing us the basic inputs through their real insight and
suggestions which make us to come up with this book.
Last but not the least we are also thankful to Mr. Jain and his team of Vayu
Pulication, New Delhi for the tremendous endeavors in publishing and
promotion of this book on time.


About the Authors

Pf. Sanjeev Sharma:
Is Professor and Head, B. Tech and M.C.A. in J.P. Institute of
Engineering and Technology Meerut. His expertise is in Algorithm,
discrete mathematics, Computer Organization

His publication work is immense in nature and already published

more than 20 books on various dimensions of computer
fundamental, Artificial Intelligence, Web technology, Database
Management system, E-commerce, Computer Network and so on.

He is a motivational speaker and conducted many workshops and

seminars in and around many states of India on personality
development and holistic lifestyle.

Mr. Abhay Saxena :

Is an Associate Professor & Head in Dept. of Computer Science, Dev
Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. He is being a life time volunteer of
Shantikunj, Hardwar. His expertise is in Information Retrieval using
symmetric web, computer Networks and Vedic Studies.

He has published 6 books related with computer fundamentals,

computer network, e-commerce, database managements, life
management and Bhagwad Geeta in management perspectives. He
has submitted several research papers in National and International
seminars and journals.

He is a motivational speaker and delivered many lectures on moral

education, positive lifestyle, personality disorders in national and
international scenario.

An Introductory Overview of the Book

We are proud to present this book to the readers. The basic aim was writing
this book is to provide an inside out vision of values, moral teaching, ethic and

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fundamental of life. The language is simple and day to day life examples has
been included so as the reader may have the feel of their own life.
We had been brought up in the society where the values have been preached
a lot and occasionally we try to adopt them as the salt of life. Our efforts are
here to make a proper understanding of these values and their relationship
with thyself, family, society and ultimately with the nature. The major segment
is the transformation of the self into a bigger self.
There is much emphasis on the self exploration and navigation in this book.
The harmony of the self with the nature, society and family is the key of life and
the technique to find the desired goal is easily explained in the coming
The book is divided into three major sections followed by glossary and
Section I, comprises of the introduction to the value education is being
elongated into the need of value; basic understanding of the value education,
followed by self exploration of values education and lastly the basic aspirations
of life has been explained.
Section II is the soul of the book where there is much emphasis on the self.
The purified self, the holistic relationship between mind, body and soul, the
harmony of the self with the surrounding and circumstance is minutely
explained. The proper harmony of individual with the family, society and nature
is elaborated further. The concept of existence with the other living creature is
finally explained in this section
Section III keeps the pace of the book with rightly understanding of
professional world, professional ethics and holistic approach to apply in life
style is emphasized. The importance of the human conduct, education and

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change in the constitution is explained. The definite road ahead and how to
keep the things intact in the onward journey is the last segment of this section.

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Section I

Introduction to Value education

The sub themes are

Understanding value in education

Self exploration as the process for Value education

Basic of human values

human aspiration much needed sugar of life

Understanding human aspiration the clash of consciousness

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Unit I
Basic of Human Values
Nature of Life:

t all starts with the basic of the nature i.e. life. The value of a natural
product is very much there. We distinguish it in many formats. Some
products are sorted out by the quality, some by quantity. The more or
less, best or worst and good or bad are the supplement terms related with

value of a product. The question is how a value can be calculated? Who is

going to be the judge and what are the parameters which one must keep in
mind in order to achieve the excellence?
Obvious, the creator is not going to come to the earth. It is we are going to
make the difference or the better judges to get the things going in the best
possible way. Civilization comes and goes, but the world remains as it is. It is
the current social changes or the scenario of the society which do decides
what the values are and how one can be benefitted or even adopts the basic
values in day to day life.
The search for the values is a common phenomenon in all philosophical,
religious and cultural traditions. From the early days of classical ancient
civilizations the enquiries was focus on the ultimate or absolute values. In the
Greek tradition these ultimate values have been recognized as Truch,
(Goodness and Beauty). In the Vedanta, the atmavad tradition, the ultimate
value and the ultimate reality is Sat, Chita, Ananda (existence, knowledge and
bliss), which denotes the universal Self or the Brahma (God). In the Buddhist
tradition the goal is liberation from the bondage of Dukha, caused by
ignorance, greed and hatred. Buddha says, that love is the only solution to get
rid from dukha which leads to a state of nirvana. The other value themes
pursued by ancient as well as relatively modern philosophical traditions are

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concerned with moral and ethical values and the personal and social conduct
based on them.
The judges are the key members in the society. They are basically aristocrats,
bureaucrats, and the name differ from region to region but these persons are
the king pin of the society. The entire villages, districts or even the nation
blindly follows them. Whatever they say, or whatever decided by the panch
(village and suburbs scenario) is the final words and one has to abide by these
rules and regulation.
Situation has so far changed in many districts but still it looks so that the
values may differ as per the norms of society or the peoples. So it is very hard
to decide whether we need values in this Jungle-raj (barbarism) of society.
There must be a generalized formula for the society to bind the people and
different segments into a single necklace. The law and order situation, the
rules and regulations are basically value added variables which are located
into the society function to run smoothly.
Does the Prince of God, we usually called him human being needs to
understand the concept of value. Does these values needs to be taught in a
school, college that what this is you are? You are suppose to behave as a
human being, if the things are going out of hand, then it is really a great
concern for the future of the society.
Values what are they?
The sense of value is an essential attribute of the human society. It is the
sense which prompts and guides the true aspect of God lies in every human
being. The word value expresses in qualitative significance we assign to
ideas, feeling, activities and experiences.
While talking to the different aspects of Values and definitions are concerned
the term value literally means:

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Relative worth, merit or importance; the value of a college education;

the value of queen in chess

Monetary or material worth, as in commerce and trade; this piece of

land has greatly increased in value.

The worth of something in terms of the amount of other thing for which it

can be exchanged or in terms of some medium of exchange.

Equivalent worth or return in money, material, services. Etc.; to give

value for value received.

Mathematical value
Magnitude; quantity; number expressed in figure and this list goes on

Value is a concept that describes the belief of an individual or culture. A set of

values may be placed into the belief of a value system. Values are subjective
and vary across people and culture. Value are the evaluative standards we use
for deciding what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is bad,
what is desirable and what is undesirable.
Our inner self goes through these experiences and analyses the experiences,
sometimes consciously but more often unconsciously, and tries to put up result
in the best thought pattern available. The basis of this evaluation process is our
system like, he is a good person, she is an honest lady, it is a beautiful
sunrise, we should respect all, etc.
The value system we acquire reflects our own persona and affects our
attitudes, preferences, goals and aspirations. It sets the standard and
guidelines which govern our personal and social behavior, the quality of
relationship we build, and the response we make to life situations. Those who
value money, power and status have all ideas and efforts to achieve them,
ignoring the social, human and ethical implications and lastly they attain it
anyhow. For them, human relationship is only a professional attitude and its
importance is nothing more than that.

Human value definitions:

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Value in general, important and enduring beliefs or ideas shared by the

members of a culture about what is good or desirable and what is not. Values
expert major influences on the behavior of an individual and serve as broad
guidelines in all situations.
Values evolve from circumstances with the external world and can change over
time. This is not to say that the value concept themselves are not universal,
merely that each individual possess a unique conception of them i.e. a
personal knowledge of the appropriate values for their own genes, feelings and
It is very rightly says by Swami Yuktananda that, the values are the very core
of our behavior, the motive force of our lives.
Values are caught but not taught:
Human nature is subject of research and it swings from time to time. Sometime
we belief in the ultimate God and act accordingly to his rules and regulation
and sometimes we acts like a perfect atheist. We rarely put any eye on the
existence of the God, its rules and regulation, and try to behave in a fashion
where we are the sole proprietor of the world. The river, the mountain, the
social structure and the luxury comes under one belt and one becomes the
demigod of the society. We can find these demigods more in society.
The value defined in the earlier paragraphs suggests that it depend upon
individual perception. It is very rightly said that the values are caught but not
taught. Think of the situation where the honesty is to check out. If it is being
practiced in the earlier part of life then only the honesty will come from inner
soul else if being taught then the person will definitely slip from the conduct.
To help the needy person is a good value to be incorporated in life. People
take it casual instead of it always pay a good role in human life. Many of us are

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not willing to help others when needed. We tries to give some arguments that I
am not a god to help all, it is not our matter or sometimes we say ifs and buts
are part of life, one has to deal it as per situation. Many mouths with many
excuses continue in life.
Remember we give excuses in spite of having enough resources. Contrarily on
other hand we do find that the people having minimum resources are always
ready to help others. It is not because they need any name of fame but they
are more open hearted person who does believe that entire world is one family,
the concept of Vasudev Kutumbkam. They are not the laureates of Oxford or
Cambridge but still they know the real power of value in day to day life.
Values are immense in nature, e.g. the value to be nurtured to the extent it
helps in the person career growth. The value morality, justice, kindness,
compassion may decline even lucrative career options if it requires
compromising these values. If someone values nature and natural beauty he
will be trekking in mountains during holidays rather than shopping in mall.
Similarly those who value music, art, literature will spend their evenings in
these pursuits instead of watching TV or chilling out. In short, the quality of
living space we create for ourselves is determined by our system of values.
Types of Values:
Values can be classified in many manners. Basically if you see microscopically
the human conduct (manviya acharan) is divided into three catagories i.e.
value ( manviya mulya), policy ( niti) and Character (Charitra).

Types of human conduct:

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policy( niti)

value( m

The first and third are mostly taken care by human being and second one is
left for the society, police and for others who has been responsible to maintain
peace and prosperity in society. Values are supplemented or replaced some
time by Swabhav (behavior).
Swabhav (behavior) :

It is true that the behavior shows the personality but

human being is so typical that he can hold two personalities simultaneously in

many cases. The dual personality cases are alarmingly increasing and
psychiatrist are keeping up the pace to handle them.
Niti (Policy) : When we talk of the Niti (policy), it is just drawing certain road
map to handle the certain situation, emergency or the normal part of life. If
talking of the preparation of niti for human life then it will be the best utilization
of all the resources that one owns i.e. best utilization of Tan (body), maan
(mind) and dhan (money). All the three are critical and imbalance in three
always land up one in the situation of distress or the state of illness.
Charitra (Character): it is very rightly said when the wealth is gone it can be
managed with persistent efforts but if character is gone, everything is gone. It
is hard to belief the power of character in this professional environment, but the
power of celibacy is immense. The definite steps and the boundary must be

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clearly understood by the self while working or moving in the any part of the
Classification of Values (Vedic scriptures)
If one goes through the immense of sea of Vedic literature, one can easily find
that all these shastras (vedic books) are full with values i.e. to make the best of
the society in what so ever may be scenario. The values will be in form of
Jeevan mulya (values for life), manviya mulya ( basic human values), stapitya
mulya (established values) or Sisthya mulya (expressed values).
Let us take one by one about these values in day to day life, in family, in
society or largely they are the part of any nation.
Jeevan Mulya:

God has given us jeevan (life). It also means that we are

the living God on earth. God is not like any UFO person landing from the new
territories or planet. It is being defined as the person owning the godliness
qualities can be named as God. If we have a jeevan so the qualities of God
must be imbibed in the self. We all know it very well that God has given us all
the basic qualities and virtues in the subtle form. These qualities lie inside the
human being. It is the only we that can make the difference by continuous
cultivation of righteous deed that can transform our life into superlative form
I.e. if not God then next to God or godliness form.
There are four major jeevan mulya:
1. Shanti (peace of mind): Many knows about peace, want to find it and
try to search it in many forms and types but land up open hands. Shanti
(peace) cannot be bought from the market it has to find. The major
question is to find it where? One cannot find in the market place, nor in
the temple or mosque but it can be find out in the core of our own heart.
It resides inside the self, the purified soul but we hardly pay attention to
attain it. Shanti the real peace of mind and body, the state where there

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is no disturbance, no more kayos, distress, disbelief and no world of


2. Sukha (happiness in all circumstances): the sukha is the state where

one find real pleasure, happiness in all the circumstances. It is not
confined with the state of getting material pleasure or physical pleasures
but the state of happiness in all the conditions. We always feel
comfortable and cozy in the situations where the things are going
favorable and always complaints when the situations goes out of hand
or not in control. Sukha is being talked as a situation such as Ocean
who hardly cares whether the tides are making towards the beach or
moving away from seashore. It is just like a Drastha (visionary), who
sees all the things (Drashak) but newer tries to engage in it (drashya).
3. Santosh (to satisfy the innerself, contentment with the available
resources): it is true that Santosh dhan param sukham i.e. that if one
attains the santosh (satisfaction), he is filled with all the sukh
(happiness). The vedic literature rightly said this santosh can be attain
by the practice only. It is a state where the inner self says that this much
is enough; I am not going accumulate furthermore, whatever I am
having is enough. Once these thoughts come into the mind that mean
one is moving ahead in the righteous direction. So it is the situation
moving always from the greediness.
4. Ananda (perfect bliss, the attainment of the Sampurana free from all
worldly bondages). It is the condition which is rarely find in the society. A
stage of paramhansa or perfect soul. The state of bliss (ananda) is
really hard to attain but not impossible in nature. The situation where
one understands who am I ? what for I am here? What is the source of
my origin? What is my definite goal on making this earth? Every thing
looks crystal clear in this state of mind, where one is filled with shanti,
sukha and Santosh.

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It is the perfect state where one realize that I am the part of that GOD,
who is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. It is the state of Swami
Ramakrishna paramhansa, who talks with kali in temple, eat with her
and it is just the complete transformation of the self into Goddess Kali. It
can also be understand in a way that all the virtues, qualities are
imbibed in the Ramakrishna.
Similar was the case of Lord Buddha. The ordinary prince of a kingdom
after performing penance attain the situation of perfection and become
lord Buddha who shows the path of peace, happiness and santosh to
the society. His maestro words Budhham sharanam Gachyami,
Sangham sharanam Ganchami, Dhammam sharanam Gachyami are
still showing the light of attain the ananda.

If Sukh is there is a definite possibilities that one can find shanti

o Shanti = sukh + shanti

Once shanti is added into sukha it will leads toward santosh\

o Santosh = Sukh + Shanti

Once santosh is being added with combo of sukh and shanti that
ananda is not a far.
o Ananda = Sukh + shanti + Santosh

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Manaviya Mulya (Basic of human values):

While talking of the basic of human values, there are certain qualities that are
expected to be a part of nature of every human being. This only makes us
them count to be a true human values or manviya mulya.
Lord Krishna rightly profound in Bhagwad Geeta
Bhuddhirgyansammoha chama satyam dhamah shamah
Sukham dukham bhavabhavo bhayam chabhaymevav cha.
Ahins asamta thushtitapo danam yashoyashaha.
Bhavanti bhava bhutanam mata evah prathvivadhaha. (10 / 4-5)
In brief lord Krishna says in the above verses that the determination power,
true knowledge, mercy, control over the mind, happiness and sorrow, birth and
death, bravery and coward, santosh, tapa (penance), kirti (fame) all are born
from me. That is in brief that all the human beings are born with these virtues
but with the time frame these virtues lies unexplored in the human body.

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o Samajdari ( intelligence): to use the proper brain in every conditions of

day to day life.
o Immandari ( honesty): many says honesty is the policy, that is to be
honest in all parts of life.
o Jimmedari (dutifulness): if we think that we are the responsible for the
circumstances then only we can make a change. Dutifulness must be
come from the heart not from the mouth only.
o Bahudari ( Bravery) : once has to show his bravery when the time
o Chamah (forgiveness):

Brave hearts are always has the virtue of

forgiveness. To let go and forgo are the beauty of these highly potential
o Daya (Kindness): to show the kindness to all the needy persons is a
real human value.

Sthapitya and stithya mulya: (established and express values):

Indian vedic scriptures are filled with these stapitya and stithya mulya. The
mandup upnishad, Niti sanhita all talked about the relationship of human with
human being, human with family and human with society. The common factor
was human being. The entire family and society just revolve around him.

Sthapitya mulya: one has to inculcate these established values in the

personality to become a best suitable member of society. These values are

Trust ( vishwas)
Respect (aadar)
Affection (sneha)

25 | P a g e

Carefulness (mamta)
Guidance (Vatsalyata)
High Respect (shradhaa)
Glory (garav)
Gratitude (kratagyata)
Love (prem)

Stithya Mulya: they are the outcomes of the stapitya mulya. If one practice
rightly sthapity mulya in day to day, he must be blessed with the stithya mulya.
( the values in the perfect stage). The nine stitya mulyas are

Complement (Saujanyata)
Compliance (Sauhardra)
Commitment (Nistha)
Generous (Udarta)
Momentary (Sahajta)
Honor ( Pujyata)
Simplicity (Saralta)
Soberness (Saumayta)
Continuity (ananayata)

Age of Values (Values on time scale)

Common perception is that the values are shasvat (immortal). Values never
change with the time frame. Values are just above the moments and in
scalable in nature. The question is that why do we find in many houses the
difference between the opinion of regarding the same value. The value of truth
is highly appreciable in society but we seldom find people saying 100% truth in
their respective life. Why? Are they not being born and bought up in the
situation where there is no truth all around or it is just the change in perception
of a certain values.
The market value and the face values are the not the same, this only raise the
question in many minds that the why these values change with the time frame?
The answer is very simple, it is not the values that changes but the perception
to attain that particular value is the difference with the time slot. Many times
we do heard from the younger generation that they says Mom these values
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are of your time, they are just obsolete in nature, they are not fit for the modern
society and many more. Who will answer these questions? The generation
gap is creating all these differences in changed values.
Conflicts between generations (Generation Gap)
Thats perfectly true if you looks into society we seldom finds the behavior,
personality of the young generation is a mirror of the current icons of the
society. The film stars, the sports person are the real ideal for the young world.
The world fashion is justified by its true sense if you see the society by the
eyes of youth. They says that fashion is just a way of presenting the self. It is
dressing sense, the way of putting clothes in all possible matter of permutation
and combination in selection the wardrobe is the real fashion. The young mind
says why you mind if I put the jeans in my own ways. After all it is my life and
how is going to govern us. The answer he wants to hear from you is the self.
These are the things which may differ from the parental perspective. They cry
that they have seen the world more. They know what is good or bad, or even
tries to force their ward to perform whatever they like so. It is a matter of
conflict what to do and why to do? This is all about the as always the story of
generation gap. It will remain as it is because the changing mood of the society
compels the person to change.
And it is true rather harsh, that change is not acceptable after an age. The ever
changing scenes, actions and activities enforce us to be a part of the race.
Some cope up very nicely but for some of them lost the race before start.
Some starts very slowly, some starts nicely but could not cope up with the pace
of the society and lost the track. so the pace of change and the action of
performance does vary from person to person. Whom to be blamed?
Those who are born in young generation with new uprooting of action are to
come on platform or those who had been born much before this generation,

27 | P a g e

traditional in nature, likes to work in the frame of the society. This conflict
always gives birth to new change in the values and ethics of society.
Situation adaptability is the solution of Generation Gap
The society is for to live in a perfect fashion and order. If anything goes wrong
the first and foremost effect always comes into the form of social disorder. So
what has to be done is to be converted into act rather preaching from the many
stages and ceremonies.
Generation gap is a menace to the society and often it bleed so badly that we
are looking place to save our heads. The person in the society or the family
always replaces each other with the actions, performance and activities.
Seldom have we found that the senior most member of our house, whom we
are not giving any importance, is coming up with very innovative idea. From
where does this idea comes from, it is all because of his experience or the
knowledge which he or she had gained in many years.
This is also true with the young minds also. We have gone through in many
nearby families where a young boy or girl try to help the family or suggest
something to the problem, he had been stopped by the elders immediately but
putting the comments, he is just a boy, his milk teeth are yet not broken, how
can he provide any solution to the society which he hardly seen and this how
the boy or the girl goes on in suffocating situations. When it blast it sound
much as the emotions, sentiments which had been inside are coming up to the
boiling point and the situation goes out of control.
We had been running the society in our own way but it is not true ever long.
The conflict in the family is not the boy is not following the father or the
daughter is not hearing the words of mother; rather it is that who will order and
who fill follow. It is hardly any situation of let go, or coolly follow the others
order and occasionally we do find in the family that the child is so afraid of his
own parent, he wants to talk the parents but he or she feel rather shy or afraid

28 | P a g e

of the parents. Some takes decade to come out of the shell and remain silent
performer throughout in his early days.
Just practice situation adaptability:
The best suggestive measure in these situations is to inculcate the situational
adaptability. One has to be open minded for the changes in the society. The
situations some time suits us and some time we have to adapt the situation. It
is very true with an example of cricket pitch. When you move to the other part
of the world, the situation and the climate is bit different, the pitch is rather
bouncy, one has to understand the situation and to score accordingly. In the
home town or in our own country the situation is totally favorable, the
conditions are rather familiar or the air is rather supportive where the level of
performance is rather easy and adaptive. It is only those who adjust
themselves in both the situations are rather applauded into the society for their
all round performances.
So situation is newer good or worst, it is just we, the perception or the
knowledge posses by the self make the difference. The more you are open in
nature, more you have zeal to adopt new and new technologies, it is a definite
situation may arise for you where the rate of success is bit more for you. It is
generalized in nature that if you wants more it has to be done now itself rather
waiting for the things to happen in favorable conditions.

CASE STUDY in real life situations conflicts

Case I: Ramesh is being born with a split personality. Within early phase of the
life, he was paralyzed. His legs and hands are not working properly. He is on
wheel chair and needs someone to help him to go through his daily schedule.
Still he is having a brave heart. He is coping up the situation. He was gifted

29 | P a g e

with extraordinary caliber in drawing and he make up his mind to use this
quality as a source of his livelihood. With the help of his leg finger, he is
holding pencil, color brushes and making wonderful drawings. He is being
helped by his colleagues and now he owes a website through which he is
selling his painting. He is earning his bread and an inspiration for those who
think they dont have anything.
Moral of the story: limitation newer come across the brave heart.
Case II: Sandy, a mother of two young children was living happily with the
family. His husband was in army. A day she had been informed by the army
authority that his husband is being abducted and killed by the militants. Sandy
has two options to live a life full of sorrow and miseries or to come up from the
situation and life a life for her children. Sandy opt the second option, she is
now working a leading MNC and her two daughters are well settled and
married. She is also running a orphanage and sheltering 40 children along with
her settled family.
Moral of the story: if you look that your sorrow is smaller than other, you can
come out any worst situation.


The word value expresses in qualitative significance we assign to

ideas, feeling, activities and experiences.

Values can be classified on the human conduct are value ( manviya

mulya), policy ( niti) and Character (Charitra).

Jeevan mulya (value) are shanti, sukh, santosh and ananda.

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Manviya mulya are samajdari, immandari, jimmedari, bahaduri,

Chamma , Daya and so on.

Values can be classified as established values and expressed values.
Values changed with the generation.
Situation adaptability is the key for adopting the values.

Basic Questions:

1. Generation gap is the story of the life. Comment your view on this

famous quotation.
Why the values are important in day to day life?
Why the values cant be taught but caught?
Differentiate between Jeevan Mulya and Manviya Mulya
What are the established and expressed values?

Chapter II
Understanding Value education

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very object is not considered useful until and unless it hasnt

certain importance. Education is no more exception. As far as our
education process in concerned, there must be some standards of
obtaining that education in such a way that can enhance the real

requirement of the person, persuading that education by involvement of

Life is the most important present of nature. So such a life should be full of joy,
happiness and aiming to achieve certain set goals. Value education means to
get ahead in life by making one potentially strengthen for chasing the predecided target.
Need for value education
Lets try to go through certain points that depict the value education within our
career life:

Know about our aims and objectives

o The first and foremost task is to recognize the self, identity thyself
i.e. who am I? What for I am here? What sort of life targets are
there to setup for my aim of education? Are these objectives are
merely limited to fulfill my personal needs or the aim is for big
o The technique to judge the self is to make a chart and write down
about the self strength and weakness of the self. Select your aim
from the chart and tries to work hard to achieve it more honestly.

Do not think over others thinking

o There comes a story that one frog climbed ups the hill and the
secret was his success was his physically challenged pattern
deafness. Everyone was criticizing the frog but he went up
uninterruptedly. This is what to be understand by the story that if
you have firm believe within yourself regarding your aspirations
then listen to only your inner voice.

Enhancement of one own values and skills

o After knowing your goal and objectives, now the main aim is to
increase the inner value and strength gradually. Unaware from

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the pitfalls and strengthening oneself the basic aim to enhance

the self by adding more and more virtues.
o Various self disciplines practices can be adopted such as:
Self introspection
Self refinement
Self development
Self realization
4 s of perfection:

e lf
itr s
re a
f io

S lfe
S lo

a. Self introspection:

We often find our self misguided by the

circumstances or by the person and landed into situation where the

existence of the self is questionable. One must be aware of the self.
It is the awareness related with our goal, objective and how to get it
is the key. The number of good and bad in the self can be easily
evaluated by the help of own consciousness. Self introspection is
looking at your aspirations. It is just putting a ray of light on the inner
core of heart and tries to find the unexplored areas in the self. It is
the matter of locating the dark phases in the self. Just identify and
introspect your aspirations.

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It is harsh but true we rather do not believe in self introspection. We

never try to look inside the self. We often have the habit to inspect
other, how one walks? How one dress? How one rides a bike and so
on. This list in endless and more over if someone try to point out our
mistake, we believe in arguments rather than adopting as it is.
Self introspection is basically a tool to have a microscopic look of our
own personality.
b. Self Refinement:

this is second type of self discipline activity.

The objective of the life is not merely standing on a huge building

rather than it should be to manage it more timely and effectively.
Once you locate the dark factors and the aspiration, the second step
is to make it in a lighted area. To make the self as per our aspiration
is self refinement. It is the area which needs continuous efforts,
regular cultivation of righteous deed, action and performance.
How to start is a big question, which rather make us to merely a
spectator. It is not the matter for preach but to act. Initiate right now!
Mold yourself, your routine, your life style and your every breath for
the demand of your pure aspirations. In other words we can say self
refinement is continuous and regular brushing and polishing of innerself.
c. Self Development:
The development of the self is the third step of self disciplinary
practices. Development is the process through which one can
analyze the distance travelled so far. It is just a mile stone through
which one measure how much one had achieved in the life journey.
Refinement is the state of actions and the development is just ahead
the state of measurements of those actions.
Different disciplines of education offer different expertise in the same
way there must be some pre-defined or pre-planned tasks that are
the step foot of success. Development always talked to be in the
34 | P a g e

positive directions. We are the key analyst to measure the self

developments. After detecting the aim now the work should be done
on development. For e.g. the software development, we move ahead
by step by step in order to finish off the software in desired time.
Computer professional knows it better it starts with Need of the
sofware, feasibility study and these steps goes on till post
implementation. This is very similar with the personality software
also; it must be achieved with small but firm steps and ultimately one
can achieve the goal.
d. Self Realization
The target should not be more blindly towards goal but there should
be some pauses between it so that person can make his
assessment that what he did till now? What more has to be done?
What ifs or butts are there remaining? What the progress by that
Self realization the last milestone of personality development is the
key to achieve name and fame. The progress of a person does lies
in realization. The matter of ignorance, no clear vision about the self
makes one to roam here and there. He tries to search out the things
everywhere except inside his own physical body. The concept of
realization is big. It cant be put in few words, it is a moment of
Self Realization is
A Complete transformation,
A moment of big leap
A state of attaining complete liberation
A moment of awakening
A crystal clear vision of past, present and future.
Therefore, after the complete knowledge of target and having a full
proof plan about goal, helps to violate conflicts and failure at a certain
sort. If a technical student has such attitude he can utilize his precious
time effectively and can get maximum output from his work in a very
35 | P a g e

productive manner. The state of Buddha is the condition of self

realization where one is not affected by fear, hate and violence. It is the
condition where the love, compassion and oneness is being realized
and one tries to deliver it in as many form as he can. It is a perfect
condition of pure bliss the Sat, Chit and Anand state. This is the
situation which cant be learned into the educational system but a matter
of practice and continuous effort is desired.
Value education:
Much has been worked out on the concept of value added with
education in last thirty years. There was almost the social cry by the
intellectuals, social leaders, parents about the critical conditions of
student. Simply the education is not serving the purpose. It must be
lagging something i.e. the values. The basic pillar of life style in Indian
perspective is bit missing from the real heart of education. The moral
value education, social value education, the value based education, the
holistic approach towards education are the buzzword which came into
existence in the last two decades.
The downfall of the education standards, the character loss of children
as well as the teachers, the insincerity of the teacher towards their job
are the many key issues which pushes the education upto a level where
it is merely a tool for bread and butter. The education basically provides
a job to live a life, but it hardly works on how to sustain the life? The life
sustenance tools, the stress coping techniques, the role of a real citizen
is newer being focused. The relationship with the nature, with other
living creatures is not being taught or purposely missed from the
The soul of the education is to live and let other live (Jiyo or Jeeney do )
is dried up. The knowledge enhancement tools are everything in the
education where as one must be aware that the tool (education) is for

36 | P a g e

the experiment (life) and no tool is bigger than the experiment. So

intellectuals, the aware elites came together and focused on this serious
issue and come up a new word value based education.
It is not merely the education but it includes the social, personal and
national growth tips along with the education. It is not the mastering of
the mind but it includes the training of the soul. The basic values must
be in the syllabus as a mandatory by all the educational regulating
authorities. It was a perfect step to provide the society with better and
future citizen.
Now the question is what the difference can value education provides?
It is just a matter of talk or it can provide certain results also.
Microscopically if one monitor the value education it is the tool for
certain growth in the personality such as inclusion of some basic values
can transform the life into a big step where one can easily quantify the
person not be personality but the virtues that he owns in the self.
Salient features of value education:

Harmonious Development
Value education pattern leads to the harmonious development of
person. It is development of a perfect soul in a perfect atmosphere. It is
just reminding the self that these virtues are lying hidden in the self.
Value education is not merely limited to academics, rather than it
imbibes in person and helps him to stand even in adverse situation also.

Holistic approach
The concept of value education is approved by all because of its holistic
approach as such education is true at all times and all places.

Abstract ??
Rather than been very theoretical, value education is such an education
idea which is related with practical life style of human being. It is that

37 | P a g e

sort of education which is actually what we think? Apart from any

imposed way of education. It is a physical but natural phenomenon. It is
a way in which the naturality of person lands up on the surface.

Reliable and valid

Reliable means having same sense in various opinions, Reliability of
value education means the message of value education is same in any
discipline of education, i.e. it talks about self perfection and continuous
refinement of capabilities. Valid stands for one to one, means the
objectives of one discipline is in resonance with its value of education.
The reliability and validity of value education is certain. It was a key
thing in the ancient Gurukul based Vedic education and the results of
Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, Arjuna, Yudhistir, Aruni, Eklavya are the
products of the institutions which they are proud of.

How to imbibe our education with value education?

Adding certain foundation to present education, which is consist of
knowledge of judicious use of resources, money, man power, abilities,
time, focused thoughts leads our education to be value education. The
bottom line is that one should be clear about the judicious use that what
are the limits and how to use all the entities in the day to day life.
If four virtues needed for purposeful life are added such as wisdom,
honesty, responsibility, courage, to the education purpose then value
education could be imbibe. Virtues always pay in life, it is the we just
stand outside and not imparting these values in our own personality.
Apart from the idea of earning more and more money the target should
be to utilize at least a part of earning for charity, for social services.
Therefore by starting various social service based internship value
education can be imbibed and one feel proud of the things which has
been done from our end. It is not finite with the wealth that can only be
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shared with the society but it can also include the knowledge, the
resources, the time and lastly the zeal to help others. We do find at
many occasion in spite of having all the resources the soul, the mind
newer permits to help other. So value based education is just training of
the mind to do charity and attain wisdom.
One should imbibe the value education in life as other essential
ingredients. After all it is our life and one must proud of what he or she
is. In short one can conclude that value education leads to ultimate goal
and one can become a perfect citizen for our nation.





Education with inclusion of value education only provides

perfect and dutiful citizen of nation.

The human personality looks imbalance if it is not having value based

education. In the lack of value based education the person looks more fitted for
animal based society rather than human based society. We seldom find many
examples in the society where we feel ashamed of the activities which are
performed by human being but inhuman in nature. So the graph on the
following page says that individual progress on the horizon of value education
will provide the righteous virtues in the personality leads a perfect citizen of
39 | P a g e

individual progress
Virtues accumulation

Value education

Summary of the chapter:

self disciplines practices are

o Self introspection
o Self refinement
o Self development
o Self realization
The soul of the education is to live and let other live (Jiyo or Jeeney do)
is dried up. Intellectuals, the aware elites came together and come up a

new theory of value based education.

Features of value based education are
o Harmonious development
o Holistic approach
o Abstract
o Reliable and valid
If four virtues needed for purposeful life are added such as wisdom,
honesty, responsibility, courage, to the education purpose then value
education could be imbibe.


Explain the need of value based education in day to day life

What are key features of value based education
Self discipline can provides us some virtues. What are they?

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Education has lost its originality in the lack of values based education.
Comment on this statement.

Chapter III
Self exploration as the process for value education
We all are acknowledged about the power of lence. If sun rays are centered
on the lence then it can burn the paper kept on other side. If the actual power
of water is known then the large amount of electricity can be generated with
hydropower. The focused attention of the guardians toward their wards, results
in endowment of good habits in it. All these examples explore the key point of
knowing originality! This is the main concept of value education.
The exploration of the self is the key thing. The beauty of the life is that we are
having wonderful technology of exploring the earth, moon and water but not
enough for a common man to know the self. We hardly work for it as it is a
matter of rare concern to us. It is not that we are lagging behind in the
technology rather we are afraid of the circumstances when we tries to explore.
The inner self is not filled with virtues. It also has the traces of pitfall and
failures. We are afraid of these failures. We have shielded it in behind the
memory walls and newer feel comfortable so that other can know about our
What is thyself?
The question is of million dollars and the solution also lies where we have to
spend million more. This is a question which makes all the sages, saints, peer,
holy person to look for. They have realized it many ways and tries to preach it
out in most generalized format. The basic entity of the self lies behind several
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sheaths. They are thoughts, feelings, striving and hopes, fear and fantasies
and attitude.

Inner world



Striving and hopes

Fears and fantasies

The structure of the self

Famous psychologist Aden Murphy has said about self that the self is
something of which we are immediately aware. We think of it as the warn,
central, private region of our life. As such it plays a crucial part in our
consciousness ( a concept broader than self), in our personality ( a concept
broader than consciousness), in our organism (a concept broader than
personality). Thus it is some kind of core in our being
Concept of Self

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See !

see yourself



Look !
Find !

Explore yourself
Look yourself
Find your real image ????

Hence it could be conclude that self is


Keystone and
consistency to

Regulator of

Locus of human
value system

Link between
biological and
social process
within the

Vedic concept of SELF

It revolved around the upbringing the godly virtues in human being. It starts
from normal human but land up on super human being through regular 4 S,
(as discussed in the earlier chapters).

a. Self introspection
b. Self refinement
c. Self development
d. Self realization

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It is a perfect realization stage where one can see the godly virtues inside the
self. The though pattern, imagination and action all belongs to betterment of
the society and world. The big I is resolved into us, the concept of Atmavat
Sarva Bhuteshu ( to see the self in every creature) emerges from the self and
it took avatar into 4 pillars of diving self.
They are

Aham Brahmasmi ( I am the Brahman, theGod, the pure omnipotent

and Omniscient god is what I am ?)

Ayam Atmanan Bhram ( My soul is completely manifested into

Brahma, the perfect God).

Sat Chit Ananda Aham ( I am in the perfect stage of Truth, pure
consciousness and the state of wisdom. This is complete libration from

the worldly barriers).

Tatvamasi ( I am the 5 basic tatva component of world). The pure
tatva (God) is my perfect soul.

Remember the Aham which is being used is not the aham (ego) but here we
are talking about the Aham (self ) i.e. the perfect soul.
Exploration of the self:
Lets try to find the way in which we can explore the self. It is matter of concern
for some of those who are hesitant starter. They need someone to come with
them for at least a distance from start. It is the real condition of the self where
one willing to start but the big question lies in front is what to start and when to
start? There is no definite book or templates are available for self exploration.
There are many theories and each lands up in the state of confusion and
mislead. Secondly which theory is correct and which leads to the desire result
is a matter of serious concern.
What we feel is to start the journey. The steps will come and let it be faced on
the basis of its priorities. Success and failure are the part of life and one should

44 | P a g e

not be afraid of failure. Perfectionist newer achieved big roles, so one must be
confident enough to start.
The five step self exploration is as follows.

Know your
actual and
pure desire


Know your
duties and

Oh nice !
you have
What Your

Know your

The chart of Self exploration

Begin with Self Exploration:

After been familiar with the better part of the self now proceed ahead. The
journey is not ended but it is a perfect beginning. The beginning with many
looks for but hardly succeeds to achieve it. The new path way is turning this
self exploration into the attainment of a perfect soul. One can call it a soul
transformation. In the words of Maharishi Aurobindo, it is a condition of
transformation of an ordinary soul into transcendental consciousness. Now
the situation is quiet open, it is just to get a little bit more than what you have
achieved so far. It will be certain things like plan the target, set your
commitments to life and so on.

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Set your
to life

Believe in
Gods help

Trust in yourself

Plan the target

Give a deadline

Self exploration in current scenario:

The question arises in the inner core of the heart what we are talking is true or
not? Whether it is achievable or not is second? Thirdly it is possible to attain
self exploration in todays adverse conditions?
These are the question which may arise in every potentially divine soul. Today
the tragedy with all of us is not that we dont know ourself but the misfortune is
this that we are committing folly of wise. Despite of knowing all idealistic
thoughts we are ignoring our self and have made comforts, short cuts in work
and life, boundless desires, blindly hope for the money are the part and parcel
of our lives.
We had forgotten that the great achievements lie into the small steps.
Abandoning greed, attachment, egoism, passion, arrogance, longing, desires
of wealth, name and fame, we ought to embrace faith, prudence, devotion, and
46 | P a g e

try to improve our thought process, character and behavior through actual self
In nut shell we can say the self exploration is complete process, which one has
to go through with determination and patience. The success is definite but it is
a journey which took its own time to complete.
Virtues attained after getting the target:
The taste of success is always good. Think of the situation where you have
achieved the best out of a bunch, the moment when you win the race, the
instance when you won the lost battle, its moment of joy, happiness and
cheerfulness. These moments are really big in the sense, when you feel proud
of yourself. The moment you feel to live within entire life.
The success which come across after lots of efforts always leads to certain
inbuilt virtues i.e. determination, self confidence, enthusiasm, work hard etc.
The determination makes you more effective in dealing the adverse situations.
The self confidence can keep you live in unfavorable odds. The enthusiasm will
makes you to march ahead from others. The work hard ability will make to dig
the well hard to get the water. So in all these virtues will make you more agile
and effective to attain next in the life.
Factors arises when get defeated in process.
Odd things produce odd. The nature of the failure, mishap and untoward
makes the life stagnant. The situation becomes worse when it come up with
certain bleeds. The anger, anxiety, stress, dishearten and many more follows
with a small failure.
A common saying is it is not bad to get fall but it is worse when you denies to
stand up after fall. The common meaning is that it so happens when others
win the race but doesnt mean that we should not go for the race in future. It
may be the condition when the other was well equipped, the preparation at our

47 | P a g e

end was not good, and the conditions for our side were not favorable. It may
be a bad day but it insist one thing that keep on moving, no more dishearten
approach, no more remorse or the moment to keep on weep. It is the moment
to look after yourself, the strength which may lies in the self must be gathered
and hit the target with perfection.

The basic entity of the self lies behind several sheaths. They are

thoughts, feelings, striving and hopes, fear and fantasies and attitude.
Self exploration is a journey. Success and failure are the part of life and
one should not be afraid of failure rather look at a new opportunity at the

door step.
Abandoning greed, attachment, egoism, passion, arrogance, longing,
desires of wealth, name and fame, we ought to embrace faith,
prudence, devotion, and try to improve our thought process, character
and behavior through actual self exploration.


What do mean by Self? is it merely a statement or a complete epic?

comments on this statement.

Explain in brief the steps involve in self exploration.
Success upbring many virtues in self. Explain some of these virtues with

suitable example.
Those who know the self make them detach from the mundane world.
Express your own view on this statement.

Chapter IV

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Human Aspirations The much needed sugar of life

Aspiration to be look around:
The more you look deep inside more you find thrust to get this and that and
believe it there is no definite end. More you go deeper there will be one new
sibling making it from the core of the heart that I want to become Doc. I want to
earn more than Bill Gates. I want to be more popular than Shahrukh khan.
Some had a dream of becoming Aishwarya or Miss World. We just try to
resolve the things or occasionally try to fool ourself without taking effort to get
this list done. Dreams may supplement the aspiration but it should not be day
Let us try to make a simple list of Aspirations. Then chalk out what comes on
the top priority. I, myself, my social and personal wellbeing, my life style,
getting first in the MCA or getting a high profile job and just try to add on the
Aspirations are mingled up with the greed or the real sense of the aspiration is
newer come before us. The aspiration provides happiness and prosperity in the
life. It is just a positive node which makes you heart to grow more, not in size
by giving trouble to the cardiac person but it blossoms in general may for a few
moments but that positive vibration, the real energy, zeal to perform gives you
a kick, moral boost and ultimately you land up on the desired. Greed makes
your heart to sink because it is an endless thrust which will newer end, nor with
the wealth of Kuber (God of Wealth). It has to be checked out at an optimum
level from where one can see the window of the self, the society and the wide
perspective the nation.
Unfortunately we are in the search of happiness but where to look is the real
problem. Some say to look here and there, some gives input to find it in
materialistic approach, such says renounce the world, you will be happy. It is a

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serious trouble. Happiness is the not the thing which we can go into the market
and purchase, it has to be searched out. The more you find the happiness; it
has to be making a part and parcel of life. How to explore the wonderful world
of happiness will be explained later.
Prosperity - A much needed morale booster of life
We do like to have prosperity bundled with the life from the God itself. If it is
there we tries to thank the God and we do not hesitate to curse the same when
we dont find it in ample amount in our life. Bodily requirements are there but
up to what extent is the matter of debate. The things can be used to make the
life cozy, beautify and more over it must be on red carpet. The high defined life
style is the only prosperity which we all are looking for. Our entire efforts are in
the same directions and the life style, body conscious approach is looks an
essential part of life.
Who says I do not need prosperity? One will be quiet joking if he says so. It
may be thing that he may not be looking for the worldly comfort; he may be
looking for the godly features prosperity. One can look the prosperity of the
Godman, it is just eye opening. Big and comfortable cars, the big ashrams and
the wonderful food on the dining table says yes prosperity is needed because it
provides the morale boost to do what so ever in life.
Happiness Vs Unhappiness:
Let us look around first what is true happiness? We seldom find that the people
living in miseries, having minimum resources for a normal life is happy. He is
contented with what he is having. He is cherished about the owning he have.
He is self sustained and he looks happy in real nature. It is not an artificial
happiness; it comes from the bottom of heart. It is happiness which one finds in
the life of Mahatma Gandhi. Before he becomes Mahatma, he is just running
here and there for his livelihood, earning money and helping the society in a
bounded fashion.

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Just think when he becomes Mahatma, what he was having, a Dhoti, which
was half, a specs for vision, and a stick to walk. Still he was happiest man on
the earth. We proudly call him father of nation. Why? It is all because that the
happiness is not confined with resources. It is not grown on the branches of
wealth. It is not spread by putting costly perfumes, not by putting good
Happiness is a state in which the one lives. It is the state of mind in which he or
she feels that they like it. It is immaterial whether that may be a thing worth of
some coins or may be one has to pay millions of dollars.
Happiness is the situation where there is no boundary, no more struggle
complete liberty from the mundane world. It is a pure isolation state which cant
be put into the words but it is matter of realization. Check yourself when you
feel happy, one doesnt need anything more than that.

Immaterial of wealth
Cant be bought from market
Is a state of mind
Is a Moment to cheered about
Is complete libration from mundane world

Unhappiness is just a counterpart where all the distrust, failure and the loss is
there. The person is the same but the situation is just turned upside down. The
mind set or the like of the life is changed into unlike.
The same person who is part and parcel of life looks bad. Whether any change
has been done in the physical appearance of the person, absolutely NO? it is
just the game of mind where the vision is looking distracted. Unhappiness is
nothing but the disharmony with the life situation. The situation which was
governed by us under control is now in the shape of contradiction. This

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contradiction, disharmony is making our life a real fuss. It is root of all


Moving away from the flow of life

A situation of complete blockage of emotion, sentiment and

Disharmony with the real life
Cornering yourself from the entire world

Prosperity is accumulation is enough?

Many minds have this question. Prosperity is it a synonyms of accumulating
wealth and to become Lord Indra (the king of God) or upto what extend this
wealth is going to give us oxygen.
Coming across to many section of society, we do find that that the prosperity is
a big term which is used as and when in the modern society. The question is
who is prosperous?

The one who knows to access the physical need

Efforts or the competency to achieve the physical need

Both the situations are bit contrary. One wants to become prosperous but
doesnt have the competency to get it may be the one situation. In this situation
the inner conscious is always looking for more and more. It develops into a
tendency and ultimately a character. The thieves fells into these conditions.
The inner core knows about the self incompetency but still the state of mind
makes one to act. The effort in order to achieve prosperity is also important.
The sincere and dedicated efforts always pay off. It newer goes into vain and
fruited with wealth and health in the due course. Think of a person want to
become CEO but do not put efforts or just remembering the GOD hand, then it
is really hard for him to become so. The zeal to perform must be there followed
by the consistent effort then only the Everest can be conquered.
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The second situation when the person become saturated (Aaptkam). He

knows that this is a limit. He openly says this is the set target and if achieved I
am not going to make it more. I will chalk out my limit and the rest is for the
worldly people. It is harsh but true most of them were not able to work out with
our limit of physical need. The game of 99 is making us just fool and running
around the world in the laps of Maya (illusion). Prosperity is the situation where
the available resource is more than needed.
If you excess amount of the wealth, health or any other attribute then only you
can help the world. So the situation of prosperity is a little ahead of what is

l Need


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Criteria of Need: the need is a wonderful factor of life. Some needs buckets of
water to bath, where as for some have one bucket enough for some days.
Some eat pizza per day where are some find hardly bread which is not on daily
basis. So the need especially of physical requirement is very hard to
distinguish but with the normal living situation and the societal requirement is
varies from person to person.
Occasionally we added word greed with need, or keep an accumulation to get
the state of prosperity. Some had a opinion that if we not accumulate today,
what will be available in the needy situation. They just try to make their own
logics and try to confuse others with absurd reasons.
A True perspective of Happiness and Prosperity:
Question arises does we really need the things or it just for satisfaction of the
EGO? If the answer is yes then the efforts must be motivated with righteous
path to achieve the desired and if our innerself says that I had enough but if
comes to door then there is no harm to accumulate then the situation is
It will give rise to a greed and later we found over self in the situation of
choking. Remember to much nectar may turn into poison. God has given us
many things, the two beautiful eyes, two perfect set of hand to perform
anything and everything, the pair of legs on which we can cover the entire
world, the perfect gray matter in the head to think and act rightly so what more
you need?
Saint Kabir rightly said,
Jab dant na they tab doodh denno,
jab dant diye to aana na deeney

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what he meant is God is great. He always caters about everyone. Think of

when you are born with no teeth in the mouth, the God has given milk in the
form of mother and now if he gives us teeth, whether he will not give food?
It is surprisingly that the accumulation of wealth is the status symbol or in other
words it is just showing distrust on the GOD. The law of GOD is always remain
same for all the people, it is only we try to interpret in our language and own
benefits. The happiness lies in the detachment of the worldly beings.
Vedic literatures rightly said, Tyen tyathen Bhunjita. One must not go for
renunciation; these materialistic things are meant for human being. It must be
used in proper fashion and need. Confusion in wanting and Need must be
clearly understood and it must be handled in effective ways.
Some common mis-concepts of Happiness and Prosperity

Happiness cant be achieved by self. If is dependent on others. It is

totally absurd; one can get happiness by toning the self and living with
the nature. It is independent of other factor may be person or other non

Destiny only provides happiness and prosperity and one cant achieve
them in the lack of destiny. It is being quiet advice over here that the
man is making of his own destiny. All the circumstance changes when
the inner core is strong and healthy to deal any situation.

To much happiness will make me bore. It is suggested over here, the

state of happiness is not the situation which one can lost in journey. If
you share happiness with others, it is going to add more flavor to the life
rather than reducing from the original contents.

I will reduce my prosperity If I share. The answer is true if you look for
physical prosperity but if you think social and spiritual prosperity is
concerned it is just vice versa. The more you distribute, the more you
feel filled.

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My action and performance will degrade, if I am too happy. Happiness is

an act of harmony and contentment with the nature, how one can
measure it with personal performance. It is just baseless the
performance and the action will be affected if any by happiness.


The aspiration provides happiness and prosperity in the life. It is just a

positive node which makes you heart to grow more.

Happiness is the situation where there is no boundary, no more struggle
complete liberty from the mundane world. It is a pure isolation state

which cant be put into the words but it is matter of realization.

Who is prosperous?
The one who knows to access the physical need or the one who
makes efforts to achieve the physical need

Prosperity is a little ahead of the basic need.


Explain the happiness and prosperity in your own words.

Elaborate your vision on perfect happy and prosperous life.
Compare and contrast the happiness with unhappiness.
Comment on the statement, happiness cannot be bought but can be
taught with own activities.

Chapter V
Understanding Human Aspiration
56 | P a g e

(The clash of consciousness)

Human aspiration more than happiness and prosperity

While talking about the two basic human aspirations - happiness and
prosperity in the previous chapter it looks so that the human dimensions are
much more than this. The basic need of human being looks more as compare
to the needs of animals. Darwin says that human being is the developed form
of monkey (an animal) but what about the level of consciousness? Is it a higher
version of animal consciousness or a decline is there? Many times human
behave like an animal or suppressed animal instinct of human being comes to
the surface. We tries to blame the individual or to the entire society for these
inhuman activities. Some tries to find excuse by saying that it may be the
human nature or the act is all due to need. Is there a definite bottom line from
where we can say that this is need?
Need: to accumulate everything or to become contented:
This is quiet confusing what is called to be a need? In many form we have
needs. The need for the physical fulfillment is natural. One has to work hard to
fulfill those needs. There is no harm in that. One tries to earn bread for his
livelihood, to sustain the family, children, parent and this list goes on. There is
absolute no harm up to this level. It all started worst when we find the same
man is working overtime, or occasionally indulging into those practices which
are unethical then whom to blame?
We can blame the human being for not understanding the meaning of the
livelihood. We can blame the family, parent or society for too much expectation
from the same man. We can also blame the need, which is swollen so much
that it is being now eating the health, peace and mental condition of the

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The person is same but his need has changed. He was living happy with two
times bread and butter. Now he is looking for little more the curd. Slowly when
he has hopes for the curd, he looks for ghee and this list is endless. The small
need develops into endless greed and the ninety-nine factor is making over
sleep restless.
Animal Vs Human needs:
The need of any animal is simple. An animal needs food for the stomach and
physical need for sustain identity. Have you seen animal accumulate anything
for tomorrow. There is a perfect rest once the need is full. There is a belief on
God, or belief in the self. Just think off the situation when a lion kills a pray. He
eats upto the hunger and newer tries to keep that half ate animal in refrigerator
or in his den for coming seasons. He just left it there itself for the other animals
to eat it up. One can raise question that it all because of animal
consciousness. It is not being developed up to an extent where he can think of
tomorrow. The animal consciousness is half baked thats why they never think
of tomorrow, another answer can rise in once mind.
If this consciousness is not being grown or perfect, we do belief this
consciousness is much better than the common mans human consciousness.
The human consciousness, the superior quality in all animals is full of greed,
lust, anger, mistrust and ultimately full of mental, physical and spiritual illness.
There are some basic needs of human being. Eat food, live in shelter, wear
clothes & family for sustenance. Still the need is endless. If having food for two
times then the menu is there for type of food. The pizza, burger may be from
Macdonald or pizza hut is the matter of debate. Having an ordinary rented
house for shelter will not be sufficient. It will convert into the need of own
house, then big house and so on. Clothes to protect the body develop into a
wardrobe full of clothes for each season, morning, evening, party time, night
sleep and so on. One can critic that it is human growth, why to question on

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once capability and the zeal to grow more and more, taller by taller and
ultimately to be billionaire.
Relationship societal structure or open???
It is the matter of debater for laureates that human consciousness or basically
human being is developed from Darwin theory. It can also be a brain storming
session from intellectuals whether the structure of society is being needed or it
can be worked out in Jules and Freud opinion of open end society.
The current trends and the emergence of the gays and lesbians in the society
do looks so that we are looking for open end society. No more dedicated
relationship of man and women, no more need for the societal structure, no
rules and regulation. Life as it is owned by us than it can be of any end i.e.
man to man, woman to woman, man to animal and all permutations and
combinations are indicating the bears and bulls of human consciousness
The greed for earning more, yeh dil mange more is the slogan of todays
lifestyle. More of what is not clearly understood by the human mind nor it is
defined by the society. It starts on distrust and end up in more break ups. The
rate of divorce cases, the more live in relationship, the single motherhood, the










consciousness. Is this having any difference from animal instincts and

consciousness? If it is then the difference must be easily understandable by
common man. The consciousness clash is the real problem for all.
Right understanding of human consciousness is the need of hour:
The question is who will explain and why is the million dollar question. There is
absolute no comparison between animal and human consciousness.










consciousness to higher level. It all because of the maximum utilization of Grey

matter what God has provided to us.

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Consciousness Definition:
If one tries to search consciousness in Wikipedia, he will find it as a subjective
experience, awareness or wakefulness or the excessive control system of
Conscious comes out from a Latin word conscious, which means having joint
knowledge with another, privy to, cognizant it. Schneider and Velmans (2007)
defines that anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our
consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and
most mysterious aspect of our lives.
Consciousness, according to western science, has its root in the mind, which is
turn is seated in brain. The human brain, with its highly developed frontal
cortex, is divided into three distinct parts and includes the cerebrum,
cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata or stem. The latter is remnant of our
reptilian ancestry with the ocean as its original habitat.
We do come across by people by common saying, You will not understand my
point. It is not because one is not willing to hear but the level of understanding
or consciousness is different. The level of understanding platform may differ
from person to person. Some are aware of the situations and some needs to
be making them aware. On the other hand side you may find many who hardly
pay attention as they dont want to be aware.
Veda says they are in Supta awastha (unconscious sleepy condition). There
level of consciousness has not come out from the shell of animal conditions.
Nor they try to get out from it, where as some tries hard with continuous effort
and become more agile, vibrant and live wires. They are under Jagrat awastha
(state of awareness).

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Human consciousness is the matter of debate from ages. In recent year, some
wonderful discoveries have lead to a convergence of material science and
spiritual wisdom. The German philosopher Friedrich Von Schelling (1775-1854)

Mind sleeps in stone, dreams in plant, awakes in animals and

become conscious in man.

Human consciousness and awareness:
It is the first step when we become aware of what we are? It is awareness of
thoughts, emotions and sentiments. It can be said that when we are conscious,
we are aware. Occasionally this is not true. We may be aware, for instance,
without being really conscious of being aware. So in brief the awareness is
only a part of consciousness. Other known aspects of consciousness are free
will, reasoning, virtual imagery, recalling and making choice.
Human consciousness and knowledge:
Knowledge is the key term right from the origin of the world. The aspect of to
know the things, eagerness to explore the unknown keeps the man to go for
new inventions and discoveries. The intelligence is the superlative term of
knowledge. One can say it is a quantum leap where the highly evolved
individuals have moved into higher level of consciousness with continuous
efforts. This leap has no language barriers, no more grammar or etymology to
look after. It is a higher level of attainment where the things can be viewed
more clearly.
Consciousness and Reality:
We sometimes see things not as they really are, sometimes invent categories
that do not exist and sometimes fail to see the things that are really there.
There are people who have never seen or heard of an space craft and will not
be able to imagine it and a real space craft overhead will be distorted in their
minds, creating alternative realities.

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Reality is the matter of conscious reality state where one can perceive only but
not conceive. John Pearce rightly said, Mans mind mirrors a universe that
mirrors mans mind. Imagination is the seed which grows along with the side
of reality plane. It may be or may not be true with the development of the
Understand and live in the harmony at all levels of Livings:
Our thoughts begin at random, our mind taking the first opening before it.
Perceiving a false route, it retraces the steps, taking another direction. By a
kind of artificial selection we perfect our thought substantially, making it more
logical as we go along. With enough experience, the brain comes to a state of
complete understanding.
The understanding of the self to get attained a stage of perfection and definite
knowledge of about the self and the society. It is the evolution of cosmis
consciousness. The term evolved by Canadian psychologist Richard M. Bucke.
It is a transpersonal mode of consciousness, awareness of the universal mind
and ones unity with it. Pt. Shriram Sharma rightly quoted, That this is the
moment to arouse collective consciousness. The consciousness of the group,
the mass has to be alleviated to bring the righteous atmosphere on the earth.
Collective consciousness:
The consciousness moves around in the state of duality i.e. the nature of
animal or divine. It is only we what we perceive through our sense comes to
the surface and the landed into the consciousness which may be called as
Demon or Devta (Godliness). The power of collective consciousness is
immense. It can change the movement of the sea, or it can change the
direction of an army marching ahead. The problem is to rightly channelize it in
righteous direction. History proves that great movements emerges in any area
emerge from a collective consciousness.

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Collective consciousness results from consensus. At any given time, collective

consciousness is actively operational in a group as the family and as large as
half the global population. One can find the effect of collective consciousness
when the group prayer is being offered for a substantial reason or cause and
the prayers are answered.
Reasons of conflict:
People often say that they are living in the situation of conflict. The path or the
righteous direction is missing in life. The reason behind this that they are not
aware of the real situation and nor they willing to get out of it. The desperate
efforts, the zeal to get rid of always pay in life. The unwillingness to get into
unfavorable circumstances make them to stay in the situation where they are.
The human consciousness is the better half of the animal consciousness.
Many of us know it but hardly think to act accordingly. The moment we
understand the clear vision of human consciousness the animal instincts sheds
Human consciousness is the collection of righteous thought, righteous actions
and righteous understanding. It is the matter of a little more than the animal
consciousness where the sense of action and understanding is definite there
but the righteous thought is missing. So in all the human consciousness will be
a marching ahead from the animal consciousness and attainment of perfect
human being. It is the superlative condition of pure consciousness where all
the actions and understanding is being governed by the thought pattern.

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Righteous understanding:
It is not to develop the understanding of the self is being talking about, it is just
beyond that. The understanding of the circumstances, environment, with other
living creatures is also being important. The happiness of the self is to move
beyond and to attain the state of mutual happiness. The condition where it is
not the state of survival of the fittest is talked about but much broader to give
condition in which the other can also sustain.
It is the understanding much beyond the periphery of self prosperity. The
mutual prosperity is the matter of action. The prosperity of the family, society
and ultimate nation is in view then only one can say that the real understanding
is followed.
In nut shell it is a transformation of thought, emotions, actions and ultimately
landing into the righteous understanding. The perfect face of human being is
such that it will remain as a pride for entire cosmos not as a curse for entire

64 | P a g e


The person is same but his need has changed. The small need
develops into endless greed and the ninety-nine factor is making over

sleep restless.
The human consciousness, the superior quality in all animals is full of
greed, lust, anger, mis-trust and ultimately full of mental, physical and

spiritual illness.
Conscious comes out from a Latin word conscious, which means

having joint knowledge with another, privy to, cognizant it.

Human consciousness is the collection of righteous thought, righteous
actions and righteous understanding. It is the matter of a little more than
the animal consciousness where the sense of action and understanding

is definite there but the righteous thought is missing.

The power of collective consciousness is immense. It can change the
movement of the sea, or it can change the direction of an army
marching ahead.

1. Human consciousness is the most perfect consciousness among living
creatures. Explain it with suitable examples.
2. The word consciousness is misunderstood with knowledge. Comments
on this statement.
3. What do you mean by consciousness? Classify it on the basis of your
4. Is Open relationship in society is harmful or not? Put your thoughts
specifically and why?
5. Write a short note on awakening of collective consciousness.

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Section II
Understanding the harmony at various levels

The section contains

Understanding the concept of harmony

Understanding the concept of self (I) and body

Understanding myself

Harmony with in the family

Harmony with the society

Harmony with nature

Harmony with cosmos and concept of existence

Chapter six

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Understanding the concept of harmony

People often use the word harmony as unity in feeling or views. It is an
expression where we feel the favorable conditions with us. Whenever there is
an atmosphere of mutual understanding and conformation of opinions, it gives
rise to a harmonious environment. The environment in which one feels
comfortable, cozy and favorable is harmonious environment.
Harmony from history:
The word harmony has originated from the Greek word harmona which means
"to fast or join". The word was coined during the days of Pythagoras, the
famed Greek mathematician. A suitable arrangement of parts to make a well
defined whole also agrees with the definition of being harmonious. For
example, in a design, if the symmetry, balance, proportion is evenly done, then
the finished product appears to be in harmony. The chemical equilibrium is
the state of harmony of two elements. The moment the harmony is being left
out or the bonding is being broken the state of the element will not remain the
If one search through Wikipedia the term harmony is used for certain
conditions .

Agreement in feeling or opinion; accord: live in harmony. These are the

conditions when one feels or having the opinion similar in nature. The situation
where there is not conflict, no disagreement and no resentment of the
conditions, situation or relationship. It is the situation of a perfect harmony to
live and to other live. It is a perfect state of harmony with the self and with the

A pleasing combination of elements in a whole: color harmony; the order
and harmony of the universe. This definition says the harmony can be
visualize between the chemical element. The world consist of five tatva (basic
elements) sky, water, fire, mud and air. The constituents are in the definite

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stage thats why we see the sky blue, the water blue, the sun red and so on. If
any disarrangement happen in this combination then the situation on the earth
may differ in nature.
The sun, the moon, the entire cosmos is in harmony with the nature. The sun
rises in the morning, gives light, energy to all and sets in the west. This is a
perfect sun cycle continuous in nature without any leave or resentments.

The word harmony also finds its echoes in the world of music. Harmony in
music is the study of the progression, structure, composition and usage of
chords. The sound of two or more musical notes at the same time, which is
pleasing to the ears, is called harmony. Rhythm, melody and harmony are
elements of music. The sound of Casio and octopod if synchronized to each
other then we do says that the music is soothing in nature and when there is
so cohesion or in horizon in nature, we do complains of the inaudible music or
too loud music.
In music, the sound of two or more notes heard simultaneously. In a narrower
sense harmony refers to the extensively developed system of chords and the
rules that govern relations between them in Western music. Harmony has
always existed as the "vertical" (the relationship between simultaneous melodic
lines) aspect of older music that is primarily contrapuntal; the rules of
counterpoint are intended to control consonance and dissonance, which are
fundamental aspects of harmony.
Perception of harmony:
Harmony is based on consonance. In psychology it can be continuous
variable. It can vary on three reasons:

o Lack of perceptual roughness

o Perceptual fusion
o Familiarity of the chord
Harmony can be classified into many ways. The broader concept of harmony
can be worked as:

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and society

with the Self

with Nature
and cosmos

Harmony within:
The Harmony within will give birth to happiness and cheerfulness. Harmony
between your present personality and the goals of your own soul will make you
always on the toes because the origin of this within yourself . The work you do,
the activities you do, as well as all the goals you strive to achieve in life need to
be in harmony with your very own soul's. this can be easily achieved through
regular self introspection and self refinement.
Harmony with the self:
It is the matter of equilibrium with the self. The I, the identity of a person
occasionally find disturbed or not upto the mark. The situation is sometimes
that the self is being more than the anything in the word and it is being
substituted in normal life as ego of I. I am the winner, I am the boss and this I
gives rise to many identical and psychological disorders. The concept of I is

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not bad for self elevation but upto a limit is the best thing. So in order to make
the complete harmony of the self is crucial in nature but attainable.
Harmony with the society:
Societal harmony was originated in China. This was the perfect fusion of
socialism, democracy and harmony. It is the conditions in which the I must be
correlated with the society in all effective manners. The various segments of
the society must be harmonized to attain a perfect and sustainable society.
India is the greatest example of Unity in diversity. The social, economical,
racial and status imbalance in the society is clearly visible but the unity among
them on the basis of religion, belief binds them in all conditions.
Harmony with nature:
Minoru Mori rightly quoted that, The world has entered a new era, evolving
from an industrial into a knowledge-based society, and into a society that wants
to live in harmony with nature. The basic of human existence is coherence
with the nature. The more the bond between human being and nature was
strong the society was best in nature and now the vice versa is the present
It is the urge from common mans that Musicians must make music, artists
must paint, and poets must write if they are to be ultimately at peace with
themselves. What human beings can be, they must be. They must be true to
their own nature. A nature of human being is like the smaller version of worldly
nature i.e. to give, to offer everything and anything to all living creatures.
Harmony with cosmos:
Pythagoras was the first person to call the universe a kosmos. The Greek
term, which is the root of the word cosmetic, refers to an equal presence of
order and beauty. The concept of human being to live in harmony with cosmos
is not new. Many theories and inventions have been done in this context and
the origin of human being, various living and non living creatures are worked
out on the principle of survival of fittest, theory of best fit in society and so on.

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Harmony has originated from the Greek word harmona which means "to fast
or join".

Classification of harmony lies with the self, with the family, with the society, with
the nature and with the cosmos.

One has to understand the better relationship with all the important factors of
the society i.e. the individual, the family, society and importantly the nature.
More the harmony the better the society is the key for all successful societies
of history.

1. Define harmony in your words.
2. Harmony can be categorized at many levels. Explain these levels with
suitable examples.
3. Explain the terms :
a. a. Harmony with nature
b. Harmony with cosmos
4. The societal growth depends upon the harmony of the individual with
basic elements of society. Elaborate the statement in your words.

Chapter 7

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Understanding the concept of Self I and body

The glory of Human being:
The human being a perfect figure with a beautiful mind on top, two powerful
hands to perform all the efforts and the two stronger legs to cover up the entire
world makes him look longer as a perfect super power. The society the
interdependent constant which realizes mainly on man is the wider spread
wings on which the human horizon and hopes flies. It is through which man
can define his role and destiny. Naturally the power of GOD is not ignored, but
the days are not behind when the man will be declared as the self GOD the
creator and governor of the creation.
It is just the broader concept of the self which makes the man to call this world
as Vasudhev Kutumbkam (this entire world is my family). And if the self goes
much broader than man can transform into super man i.e. Aham Brahmasmi
(a vedic verse means I thyself is pure Brahma Lord Vishnu who governs the
It is quite possible when an ordinary person suddenly transforms into
outstanding performer. It can be a story starts of a ordinary man to the person
on top of the world. The person who is hardly notified in his society can be
worshipped like a GOD not in his region but as a Global Icon. The role models,
super stars, the cricketers, live performers, saints, sages and martyrs are living
examples of the transformed personality.
Human being more than physical body:
Think of a simple situation when you try to call a human being. He can be
identified as a familiar shape or name that carries his identity. The action,
walking, singing and other activities of the person are just above the name. in
short we can say that he is alive thats why we call him by name. When he is
no more we call the same person the body.
This means the action perform by the person is the state of aliveness. So there
are two entities in the same person. The kaya or Jeev (body) and the atman

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(soul) are the two different entities. In computer word we can body (hardware)
and the soul (software). The more the perfect the hardware the software will
produce the definite results.

Human being
(combination of
purush and
The pyramid of life
The real life of the self is changed into the reel life. It is much more like the
actors on the celluloid where they are getting paid to express their emotions
and playing with the sentiments of the public. The real life is very much
different for the same actor or actress who showed the higher standards of
ethics and morality on screen will be highly indulged in the malpractices in
actual life. The greed, lust and hatred are the part and parcel for them and still
the crowd worship them like a living GOD.
This duality in the personality stops one to think and act bigger. The Self is
much beyond the explanations. The higher the self, the purer it becomes
resulting into the broader-self merges with cosmic consciousness and the
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whole world becomes our acting stage, the canvass of life. The purification of
the self is a time taking process. This can be performed with the help of various
Sadhanas (ritual practices), scriptures and blessings of GOD.
The concept of Body and the self ( I ):
The physical sheath which moves around here and there, the hands to perform
eating, riding bikes, playing cards all consist of human body. The various
sensory organs show that the body does counts. But the thing is that who
moves the body. We often say that I am tired, now the question is who is tired,
the body or the Self.
We often watched TV, the daily soap box to entertain the self, the loving music,
the beautiful nature, the delicious food, who is eating in this situation. Is it the
body or the something which governs all the body activities? It is the decision
taken by I not by the legs.
Similarly the pleasure, pain, sorrow and happiness are the activities which are
govern by the I only not by the body. The emotions, sentiments and the
outburst are all the activities of I not the body. So the two different identities
lies in the same physical sheath i.e. the body and the Self (I).
Life is not confined with self. The self usually relates with the one self and if
little more is permissible then it is with the family members. The acquaintance
of the resources, wealth and property for the self makes the life little lost in the
process. The charm, charisma and the magic fell down somewhere in this
entire journey of accumulation of materialistic belongings. The mind has been
engaged in making all sorts of permutations and combinations to achieve the
set targets at any cost. In this entire process who is the real looser. The answer
remains the same as it is the self.
The Demands of the body:

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Existence of the body in worldly environment requires certain aspects. The

moment it came into existence is the need of air to breath. The next is the
demand of food and shelter for physical protection. The basic amenities for the
body are need (necessities) protection from any danger, from disease or rust
and burn syndromes. So in all we can say that body needs are more
quantitative in nature.
The quantative body demands are:
1. The empty stomach needs food
2. The filled stomach need tasty food
3. The demand for the body is a length of cloth.
4. When there is one cloth it looks for some more dresses.
5. When there are many dresses then it goes out for occasion dresses
and the list goes on.
6. The shelter is needed for protecting the body
7. When the shelter is being provided it looks for own house
8. When own house is being there it looks for big house, penthouse, and
luxurious apartments and still it are on.
The demands of the Self (I):
More precise in nature the demands of the Self are firstly the happiness, joy
and peace of mind. The name, fame, ego, trust, respect all are the factors all
came afterwards and these all evolved around the self. The need for the self is
regular in nature and need continuity.
We can also say it is qualitative in nature as the respect, pride, sentiments
needs not in quantity but in quality. The need of trust is the requirement of the
Self I. the need of the happiness is for the I the soul.
1. The self need respect from all aspects
2. The self need happiness from inner core of the body as well from the mundane
3. The self needs joy for self sustainment
4. The self is looking for name in the society.
5. The self is cautious to attain trust to and fro from the society.

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We can also call the self is looking for the mental and spiritual
needs where as the body looks for the physical needs.
Physical Vs mental needs

The bautik avyashakta (physical needs)

suvidha ( the facilities for the body, the nice food, dress and cozy
life style).

sukh ( the real happiness, the joy of heart, the pleasure of senses)

the sharirik sukh ( the physical pleasure)

Physical needs

(basic physical

Sharirik sukh
(happiness for

The mansik avyashakta ( mental needs)

mansik sukh ( the mental pleasures, the peace of mind, the state of happiness

Atamik sukh( the pleasure of soul, the state of attainment liberation and the
freedom from bondages, materialistic pleasures)
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Mental needs

Mansik sukh
The peace of

Atamik sukh
The pleasure of

The need gives birth to the activities. The physical need produces physical
activities likes eating, drinking, digesting, and breathing and so on. Contrary
the Mental needs produces mental activities thinking, dreaming, analyzing,
understanding etc.
Activities involve around the body:
The human body consist of five matters i.e. ether, water, air, earth and fire. The
Taittiriya upnishada (2.1 2.5) says the five sheaths of a person starting from
the gross level of the five great elements are:
The self has given rise to the space, from space, air, from air, fire, from fire the
water and from the water the earth came into existence. And from the earth,
the plants, food and then man and further in the man the self (atman)
consisting of life breadth and this cycle goes on...
The activities of the body is to take breath, to digest the food, the blood flow in
the body, the heart beat, the pulse all goes on without getting instructions from
some external entity. As all these activities are part and parcel of body
existence. These are elementary in nature and by natural process these goes
on inside the body and when this is not working or functioning in the righteous

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manner, the condition of the body is nearby to be perished (state of Coma) or

perished from the world (Death).
Activities around the Self (I):
The self ( I ), the state of I is being governed and worked in the harmony with
body. The thinking process, the dreaming sequence, the analyzing activities,
the imagination pattern, the understanding of the self, body and the world all
develop around the self.

Thinking: The art to remember the things, the art of recalling from the brain or
the activity related with contemplation. To think about the situation, activity or a
thought is the art of thinking. Thinking can be in both ways positive thinking
and negative thinking

o The positive thinking: to get on the situation in right set of mind and act
accordingly. The righteous step to be taken even if the situation is worst in
condition. The positive mode of thinking fills the self with positive energy,
emotions and strength to deal the situation handsomely. The positive
psychology is the new segment in the field of positive psychology.
o The negative thinking: the impact of negative thoughts and emotions gives
rise to a rusted personality. Negative attitude will always be a painful journey,
which is both for the self and also for the person around or dependent on you.
That is a personality of a person full of sadness and sorrow.

The dreaming: in the sleep the unconscious and the conscious mind both
goes on thinking, it arise a pattern of imagination in the mind. It evolves the
dream state where usually we find the suppressed, mostly wanted activities
come to the surface of the mind and one try to feel it in the state of dream.

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The analyzing: it is the critical mind activity in which the current situation goes
on and a healthy view is generated to deal the situation. It is a matter of debate
whether it is a healthy analyzing or the action of critics.

The imagination pattern: occasionally the mind has a tendency to get the
imagination of the worldly thing which may exist and some times which may
not exist. The imagination is just like the Xerox of some activities, person or
situation. The impact may lies in the memory and when we met such situation,
person or activity the imagination helps to get rid or to provide the solution.

o Impact imagination: it is the situation where the imagination is having a

serious impact on the personality. The different personality disorders like dual
personality attitude, the CAM are nothing but the strong impact of any situation
or activity on once personality and it is a serious condition of emotional, social
or physical hurt. The situation of guilt is deeply rooted into the personality and it
took some time years to get rid of that.
o Non impact imagination: imagination pattern which is being generated into
the personality but the impact is not being strong enough so the person will go
into the situation of deep grief or sorrow. The impact of the theft, steeling,
hurting the emotions with loud voice are the impact doesnt carry for long if the
situation is not being repeated or continue state.

The understanding: this activity involve around the balance in personality is

being talked. The equilibrium of righteous things in the righteous format in the
personality will give birth to contented and self sustain life. The difference in
the understanding or the misunderstanding of the life ingredients will produce
fractured personality. So a clear understanding about the self, the attitude, the
strength and the short coming is must for a successful person.
The concept of Thyself:
The self-concept is the acquiring more and more information about the self,
such as beliefs regarding personality traits, values, goals, and roles physical
characteristics and ability. When in starting in the stage of infancy, children
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acquire and organize information about them as a way to enable them to

understand the relation between the self and their social world. This is being
developed with the regular nurturing of the parents and the family members
As a child the self-concepts are less differentiated and are centered on,
physical attributes (how he looks, the ear, nose, hands, legs), possessions
(toys, books, household essentials), and skills (eating, drinking and learning).
As the child grows, the self-concept becomes more integrated and
differentiated as he engages in social comparison (his own possession and
neighbor owning) and more clearly perceives the self as consisting of internal,
psychological characteristics ( as the hormonal changes goes on.)
Throughout later childhood and adolescence, the self-concept becomes more
abstract, complex, and hierarchically organized into cognitive mental
representations or self-schemas, which direct the processing of self-relevant
information. Here child feels about his own identity, the social and mental
status, the image in the society, the personality which he or she owns and
many other features related with physical, social and behavioral relationship in
and around the self, society and the nation is being understood properly.
The Self attainment (righteous knowledge of Jeev, Jagat and Ishwar)
Many scriptures are being around on this holy concept of self attainment or
available in the market as to choose to which one is very confusing. The young
generation usually talks of argument, analysis, fact and reasoning which some
time creates an awful situation for parents as they have grown up in the mental
condition of babaji (what ever the Baba says is right).
Sometime we do find that the mother scolding the children, this is only correct
as it is written in holy literature. It may be true with the consciousness of the
mother as she has been born and brought in such type of mentality where
there is hardly any scope of ifs and buts, no more argument, it is just the

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matter of belief and sometimes blindly belief. But what about the child or the
young adult who has been upcoming in the environment of hitech, the next
generation people. They needs facts, reason why to belief?
The Jeev (body), Jagat (world) and Ishwar (God):
The God, (Ishwara) is subtler than the subtle and It is farther than the farthest;
It is nearer than the nearest wherein all the worlds are hidden. It is big,
unthinkable, Omnipotent and omniscient in nature. It is indicated in a variety of
ways both at the level of jiva and also jagat.
The mandakopnishada says, At the level of the jiva, Ishwara is not the jiva
comprising of different parts such as jnanendriyas, karmendriyas, etc. It is not
the breath, not mind, pure, living in the whole body with his heart as the seat. the inner most sheath. However, Ishwara is the very source from which all
came to existence, the prana, the mind, all sense organs and organs of action,
all five great elements, different worlds, the Sun, moon, etc. He is the life,
speech, mind, reality, immortality. So, Brahman or Ishwara is like that point
where all the nerves meet like the spokes of a chariot wheel in the hub within





Vedas says, From the point of the Jagat, It is that where the sun does not
shine, not the moon, stars, lightening, fire. It shines all alone and because of
which all this (idam) shines forth. This Brahman is everywhere - in front, at the
back, below, above, etc. Brahman indicated as eternal, the lord, all-pervading,
imperishable, that which is hidden in all beings, effulgent, formless, part less
Omni-sentient, all-wise and light of all lights.

Concept of Knowing, assuming, Recognizing and Fulfilling in the Self:

Knowing: To know all about is confined in knowing phenomenon. When you
see anything, feel any matter the concept of assumption, recognition and
fulfillment arises but the knowledge it all comes through experience. The

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complete understanding of the matter, thyself or anything which exist in the

mundane world knows. It is not the state of fallacy, it is ultimate truth, which
may exist in years, decade or may be the next birth, but when it descends the
knowledge is ultimate.
People call it Jnana or knowing. This is bit different from the bookish
knowledge, it is the practical aspect of any activity which one has gone
through. The labor pain as bear by a mother is the matter of knowledge. One
cant explain it by writing text, or by going through the various literatures, the
thing is to pass those precious moments then only one can realize the value of
to be a mother.
Assuming: The matter of assuming the things, objects, subject all varies from
person to person. Some get it done in one reading and some needs several
round to get it done. It all depends upon the mental condition of the self. The
assumption goes around us. Our most of the knowledge is based on
assumption. It goes rightly sometimes and occasionally the assumption goes
wrong. Assumption are based on belief not the verification of the basis of
knowing gives our recognizing and fulfillment keeps on changing.
e.g.: 1.

we assume the value of constant is 0 or 1. Its purely

mathematics assumption.
2. We assume that the activity is true in the sense but actually it
was wrong. These examples are our life to life experimentation which keeps on
going from time to time.
Recognition: Once the assumption is correct, then the situation arises of
recognition. In other words the assuming leads towards the recognition factor.
We recognize the father, the mother, the relations etc. the I is very much
there in the recognition.

I recognize this place as it is being visited by me earlier.

Occasionaly we do recognize some face, as seen some where earlier, or being

related to us in past years and later we are able to recognize him or her. It all
comes from the grey matter where all the activities which are going on keep on

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recording unconsciously. The activities, the work, the relation are keeps on
accumulating with a X-ray image. The data is regularly updated in condition
and it all comes out whenever the situation is required.
Fulfillment: The activities of the fulfillment are the followed steps of assuming
and recognizing. It is the regular activities which keep on in day to day life. To
greet someone comes only after the recognition. To care for the needy or ill
person comes after the recognition is the activity of fulfillment. So all these
activities are interdependent and depend upon the chain reaction.




Assuming + Recognizing + fulfillment = Knowing

Knowing is bit different what common man approach is concerned. The
knowledge comes out through practice as well as activities. The more you
perform, more or the chances of success. Failure is a smaller aspect but it
doesnt mean one should not play in the fear of failure. The knowing is all

Knowing the body

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Knowing the I thyself

Knowing the reality of life

Knowing the relation of the self with the cosmos

Knowing the GOD.

Knowing the World

The one who knows all about these conditions in the right format and
understanding we call him siddha purush. (the man with the righteous
knowledge) or seer. This perfect state is also known as the Buddha state, the
condition which lord Buddha attained after performing the regular spiritual
exercises for many years. This condition gives the pure view that we are the
instrument of the Gods experiment and nothing more than that can be possible
until he wish so.
Instrument of GOD:
The truth knowledge of the self is to become the instrument of God. The wish,
the will and all the activities are dependent on the wish of the God. The kriyas
(activities) of all being performed in a state where the actions are not making
any impact on the mind.
One has to perform the activities nishkam (no attachment) in nature regularly.
The asakti rahit (no more consent of the result), the condition of nirbhay (no
fear ) activities. The situation in which one has no more fear of wins or loses
makes him to play his natural game. This condition is the perfect state. In many
situation the fear of loses makes us to perform below standard.
The condition when you think that you are the best instrument of God, the
progress starts. It all because one the mind set is positive, second the efforts
are continuous and last but not the least is the state where you feel the God is
with you.
The state of perfection, the complete liberation state and the state of ultimate
attainment is the condition of Seer, Sages and Rishis who have the true
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knowledge of all. They newer involve themselves in any state as a Darshak

(involved viewer) or Drashya (state), they all work in the perfect condition of
Drashta (uninvolved viewer). The Seer has the righteous sense of the Doer,
the enjoyer and the ultimate liberated soul in this world.
Self attainment very much possible in the Self:
The self attainment is the process where physical life stops. The senses, body
organs activities are limited up to this mark. From here onward started the
journey of the causal and ether world, the world which is yet to be explored.
These dimensions are very much similar to the physical world with having the
similar activities, voice and the functions. The major difference between these
worlds is the access of the persons.
When the man is limited with the physical body, the scope at this juncture are
limited and related with the physical world. When there is the state of liberation
from the physical body to the causal body, it can be defined as the Boddhisatva
(one liberated from the physical sheath but yet to attained the perfection) and
the ultimate stage is Buddha (the enlightened soul). These are just some
glimpses of the same physical body which can be defined properly can take a
shape of perfection and perception. It is not merely confining with the
vocabulary but the things to be perceived and then practiced. It is not talking
about the bookish knowledge but more than that the knowledge of self
This attained knowledge is a real treasure for the self. It can also be a guide
book for the others. It can be merely lectures, a few quotations covered under
a book or it can be as big as spiritual practices for the years to be practiced.
The Self is something beyond imaginations and the thoughts. The mundane
world looks so smaller in front of it. It is an ultimate presentation form of GOD.
But the falsehood is that the exploration of the self is being confined merely
with words not actions.

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The kaya or Jeev (body) and the atman (soul) are the two different

The purification of the self is a time taking process. This can be
performed with the help of various Sadhanas (ritual practices),

scriptures and blessings of GOD.

The body needs are more quantitative in nature where as the soul need

is qualitive.
The thinking process, the dreaming sequence, the analyzing activities,
the imagination pattern, the understanding of the self, body and the

world all develop around the self.

Assuming + Recognizing + fulfillment = Knowing
The condition when you think that you are the best instrument of God,
the progress starts. It all because one the mind set is positive, second
the efforts are continuous and last but not the least is the state where
you feel the God is with you.


Explain the difference between the need of the body and soul.
Describe in detail the concept of the self.
How thinking can be distinguished with dreaming. Explain with

Have you ever feel that you are an instrument of God. If yes, then

whether you find and benefit or not. Explain.

Distinguish the difference between the physical need and mental needs.

Chapter Eight
Understanding Myself

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The concept of the Self and the body is being talked in the previous chapter.
The various needs, activities is being worked out to know the self. Question is
quiet alarming, many fails to answer, what am I? Is it confined with the body or
some relationship with mind and soul? Some come across with the identity of
the self with the cosmos as an instrument. Some says that it is beyond the
human limit to understand the self i.e. myself. Lets try to focus on the need of
understanding myself.
Some haunting questions go around the mind regularly. They are
1. Who am i?
2. What for I am here?
3. What is my ultimate target ?
4. How can I achieve it ?
5. Is it within the reach or not?
6. The progress of other is why so fast?
7. If I failed in achieving the target what the other will say?
8. The expectations of my parents, family members are so high. I
know I am not capable of to achieve them but I have to get it at
any cost. How ?
9. Where is the real peace of mind? How to get it in this life?
10. God! I definitely doubt on his existence. He newer turns up to help me
when I need him most. The existence of God is baseless.
At many times we do feel these questions are just wandering around and we
do not find any clear answer to these questions. The answers which we get
from round the world mostly are not applicable for all or may be true for
someone in rare cases. Still we do try to find the solution in the prescribed
format and ultimately land up no where. The answer is simple but true that
every soul is potential divine; its the matter of its manifestation in reality. So
when one is divine and having godly attributes how the attribute of can other
may fit in.

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It means either our search is wrong or we are looking the solution in the wrong
place. Then where to search and what to search is the big question. The
answer lies in understanding thyself.
Concept of myself:
When you look around yourself what are things which makes that you are?

Your thought pattern (vichar)

Your imagination (Soch / chintan)

Your character (charitra)

Your Behavior ( vyavhar)

Your expectation (Asha)

Your ultimate personality ( Thyself)

Now question is these attributes are commonly appears in all the living being. it
may be less or more is the other things but one thing is clear that all are
bundled with these attributes. The society, the people usually judges the things
around us and gives result whether we are a good citizen, or member of
society or not.
Some time we pass the exam comfortably as we have done some preparation
in order to get it so, as we have been constantly working on our thought
pattern, imaginations and behavior so that it makes a perfect impact on the
society. Some seldom fails to make the impact on the others as they have
been in the circumstances where nothing cant be done one thing, secondly
they may have not tries to come out the situations willingly. Most of them we
found landed up in behind the bars, or reformation centers. The common man
is just afraid of them as their behavior, thought pattern is no gone with the
They have their own rules and regulation and do feel that they are self defined
emperor of this world. The rather try to convince the others that they are not
wrong, the world has not understand them better. It is not actually their fault.

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They had been thinking the same continuously and ultimate the character
becomes so. So is it myself is confined with the thought, let us try to find the
Is Myself is a thought?
Thoughts come and go in this world. The life just revolves around the thought
patterns. Many feels they have achieved what they are looking for and many
keep on complaining. It looks so that it is a process which keeps us always on
Lord Buddha rightly said, We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what
we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
The wonderful Shakespeare said that the thoughts are free. A man is what
he thinks all day round says Ralph Emerson.
Wonderful thoughts always filled the mind with righteous spirit and our actions
become a model for others. We do find at many occasions we are filled with
such wonderful thoughts that we hardly had read about it, but at a particular
moment it comes out from our mouth as a perfect laureate. Have you ever
thought about it? The sentences, references which have never been read out
or told by someone are making applaud in audience. It is merely a coincidence
or a definite factor.
This makes some sense that the thought makes an impact on life. For some it
is just an idea, or a ray of light for existence, sustainment or for entire life. The
thoughts are wave pattern which exists eternal in this world. The packets travel
across the world and passes out through this physical body many times in a
day. They are having tremendous power. We have studied in physics that like
things attract like, so is the case of thoughts.
When you are in a good mood, the thoughts which may appear in those
conditions will be like:
1. I am proud what I am
2. I must help someone at least once in a life

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3. I am grateful to God, what he has give me

4. I am thankful to mom, dad and society what I am today.
5. I must grow around to get more and more and part of it will be for the society.
Think of the situation when you are filled with remorse, troubles are on your
nose, there is no way to get out of it. The ocean of sorrow is all around you and
the thoughts which are making to you will be like:

Why I am in this world?

What the difference that I am making in this world? Is it any difference if I dont

Let me commit suicide, this will end all my problems.

Run away from the situation, from house or from the society, this will end the

There is no hope for existence and God has also turned off the phone.

The living conditions are worst and how to life in this world, which is already a
Now these questions come and go as per situation. This means it makes an
impact on the self but not the self. The thought pattern can or cant govern the
self. This means the periphery of thyself is beyond the thought clutches.
Myself is bigger than thought pattern (vicharna).
The pure self I is surrounded by many layers. The vicharna is one among
them. Sometimes we do feel that our actions are governed by our thoughts
and many times we do hardly pay any attention to our thoughts.

Real Cases :
Case 1:
Ram has been passing through the hard phase. They had just returned from
Lanka after conquering Ravana. The washer man words are still fresh in his
mind. What washer man was saying to his wife that I am not Rama, who can
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keep his wife who is being eloped with Ravana from last many years. The
situation of lord Rama is being tough. The mind pattern is persisting for those
things which are not good for the family, his wife Seeta but the society is on the
other hand side. The soul wants that the Ram should not go through his
thought pattern but the mind is playing other game. Now the question is what
to do? Whom to give preference the soul or the mind?
Case 2:
The Nancy is sitting in the examination room. The paper is tough and the
answers are just slipping from mind. The student next to her is ready to give
hints or copies for cheating but the inner core says no. the mind says that you
have to pass the exam or not. Do it, no one is watching, the teacher is just
outside. The soul says, no you cant do cheating. You are a good students
throughout the life. You have never done this before. Why do degrade yourself
by doing silly things. This dilemma occurs in many minds and then only we
realize that we are bigger than thoughts.
Myself is bigger than imagination:
At many time we see dreams. Some become true and we do feel lucky and
occasionally it wont and we do feel bad. The dreams are nothing but our
imagination mirror image. It means that every imagination makes an impact.
Directly on the mind than it goes to conscious mind and indirect impact or
suppressed or not fulfilled partial fulfilled goes to unconscious where it keeps
on in the suppressed mode till the situation arises.
Our mind is being going through many situations in the same time. Just thing
of the situation, when your boss is explaining some situation and your mind is
in cricket match, whether Sachin has completed the century or not. The wife is
asking for something and your mind is wandering in the bachelor party. So we
do come across with the mind set in two platforms. The imagination factor
depends upon the situation. If the situation if favorable, everything is
accordingly and the conditions are more or less good then the imagination to
conquer the world also appear in mind. The imagination makes a definite

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impact and it is just like a Xerox machine, which imprints everything that comes
to its surface, maybe it is a white page.
Myself is bigger than Character (Charitra)
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
We all talk about the value of character. In this modern world, the pure
materialistic world where every things needs change, the fast ongoing life is
looking for change in every field may be job, may be the house and may be
with the life partner. The live in relationship, the single motherhood, the
increasing divorce cases all shows that character is the thing which is hardly of
the talk but to practice. It is tough but it can be maintain if one feel so.
The character degradation is creating lots of problem in this real life. The boys
and girls hardly attained the adolescence are engaging themselves in the sex
activities and the cases of abortion are alarmingly increasing. The knowledge
exposure is the main culprit behind these situations. The print and electronic
media, the world of internet and many flooding channels available on DTH
makes the life nothing but hell.
In many houses we do find that the parents are bit worried about the up
growing children. Their habits, involvement and the relationship is a real
concern for most of the families. But one thing is clear that the atmosphere of
the house also makes a big difference in the character of individual. More the
emphasis on values, more committed the parents then there is less possibility
of the children to go wavered.

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It is true that the character gives us recognition in the society. The more you
grow wealthier or become societal icon; people want to know more and more
about you. It is the time where you have to keep vigilance on your thoughts,
emotions and sentiments. So the thyself is much bigger than character which
is merely a characteristics.

Myself is bigger than behavior (Acharan)

The behavior makes a big difference in the life. The various moods and shades
of life are nothing but the behavior actions. The more the purified acharan the
pious is the life. Behavior does pay in life. You may have come across at many
occasions where your personal behavior makes you a winner in a loose game
and vice versa.
The behavior sober or arrogant depends upon sometimes the situation and
sometimes on the person. The situation changes frequently but the behavior is
the static thing. If it changes with the situation then the credibility of the person
is questionable.
Goethe rightly said that Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his
own image. The more clear the mirror the better the image and if the mirror is
blurred then the image will be dull.
Myself is more than expectations
Fritz pearl says, I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations,
nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine. It is true in all senses but we
hardly do feel comfortable about it. We tries to come up with other expectations
and we do anticipate that other will also come to our expectation. Anger
always comes from frustrated expectations, it is very true when we do feel that
the other is not listening or paying attention on our expectation we try to
outburst our self. It is im-matter for us whether our rational behavior is making
a heavy impact on other. Just remember the situation when your mother has

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scolded you, when you have not achieved first position in the class, in spite of
the best efforts the mother had made.
High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.
This is true that expectation makes the way for success. More the person is
elevated towards finding the goal, the more the success rate and possibilities
of the success are there. The expectations and the desire are two different
sides of the same coin. The desire starts and grooms around the body the
expectation flourish around the self I.
Desire and expectation the basic difference:
Napoleon Hill rightly quoted, Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not
a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.
This is quiet true, if you look around and see the life styles of successful
person in around the society, you may find a great desire to attain the things in
them. The list of desire is endless. Once a desire is fulfilled the second pop up
and this goes on like a waves of sea coming and going from and to the shore.
Desires are many in nature.

I want to have fun.

I want to shine like the sun.

I want to be the one that you want to see.

I want to knit you a sweater.

I want to write you a love letter.

I want to make you feel better.

I want to make you feel free.

One have to clearly understand what is expectation and what is desire. The
more clearly the difference, the better the life flow for all. The basic differences
between the two entities are as follows:

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May be comes from the external It may be internal or external both in
entities eg. Bike, babe or money




nature. Eg: to pass the exam

internal, to get a ride external

suppressed It gets generated from our earlier

feelings also. eg: sensual pleasures

deeds or in future help.
certain It may be based on facts and
occasionally on assumption
To fulfill a desire, one can go upto Expectations may be fulfilled, half
any extent

fulfilled or not, it makes affect on the

personality upto certain level

The perfect thyself (myself):

L ku

Chintan, Charitra

Acharan, Expectation, Desires

Purified MYSELF

The conceptual ingredients of the myself are as follows:

The Goal of a life is setup by the purified self. The natural resources on which
one banks upon are Character, thought pattern, behavior, expectations, desire
and ultimate turned into once destiny. It may be the set goal of a person or may
be deviated from the final achievements.

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In all one can say that the myself, the pure blessed soul is the key on which
the entire revolves. The relations mother, father, bros and siss are revolving
around the self. One must be in harmony with all of them in order to get
success and to become a good son, daughter, brother or sister in the family
and larger perspective is society.
Thyself and the sensual pleasure
When we look around we do find that the world is made up of even and odd
things. The man and woman, the like and dislikes all are made for each other.
The beauty in nature is to be appreciated, there is nothing wrong in that.
Occasionally we say:

Oh! What a beautiful face

Oh! I havnt seen such beauty

It is splendid in nature. The marvelous masterpiece of God.

These are the moments when we want to involve into these pleasures. The
sensations which are arousing at that particular moment is to be feel by
everyone at least once in life. The sensual pleasure based on sense objects
(tanmatras). The five tanmatras are

1. Sound (dhwani)
2. Touch ( sparsh)
3. Form (roop)
4. Taste (Ras)
5. odor (Gandha).
The five senses are hearing, tactile perception, vision, taste, and smell
commonly understandable by all. Tanmatras makes us to perceive the thing
accordingly. It all the sensual organs are used in a definite state then the
societal acceptance is definite there. It all goes wrong when we tries to use it
more than it required or we tries to indulge it in such cases that it is hard to get
liberated in that conditions from these sensational pleasure.
Sensual pleasures when crosses limit, it give rise to

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Lack of confidence: when one come across or drained a resource naturally the
availability of any resource comes to end. Then the result is frustration. This
only gives rise to lack of confidence to handle any situation may be so simple
in nature it looks.

Conflict: to do a thing or not is the real conflict. This situation becomes worse
when the resources are in limited condition.

So this conflict makes the

personality doomed.

Stressful mental condition: once the situation goes out of hand, the mental
peace and joy goes out. It is replaced with the unhappiness of the wind, giving
birth to stress and tension.

Condition of Failure: the stress condition arises with the mental condition goes
in worst condition. the efforts will land up into the condition of failure. The world
looks most unpopular place and often the people committed suicide in this
extreme situations.
Liberation from sensual pleasures:
The concept of the self is much based on the sensual pleasure but it is not
confined with its nature. The complete liberation from this condition is the realty
of the self I. The sensual pleasure of roop, ras, gandha, sparsh and dhwani
are common in nature and we do find many examples where the tanmatras
play a prominent role.
Think of a situation when you go into the party in the best restaurant of your
area. The good food is being served to you. The five senses from the body
(sound from the ear, the touch from the skin, view from the eyes, and taste
from the mouth and smell from the nose) all are driven us to get involved into
sensual pleasures. We knows it that over eating may lead to indigestion or on
bed but still we tries to satisfy one tanmatra. In spite of knowing that the
sensation is temporary in nature we try to engulf as much as we can.
This is all because we are being bonded with sensual pleasure. We know the
condition of sex (kam), if it is in balanced form it is necessary to carry out the
vansh (family). The sensual pleasure, if it is in limit then it is good for the
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person, family and for the society also. Once it goes out of control, or too much
involvement or mentally we are just thinking of it every time then it will leads to
health problems, psychological deficiencies and leads to the situation for social
anarchy. For this only the Indian religion has set up the marriage ceremony, to
keep the sex under control, within limit and restricted to one only.
Still the societal changes are making the relationship open, free from
bondages and this only resulting into stress, tension and failures which is keep
on increasing. The question is what to do, whom to blame or the key action
guideline should be set up by whom.
Understanding myself properly:
To understand the self is never easy but still one try to understand it in
harmonized with the nature. The desire, expectation and the thoughts must be
kept under control to get over the things. The key thing is natural acceptance.
We know it how much we can digest, how much we can shoulder the weight.
So it is the key between all success and failure story to know the mental,
physical and emotional limits.
The common factors in understanding the myself are
1. Realize the correct situation: one should not be afraid of accessing the real
situation what so ever it may be. The problem arises when we try to under
estimate the situation. The best part is left out and the remainder is what we
deal with. So the correct analysis of situation is the first thing to get a better
understanding of the myself.
2. Understanding the Limits of self: once the real situation is being assessed
then understanding the self is not difficult. One knows what his limits are and
what he cant do. So it is easy to move ahead ones the situational adaptability
is there. It is hard to get done when one does not admit of the limits. Now the
solution lies into your own hand. What you have to do is to overcome delimits
and get the things done and become a better citizen of the society.

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The self is made up of thought pattern (vichar), imagination (Soch /

chintan), character (charitra), Behavior ( vyavhar), expectation (Asha)

and ultimate personality ( Thyself)

Wonderful thoughts always filled the mind with righteous spirit and our

actions become a model for others.

The periphery of Thyself is beyond the thought clutches.
The situation changes frequently but the behavior is the static thing. If it
changes with the situation then the credibility of the person is

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high

One have to clearly understand what is expectation and what is desire.

The more clearly the difference, the better the life flow for all.
The five senses (Tanmatras) are hearing, tactile perception, vision,
taste, and smell commonly understandable by all.

1. What do you mean by self? Explain its constituents with proper details.
2. Thoughts can make you to conquer the Everest and the same can sink
you in sea like titanic. Comment on this statement.
3. What are positive thoughts? How it differ from the negative. Explain the
impact of both on the personality in detail.
4. The behavior is having a direct proportional to the thought. Explain the
statement with your own thoughts with a suitable example.
5. Explain the term desire. How it is differ from expectation.
6. Explain in details about the senses. How the up and down of sense
make an impact on the body.
7. Explain the term Tanmatra in your own words.

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Chapter Nine
Harmony within the family
Concept of Family
Social science revolves around the concept of family. It is also known as family
management. The family is regarded as major social institution or a group of
member residing in the same premises and having a locus of much of persons
social activity. It is also defined as a social unit created by blood, marriage or

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by adoption and can be detailed as a parents and children bonding or

extended relationships such as comprising of relatives, near and dears.
The definition of family is "a group of persons of common ancestry." In
common words this is what a family is, however, "family" is much more than
complicated than simply sharing a bloodline. Family depends greatly on how
one sees it. Do they see family as simply sharing a bloodline? Or do they
consider it much more than that? A person's answer to this question greatly
affects the extent that they consider the loyalty and love they owe to their
In western world we do find the family is much more like nucleus family. A self
centered where "Family," can be a hollow, empty word if it is just being said.
People who barely talk to each other and may even be disgusted with one
another may call themselves family while a group of people who care about
each other and take care of one another may also call themselves family.
Family keeps people connected biologically but it does not form bonds. It cant
make a group of people connect on a deeper lever and to communicate with
one another. If a "family" does not talk to one another and care about another,
they may just as well be a group of strangers.

Nuclear family Vs Centralized family

The concept of modern family has undergone significant transformation. The
typical family structure is being reduced to nuclear family. There are some
other families concept is being evolved such as

Childless families

One parent families

Single motherhood

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The nuclear family basically is made up of a father, mother and a couple of

children or so, and hence is compact and small. The fathers role is of
providing for the family as well as protecting it, while also being the familys
disciplinary role model. The womans role within the traditional nuclear family
consists of housework and motherhood. The family is compact in nature and
does provide many opportunities to all the children because of small in nature.
The traditional family consists of parent, grandparents their children and so on.
It also has the cousins, phuas, masis and many more lived under the same
roof. In recent decades, this traditional form of the family has undergone major
changes. Now with increasing expenses one cant afford to have a traditional

The other causes are increasing rates of divorce, less space for

accommodation, highly paid resources leading to single-parent families,

remarriages, resulting in extended families. These trends and the resulting
problems that they cause, especially for the children, has brought the
advantages of traditional nuclear families back into focus.
Nucleus family provides some benefits also. They are as follows:
A perfect and stable Environment: Children raised in a family with the same
parents during their growing years have a higher likelihood of having stability in
their relationship and emotional bonding. A father cant replace mother and so
is mother cant replace father. For a perfect growth of children both are
needed. Children that grow up in a single-parent household have higher
chances of feeling a sense of loss regarding the absent parent, and miss out
on the advantage of the emotional support and dual insights that both a father
and a mother can provide. Society shows many signs and traces when the
single parenthood does not provides the better results in spite of the best of
the commitment both by either the father and mother.
Behavioral Stability: When there is both father and the mother, children get a
better sense of what is acceptable and unacceptable in society. When the
behavior is talked about, especially when both the parents look after their

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nurturing they grow in perfect fashion. When both parents agree on the kind of
behavior that they want from their children, it adds authority, and thus can be
instilled in a better way. In a single parenthood the father or mother doesnt
make justifications what they actually not.
A Sense of Consistency: When children grow up in a nuclear family, they get
a sense consistency, especially when it also includes closeness with other
members of the family such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins.
This enables them to feel as if they are a part of a wider whole, particularly
during traditional get-togethers. This provides a strong foundation to their roots,








Learning Skills: In a nuclear family, children usually get far more extensive
training in life skills. For instance, mothers usually teach their children
relationship skills, like emotional response skills and how to have smooth
relations with others, while fathers, in general, teach their children handy work
skills and sports skills, like giving proper shape to the house or playing cricket,
as well as how to deal with the world outside in perfect style.
Sharing Responsibility:

With both mother and father when share the

responsibility of raising the children, it enables one parent to take time to

pursue other interests. It also provides time for one to get a rest while the
other parent plays or works with the children. Children that are raised in a
traditional nuclear family also tend to take on some of the sharing of the
responsibilities, such as the older ones can take care of younger babies. In a
nuclear family, such roles are usually performed by expectation and example,
rather than formal instruction.
Think of a situation of a family marriage, the family members doesnt wait for
the formal invitation to join it, rather they come out from shells overwhelm and
try to help out the parents in the best possible manner they can. This is all the
warmth of relationship which is only possible in the nucleus family.

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Physical and Emotional Support: Nuclear families usually have more

physical and emotional resources with which they can reinforce the whole.
Through observing their parents and by following the examples set by them,
children learn how to help in the building of the family.
People need this physical and emotional support to get the life going. The real
help comes out from the family members only. They help not because of some
asking or duties but they feel that one is part and parcel of life and it is just
there will or wish to help out without looking for any credits for the same.

Warm relationship in family

Rob Cella has rightly quoted that, A relationship is like a rose. How long it
lasts, no one knows. Love can erase an awful past, love can be yours, you'll
see at last. To feel that love, it makes you sigh. To have it leave, you'd rather
die. You hope you've found that special rose, cause you love and care for the
one you choose.
The benefits of closely netted family are tremendous. The warmth in the
relationship always pays especially when you need it badly. The closely
attached family is full of:




Caring nature


Sharing responsibilities

Emotional and mental support

The list can be endless; it is not the matter of preaching but practicing. Those
who live in these types of closely attached family they can feel the warmness in

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Anthony Douglas has rightly quoted that, Some of the biggest challenges in
relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order
to get something. They're trying to find someone who's going to make them
feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your
relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.
The family structure
In most the family cases we do find that they are so netted together we are
surprised and try to find the glue. What makes them so strongly bonded. We
seldom hear the problems among them. The family looks a perfect world. The
reasons behind these families are trust, faith, respect, love, affection, respect
are the key attributes.

Love, affection

A Perfect family

Faith, sharing emotions

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Respect, trust

Is Give and take is the key of a family success?

People seldom have the misconception that a family is based on the principle
of give and take. The mother doesnt help the child in having any expectation.
The father never helps the children by looking for any financial support. These
helps are voluntary in nature like duties or better called as responsibilities.
These relationships are based on pure love, affection and the caring
environment which makes the other to grow more comfortably. This
relationship never asks for anything in return. It is not the matter of that if one
cant give anything he cant get back. No it is not like banking principle. The
family revolves around more you give love, affection, happiness, prosperity to
all, the more the possibilities you will have a definite more pay back. It all goes
through the key of trust.
Trust is the key of family bondage
Psychologists tell us that trust is on top of all issues in a relationship that
have an impact on its quality. Trust has a huge impact on the way one think,
the way one behave, and the choices one makes. Resultantly, trust can make
a huge impact on the quality of our relationships with all the family members as
well as with the society.
Trust may be

On the wife, children and family members

On the colleagues, boss and staff in working environment

On the students, teachers and all the mentors in life

On the personal abilities, attitude and strength

On the God

The view of trust and its impact on our relationship we often make two
The First mistake

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We typically view trust in a very limited way. We view it as an absolute. We

believe that in a relationship, trust either exists or it doesn't exist. What we fail
to see is that trust can exist in certain areas but not in others. If we are to
develop trust we must learn to develop it one step at a time in each of its
individual areas. For example we often feels that the wife must trust us in all
the conditions and the activities in which we involve, where are we are having
all the distrust in her small activity.
The Second mistake
We are good managers but the problem is that we are the good mangers for
others but when it comes to our side we rather fail to manage the self as a set
example. In trying to develop trust we look to others to make changes, rather
than looking to the person who potentially is best qualified to make changes
i.e. thyself. As much as we would like to believe we can influence change in
others, the truth is, lasting and meaningful change can only happen within us if
we, ourselves, make it happen. Change comes from certain attitudes such as
commitment, understanding, acceptance, and willingness to pay necessary
e.g: while joining a new MNC, we try to change the environment accordingly
rather than fitting in the shoe of company. We often cry for the subordinate
behavior, the boss temper, the junior misconception but never talked about our
acceptance. The key is not to change other but to change the self as per the
Think of the Sachin, the masteros batting, he never tries to play with the same
batting style. Some times he is defensive and another day he plays offensive.
Firstly he watches the pitch minutely, the bounce, the bowler caliber and then
only he changes gear from first to four. This is also true with the life pitch. One
has to play the life inning as per the situation and circumstances.
Elements of Trust
Trust can be classified as two basic elements

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trust earned
trust learned
Each has it's own separate and unique way of deterring fear-or mistrust, and
each has its own unique way of promoting greater trust.
Trust Earned
To understand how we can earn trust, it can be comprised of three elements
i.e. understanding, honesty and caring. These three makes the way to earn the
trust in family.

Understanding with family members: If we are going to expect members of

our family to discuss with us certain problems they may have, problems that
may involve their hurts, fears, needs, etc., it is essential that they trust us to
listen, understand, and withhold judgment and criticism. Unless we are willing
and able to do this, we will have little hope of gaining enough of their trust that
they will be open with us.

Honesty: In earning trust from others about our honesty, often we will need to
choose between the benefits of being trusted and benefits of trick, such as
personal pleasures, recognition, and validation. To earn greater trust we
sometimes may find it necessary to be more transparent and open to all. The
more mistakes, selfishness, and pride we hide from others, the more we invite
their mistrust. So open in nature and always try to help other with open heart
will always make a way to be favorite of all.

Caring: Some can disagree with the idea that being valued and loved is an
essential factor in creating and maintaining a loving and trusting relationship. If
we are to develop and maintain this kind of flourishing relationship we must
earn trust from those who need our love and caring, and those we depend on
for this love and caring. Such trust can only come from honest and sincere
caring and appreciation. Any attempt to create an insincere impression of
caring and appreciation, where real caring and appreciation do not truly exist,
will eventually revolt and destroy any trust that might have already existed.

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Trust Learned
Some human behaviorists believe that inability to trust is linked to one of two
First belief - Painful Experience: If we have experienced emotional pain
which we believe another person has caused, and if we believe-even if this
belief is unconscious-that we are still vulnerable to emotional pain, we will likely
find it quite difficult to trust. Especially in the cases of love, war and
occasionally in the family we do find people who dont have any trust on
anyone in the family. It is all because their trust has been robbed in middle with
whom, especially by the person whom they trusted most.
Second belief- Failure to Believe In Our Own Powers: Some family
therapists believe that certain types of mistrust are, in reality, fear of being hurt.
Some believe that this mistrust is a defense against emotional pain. They will
tell you that the person who has found a way to a) resist or avoid emotional
pain, or b) rebound from emotional pain, is less likely to fear emotional pain.
This person is, therefore, more likely to trust. The person who has gained
greater potentiality has learned from experience that a well-developed sense of
overcoming pain not only can reduce the severity but can also reduce its
frequency. In either case, he will have less need to protect himself, less need
to fear, and less need to mistrust.
Present society most mistrusted one:
The word trust looks missing from the society in present scenario. The belief so
called the trust in the relationships looks dried up. The current society looks
based on mistrust and misleading. The father is having hardly belief on his son
for the business, the boss hardly trusts the colleagues, the shopkeeper hardly
trusts the employee and so on. The scene looks like a situation of disorder,
disbelief and generating lots of fuss over major area of society.
The countrymen are making lots of blunder for the sake of money, the
politicians are engaged in making money on the cost of trust, the businessman
are leading towards the state of saturation of disbelief. This is really a matter of

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concern for the common man. Whom to belief and whom to not is a real
dilemma. The situation is going to worst as the machine is replacing the man in
many cases.
This uncertainty was not at all there in almost 5 to 6 decades before. The
people hardly put up locks in their houses. There was an environment of trust
and belief everywhere in the society. The theft, vandalism, stealing and robbery
were rare in case and the sentences which were awarded during that time
were really very hard. People are afraid of doing crime. Now in present case if
you go through the morning newspaper, nearly half of it is filled with cases of
robbery, fraud or any in human activities. The situation is next to impossible to
live for a common and sincere man. Still the society is going on looking for the
level of justice at different level. The concept of judiciary must be clearly
understood so as to perform well in society. The major mistrust in society is
leading us many bleeds. It nut shell they are:
Trusting a stranger next to impossible: Common belief or one can call a
trend in the society is that we hardly belief the stranger. The person whom we
doesnt is the person of mistrust thats the common perception of society. We
never care what about the person, his abilities, his virtues, his responsibilities.
We always presume that the strangers are not worthy and if one trust them
they will make you fool. It may be true for some of them who had been
deceived by strangers but one result is not the theorem.
Trusting a fellow of loose character: it is true that the person having loose
character is hard to trust but have you ever thought that the why the person
become like this. The situation, the environment enforces him to become like
that or voluntary he feels into the situation. In most of the situations we do find
them that hereditary they were good but with the demand of the society or by
the circumstances around make them downtrodden. The various unsocial
activities are making them a curse for the society.

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Do not trust blindly on any one: it is true that never follow any one blindly,
just see the circumstances, the good and the bad of the fellow and then trust
him. It also means we are not trusting on our own feelings, sentiments and
emotions. Trust always makes the way to feel better and comfortable with other
so that all the personal and social moments can be shared with other one.
Trusting the one, will make you fool: this is rather making your own
capability questionable. You are not having faith on yourself, or you do not trust
the self, hence these situations are arises. When you trust someone, firstly you
try to test him or her in your own way. Whether he is merely a spectator or a
helping hand in need, then only you make the decision. So always test the
fellow and then trust the man.
Respect for all : If someone wants to clarify the respect is that, the more
respect you give to other if reflects the same for you and when you become
miser in that, it also follows you.
It comes out from the core of heart, rather than borrowing It from market.
Just check out the things with your attributes that
1. How much the respect you give to others
2. Do you give respect in order to get the things back
3. Do you feel to give respect or just a social curtsey?
4. How much respect you give to your elders and if to youngers?
The respect comes out only from Shraddha( core of inner self, devotion) not by
fear. The fear (bhay) is not a shraddha but it is curtsey or ceremonious
responsibilty which we have to follow in order to live in the society. The good
example is the wife, She knows it that she has to follow her husband so that to
life a happy and cool life. If it comes out from the inner core than it will be pure
shraddha not routine job of married life.
This usually comes when we enter the temple, by seeing Goddesses or any
deity we just tries to bow our head. It is spontaneous; no more compulsion on
enforcement is there. It comes out naturally. Think of a situation when you met

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best of your teacher, the shraddha, the inner core devotion makes you to touch
his feet. It is not the big difference for him, whether you touches his feet or not
but for you it is just presenting your inner emotions and attachment with the
particular teacher.
Respect evaluation of other
We do move into the society and come across many. We just check them or
evaluate them as per their performance, virtues, money or by luxury. Some
time we evaluate rightly about the other and feel happy whether on other hand
when this evaluation is under estimation or over estimation we feels
Over estimation the situation: when we come across and estimate the other
without knowing the reality. Think of a situation when you try to throw a party
and over estimated the guest. The moment was rather embarrassing as the
number of guest appear less, the food is supposed to waste, the money which
spend more and ultimately the words from colleagues, wife or financier.
Under estimation the situation: we do try to estimate the thing on their look,
appearances also. Occasionally we try to under estimate the fellow sitting on
the other side of table. We try to pretend over smarter, more knowledgeable in
the world without knowing the depth of other and when the other discloses the
card it was really an embarrassing moment.
Jackie Robinson said that, I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me
.All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
Always respect yourself
Confucius rightly putted that Respect yourself and others will respect you. If
you want to be respected, you must respect yourself. Remember to respect
yourself is the key. We often feel dishearten, goes into trauma of not having the
things but one must be clear enough what are things he is owning? The real

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treasure is hidden behind this physical sheath, we are the fools who disown
themselves by saying that this is lacking and that is not available to us.
Remember the beauty of the body is:

It is most wonderful figure the god has given.

the perfect legs to walk

the two hand to conquer the world

the brain not to bargain but to gain the gravity of the self,

the eyes to watch the wealth of God not to give weird look

the ear to hear the music of nature but not for hearing the bad deeds

The mouth to taste the ultimate, but not to indulge in creating troubles.
This all comes by giving respect to the self. To understand the reality and the
power of the self will make you wealthier day by day and this wealth is being
accumulated by you not by ancestor wealth.
Basic of Respect
The respect in all is the same but if you classify on the entities it usually differ
in three conditions. They are

On the basis of body

On the basis of belief

On the basis of resources

Just turn around your life and see the situations in around you. The respect
around your body entity looks the age, sex, color of the body, the muscle
power and many more.
Respect of the Body:
Situation 1: the girl look pretty good, nice feature, good look, you try to give her
your seat in the bus, why the respect for her beauty or for the opposite sex.

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Situation 2: you come across the situation where you are crossing the road, a
lady old in age is also trying to cross the road but she is not able to do it so,
then you tries to help her by hodling her hand and her eyes says more than the
words. What is this the opposite sex? no the age.
Situation 3: the tourist in the park is from foreign country we try to give him
information may be irrelevant in nature but still we try to help it what is it? Is it a
respect for the country or the color of the skin?
Situation 4: standing in a queue of the tickets for reservation, a big and hefty
fellow try to enforce himself into the queue. The first option is not to allow him
into the queue but his physique makes him give space without expressing the
emotion. Is it a respect of mankind or the power of muscles?
Paying attention vs Respect
The respect of the body is questionable in the family scenario. Just check it out
yourself how many times have you given respect to your wife sentiments
without shouting? How many times you have given respect to your kids
sentiments and emotions? The answer must be true in nature says the story.
We hardly fell ears on the person who is having less muscles power than us or
who are dependent on us must not own respect is our nature.
The grown up children in spite of good sanskars hardly listen the parents
words, or give respect to buaji, masiji. Why it is so? They do feel that paying
attention to the old stories or the old fashion statements are not upto their
status. Contrary in some house the respect of the elders as well as for the
younger one remains the same. It all starts from the older member of the
house to the down. The more the respect you give to all the more the
possibility of a good and well netted family.
Respect of Belief:

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In many cases it turns into matter of serious debate and occasionally turns into
riots whether my belief is better than yours. We often feel so that the best of
the belief is ours and rest is just not up to the mark.
This belief turns to be matter of debate by other, when they try to justify
themselves. In this exchange of opinions the sentiment is shaken and turns
into the situation of anger, anxiety or ultimate riots in many cases which takes
the life also. Remember how can one belief is greater than the human life.
Every religion, every sects says that human being is a living god. How one god
can take the other god life is the matter of concern.
Respect of Resources:
Just look into the society in which you have grown up the situation really
changes dramatically when a member belongs to higher social orders enters
your house. It looks so that the entire house is under stir. The works, activities
and even the life looks halted when a senior member of the society, the person
owning many resources, wealthy person came to our house, we tries to show
him all the hospitality which we can. Is it a respect of his social status in the
society or the respect for the wealth?
We may have come across a situation when any NRI member of our family
usually visited us. The love affection and the regards all come overwhelmingly.
Why? This respect is in order to get the foreign things back or a matter of real
love and affections? We know the answer better ourselves.
Justice at all level irrespective of position in family
Justice is the word usually we hear in case of some mistrust, mislead or
forgery. It is the word which everyone looks for once or twice in life. This
carries different meanings in different context. At the individual level, it is a
basic quality or righteous virtue of a good person. Aristotle called it practice of
virtue towards all living beings. Mahatma Gandhi called it Samta ka bhav with
all. In other words it is being fair in all social dealings, giving others what is

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their due, not depriving anyone of his or her social right or property, reward or
recognition, respecting the basic human rights and social and personal liberties
of others, meeting valid demands others have on us, etc.
The other use of this word is in the area of legal prosecution. Law and justice is
a formal procedure followed by law courts for adjusting conflicting claims of
effecting persons. Legal issues are decided according to the constitutional and
legal limits and.
We will focus on the elaboration of justice as a societal value. John Rawls calls
justice the first virtue of social institutions. He further said, Justice means the
principles according to which social institutions should be organized and
operated in a simple society.
Discussing the role of Justice John clarifies, that the principles of justice
provide a way of assigning rights and duties in basis institutions of a society
and they define the appropriate distribution of the benefits and burdens of
social co-operation.
The outcome of this co-operation is social goods, which is the base of society.
Justice looks for these social goods to be distributed fairly, in an equitable
manner amongst different classes and groups in all parts of society. Individual
rights, mental, social and physical liberties along with freedom belong to this
category. They cannot be measure in the form of higher or lower. It is the
matter of equal distribution
IPC Article 51A, fundamental Duties: It shall be the duty of every citizen of

to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the
National Flag and the National Anthem;


to cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national
struggle for freedom;


to uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;

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to defend the country and render national service when called upon to
do so;


to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all

the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional
diversities; to renounce practices derogatory of the dignity of women;

(f) to protect and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture;

to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes,

rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures;


to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of enquiry and

(i) to safeguard public property and to abjure violence;

(j) to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity so
that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of Endeavour and achievement.
These explanations are addressed to the common man. Hardly any efforts
from the individual or from the society to understand the rules and regulation
laid for common man. The justice for all, the new RTI law is nothing but an
enforced way to know the basic rights and regulation for an individual. To be
effective and to meet out the results in this perspective these concepts should
be developed as academic themes and made an essential part of education.
Intentions and competency
Intentions: the core of heart, the mind, the thought pattern behind to perfume
the thing is real intention. Sometimes we try to help someone turns to be
misfortune for other. It is not intentionally done but the other had a perception
that it was intended purposely.

1. I know he will do this intentionally with my wealth.

Competency: it is the effective power in which one tries to stimulate the

situation and act accordingly. It differs from person to person and his
amplitude, muscle strength, post, power, age, sex and many more. The
competency is always questionable when we tries to under estimate someone,

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whereas the same competency looks perfect work when it is being performed
by the one who is just more than us.

1. the teacher usually questioned my competency intentionally.

Differences among family not a new thing

The family members are like utensils, when they kept close they generate
sound that doesnt means that they have lost the purpose i.e. cooking. The
difference of the opinion among the family members is nothing new. It is a
common factor of most of the houses. The difference among the father and his
son, the heat arguments between husband and wife, the sans (motherin law)
and bahu (bride) is popular in nature.
Differences are there to bind them when ever needed. It is an opportunity to
understand other rather than creating the mysterious looks and episodes in the
house opera. The family difference when came to the surface, it is the moral
duty of the elders to interfere and with their knowledge and experiences it must
be melt down.
Love and affection among all
The success behind every cheerful and happy family is love which is not
artificial in the air hostess smile but the crystal and clear loves which comes
from the eyes of mother to his children. The more the love the better the family
and better the world to live in.
We occasionally find the family members associated themselves in such a way
that hardly any difference in the opinion comes to the surface. This is all
because of the love and affection among the individuals residing in that
particular family.
Family competition up to what level?
Many times this question arises in the family that the competition is there
among the family members. The famous TV shows of family opera elaborate

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the situations where the family member becomes enemy all because of the
business rivalry or the land property matter and many more.
The competition is good but it should not hamper the spirit of the family. If it
does so; than it is not competition but it is rivalry which is not permissible in the
family set up. So the competition health in nature and must be in a status to
help other rather than harming other is aloud.
The family basic strength is the virtues that the family is holding. The more the
number of virtues the better the living condition and best is the family. There
are many virtues which must be with each family member. The some among
those are care, affection, love, respect etc.

Values in the family

i. Care: to protect the all available in the family and around us is the care real
definition. To protect them in all adversely condition and to nurture them in best
available conditions also. so in all caring is the key to get the members close
together and binds themselves as a family members.
ii. Guidance: to provide the right and perfect assistance in the moment of need is
guidance. The family comprises of senior and junior members. With the age
and less experience the juniors are little hesitant and do not knows how to
proceed, it is the duty of all senior pros to guide the young guns with their
ample experience and make them a winner out of any situation.

Glory: The family pride is also very important. The pride or glory is the thing
which makes the family proud. The better the pride, the better the namesake,
the family members will be happy and vice versa. This pride should be kept in
mind that it should not more than the value of a family members. Now a days
we are often finding the honor killing just for pride of the family is not
permissible. The boys and girls of the family are the pride no doubt, but if they

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are no more who is going to say the glory of the family. This is real question to
all the panchayat khep, commonly governing the societal conditions in the
states like Haryana, U.P. and many more.
iv. Gratitude: thanks to all for giving us help in all fashion is the meaning of
gratitude. To convey the best of wishes for the successful life is the gratitude
towards the family members, parents, friends, teachers, God and whom so
ever help is vital for personal, social and national growth is concerned.
Belief it, the most of the problems of the world are all because of that the
people are not showing the gratitude for others. If they do so the world can still
be good enough to live peacefully and harmoniously.
v. Inspirations: when you do good, you inspires other to become like that. The
one jawan of the Indian army Shahids, inspires many to give the pride to the
nation. The one good players wins the gold medal inspire many minds. This is
nothing but the seeds of inspiration reaps into the mind and with the favorable
condition these seeds turns into pride and glory for all. The family members
must inspire others to do good, to feel good and ultimately to act good for the
self, for the family and for the society.

The definition of family is "a group of persons of common ancestry."
The nuclear family basically is made up of a father, mother and a couple
of children or so, and hence is compact and small.
The traditional family consists of parent, grandparents their children and
so on. It also has the cousins, phuas, masis and many more lived under
the same roof.
People need this physical and emotional support to get the life going.
They help not because of some asking or duties but they feel that one is
part and parcel of life and it is just there will or wish to help out without
looking for any credits for the same.
The family looks a perfect world. The reasons behind these families are
trust, faith, respect, love, affection, respect are the key attributes.
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Trust can make a huge impact on the quality of our relationships with all
the family members as well as with the society.
Trust can be classified as two basic elements: trust earned and learned.
The respect comes out only from Shraddha( core of inner self, devotion)
not by fear.
If you want to be respected, you must respect yourself.
Justice is being fair in all social dealings, giving others what is their due,
not depriving anyone of his or her social right or property, reward or
recognition, respecting the basic human rights and social and personal
liberties of others, meeting valid demands others have on us.
Differences in the family are there to bind them tightly. It is an
opportunity to understand other rather than creating the mysterious
looks and episodes in the house opera.
The competition is good but it should not hamper the spirit of the family.
1. What do you mean by a family? Define the advantages and
disadvantages of a family.
2. Family is divided into two types centered or joint. Explain the merits and
demerits of both of them in detail.
3. Explain the various attributes of a successful family.
4. What do you mean by Trust? How the trust earned is differ from the trust
5. Respect cant be borrowed but comes naturally from the core of the
heart. Comments on this statement while putting your views.
6. Self respect is the key of success. Elaborate this statement with suitable
7. Why the justice is being denied in the society for a common man. What
are efforts that an individual can make to bring the changes?
8. Justice is a government responsibility or a duty of society. Explain the
statement with suitable example.
9. What are the merits of closely netted family?

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Chapter Ten
Harmony with the society
Society: a mirror of current trends
The term we usually found in the Vedic literature, Vasudhev Kutubkam (the
whole world is a big family) was look like a larger society. The society which
comprises of all the living creatures on the earth, it includes all the ecosystem
members in which we usually finds the godly traces like worship of tree i.e.
Banyan Tree, worship of plants i.e. medicinal plants and the rare herbs of
Himalayas and so on.
Society means not confining to a particular territory region was the Vedic
concept and with the definite progress of society into all aspects, the global
village concept is flooding the market. The companies, the business tycoons,
the software product, the investment segments all are looking for global
players and partners. Is it not a higher version of todays modified society? The
virtual world and the imaginary society is the future and who know in the
coming decade these things may land up and we may have a virtual society
concept irrespective of having some societal values or not.

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The Societal values refers to those values which do push a society to become
a good and effective society. They are operative in the behavioral
relationships, social and economic structures and the basic social structure
created by a so called society. They make an impact on economic and political
activities of the society with distribution of power and authority in it. The basic
two questions arise in mind are:

What is society?

What is a good society?

Definition of Society:
A society is nothing but a collectivity of individuals. The individuals who may
or may not related on the basis of the blood relationship but a common
objective was to live in a perfect fashion where everyone was dependent on
each other in spite of living independently. The society quality and values will
be no different from those of its members. Therefore, the goodness of the
society is the reflection of the good individuals.
Sociological definition of society:
Society is an organization for cooperative working to seek human
development, through production and distribution of sharable social goods.
Mike Lobert rightly said that, Society is an organic whole much more than the
sum total of its members. It has a life of its own whose quality is expressed in
the web of social relationship between individuals, groups, classes and
different institutions of the society.
Society and Organization:

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We must be clear with the fact that firstly, society is an organization. Now, an
organization is an entity different from its constituents like HR, Production,
planning, marketing and so on. In the case of a society these constituents are
individual human persons, different classes and groups, social, economic, and
political institutions, and many other interrelated sub-systems within the larger
social system.
The functioning, goal, behavior and rules of governance of an organization are
different from those of its constituent members. In fact, the personal goals and
organizational goal may be same or may differ on situation and circumstances.
Organizational growth may be some decade or rarely goes into centuries like
East India Company, whereas the societies evolve historically over long spans
of time like Mexican, Egyptian, indo, Greek and many more. In the process
they recognize by their distinctive approach and cultural richness. These
become the common heritage of the people belonging to a society and affect
the development of their inner and outer human personality.
The common objective of all society and their social arrangements is to seek
human excellence in all perspectives. The term human excellence covers the
periphery of social, political, economic, and other dimensions of material
developments of individual as well as core group itself. In Keith words one can
call it, the full flowering of the total human personality, through the realization
of the whole spectrum of human values which go into making a good life.
Society concept of global human excellence:
Society was supposed to develop excellence in all the individuals along with
the awakening of collective consciousness. The hundreds of Hindus festivals
in the Indian calendars are nothing to awake the collective consciousness and
to bring individuals into the right and healthy spirit.
Individual excellence was important in the Vedic society but there was much
emphasis on the complete transformation of the society. Various movements,

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sects came into scenario so as to govern the world, to lead the world in one
way or another but the prime thought was to make it more peaceful and
healthier. The ways of performing the rituals, the segments, the beliefs may
differ from region to region, time to time but the common belief was that if the
individual was happy the society reflects.
Production of sharable social goods in the society:
The main focus of collective efforts at the societal level is on production of
sharable social goods and to distribute them evenly in the all walks of society.
The best way to achieve this was through cooperation, helping nature and
good will of the society. The individual has the responsibility to produce,
promote and contribute for sharable common social goods.
Social goods are of several kinds. The most easily noticeable ones are the
common physical facilities,

like roads, highways

means of transportation like bullock carts, motors

communication system like drums, messengers

daily utilities like water electric and gas supply

Health for the individuals and societal members

Recreational facilities like games, exercise instruments.

They constitute the infrastructure for building a good society. The better the
infrastructure the more prosperous were the societies. This can be easily
proved through the traces of various historical societies. Opportunities and
means for gainful employment, jobs, career and other rightful ways if making
personal economic, social, mental and spiritual advancement are also a part of
shareable social goods.

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The objective of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is

to provide the constitutional rights, liberties, and freedoms of all the citizens of
the world irrespective of their cast, creed, race, region and religion.
Comparison of social goods in earlier and modern society:
The modern society is the higher version of earlier society. The Modern society
emerged as a big player of power and authority for efficient operation of its
varied social, political and economic institutions. The key was lucrative benefit
and privileges to keep the society intact which can be called as social goods.
However, by their very nature they cannot be evenly distributed.
Modern society doesnt work on democratic view rather it profound the
aristocratic view. To become the CEO or President of a nation is matter of fairy
tales in some countries now. However, one can complain that in a good society
they must be open to all, and not restricted to some specific species. Anyone
can aspire and strive to achieve these positions through his or her merit but
still the options are not quiet open especially not for all.
Culture and education are also important category of social goods which
should be produced through social cooperation and distributed fairly in a good
society. A good society is expected to provide fair opportunities to all its
members to acquire them and also promotes other to achieve them in best
available resources. The goal for human excellence widely based on the
dissemination of righteous knowledge, learning and achieving knowledge in all
possible areas. Educational institutions, cultural centers, sport complexes,
libraries, art galleries, museums etc. are created to help growth in these
What is a good society?
The good society is a superlative degree of Society. One can call it as
Good Society = Society ++

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In other words it can be the basic of society includes with some definite degree
of excellence in terms of working and production of effective citizens for
society. A good society is one which has large quantity of sharable social
goods and equable distributed system in society. The fundamental rights and
freedoms will be guaranteed to all and the society provides them fair
opportunities to attain it.
The basic mantra of society:
The society has always has the space for all irrespective of their caste, creed,
sex and race. The harmony, peace and prosperity go hand to hand in the
ancient period of India. It was all because the three major powers are working
in cohesive fashion. The basic shanti mantra was
Om saha nvavatu
Saha nau bhunaktu
Saha vryam karavvahai
Tejasvinvadhtamastu m vidvis vahai
Om ntih ntih ntih
OM Let both of us protect each other together
May both of us enjoy together
May both of us work together
Let our study become radiant, let there be no hatred between us
OM Peace, Peace, Peace.
The peace of the society was not confined with the human beings, it was
worked out for the betterment of the society, the living god earth, the
environment and the entire cosmos peace was recited in the mantras. The
common shantipath mantra is nothing but a prayer for universal harmony.
The shanti mantra is like this
Om dyauh shaantih Antariksham shaantih
Prithivee shaantih Aapah shaantih
Oshadhayah shaantih Vanaspatayah shaantih
Vishvedevaah shaantih Brahma shaantih

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Sarvam shaantih Shaantireva shaantih

Saamaa shaantiredhih
Om shaantih, shaantih, shaantih!
(The simple meaning of this Sanskrit verses is some thing like this:)
May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space
May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman.
And May there always exists in all peace and peace alone.
Om peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!
(Translation by Swami Abhedananda, Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, India)

Society must provide space for common human goal. This must have a definite
effort in the field of
1. Health
2. Education
3. Justice
4. Production
5. Fair distribution
Health (swasthya)
The Health is a key issue for a society. It is not confined with the physical
sheath wellness but it is something beyond it. The World Health organization
has defined health as a comprehensive well being i.e. on the physical, mental,
social and spiritual level of an individual. The health is mainly focused on the
sanyams (restraint) on all aspects. These include sanyamas of sharir (body),
Arth (monetary), indriya (senses).

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Sharir Sanyams: it includes the basic need of the body has to be delivered. It
is not going beyond the limits of the body but the sustainable efforts should be
maintained at any cost.
We often feel careless about the sharir, its protection and ignore completely the
consciousness (I). the protection of the body from changing environments,
putting proper clothing as per weather, the toning of the body through regular
exercises, the toning of the physic through regular gym and so on.
Arth Sanyam : the monetary control is also important for sustaining in the
society as too much nectar turns to be poison for life. The monetary resources
if not used under proper protection and guidance will also perished soon and
may have a direct or indirect impact on the body, personality and ultimately for
the society.
God has given us the resources to utilize properly. It should be in the horizon of
the society. The sarva- hitaya bhav (sense of social well being) must be there.
The resources best utilization is also being needed to get the best benefit for
the society must be kept in mind.
Indriya sanyam: the 5 karm indriya, the 5 gyan indriya and the 11 th the mann
(mind), if kept in proper shape then the progress of the self is definite for any
human being on this earth. The problem with the human being is such that in
spite of being the best of the knowledge of the world, he doesnt how to utilize
it in the benefit for all. He just tries to keep all the best available for the self or
little broader for the family. He knows that too much eating is harmful, he
knows too much sex (physical or mental level) is dangerous but still he feels to
indulge in it as much as can. The sanyams are required at definite level.
The man clearly knows that the senses if used in extreme conditions may
exhaust, but he had an impression that these words are for others not for the
self. He still tries to use them as much he can and ultimately the suffering is
there. The health of the person and its impact on the family and society is the

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Human attitude and the body:

Medicine is the solution of all physical problems
The physical problem can be firstly overlook as much one can. When it grows
in shape and size then one tries to suppress it through medicines or local
ways. This regular intake of medicines coverts into chronically diseases and
later the one has to go to hospital or experts to get it done. Occasionally we
find the solutions and aids at the right time and seldom the time looks critical
and it remains just a matter of repent.
Carelessness toward the body:
It looks for some fellows that the caring for them comes at the last priority. The
lack of zeal to deal the body requirements come in the last due to family
reason, personal shyness, carelessness or the ever green reason is time.
This careless develops with the time. Going towards the offices or becoming
late and forgetting the Tiffins, or lunch boxes are the excuse of most of us for
not caring the self. The food habit is really serious for many people. Missing
lunches is the habit of most of us or delayed meal, or eat anything, too much
eating due to stress; these all shows the carelessness toward the body. The
resultant sufferer is the body, the I and ultimately it is a matter of concern;
sometimes the others has to interfere.
Pollution at all level:
The present environment conditions are possessing lots of trouble for common
man. The environment is becoming less sustainable day by day. The air, water,
food all are concerned for common man. The pollution in the air and oxygen
level, the common CO2 problems, the immunity looks at the stake. The water
level impurity is a serious threat. The impure utility items and goods are
available at many levels. The quality of the food is kept at stake in many shops
and business; costing the health of individual and society.
Proper protection of the body @ various levels:

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The body needs care at different level and a clear understanding with the body
pay a lot especially for physical, social and mental growth of an individual.

Ahar vihar; ( food and proper nurturing of body)

Shram ( to take out sweat through exercises, physical work)

Aushadhi ( proper medication when needed)

Asan Pranayama (the physical postures and inhaling exhaling exercise


Sanyams at all level (putting restraint on the body at various levels to

get it done in best shape).

Education (shiksa): the government is much emphasizing on the education

for all. Sarva abhiyan shiksha are the popular words of government
advertisement agencies. Various local bodies, government machinery, NGOs
are putting efforts to keep the shiksha (education) on top of the societal needs.
The education for Girls is the key: still in many areas especially in the
northern India and western UP, Haryana, the rate of getting the girl children
educated is very slow and next to negligible. They all had the mental frame that
the girl has to go to the husbands house, so why to teach her and at what
level. Where are the institution, the fees whereabouts and various social and
financial issues make them to keep the girl at houses and sending them for
higher degrees is next to impossible.
What education provides?
The education can be defined as:

A way to understand and see the life

Way to get the problems done

To find a living sustenance

To enrich the knowledge

To get a status in around society and this list is just endless if we feel so
but for them who feel the education as a menace all these facts are just

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Justice ( nyay) @ every level

Social and individual justice is very important for the life. As an individual the
relation between Human Human relationship, the clear understanding of the
support, fulfillment and adjustment is the story of Nyay ( which was talked
elaborately in the previous chapter.)
Production (Utpadan):
The society also depends fairly on the production of various day to day utility
items, product for the use of individual, family or society. The society has
definite requirements. The needs of the people generate the production. What
to produce and how to produce is the key to get the production under control.
Some things are produced naturally and other need to be got produced. There
are many mills, factories, industries for the sake of production. 24* 7 they are
running their machines all because of giving productions at different level and
The concept of exchange in earlier society:
The most of the societal requirements does being fulfilled by the production by
the one and get it exchanged with others through mutual understanding. The
farmers grow the crop and get it exchanged with the cobbler with a shoe, or a
carpenter with a chair or table in the earlier society concept.
Now in the present scenario the things are more or less the same but the
common factor is the currency. The money through which these things are
supposes to get buy or sale. The rupee is the common criteria for exchanging
everything in national or international market. The gold is used in many parts of
the world for monetary exchanges and currency conversion.
Fair distribution:
If you see the many wars in the world all occurs all because of power, pride
and possession. The mentality of dictating the resources, holding the

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Society on the tip of sword or through mutual understanding is the key behind
all the bureaucratic, democrats mentality. The socialist has the other thought to
fairly distribute the resources among all. Unfortunately the society doesnt
except the socialism and they are confined to certain states in India and some
specific countries.
The distribution of the wealth, power, resources, monetary gains if distributed
evenly in many part of the society then the most of problems can be solved but
the bottom line is what about the local big brothers of society? They never in
favor to get the things out of their hands whether it is a municipal election or
panchayat. The situation is still worse in some part of the society is that the
marriages of the family members are also settled by these societal bosses.
Think of the liberty and freedom of an individual in the democratic country like
India and after the 60 years of the Independence.
A world family concept. (Vasudhev Kutubkam)
The societal problems remain as such if the thought and emotions were not
involved in the really finding a solution. The one family concept, undivided
society, or the Vedic perspective of Vasudhev Kutubkam if not kept in mind
then all the efforts will go in vain.
The societal differences on the name of caste, creed, sex, races are dividing
the strength of the society. The energy which goes on waste in maintaining
these problems can be further channelized in some creative works for the
benefit of the society. It is true that these differences provided bread and butter
for many people like politicians, aristocrats but still feels that society for all not
for some specific breeds.
The Vedic concept was wonderful. The people in the society go through a
regular hierarchy. The dharma sansad or Acharyas (people who are supposing
for doing all the rituals and spiritual upliftment exercise for the society) were
kept at the top. The king or the ruler of the country comes the second, followed
by ministers, then workers, and the people from the society followed them. The

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defined tree of hierarchy works well in the earlier system. The many glorified
kingdom story says more or less that the Vedic society is far more better place
to live in. we also have the search for the similar society and do feel that with
the regular efforts of intelligentsia and the common man mixed efforts will
definitely be achieved.
Search for a better society:
The modern search for a good society seeks to create a great quantity of
social goods and to ensure their equitable distribution. The primary social
goods are conceived as rights and liberties, income and wealth, power and
opportunities, common facilities and services. One can also add the justice,
rule or law, democracy, equality, dignity and rights of individuals are some of
the core human values which form the basis structure of a good society.
The society was very wisely developed by the profounder and professionals
and they have incorporated these beauties in designing a constitutional
scheme for the governance of independent India. However, the search for a
good society and a good life are still a mirage for all. The present society
approach much is based on the virtues and qualities of the past and
incorporating with the current technological and social advancement.
The western approach to the creation of a good society has taken a rather
limited vision of human beings welfare. It just revolves around the body itself. It
ignores deeper level ethical, spiritual and human value dimension of life, which
are essential for the realization of human goodness. If we go through the
Platos words, human being exists merely to provide a theatre for the state
and the market to operate. Therefore, from the human values perspective the
search for a good society has to be carried on much beyond the present
What good society can provide:

The means and the conditions for the physical, mental and material
growth of its members.

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It encourages and inspired individuals to achieve their full human

potential in all its multifaceted dimensions including social and spiritual
well being.

A good society would be a humane society making provisions for a

dignified way of life even to those who are sufferers, who are disabled,
disempowered or handicapped in any way. Such sections would not
have to depend on private charity for their survival.

A good society will not be a law governed society but it would be

governed by higher level ethical and spiritual values. An ethic of universal
love, oneness with all, the friendliness towards all and a sense of
responsibility for everybody can be supported only on an unconditional
acceptance of unity of all human beings.


Society is an organization for cooperative working to seek human

development, through production and distribution of sharable social

The common objective of all society and their social arrangements is to

seek human excellence in all perspectives.

The Modern society emerged as a big player of power and authority for

efficient operation of its varied social, political and economic institutions.

A good society is one which has large quantity of sharable social goods

and equable distributed system in society.

Society must provide space for common human goal. This must have a
definite effort in the field of Health, Education, Justice, Production and

Fair distribution.
The education can be defined as: A way to understand and see the life

or in the light of education to provide basic solution of life.

A good society encourages and inspired individuals to achieve their full
human potential in all its multifaceted dimensions including social and
spiritual well being.

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Explain the society in your own words.

Compare and contrast the modern society with an ideal society.
What are the key factors of an ideal society?
Explain the importance of education in day to day life.
Health, Education, Justice, Production and Fair distribution are the
key properties of a society. Explain the statement in your own words.

Chapter eleven
Harmony with Nature
We often try to define the nature in many ways. The natural serine, the snowy
mountains, the calm sea beach, pleasant climate, the living creatures moving
around the forest and rivers makes us feel better. Hardly one asks from the self
why this natural feel makes us happier, comfortable and cozier. The answer is
simple that the nature is everything that was not made by man. The problem
with the man is that he keeps on altering the creation all because of inner will,
farsightedness or completely foolish attitude. The natural calamities, the worst
atmospheric changes, the drought of natural resources all conveying the same
story of human mind bankruptcy.
Definition of nature:
Wikipedia says that the nature excludes all things that were introduced by
mankind. All those human developments are summarized as culture.
The definition of nature summarizes natural objects, e.g.

Stones, rocks
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animals both common and rare species

plants, trees, flowers, fruits

It also reflects on events in nature like

the wind

the rain

Earthquake, flood, cyclone and other natural calamities.

Human being the king of nature:
God has created the world with his own rules and regulation. The god tries to
govern the world in its own way. Often we find him propelling his vision, orders
and command through various occasions, events sometime favorable and
occasionally uncomfortable. I love to think of nature as an unlimited
broadcasting station, through which God speak to us every hour, if we will only
tune in. just think upon these words of George Washington Carver. What he
really meant is the commands of the God which one can hear but in proper
silence and alignment with nature. There are many stories and suggestion
already appear in the silence of nature, but we seldom try to hear them,
understand them and get rid of many day to day problems.
Famous philosopher Osho says in one of his discourses, Look at the trees,
look at the birds, look at the clouds, look at the stars... and if you have eyes
you will be able to see that the whole existence is joyful. Everything is simply
happy. Trees are happy for no reason; they are not going to become prime
ministers or presidents and they are not going to become rich and they will
never have any bank balance. Look at the flowers - for no reason. It is simply
unbelievable how happy flowers are.
Nature always smiles in whatever the conditions. Earth is so large, that even if
human being thinks to destroy the self and all the species on this earth, there
will still be nature. The soil, oceans, atmosphere and weather would still
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interact with solar power to allow some life to exist. The panch bhutta ( 5 basic
elements air, water, earth, fire and sky are always there for the nature to get
back in shape even after the major distruction.
Various orders in nature:
The nature is everywhere. Look at the mountains, the sky, the river, deep sea,
the pleasant waves, the mineral, the ores, the element all says a story we are
in natural shape and always remain in nature. The basic orders in nature are

Padarth (objects)

Vanaspati (plant, trees, flowers, fruits)

Jantu (animals)

Jeev (human being)

Let us try to look at one by one. The padarth (objects) spread over everywhere
in the earth, stars, planet etc,. The elements of chemistry, the ores, minerals,
and the surface of the earth, sea, mountain and rivers are nothing but padarth.
The Vanspati includes the soil, the herbs, plants, trees, forest along with the
flora in the deep ocean.
The jantu came into third position which comprises of animals and birds. They
are numerous in nature and various in varieties spread over along the earth
surface, below and above the earth. The Jeev (human being) comes into the
last order all because of his thinking power. He governs the entire nature all
due to gyan avastha. He can think, contemplate and visualize the things which
are there and may be something yet to exist. His creation, innovation and R&D
make him superior of all but this progress is still an alarm for the human

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Relationship among the constituents in right order

a. Padarth and Jeev
The Padarth (object) has spread everywhere on earth. The ores of iron,
manganese, copper and many more are spread upon everywhere. It has a
definite relation with all the Jeevs (the living beings). The human being wisely
among all creatures has used these objects to get his life comfortable. The
various empires of steel, copper, aluminum shows that many millionaires have
earn money by these natural resources.
The human exploration of sky, the sun, the moon and different astronomical
bodies shows the expertise of human being over nature. The Google earth, sky
and the water all can be seen from just a mouse click. So in short one can say
that the object has been developed to be used by human being.

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The over excess usage of objects:

The human greed and pride has

changing the balance between the padarth and jeev. The jeev is keep on
exceeding in number and the objects are just becoming lesser day by day. The
situation will become worsen as the situation will reach up to an extent where
the rationing of the ores and the natural resources will be like the utility items.
b. Vanaspati, Jeev and Jantu
The Vanspati includes the soil, the herbs, plants, trees, forest along with the
flora in the deep ocean. This can be called as a vital source of energy and food
for many jantu (creatures on and off the shore). The vanaspati (greenery)
around the living plant is directly proportional to the life on the earth. More the
vanaspati the better the living conditions for all creatures and vice versa.

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The creatures on this earth are having a tendency that they newer accumulate
except the human being (the worst one who accumulate everything
irrespective of being needed or not) resulting an imbalance in the life cycle of
earth. The animals residing in the sea easily enjoys the flora whereas the
creatures living on the earth having trees, flowers, fruits for their sustenance.
The greenery and forests helps the creatures to live in easily and now the
situation is just being changed with a hit on ecological balance.
The cutting up of green trees, the forest fires, the water dryness in the forest
ponds and river is just an alarming conditions where the jantu has to look after
the alternatives to sustain its life.

c. Padarth, vanaspathi, jeev and jantu

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Looking the conditions on the earth, the life cycle only sustain when all its
ingredients are in harmony i.e. Padarth, jeev, jantu and vanspati. This is also
being worked out as an ecological balance. The earth has changed shape
many times as history shows out. In most of the cases these disturbance were
designed by human beings. The exploitation of the resources, the excess
utilization of the floura and fauna and killing the other living creatures for the
taste has created many times sad story for this living planet earth.
John Muir (1838-1914), One of the most famous and influential naturalist of
America has very rightly said,"God has cared for these trees, saved them from
drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he
cannot save them from fools".

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Some sad stories of the ecosystem:

Deforestation in Brazil
Between May 2000 and August 2006, Brazil lost nearly 150,000 square
kilometers of forestan area larger than Greeceand since 1970, over
600,000 square kilometers (232,000 square miles) of Amazon rainforest has
been destroyed. Why is Brazil losing so much forest? 60-70 percent of
deforestation in the Amazon results from cattle ranches while the rest mostly
results from small-scale subsistence agriculture. Despite the widespread press
attention, large-scale farming (i.e. soybeans) currently contributes relatively
little to total deforestation in the Amazon. Most soybean cultivation takes place
outside the rainforest in the neighboring Cerrado grassland ecosystem and in
areas that have already been cleared.
Big Cities like Delhi dying a slow death: by Arvind K
Pandey April 26, 2009
The big cities have fallen prey to the mens short-sightedness.
We seem to have bid adieu to environmental concerns in a
mad rush to stuff them with so-called glorious achievements of
the modern times. Even the beautification attempts involve the
large -scale denial of ecological balance. Delhis messy situation is hardly
different from the chaos and confusion prevailing in any other major city of the
The uninterrupted flow of industrial waste into Yamuna has nearly wiped out its
existence in Delhi. Though vehicular emission is polluting the air with each
passing day, the number of vehicles plying on the roads has been steadily
increasing. The problem with us is that we have become used to lateawakening. More often than not it takes place when solutions to the pertaining
problem lose relevance.

Will humankind need two planets in the coming decades?

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According to the WWF Living Planet Report 2008, which warns that humanity
is consuming the resources provided by Earths natural systems much too fast
and Humankind will need two planets by 2030 to keep up with its demands for
goods and to make space for surging populations.
Reasons behind ecological imbalance:

Nuclear Inventions, wars

Over fishing and exploitation of living creatures

Hunting and killing many rare species

Improper use of nonrenewable resources

Cutting down the jungles

Chemical waste left in the sea

These all things have affected not only humans but all the living beings on the
Alarming fact:

99% of threatened species are at risk from human activities.

Habitat loss and degradation are the leading threats. They affect 86% of
all threatened birds, 86% of the threatened mammals assessed and
88% of the threatened amphibians.

Introductions of alien species. Some of the worst include cats and rats,
green crabs, zebra mussels, the African tulip tree and the brown tree

Over-exploitation. Resource extraction, hunting, and fishing for food,

pets, and medicine threatens many species.

Pollution and diseases.

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Human-induced climate change is increasingly recognized as a crucial

threat. Climate change is altering migratory species patterns, causing
coral bleaching, etc.

The year 2010 is announced as the year of Biodiversity but who knows how
much impact it will made on the world ecological balance is yet to
Human Nature:
The human being gifted with a beautiful brain proved to be best in the world is
unfortunately unpredictable in nature. Even the god cant predict his next step.
The human nature is of many types like introvert, extrovert, calm, lousy, slow
starter, too quick, humble, and violent and many more superlatives can be
added in this list.
One can look after the temperament traits it will be major classified into four
1. Extroversion
2. Directness
3. Pace
4. Structure
Extroversion - They are mostly people oriented and believe in teamwork
Extroverted people are talkative, friendly and outgoing. They love to talk.
They have an influential style of communication. They're most creative
when working with others, they love being the part of the team.
Some characteristics of Extroversion are

Out-going, friendly, cheerful.

Talkative, fluent communicators.

They like people a lot and want to be liked in return.

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Usually are enthusiastic and pleasant.

Like to develop people, build organization.

Get things accomplished through people.

Know lots of people.

Like teamwork, will involve people.

Introvert people will have characters like -

They will be private.

Use lesser words.

Can be abrupt under pressure.

Sometimes shy.

They like people but then not a big group.

They basically prefer a one on one.

Also think that extrovert people should use fewer words.

Like to have time alone to think and make decisions / plan / organize.

Directness: People having dominant temperament trait. They're the ones

who take charge and want others to follow them. They have a direct style of
communication however sometimes there direct style can be
misunderstood as criticism, because they have the habit of saying all that is
going on their mind directly.

Some characteristics of Directness are

They act on their environment rather than reacting to it.

They are adventurous.

Naturally self confident.

High ego people.

Hard-driving and influential.

They are truthful which others may take as criticism.

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They are highly confident then others.

Will do things only when they will see any result in it.

Indirectness peoples are just opposite to directness are


Non-aggressive and unapproachable.

Appreciate support in decision making.

He / She often is modest.

Mostly humble and sort of reserved.

The Pace trait: The focus of the Paced person is on timing, harmony and
cooperation. Paced people appear laid back, relaxed and easy going. They
don't rush. They just move along in a smooth, under control manner. They
hate to put under pressure therefore they naturally tends to avoid
pressuring others. They are generally very helpful.
Some characteristics of Pace are:

Appear cool, calm and controlled under pressure.

Appear stable, emotionally adjusted, in harmony with the world.

Determined people.

Noted for persistence and cooperation.

Dependable and reliable.

Do not like to be rushed at the last minute ... plan ahead.

Inclined to make every move count.

Noted for good memory and being a good listener.

People having slow Pace usually have the tendencies like:

Usually feel that they don't have enough time ... hate to wait in line.

Cannot stand routine.

Have a great sense of urgency to get things accomplished.

Often rushing at the last minute.

Often not a very good listener.

Difficult to relate to the High PACE people when under time pressure.

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Structure: The focus of the structured person is on being right and doing
the right thing. The people that you know who are careful, precise &
perfectionists ... they're Structured. They can oppose to change, not
because the change isn't good but because they need some time to be
SURE that its good. They need to gather facts and do the research before
making a decision. They ask a lot of questions. They like to check and recheck. they like to be right!
Distinguish characteristics are

They Hate to make mistakes.

Will double check themselves and others.

Naturally good organizers.

Keep things together in the company.

Usually careful, accurate, precise.

Are very loyal and mostly to the circle of structure.

Naturally good with details.

For all there is always a right way and a wrong way however for them
there is only one way and that is the right way.

Quality oriented.

Appreciate knowing the rules, expectations and instructions. Go by set


Characteristics of Unstructured are:

Dislikes details and will try to delegate them to others when possible.

Independent and Flexible.

Big picture people, they don't take a step by step view.

Can adjust the rules / system to accomplish the goal.

Hates having anyone look over his/her shoulder.

In spite of these major traits there is many more in nature. The shyness,
aggressiveness, the humble, the violent, the friendly, the miser and many more
can be added in the list.

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Contrast with Animal nature:

Have you seen animals rationing their food for tomorrow?
Have you seen animals to go to the outlets and trying Armani, John Miller
or Raymonds?
How often you see animals spending large amounts of time in "colleges"
taking classes so that they can get the best employed.
Animals don't waste their time in trying to comb their hair, or talking about
what other animals are wearing and family gossips.
Animals don't spend time in criticizing the other animals, they simply live to
fulfill their needs.
Most animals don't have sex as an entertainment. They take it as a physical
Animals are competitive, but their drives are focused on basic need i.e.
Food, water, shelter, hygiene.
Animals are violent and aggressive in nature but still they maintain harmony
with the nature.
Human being and nature
The human being is called as the boss of the world. The more humble,
systematic and structures he lives it will be good for the nature as well as for
the other species also. It will be good for the plants, trees and the flora and
fauna. The natural resources if used in best utility way then they will last long
and will be helpful for human growth.
The Natural environment used for the living world as

a resource for food supply

an energy source

a source for recreation

a major source of medicines

natural resources for industrial products

The expansion of human activities into the natural environment is resulting into

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o urbanization
o industrialization
o Reduction and fragmentation of habitats and landscapes
o Loss of Species of Fauna and Flora
Expectation from human being
Sensible Agriculture
The whole world is suffering from the modern agriculture and resulting into the
loss of much wildlife and their habitats. The drainage of wetlands, the
destruction of hedgerows and the intensive use of fertilizers and pesticides can
all pose a threat to wildlife.

Increased production per hectare in intensive

areas, rising of livestock volume, and lower prices for agricultural products also
caused marginalization of agricultural land worsening the situation. It is
expected from human being to use the land in proper and matured way so as
to give space for other species also.
Conserve Energy
Energy resources have direct impact on the nature. If they had been used in
the proper fashion and utility the world have not cried like today. Generating
energy from any source involves making the choices between impacts and
how far those impacts can be tolerated at the global and national scale. It is
rather importance for nuclear power, where there are significant risks of
radioactive pollution such as at Chernobyl and Bhopal gas tragedy.
The world is looking for alternative sources for energy as the natural energy
resources are drying up. The crisis of fuel and its ownership is creating lots of
trouble in the world scenario and even if the wars. The human being is
expected to look for the other resources like solar energy, LED lights so as to
conserve the regular energy resources.
Controlled Forestry
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The forests are disappearing up from the world map and being replaced by
concrete jungles. The economic sector forestry has also impacted severely on
the naturalness of global forests i.e. soils have been drained, pesticides and
fertilizers applied, and exotic species planted. The forest fires are the serious
threats not for the environment but for the species especially residing in the
forest areas. Many cases are in news when the animal supposed to reside in
the forest are moving and creating troubles in the human society.
Harmonized Industries
The industries are the back bone of any nation progress. Unfortunately almost
all forms of industry have an impact on the natural environment and its
sustainability. The impact varies upon the life cycle of a product, the raw
materials used through to the final end product, re-use or recycling. Industrial
accidents and war damage to industrial plants can also endanger the natural
environment. The industry must grow in keeping the forest and other natural
resources in concerned.
Tourism and Recreation
Tourism and recreation impact in various ways on the natural environment. On
the one hand, natural area forms the very basis of many touristic attractions by
highlighting scenic value or exceptional encounters with fauna and flora.
However, some forms of tourism can be extremely detrimental to ecologically
sensitive areas, resulting in habitat degeneration or destruction, in the
disturbance or hunting even rare or threatened species.
The nature can provide tourism as bread and butter for some of the human
beings if they use it in proper fashion. The countries like Malaysia, Singapore
and Mauritius are developed on the tourism only. So in all with recreation the
earning can also be possible if the human being use the nature in best of the
health and wealth.

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Nature always smiles in whatever the conditions. Earth is so large, that

even if human being thinks to destroy the self and all the species on this

earth, there will still be nature.

The basic orders in nature are Padarth (objects), Vanaspati (plant, trees,

flowers, fruits), Jantu (animals), Jeev (human being)

The exploitation of the resources, the excess utilization of the floura and
fauna and killing the other living creatures for the taste has created

many times sad story for this living planet earth.

The human nature is of many types like introvert, extrovert, calm, lousy,

slow starter, too quick, humble, and violent.

The natural resources if used in best utility way then they will last long
and will be helpful for human growth.

1. Living with the nature is the need of the hour. Comments on this
statement in your own words.
2. Explain the basic orders of nature in detail.
3. Human nature is most unpredictable in nature even the God cant
predict his next stage. Explain this proverb in detail.
4. Describe the various types of human nature with suitable examples.
5. Human growth is directly dependent on the natural resources. Express
your view in detail.

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Chapter Twelve
Harmony with cosmos and concept of existence
Introduction to space
The professor of physics will elaborate the space in its own way where as a
psychologist has another perception of Kants but the bottom line is that we all
need space. Whether the human being or the padarth (object), the jantu
(creatures) or the vanspathi (trees, herbs etc.) all need space to grow and rise.
It is hardly matter in which format or area we require but the absoluteness is
that we need ample space.
According to scientists, it is three dimensional areas which have length,
breadth and height. If you look out your house it is your space. Even inside
your house, you have your personal room, it is your space. When you go to
cafeteria and look to sit somewhere, and when it is found, it is another space.
Sitting in your class regularly you always tries to grab it, it is also space. If you
look around the small creatures to the big sharks in the sea, all needs space to
As per Wikipedia, Space can be defined as the boundless, three dimensional
extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and
direction. Physical space is often conceived in three linear dimensions,

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although modern physicists usually consider it, with time, to be part of the
boundless four-dimensional continuum known as space-time. In mathematics
one examines 'spaces' with different numbers of dimensions and with different
underlying structures.
As Kants states, Space is not something objective and real, nor a substance,
nor an accident, nor a relation; instead, it is subjective and ideal, and
originates from the minds nature in accord with a stable law as a scheme, as
it were, for coordinating everything externally.



Is space real or is it ideal:
*One may find this question rather puzzling that is this space real? If it is real
then why it is a riddle for mind? Just look around your house is the four walls
of concrete create a space? Then what about the glass of milk half filled. We
usually say it is half filled with air. Then where is the space for making the air
inside a glass.
The space looks ideal in some sense also. Just look at the plots of the land,
they lay ideal in state but still they occupy space and one says with pride that I
own this space. One can ask whether it is an individual substance or the

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property of another substance. It looks as a dependent relation with the object

or it is independent in nature; there are many question arise with the space.
Concept of time with space:

Time the fourth dimension of space

Scientist says that, the time is the fourth dimension of space. It is true in the
sense but first of all we must know what time is. We usually complain we are
busy and we dont have spare time. The question arises whether the time is a
dependent object of human being or independent of all the activities? Just
remember on many occasions, particularly during examination you set your
mental clock to wake up at a particular time and you get up exactly on the
desired time or a few minutes before that. Where is this mental clock, it is in
space or just purely in unconscious mind. Some may call it a merely
coincidence. Have you ever seen the dog putting on a watch? How often you
have seen the cock in the house look at the wall clock whether it is the time of
sunrise or not.
The answer is simple that non-human beings do not cognize the time as we
human being does. That is why; they fail to react to time, in contrast to man's
conscious and deliberate response to change in the space around. Many of the
routine activities of animals, which seem to have on time result from there
unconscious mind, built-in, biological instincts, or from acquired conditioned
but not from their conscious awareness of the flow of time.

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Space four dimensions



Wikipedia says that the Time is an essential part of the measuring system
used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals
between them, and to quantify the motions of objects. Think of a situation
when you suddenly wake up from a dream at night in the dark, you cannot
distinguish the time, unless you look on the clock lying beside your bed, or
coming out in the clear sky and see the position of heavenly bodies in the night
sky and realize that it was just a night dream and nothing more than that.
During the day hours, in the absence of a watch, one can easily approximate
the time - and continually reminded of time - by the changing position of the
Sun, or by the length and direction of the sun's shadows around his own body.
Just imagine the case when you are in deep sleep and you are not aware of

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the changing situation whether the sun rises or moon goes down. This state of
absolute calmness and during deep sleep, there is no time at all.
This gives a wonderful definition of the time as, Conscious awareness of
change is time. This states that if you are aware of the situation and in the
conscious state then the time factor may apply on you irrespective of whether
you are living being or non living being. In other words the time is an observed
phenomenon, by means of which human beings sense and record changes in
the environment and in the cosmos.
If one thinks of the time in the context of Physics then from the age of Newton
to Einstein, all reinterpretation of the physical concept associated with time and
space, the time was considered to be "absolute" and to flow "equably" for all
observers. The science of classical mechanics is based on this Newtonian idea
of time.
As per the sociology and anthropology, time discipline is the name given to
customs, conventions, social and economic rules governing the measurement
of time and people's expectations concerning the observance of these customs
by others.
Relation between Living being (both jantu & jeev) and space:
Living beings are always closely related with space. The Charles Darwin
statement of the survival for the fittest easily profound the theory of space is
not available in coffee house. It is the right but one has to fight for it and hold it
as there is every time the possibility of intrusion.
Living being used the space on around the earth and in the water in the best
possible way. The living being resides in the ocean or water arrange
themselves in an order that the other can also fit in. On the earth even in the
forest the herbivorous and carnivorous all are accommodating themselves in a
harmonize way. We hardly heard about any communal right or anarchy in the

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forest. The muscle game is definitely there as this is nothing but the survival for
the fittest. The big fish always in a catch to get hold of small fish and this is
how the entire world goes on.
The padarth or objects are no more exceptions. They also have been provided
the ample space in and around natural resources. The mountains, rivers, sea
shores, the valley etc., all welcome them with open hands. The human being
used to explore them in one way or other in order to fulfill his need; otherwise
they all are lying here and there in a systematic manner. The living planet the
earth is making all adjustment for all the matters, living and non living beings.
The different states of Jeev and Space
If one tries to compare the jeev (living being) with the space there are many
issues on which them differ and still in one sense all are dependent of each
other. The jeev cannot live without space and the existence of the space is
hardly matter in absence of the jeev.

State of Jeev :
State of space
Jeev needs limited space for his It is unlimited in nature or rather it

provides space for all to accommodate

Jeev is always active and newer lays Space is inactive and lays aside in
aside in silence state. Even in the complete silence. There is absolute no
silence state the unconscious mind is disturbance unless been created by the
always working.






dependent on it.
The Jeev is full of energy which Space seems to be constant. The
makes him to move here and there uniformity is being maintained in every
and do the needful work.

perspective. Its universal attitude is

The energy level changes with the There is no condition of the energy low

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time frame and it needs to be charged or high. It is constant in nature and do

time and again either by food or any not require recharge.
other forms of energy.
The Jeev moving around in the world The space is organized by the external
needs to be organized by itself. The world. There is no self definition or
relationship of the Jeev with the rest command over the organize structure, it
of the world keeps on changing and it all comes out from the dependency on







its the other factor.


Limited and unlimited
We often say that, The sky is the limit and try to conquer the world. It is true
that it is merely a metaphor to achieve excellence and occasionally an
inspiration to get the best out of the self. But one thing is questionable, how
much does we need, to live comfortably? The answer may vary from person to
person. People living on the bank of rivers hardly care for water, whereas the
same water is precious for the people living in desert or on hill areas.
The food which we eat has variety and taste. We eat, at least five to six dishes
in a day but look around the conditions in Somalia or Ethiopia or any other
backward country where the people had hardly to eat. We have a lot of
selection in wearing dresses, putting on the shoes etc., all because we have
options and we can afford it but look on the other side of the wall where there
are some who hardly had the sufficient clothes to cover themselves, wearing
half torn sleepers but still they live and survive.
The reason for putting all this is to make a better understanding that as a
human being what is being expected from us? We are supposed to live rightly
and show the righteous ways to others. To maintain the law and order in
accordance to the nature is second responsibility. We have endless list of
resources but if we keep on exploiting them then there will be a doom day. This
limited and unlimited debate has to be tackle in accordance with the biological

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balance. The jeev has to understand his limit and to work under the unlimited
Activity and no activity:
The space resides in silence and maintains the equilibrium with nature. We the
human being move here and there and tries to maintain the world in our own
way. There is no harm in using the brain by making new invention or by doing
scientific researches for the welfare of the mankind but still one thing is
questionable who has created this world? What about the earth existence if
therere too many activities around. The control or governance of these earthly
matters will be supervised by whom, the human being who is creating all sorts
of troubles or the other living and non living creatures who are committed to
maintain biological balance in nature.
Energy equilibrium
The energy is always an asset for human being progress. We all know it but
newer tries to follow it. We need energy for the luxury and comfort. We often
feel happy in misusing the available energy resources. The oil resources, the
power sector, the windmills, the turmoil are working in one direction to provide
regular input of energy for the comfort of human being. It is least concerned
that in order to provide more and more energy the ecological balance is just
under stake.
The ever increasing deforestation, too much oil extraction all is making serious
impact on ecological imbalance. The proper utilization of energy is being
expected from human being. The energy resources are limited and will be
easily vanish if they are not used in proper utility. We must be careful and
sincere efforts are needed to maintain this energy equilibrium.
Organizing and self organizing
To organize self is the need of hour for all of us. The psychology says we
hardly try to show our real face to the society. We hide it behind our persona.
Do you know why? The answer is very simple we are not organized,

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channelized and systematic in nature. The flow of life is not at there. That is
why we are hiding our individuality behind the shades and moods of life. The
nature, the space and the other living beings needs to be organized by the
external identities because of their less developed brain but for us there is no
We know that this is our life. We try to govern it in our own way then why to
blame others for the mistake which we are committing on regular basis. The
self organizing structure is being taught in the Institutions, there are many
books and journals on this particular topic but still the story is same. To arrange
the self in best of order is being expected from the human being.
Existence and co existence jad( non living) or chetan (living)
We do live on this earth. Just look around and try to find your existence on this
cosmos. There is a cosmos under which is the milky way, followed by the
earth, in which is a country, then a state, following by a city in which we hold a
small house and out of which we use a room. Do we ever think that how much
space we need to live on this earth? Just compare yourself with our milky way,
the ratio will come in nano-pixel and still we cry for existence. We are here; is
this not enough. The existence and co existence must be rightly understood by
all. The common saying jiyo aur Jino do, literally means live and do other also
live in proper order.
We are chetan means living being and the others which are in this world are
non living beings is not true. They are non living beings (jad) that doesnt
means they dont have the right to live on this earth. In other words the chetan
is to dominate the jad is also incorrect. The both entities are equally important
on this earth. Think of the situation when there will be no mountain, no trees,
no rocks, no season, and no sea shore, how will be the life. It is just next to
impossible to sustain rather. So the important thing is to give equal importance
to living and non living member on this earth.
Human being role in existence:

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The human existence is highly associated with the earth existence. The deep
rooted human existence is the base of the entire species in and around earth.
The physical and mental ability, the high efforts and magnitude makes the man
supremo above the other species on earth.
The human being is being honored as the prince of God. The wisest creature
on the living planet earth is supposed to care the world in harmonized and
systematic way. The role is clearly defined now the thing is to act accordingly. It
is the matter of not making a big mouth but a small but definite step of action.
The earliest the efforts, better the living conditions on the living planet earth.
The basic qualities which are expected from human being are as follows:

Samprabhuta (governing the all): it is true that the human

samprabhuta is already defined and in the near future no other species
is going to challenge him. This doesnt means that the human being
should not act accordingly with nature. If he has to govern the world
then the leadership must be in cohesion with nature.

Tartamyata (harmony with all): the human being is expected to be in

complete harmony with all the living creatures in around the earth, sea
and sky. The definite bonding with all the creatures will make him to
progress strongly along with the other living creatures.

Manviyata (humanity): the human being is expected to follow the basic

human nature i.e. live and other live. The human being is supposed to
care the other living beings and should not try to harm for his existence.

Samvedana (compassion): the human being is supposed to have the

samvedana for all the creatures and species. The rare species or near
to extinct creatures must be cared properly in accordance with the
nature so that they can sustain themselves along with other creatures.

Development of the human body, mind and soul

The human being is the wonderful creature on the earth having a perfect
developed mind, a strong body and a perfect soul. Unfortunately the human
being rarely used them in solidity so as to become a perfect human being. The
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human being with a strong body, calm mind and blessed soul is being
expected from all of us but it is rather unfortunate we emphasize on the body
itself and the mind and soul are ignored.
The superficial furnishing of the external body is always on priority. To protect it
from external exposure, to make it sober and beautiful, the lots of expense are
being made on beauty parlors and saloons. The branded clothes, the jewelry to
decorate, the perfume for the odour, all sings the glory of body. It is purely a
business to decorate the self i.e. confined with the body. Rarely have we made
any efforts to get into it and look for the state of mind and soul.
The mind is somewhat trained into the institutional segment to be a perfect
professional. The subjective knowledge makes a person to be in condition to
earn his bread and butter. The basic fundamental of mathematical formulation
will be used to complicate the simple life. The basic formulas of the physics are
used to transform the life into algorithms. The chemistry learnt so far resultant
into the organic structure and bonding of life. It all looks mess up when you talk
to a young graduate, Boss what have you thought of the future? Many say we
havent decided yet? When the time come we will think and as many answer
we can easily find. The problem is that the mind is trained into one direction i.e.
to earn money, to become famous and to achieve luxury in life. All the
permutations and combinations are in accordance with this only objective.
Forget about the soul. We are not able to concentrate on mind itself. The soul
lying helpless inside the body looks like an old nanny of old home. It is like a
grand parent who seldom found a day with their own kids to become happy
with little rare pleasures and then there is a deep silence. Just check yourself
how many times in a month or in a year do you listen to your voice of soul. We
hardly try to hear it and the action according; just forgot it. This is the real
picture of the soul.
If one looks into the soul rightly there lies the immense treasure, which is yet to
be explored. The power of understanding the other mind, the knowledge of the

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body, mind and the soul is the key areas if focused on the soul; it can be
proved as a touch stone.
The Rishis (seers) had a perfect vision. The Rishi Pantanjali rightly described
the concept of mind, body and soul relation in Patanjali yog sutras. The
piousness of the body, the calmness of the mind and the purity of the soul can
be easily achieved through regular practice and performing certain sadhanas
(spiritual exercises). If one has to achieve excellence in the field of life then
one must know the concept of scientific spirituality. The spiritual practices, its
scientific & practical implementation will produce a wonderful human being, a
perfect family member and a better citizen,.
Nature jounery of anu to vibhu (Micro cosmos to macro cosmos)
The science has proved that the life is based on certain activities. The activities
are based on perception, knowledge and action. When these three goes in
hand to hand the life looks simple, sober and cheerful and in absence of any
one of them the same life looks drastic and hard to live. The science has highly
supported the potentiality of the body. The basic human structure consists of
pancha tatava which are also located in around the world. The 5 content
creates the five sheaths in human being, the 5 koshas in the body. The anu
(body) looks a small but mirror image of the vibhu (world). The micro cosmos
which lies in the human body is the miniature of the macro cosmos i.e. the
Just look around the macro cosmos, one will find many heavenly bodies,
terrestrial bodies and the creatures which may or may not been seen by
human being. They are still the part of the macro cosmos irrespective of our
recognition. In other words there are certain objects in this macro cosmos
which are yet to be explored. It is a challenge for human brain to solve the
macro cosmos mystery soon. This can be started from the micro cosmos i.e
easy and approachable.

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The human mind is sharp, always curious to know this and that and tries to find
out the new paths and horizon for the human success. The glory of human
mind is noteworthy. The inventions and new finding has shown the path of our
great success but the work is not yet over. The much has been left out to be
done so as to get the perfect life of human being. Lets hope with the
cumulative efforts and endeavors this can also be achieved soon.


Space can be defined as the boundless, three dimensional extent in

which objects and events occur and have relative position and

The non-human beings do not cognize the time as we human being
does. That is why; they fail to react to time, in contrast to man's

conscious and deliberate response to change in the space around.

The time is an observed phenomenon, by means of which human
beings sense and record changes in the environment and in the

The big fish always in a catch to get hold of small fish and this is how

the entire world goes on.

The human beings are supposed to live rightly and show the righteous
ways to others. To maintain the law and order in accordance to the

nature is our second responsibility.

The oil resources, the power sector, the windmills, the turmoil are
working in one direction to provide regular input of energy for the

comfort of human being.

The existence and co existence must be rightly understood by all. The
common saying jiyo aur Jino do, literally means live and do other also

live in proper order.

The piousness of the body, the calmness of the mind and the purity of
the soul can be easily achieved through regular practice and performing

certain sadhanas (spiritual exercises).

The micro cosmos which lies in the human body is the miniature of the
macro cosmos i.e. the universe.

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1. Define the space in your words.
2. What is time? Why the time factor is not important for other living and
non living beings on earth?
3. Differentiate between the living beings and the space.
4. Nature expects us to live in harmony with all living and non living beings.
State whether you agree this statement or not? If yes then why?
5. What are spiritual practices? Does they have any impact on life, if yes
then provide suitable example.
6. Explain the concept of journey from micro cosmos to macro cosmos.

Section III
Righteous Understanding of professional ethics

The section contains

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Basic of universal human values and ethical human conduct

Holistic alternative towards universal human order

Professional ethics a complete overview

Holistic approach towards life style the road ahead

Chapter thirteen
Basic of universal human values and ethical human conduct
The previous section provides us the better understanding of the self with the
entire cosmos. The firstly we understood the concept of harmony in every
dimension of the personality. What am I? what for am I? The question finds the
regular answers and this enhance our knowledge regarding the self. The
difference between the self with I is distinguished for better functioning in day
to day life. The Thyself is to be in better coordination with the family i.e. the
basic unit of society. When this relationship is better established it makes a
definite impact on the society. The society provides the better perceptive to the
human being in all social dimensions i.e. personal, social, economical, legal,
and ethical etc.
The better understanding of the human being with the nature is the need of the
hour. The voices from the different part of the world are urging for the
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protection of the nature. The issue of global warming is heating our mental
temperature now and then. The natural resources and alternative energy
resources has been constantly under surveillance for betterment of the society.
The existence of the human being is very critical in nature now. The basic
relation of human being with the entire cosmos is deeply emphasized and the
concept of existence i.e. live and let other live is theoretically understood by all.
This segment will provide the righteous understanding of the universal human
values and their implication in day to day life.
What is needed is practical approach:
The Gates rightly quoted that there is an ocean of knowledge in this world,
what is being required is the small drop of practical implementation. It is
virtually very true. The man who is a knowledge structure of all sorts of worldly
mundane activities must possess the knowledge of how to life in the harmony
with the different other living beings, nature and at the most with other human
beings. We may have the theoretical knowledge of making a chapatti but it all
looks mess up when we do the practical. A small effort of diving can make us a
better swimmer rather than sitting besides the ocean and taking bath with a
tumbler. So in all the spirit of learning has to be maintained if become
successful in life. The self exploration is the key of the success. The practical
experience which will emerge from furnishing a task will make you different
from others who hardly had the theoretical knowledge.
Values in different dimension of human living
When you look around yourself, you may find the world full of values.
Remember we are always in search of valuable things in around. It is
immaterial what we meant by valuable things. Some look for gold, jewelry, big
houses, cars and materialistic approach. Contrary the others may be in quest
for the basic values in life like honesty, responsibility, peace of mind etc. The
values are nothing but the basic principles of life. If you follow them they are
going to supplement the life and vice versa. The jeevan mulya are the basic
elements of the life. The life cannot sustain if they are missing from life. The
sukh, shanti, anand and santosh are the valuable things which everyone looks
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for. Some are bit lucky to have them in one shot whereas the others may go
around the world.
The manviya mulya are the characteristics which may or may not be there, but
one thing is sure that everyone is being supplemented with these ornamental
values more or less. The beauty lies when these ornamental values transform
into the personality and one become ideal for the self, family and in large for
the society. The people keep on making to him in search of peace, prosperity
and solution to the problems. We often called them saint, savant, prophet or
The stapitya mulya and stithya mulya basically differ in the sense where as one
is the established values and other are expressed values. They both are
important in the global sense. The more the quantity of these values the better
the person you are. The keep on accumulating principles works over here.
The trust on others is vital for life. The affection towards the other is the key of
the success, the care for ill, old and children are important, the guidance to the
needy is the pious work. We all know it but hardly try to practice. Whenever we
had this opportunity we just try to miss the bus. It is not because that we do not
want to do the charity but it looks so that we are afraid of. We had been born
and bought up in the environment where charity is for the old age only.
It is harsh but true that there is no age limit for charity. Just turn around the
pages of many successful legends, they had the charity right from the starting
of the life. What is being required is to keep the pace on; the whole world is
waiting for such blessed souls, who have the zeal to serve the world in one
way or other. Why not we become one of them and had the glory and pride
under our belt.
Universal values emerging from the natural understanding
The values emerge from the inner consciousness and have the impact on the
outer persona. We do find at many occasions that the person which we have
seen few months back suddenly turn out into a new Avatara. The way of his
talking, walking and presenting the self is being changed. We feel curious and
try to find the reason and when it appears i.e. the basic values, we feel there is

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nothing new in it. We all knew it from years but the difference is that it is hardly
being practiced in life.
Universal values are no more exceptions; they had been originated in such a
way that they had the acceptance on the global front. The truth became the
standard ISO 9000 globally; it is not going to change whether it is being
practiced by a Jew or Christian, Hindu or Muslim. The universal values are true
in nature. They had been in this world for the betterment of all irrespective of
caste, creed, race and sex.

How the universal values can be generated?

The world remains as it is for decades. Suddenly the power to capture,
conquer and to rule the world emerges from somewhere and tries to shake the
world. Sometimes when it succeeds, it makes a deep impact on the entire
humanity. The Napoleon, Hitler, Saddam and many more in the list which will
remain in memory for their in-human activities and behavior. Surprisingly the
world is not ruled by muscle power by decade. The world is being governed by
love, affection and the basic principles of life. The universal values come to the
surface for the betterment of the society, for the worldly peace and prosperity. If
one tries to look into these values they cannot be adapted if fear is there. The
fear (bhay) cannot enforce them to be adapted. These values cannot be
imposed through greed (lobh) and not being compelled through blind faith
(andh shradha).
These values are natural in nature and blossom only when there is no fear, no
imposition or enforcement. The freshness of the flowers remains when it is in
natural condition. The artificial condition will make the flower fresh but without
natural fragrance. It is so with the universal values which can be accumulated
through self exploration.
Human conduct is it real humananess?
We often blame the ill traits of the society. If one looks the daily newspaper or
TV channel there will be many stories which makes us to think twice whether
we are living in the human society or not. The question is why we need the

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lessons of ethics and moral values. The values which are in our nerves, bloods
and vain, right from the birth or call it hereditary as Bharat vanshi does really
need a lesson of moral ethics. Ethics is the treasury which we feel proud, and
we do seldom said that the Indian culture has shown the world the torch of
knowledge. Do these honorable citizens of Indian society have forgotten to
switch on the light of this torch or they have focused everything on the world
and look so forgotten the basics and lost the glaze and glamour in the extreme
The defectiveness in human conduct is emerging as a serious threat for the
humanity. Let us try to scrutinize them one by one in detail so that they can be
checked up to a level.

Values (mulya): they are basic part of the society. When they emerge in
general the society is on the peak and when they felt weak in the nerves of the
society, the sinkness of the society is very near. The values as we have gone
through in detail in the section I generates a direct impact in the society. We
rather complaint in the todays society that the ethics are missing, the values
are disappearing and so is the impact. The arson, intolerance, greed,
unhappiness, fear, unsafe and many more mushrooms are blossoming in the

Policy (Niti): the policies can make the kingdom on top and similar if it is in
fray can make the definite downfall. Many kingdoms in the history shows that
the best of policies has make them glorified. If the policies regarding the self
are in cohesion with the existence, with family and society then naturally one
will find himself in best of health and spirit. The human brain, the muscles and
the vital the pure consciousness if used in best format then the success cannot
be denied at any instance.

Character (charitra): we do find that the key thing character is a missing part
or rather disturbed part in the personal life. We complain here and there and try
to find the solution outside the self but the key is that the character stability is
being needed at any cost. The modern trend in the society is emerging as a
serious threat for human existence. The live in relationship, the gay and
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lesbian, single motherhood and many more bleeds are coming up in the
society and as far as Indian societal system is concerned they are newer
accepted and nor in future. The relationship among the husband and wife must
be in conjunal in nature. The basic understanding should be there so as to
bring up a happy and prosperous family.
Value based living is the righteous solution:
The defectiveness in the society is very much their but it doesnt mean that
they cannot be patched up. The right understanding and vision can make a
definite impact on the society. What is being required is the value based living.
It has to be adopted in all levels of the society. If the society needs to grow
positive then they must be adopted as early as possible. The government
policies, the societal leaders, the religious bigwigs must utter them from the big
platform and forced the different segments to follow them. The role models of
the society must follow the value based living as a necessity not only for them
but for the betterment of the global family.

At the level of individual: what is being expected from every individual of the
society is to move on. The stagnant individual will not make a difference to the
society. The inner dilemmas must be replaced with the righteous thinking and
action. The doubts and the uncertainty must be cleared with the positive
thinking and action. The depression, anxiety must be replaced with the inner
joy and peace and if it all emerges in the common man then the transformation
of the entire society is not so far.

At the level of family: The family structure needs a revamp. The basic of a
family is trust, love and affection among all the individual has to be established.
The feeling of oneness will bring prosperity and happiness among the
individuals. The respect and forgiveness are the mantra of a successful family.
The harmony among all the family members will push the family to grow more,
to become popular and ultimate become successful in all respect. The day to
day problem, the insecurity can be easily drained out from life if the family
values and culture is being established prominently. So the successful family
must try to put a show in front of all so that traces can be followed by many
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At the level of society: The trust and forgiveness is the prominent features
among the societal growth. More the people have mutual trust, the smoother
the life. The mistrust leads to grief and hatred among individuals. Communities
often quarrel on the name of belief, followers, race and gives rise to naxalites,
terrorist groups and become the societal bleeds. They are the individual when
ignored and dejected took the roads of rebel. They hardly care for massacres
and killing the individual which are the same whom they played with. Now they
had the arms and ammunition in hand and on the name of Jihad or
independence; they tries to write their own fate inversely proportional to the
The society must try to find the solutions to put back these mislead individuals
and groups in to the society wavelength and channelized there potentiality in
best of health and spirit. The world is facing the toughest problem of terrorism
but with the concrete and collective efforts this can be overcome some day.

At the level of nature: Nature always favors the individual and the society.
What so ever being the condition the nature always try to give the optimum?
What is being required is to live in accordance with the nature both as an
individual and as a group in society. The global warming problem is emerging
as a worst hit problem, the ozone depletion, the ecological imbalance all
showing the traces of human extinct. The efforts are required to channelize
these critical problems and to make this world as a living, vibrant and most
cherished plant the earth.
The man who is a knowledge structure of all sorts of worldly
mundane activities must possess the knowledge of how to life in the
harmony with the different other living beings, nature and at the most

with other human beings.

The self exploration is the key of the success. The practical
experience which will emerge from furnishing a task will make you
different from others who hardly had the theoretical knowledge.

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The jeevan mulya are the basic elements of the life. The sukh,
shanti, anand and santosh are the valuable things which everyone

looks for.
The universal values are true in nature and blossom only when there

is no fear, no imposition or enforcement.

Ethics is the treasury which we feel proud, and we do seldom said

that the Indian culture has shown the world the torch of knowledge.
The role models of the society must follow the value based living as
a necessity not only for them but for the betterment of the global

1. Self exploration can make an individual more perfect. Illustrate the
statement in your words.
2. Explain the jeevan mulya and compare it with manviya mulya.
3. Describe in detail the importance of universal value for the world society.
4. Whom you consider the best role model and why?

Chapter fourteen
Holistic alternative towards universal human order
The importance of universal human values has been discussed in the last
chapter. The basic aim behind developing these universal values is to develop

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the individual into a better mankind with a higher level of consciousness. The
elevated consciousness will definite make a forward thrust to the social and
mental level of individual performance resulted into a developed society.
Universal human order (sarvabhomik manviya vyavastha):
The universal human values can be adopted with higher universal human
order. The better individuals may be scattered around the world will have the
better receptivity and the level of performance also. The human order must be
come across with the level where the individual must not confined him with the
periphery of monetary gains. The small and limited mentality has to be
sublimated into a developed individual. The individual consciousness must be
mingled up with the collective consciousness and then only one can say that
the universal human values are making the difference. It must be build up in a
format where every individual feels it as a part and parcel of the self. It must
have the higher order of values which are necessary intake for all the individual
residing in a particular society.
Awakening of collective consciousness:
The consciousness plays a vital role in the growth of the society. In other words
if the level of consciousness of the individual is high the society glittered and
vice versa. The individual capacity is newer being questioned in society
perspective as it makes hardly any major impact on the society as a whole.
The major difference occurs when the majority of the individual consciousness
blows in the same direction and creates a turbulence of collective
consciousness. If the situations are favorable and the mood of collective
consciousness is also in the same direction then the society definite grows.
The basic aim of awakening the collective consciousness in the positive
direction is to make the impact fast and effective over a huge mass. The
question arise how to do that? To change an individual personality is never
easy, now when the collective consciousness is being an agenda then naturally
the higher energy level and the rigorous efforts is being needed.

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There are many projects already in to the society for this stuff. They are also
making an impact on the society development and sustenance. At present the
efforts look small and there aura is not taking the world. The scenario looks
unfavorable but it doesnt means that the sun is not going to rise. The efforts
which are small in nature always make a bigger difference and one must be in
the optimistic frame of mind to bring that divinity on to the earth.
Identification of comprehensive human goal:
The divinity is being supplemented with the higher order of human structure.
The basic principles of the life must be clearly understood by these highly
elevated spiritual souls so as to channelize the same for the common man.
The common human goal must be set up so as to get the things smooth and
perfect in the perspective of life. The goal must have certain key features. It
must provide the righteous vision for the individual, family, social and nature.
o Proper solution (Samadhan): as an individual one must get the proper
solution of his/ her personal problems.
o Prosperity (Samridhi): the common universal goal must be in horizon with the
people prosperity so as to get a better family.
o Fearless (Abhaya) and happiness (prasanta): the society needs a fearless
atmosphere where an individual can express himself without any fear and
when the nature of society is such there will be full of happiness, joy and
prosperity. The society will have the santosh bhava (contented in nature).
o Coordination (samanvay): the nature and the society are dependent on each
other. If they have the better coordination among the various elements and
entities the basic living conditions will be more favorable.

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Human order


Prasanta and abhay


Vision for the holistic approach:

A comprehensive human goal will provide a better opportunity to the
individual for blossoming in the society. The universal human goal will

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provide the better cohesion among all creatures on the earth and also enrich
the sentiments for human welfare. This will enhance the people vision to live
in better relation with the nature, the people to people relationship and
ultimately they will have self satisfaction. It will also leads towards the
humanistic education, proper health care for all and production of
appropriate technologies for the betterment of the society.
Albert Einstein rightly quoted, There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a
miracle. This can be easily achieved when you live for the universal human
welfare with an integrated human goal.
Need for human education and human constitution:
The world is changing sharply and so we are. The thoughts, emotions and
sentiments all are in fluctuating state where a little blow up makes us deviate
from our goal. The question arises that is our basics are in right mode or not?
The education which we are having makes us stronger or wealthier in terms of
coins or from the heart. How good we are able to deal the worst enforced
situation? The fight or flight which option we do opt?
Looking at the society we do find the tendency of adapting the situation is
rather low. The low vitality regarding the situation is keeping us to run here and
there for the solution rather than standing and fight out the solution. We do
believe that there will a superhero come from the corner of the world and will
save us. It looks so that the entire system is being drafted into a catalyst mode.
The bureaucracy is stirring the society in its own way and we are mere
spectators. The current education is needed to be more humanistic in nature
and so is the constitution amendment which needs a complete transformation
as per the modern society. Lets looks them one by one in short.
Human education:

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The basic education starts from home and then it moves to school, college and
further implementation in the society. This is a simple cycle of the education.
The question arises that if the education is so vital then it should be in horizon
with the self, family and the society. The first lesson of moral values and the
ethics start from the family. The basic adequate of the person is better taught
by parents. The important inputs if provided rightly will ensure the better crop
and more prosperity in society.
The government is being busy in making many commissions like Yashpal
commission, National education scheme, free education to girl and so on to get
the right nerve of education. The moral education is being incorporated in the
curriculum at different levels. The workshops and seminars for the students
and the teachers are also many in numbers. But the main question is who has
to change, the system or the individual? There is nothing wrong in making the
system strong but the zeal inside the individual is crucial. If everything has to
be changed or to be in proper order then it must starts from the individuals
effort. The better the efforts the fast it change. Lets hope so.
Transformation of current constitution into human based constitution:
Much has been talked about regarding human rights. The National commission
of Human rights is also being established and then what. Does all the
problems regarding the in human behavior is solved? No it cant be solved by
constitution amendments only. The change into certain laws and bi-laws will
not make the entire stuff change into a day. The spirit of humanity if not
included into the laws policy, will definitely produce the heart made of mortar
and coal tar. The people will not have any emotion, sentiment or a vision for
humanistic justice. The so called social justice in villages, kasbas and now in
semi urban areas, they only give the fatwa, the khep (panch vyavastha), the
honor killing and resultant the society bleeds.
What is being needed in this context is the humanistic approach, the righteous
understanding of what is being needed and how to incorporate in the current
constitution? Look at the honor killing scenario, the boy and the girl naturally

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grow into the nature, fall in love and started thinking to get married. In the
worst case they elope and gone through the marriage. The parents and the
society members found them missing, get in search of them. When founded
they bring the couple back home. The panch will decide and on the name of
the honor of the family either boy or girl or both sentenced to death. What is
this? Is this human constitution or jungle raj?
We do understand the mistake done by the boy and girl by eloping from the
house. It was a great blunder but not on the cost of life. Remember the rules
and regulation will exist if the society remains. If we give these types of
sentences where will be the love and affection in family? It will be grown up
into the atmosphere of afraid and hatred.
The question is that can a crime be controlled by a bigger crime? Could
violence be controlled by big Vandalism? If the answer is yes then naturally we
are not talking of a human society. We can better brand it as animal society
having a basic principle of Jungle raj. The bigger the mouth, the bigger you are
and it is your definite right to eat all. If it is not so, then the humanistic
approach is being needed. The second thought must be incorporated into the
current constitution, laws so that there will be a definite scope to make the
society calm and moderate in nature.
The fundamental rights of a human being must be maintained in to a holistic
manner. The basic rights especially for the women, the housewife must be in
harmony with their better growth and prosperity. The child labor, the inhuman
behavior not only be criticized but a strong action among the violators will
enforce the society to move in the desired direction.
Universal human order and its implications
The human society starts from an individual and ends into a larger family i.e.
vishroop pariwar. The concept of vasudhev kutumbkam is being strongly

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recommended from various part of the world so as to keep the entire human
society in the frame of peace and prosperity.

Better individual
ul world




The manviya vyavastha (universal human order) must be in alignment with the
nation, society, family and individual. It must propel the theory of humanity, all
the endeavors in order to maintain the human behavior and goal in best of
social and spiritual upliftment.
The spiritual aspect left behind in the society and often it is replaced with the
old dogmas and rituals. The people are rather upset with the spirit of putting
water here and there and the offering (forced) is hardly understandable. What
is being required is the clear revision of these so called spiritualistic chapters in
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the modern context. The theories if good in nature must be adopted not
.because babaji saying but in the light of the scientific and spiritual
observations, findings and results.
The society has to grow into this humanistic approach if it has to sustain. There
is no other alternative left out.

The individual consciousness must be mingled up with the collective

consciousness and then only one can say that the universal human

values are making the difference.

If the situations are favorable and the mood of collective consciousness

is also in the same direction then the society definite grows.

Comprehensive human goal must have certain key features. It must

provide the righteous vision for the individual, family, social and nature.
The first lesson of moral values and the ethics start from the family. The
basic adequate of the person is better taught by parents. The important
inputs if provided rightly will ensure the better crop and more prosperity

in society.
The spirit of humanity if not included into the laws policy, will definitely

produce the heart made of mortar and coal tar.

The concept of vasudhev kutumbkam is being strongly recommended
from various part of the world so as to keep the entire human society in
the frame of peace and prosperity.

1. Compare the individual consciousness with the collective
2. The world will flourish with the awakening of collective consciousness in
righteous direction. Comment on the statement in your own words.
3. What is comprehensive human goal? What are the features it must have
in it?

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4. Ethics start from the family and provide a direct impact on the society.
Explain the statement in your own words.
5. Do you agree that the modern laws need a change? If yes then why?
6. What do you understand by Vasudhev kutumbkam? do you feel that
this concept must be accepted by entire world?

Chapter fifteen
Professional ethics a complete overview

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Human progress depends upon the profession. The individual has to work in
order to get his bread and butter. The society encompasses various
professions and as an individual the basic part of the society, one has to
choose the best fit and adoption. The question is that

Either the profession has lost its ethics?

OR the individual working in that profession is become unethical?

There will be many opinions regarding these questions. The police, the
financial sector, the municipal corporation, electricity, water resources all are
based on corruption. Hardly have you found the honest person in this sector.
We dont hesitate to follow the traits in the society and often we feel
comfortable to get the services by giving bribes. The railways ticket is a good
example. What we offer a hundred rupee note to a ticket collector to grow a
birth in a compartment which is already full and surprisingly the birth generates
from nowhere.
To get a personal loan we often try to fix up the ratio with the clerk. To move a
file or not to get penalized while driving without helmet we often try to bribe. It
looks that the professional attitude has make us in-human i.e. to get the job
done at any cost or by any means. It hardly matter if we broke the traffic rules
or life. The reason behind is that the cut throat competitive world propel one
theory; In order to get success in life use as many shortcuts as you can, to get
the job done use any mean and to achieve the target go up to any extend.
We all need to understand the morality and the ethics well all because we are
human being. How can we forget that we live in a society where an individual
not only have the fundamental rights but some moral, social and ethical duties.
In order to furnish them one has to firstly understand the ethics in broader
concept and to act accordingly.
What is ethics?

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Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious; it

involves not only our thinking but also our feeling, the Valdemar W setzer
rightly said that the ethics is more than the rules and regulation. It is the voice
of the core of the heart which is hardly heard in the professional world. Its Hindi
equivalent, naitikta, means acting according to niti, i.e. principled conduct.
Morality is a set of rules concerning right and wrong behavior. Certain types of
conduct like lying, cheating, not keeping promises, being cruel, taking unfair
advantage of someone's weakness, are come under the shell of immoral. Their
antonyms, truthfulness, honesty, kindness, helping others and treating them fairly,
have always been applauds as virtuous and moral. Ethics is the branch of
philosophy that attempts to provide clear arguments and reasons about which
moral rules are best and how those rules need to be interpreted. One can call
Ethics is if and else thumb rules whenever he or she felt in dilemma. The
situation when we come across what is to be done in accordance with the
circumstance decides ethical or non ethical. Sometimes in order to save a
person one has to become unethical but this practice is ok or not is a matter of
debate for intelligentsia.
There are several ethical theories or frameworks for ethical decision-making,
most of them profound by eminent scholars and laureates. Some philosophers,
talks about the ethics entirely in terms of consequences, the end result are
important and the probable outcome of the action is basically focused. Some
argued in favor of thinking solely in terms of duties, principles of behavior
such as Always tell the truth in what so ever the condition are flooded in
Some philosophers thinks about ethics in terms of hypothetical thoughts and
expressions, and another segment argued that we should not think about
ethics in terms of rules, but about what kinds of virtues good people have, and
what kinds of people we think it best to adopt. Many different factors affect
ethical reasoning, including age, sex, religion, and professional affiliations and
it makes a direct impact on the society and nation.

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In the words of Albert Schweitzer, I can do no other than be reverent before

everything that is called as life. I can do no other than to have compassion for
all that is called life. That is the beginning and foundation of all ethics. Our
ethical decisions must be based on good reasoning and consideration of local
rules and principles, but it must include the various personal factors affecting
our own decision-making, and the people on around.
Perspectives on ethics
The major categories of the ethic can be classified as:

rules conformance

good intentions

Rules: Ethics may be described as in terms of confront to rules. The ethics
means a list of things to do and not to do in a particular situation. Sometimes
the list gets very long and complicated and needs to be interpreted by a whole
group of people. The ethical person is supposed to deal this situation in
accordance to the society conditions, nation laws, rules and regulation.
Intentions: Another way of ethics is in perspective of good or bad intentions.
From this point of view, an action or behavior is considered ethical if it is based
on good intentions. If the intentions of doing a thing are good then we call it
ethical and if bad we call it unethical.
Competence: The third thought of ethics is in terms of competence. From this
point of view, the ethical person is one who can make decisions based on
principles and then act accordingly. They rather wait for failure rather than
achieving success through unethical means. They are determined in nature
and always talks about basic ethics in different perspective of life. One can
also say that ethics is thought of in terms of ability rather than an attitude. Ethic
can be said as a matter of practice rather than preaching. One can easily
distinguish between ethical and unethical people in the society.
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Ethics - Our duty to others:

Ethics is to acknowledge that the things can be perform in accordance as a
duty towards others. It is pure service to the people. The ethical value says that
other person should not feel that he is being cheated by us in any situation.
As an accountant, one would not deliberately issue false or inaccurate financial
statements to a firm or individual. If anyone did so, no statements could be
trusted and as a consequence the credibility of the profession and as an
individual is under severe critics.
Theory of Consequence
The theory of ethics based on consequence always push an individual to do
righteous things especially up to extend where the benefit is for most of them
and the lost is minimum in nature. The consequences are both positive and
negative in nature.
One limitation of thinking about ethics in terms of consequences it hampers the
speed of the work. The time is the key factor for taking the decision and this
theory delayed the action. The laureates have come some segments of ethics
based on various philosophies, thought pattern and followers, beliefs, books
and various other means.
Branches of ethics
Ethics is one of the branches of philosophy like

metaphysics (the study of the nature of reality),

epistemology (the study of what can be known and how we know about it),

aesthetics (the study of concepts like art, music and beauty)

Logic (the study of reasoning and methods of arguing).

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Over a period of many centuries, ethics has developed several schools of

thought. Various philosophers and eminent scholars have developed different
ethical theories, ways of thinking about performing the righteous action in the
righteous moments. These theories reflect scholarly differences between
professional philosophers, their attitude and also on the basis of moral actions
and activities.
As an accountant one must be aware of his own ethical way of thinking, the
doctor has his own thinking and ethical standards. The police person has own
standards of ethics and so on. It looks so that the professional attitude
maintains the standard of ethics globally.
Remember while becoming a graduate; on acquiring the doctor degree, or
Ph.D. degree the oath of ethics is always there. It all depends upon person to
person when and how the same ethical standard has been followed in practical
life. Some follow it as a part and parcel of life and others just keep them at the
bay in order to get name and fame and ultimately the prosperity. Clever
lawyers, corrupt judges, greedy doctors, irresponsible engineers and insincere
teachers are scare on the head of society. There jobs are technical and
complex in nature, the general people has hardly any knowledge of their
professional immorality or incompetence. The innocents get sentenced, patient
die and bridge collapse all because of these so called white collar
professionals. It is necessary to regulate these professions in the best of
benefits of the society.
What is profession comprehensive human goal
Profession is just to earn bread and butter. In other words it is way of means
through which one earns his livelihood and looks around to get and best fitted
in the society. A Profession is also called as a service. The service of doing
work for other, the service for performing an action in the benefit of
organization or own work, the service to the society and there are different
reasons of performing the services.

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The profession provides many factors such as:

Status in society

Monetary gains

Comfort in lifestyle

Settlement in broader perspective

Good wife in family

Children and many more.

It looks that profession difference is being an important factor in society. Earlier
It was in demand that the person must be in government job. People hardly
look for the person in private job but now the situation is being changed. The
person working in MNC, (mostly private in nature) is the first choice. The
difference comes all from the perks and incentives in the professional lifestyle.
The various government officials are making an attempt to switch to a reputed
private colleges, institutions and business.
What is a good profession?
The million dollar question is to select among the bunch which is the best
profession? Earlier in our childhood, the Docs were preferred as the best job,
the service to the nation, paramilitary force; teachers and professors were also
high in the list. To get a government job also considered to be lucky all
because of the work and its permanent nature. Now the scenario has been
changed the animators, professionals from IT, engineering, doctors, pilots,
government officials, undertaking companies, private sector mega-wigs are the
first choice of job.

Competence in professional ethics

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The professional world is most unpredictable in nature. The career rise and
sinks in many formats. The two ships start from the same harbor lands up in
different docks in due course. So is the professional life. The two individuals
starting the same career at the same may lands up in different positions. The
pay scale, position and power are the factors which make them in total different
Personal competence means efficient handling of our own emotions. One aspect
of this competence is the ability to control and regulate our negative and
disruptive emotions like, anger, passionate cravings, insatiable hunger for power,
blind ambitions, etc. Often we do find the absence of spirit of personal
competence in individuals. They do not have control over the emotions and
often burst out in public and become a scene unnecessarily. They also try
unethical practices in order to achieve success in short span of time. One can
call it short cuts to achieve the best through least efforts. It can be a monetary
gain through irregular practices. In can be cash or kind so as to get a job done.
In order to attain sensual pleasure more and more, one does not hesitate in
demanding the sex. The height is not yet they do not hesitate in stint operation
or supari (money to kill a person) in order to achieve promotion or benefits.
One can find such active players finally landed up in jail for their extra ordinary
brilliance. The ethical competence cannot be developed in a day. It is long time
fixed deposit where the percentage of return is less and fixed but it is definite in
The Emotional competence is emotional self-management. This capability is
helpful to a person in providing the ability to give honest expression to one's
emotions and feelings. This is more important in close inter-personal
relationships. Professional relationship stands on this clue only. The clear
understanding of the professional ethics is being expected from all the
professionals. To live and let the other live philosophy is the ideal of all
profession. If one knows these competence of professional ethics well he or
she will not divert from the nature of the job. He will feel confident of what he is

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doing of. He must remain in harmony with the circumstance, emotions and also
with the co workers also. the proper understanding of the ethical values and
expressions will make him fearless and to push for happiness and prosperity in
all aspects. This will makes his life living with the nature and the better
understanding of the wide spread life.
Ethics and the Professions
The pious professions like medicine, police, army and law had codes of ethics
and all the members are supposed to swear an oath to follow these codes of
conduct, in order to get excellence in his or her profession. It is secondary
whether the person follows it in near future or not.
The basic unethical practices in todays scenario are:
Corruption at most of the level from the ticket queues at the railway station to
the municipal corporation.
The police cases, the lawyers hold are the key of definite expense.
The medical practitioners are charging of no cause. The best profession is
being rated among the worst hitted profession.
The land frauds, the patwari, judges all looks have sink into the money laundry.
The hawala cases, the bribery at every nook and corner.
Consumers exploitation through falsely advertisements and their cheating in
many prospects.
Over charging the things on various reasons and actions.
The list is endless and the unethical practices are grooming in compound
interest. The need of the hour is to get the list shorten by any means. The
professional who are excellent in brain carried away with the circumstances.
The continuous effort can make them back on track.
Suggestive measures to up-bring the professional ethics:
Professionals are good in nature. They rather follow the rules and regulation. It
is just to mold their thought pattern regularly with following list of practices.

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Introduction of new modules, training programs by the institutions for the

betterment of their faculties and working staff

Ethical codes and conducts to be introduced just on joining of the job

Regular vigilance on practice of ethics in day to day life

Ethical communities formation

Promotion of ethical exercises through regular seminars and workshops.

Giving out of turn promotion for extra ordinary ethical work

Rules of thumb
There are some other ways of looking at right and wrong have developed apart
from the various philosophies.

The golden rule: The classic golden rule is to do unto others as you would
have them do unto you. In other words, I will not cheat that person because
I do not want me to be cheated by them.
The golden rule is a simple and useful tool, but with its own limitations. We
dont really know how to treat the soft babies or plants, so the golden rule cant
tell us much about how to treat them. Secondly, the whole rule is based on one
own feelings of how one wants to be treated. But our own needs and
preferences might not be typical or rightly understood by others as such. If one
does not find the privacy is an important factor of life, he hardly cares for the
others privacy.
The ethical segment is quiet long but here we try to check out the moral and
social ethics through this small section of questionnaire. Just tick the statement
which you feel most suited.

Q1. Which is the worse condition?

a) hurting someone's feelings by saying truth
b) telling a lie and protecting the sentiments and feelings

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Q2. Which is the worst mistake?

a. to provide liberty
b. to apply rules too harshly
Q3. Which is it worse to be?
a) unmerciful
b) unfair
Q4. Which is it better to be?
a) just and fair
b) sympathetic and feeling
Q5. Which is worse situation?
a) Hurting the emotions of others with no reason
b) breaking a promise to a friend for no good reason
Q 6. Which is worse?
a) ignoring someone in trouble
b) Being unfair to someone by selecting favorites
Q7. In making a decision you rely more on
a) only hard finding and facts
b) personal feelings or others opinion
Contradiction among the various professions and their resolution:
The contradiction is quiet common in the world. The two sides of the coins are
regularly a difference of opinion and virtues. The various professions are
dependent in nature. The rise and fall of the dollars makes the technical
profession a boon and curse. When the dollar grows the industry rise means
there will new entries, more and more people find jobs and prosperity in and
all. Contrary when the dollar sinks the outsourcing stops, this will be period of

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recession, the effective cost of job is high so there is a cut of salary and even if
the staff. So the situation changes for IT industry.
Looking the same scene for the other industry like cottage industry; which has
the reversal effect on its business by the rise and low of dollar? If the dollar is
weaken then the sale will be high, it is easily approachable, the business
flourish in overseas market where as when the dollar is high the sale is
reduced and the industry is in stress conditions.
So the similar factor can have many format of impact in around the industry.
What to be done and when to be done is the real thought. Look at the food
business, there are many irregularities in it. The fruits which we usually eat,
baked by using carbides. The sweet which we are fond of, makes of many
substances which one can think hardly to eat. The pesticides, the paint all have
been used to earn money. The profit is being desired much on the cost of lives
of others. Is it ethical in nature? The medicines which are life forces for the
human being are also prepared with ingredients hardly to eat but still on the
name of earning they all are flooded in market. We often heard the misfortunes
of consuming the wrong tablets and syrups.
The need of the hour is to make the professional understanding that earning a
profit is good but not using the unethical ways. The does and dont must be
clearly distinguished in front of them so as they will have the righteous vision of
the impact on the common man.

We all need to understand the morality and the ethics well all because

we are human being.

Morality is a set of rules concerning right and wrong behavior.
Ethics is if and else thumb rules whenever he or she felt in dilemma.
The major categories of the ethic can be classified as rules

conformance, good intentions, Competence.

A Profession can be called as a service. The service of doing work for
other, the service for performing an action in the benefit of organization

194 | P a g e

or own work, the service to the society and there are different reasons of

performing the services.

Personal competence means efficient handling of our own emotions.
The Emotional competence is emotional self-management. This capability
is helpful to a person in providing the ability to give honest expression to

one's emotions and feelings.

The classic golden rule is to do unto others as you would have them do

unto you.
The need of the hour is to make the professional understanding that
earning a profit is good but not using the unethical ways.

1. What is morality? How one can distinguish it with ethics?
2. Explain the various categories of ethics.
3. What do you understand by professional? Explain the professional
ethics in detail.
4. Compare and contrast the personal competence with emotional
5. What is classic Golden rule of ethics?
6. Professional ethics must be based on humanistic approach. Explain the
statements with quoting a suitable example.

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Chapter sixteen
Holistic approach towards life styles - the road ahead
This entire book is being designed to have a feel of what is being expected
from us in terms of human values is concerned. Why the moral and ethics is
important in day to life. How the life can be more designed and oriented if we
follow certain ethics in life. Whether these forced changes make any impact to
our personality or do we run as it is till now.
The question comes to mind that there are so many books in the market. Go to
any library or book store you will find immense literature on the ethical and
moral study. But these literatures dont make any difference in the life of any
ordinary man. Why? Some says that how can an ordinary man buy these
books. Another opinion may be that we know all what is written in these books.
Thirdly say these all are baseless, look at the society; they all are going to hell.
Why to worry about these silly things written in books, when the life is already
The real approach toward these questions is that the life is for performing good
activities at different level. After all we all are human being, what is being
expected from us is to live in perfect manner so as to give space for other
living and non living to live and grow simultaneously.
The values are being different in nature. They are for the upliftment of an
individual to become more active and dutiful member of a family. The concept
of co existence was clearly defined in order to get the rightly feeling that the
members which are dependent on us are having certain expectation. They look
for us regarding their day to day necessity, love, affection and caring.
We have to look minutely that how good we become a good father, a caring
mother, a helping brother and sister or sincere child. The relationship was
elaborated in order to make a perfect family. The best the bonding among all
elements of the family, there will be hardly any family change in characteristic.

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The close knitted family is always a boon for the society. Our society does
need more of these role model families.
Journey towards the holistic alternative the road ahead
The society has different range of consciousness. Some of our activities which
are in-human in nature are often labeled as the animal stint. The society
declares us as a member of animal consciousness or beast, whereas
sometimes our heroic deeds make us on top of the world. The same society
labels us as a social icon for our extraordinary endeavors.
How to awaken the collective consciousness is also being talked. The basic
aim was to give the society a radical change. A change which will shake the
worlds thought pattern and emotion and directed them in righteous direction so
as to make a better and wonderful atmosphere for all living creatures.
The need for self exploration
The method of self exploration has been explained in detail so as to give the
reader a better breath of life flavors. The life started with an occasion but
needs regular check up. We often called these milestones as Sanskaras (the
rituals) mostly perform in the Hindu mythologies. It is being desired from every
human being that he or she must start from the standing point and make at
least some definite progress. The difference in this progress is often certified
as the successful and unsuccessful person in the society.
Atam gyan (self realization): It is a definite mile stone of life but the problem
is that this is the last mile stone of life. One can easily achieve it if he or she
moves in definite direction with performing all the expected duties in perfect
manner. The certain check points in this self exploration are as follows:
know what you are
collect your strength points
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have a look of your weak points

Analyze weak points and convert them to strength
Look around yourself find the expectation of near and dear
Try to help them in best of your efforts
Always remember your duties on your rights
Always try to move ahead and get one step done in life
Become a winner.

and role
Thousands of become

Million start the journey

Understanding harmony at various level

Marques rightly quoted that, He who lives in harmony with himself lives in
harmony with the universe. We the human beings are suppose to be the ruler
of the world. We must know about our kingdom, if we have to rule the world.
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The problem is that we are rather confuse about taking our own decision, how
can we take the world decisions?
The answer lies in the question itself. What is being needed from our side is
the belief in the self. One who belief in his potentiality can change anything and
everything in the world. The moment we have belief on the self, that we can
make the difference, it is noteworthy by everyone. A definite leap is being
required and there is nothing in this world which cannot be conquered.
The harmony brings everything. Music is harmony, harmony is perfection,
perfection is our dream, and our dream is heaven. The Henrys words are just
true music of life which when flew in the air makes our heart full with joy,
happiness and cheerfulness.
The harmony is being expected from an individual at different level. They are
1. Harmony with the self
2. Better understanding with the mind, body and soul
3. Harmony among family members
4. Harmony with the other members in society
5. Harmony with the other living and non living being
6. Harmony with nature
7. Harmony with the existence
The good show always begins with the clapping and cheers. Our birth is also
being celebrated in great manner. This also means that we are on this earth for
a big show and it is being started when we landed up on this earth. Now the
show must continue in grand style is the duty of the person. The joy- sorrow,
rich- poor are nothing but the different shades, which comes in life as the
regular tides approaches the harbor. One must try to get it accustomed with
these conditions as soon as possible. The better the early settlement in life, the
good is the show expected.

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We often get educated through value based education. These value systems
are important as it shows us the real perspective of life. Lots of theories are not
going to make any big difference, it is being needed a concrete action plan.
Evolution at the individual level:
Look at the Deepak chopras words, Whatever relationships you have
attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your
life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this
hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.
The evolution is pre-defined stage in every individual life. The life blossom or
sink is the matter of fate but the desired is to do efforts. Some time the effort
goes in vain and we try to curse the God and when the same effort converts
into fruits, we hardly thank the God. The wonderful thing is that the God is
neither become happy or angry by our deeds. He is Omnipotent, omniscient
but most detachable from all the existing entities.
Remember the Progress has newer followed a straight ascending line, but it
moves into a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution
and dissolution. The ups and downs are the part of game. One must not sit at
the side of game line and think of his or her result. It is a life game and one
must play it with full of enthusiasm and energy. The relationships mother,
father, sister, wife and children all around are the wonderful players which
come and goes as the life progress. So to become a most successful player of
the life game one has to excel in his endeavors at every moment.
The individual evolution must be in harmony with the nature and can be easily
achieved through self observation, self introspection and self refinement. The
evolution must owned basic criterias i.e.

Eco friendly

People friendly

Based on human consciousness

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Effective family members, better citizen and perfect professional:

The elevated individual will have a better understanding with the family
members, must be cooperative in nature and perform his or her duty with par
excellence. The consciousness level of elevated soul is definitely high so the
action and performance will definitely make perfect impact on others.
The individual will also do well in the society. The highly elevated
consciousness will make him more sympathetic and humble in nature, a better
relationship with all his colleagues and the person around him. He or she will
feel the emotion, sentiments and feelings in depth.
The basic values as described in the unit I will be definitely a part of an

Samajdari : proper understanding with the circumstance, associated members

and the assigned job.

Jimmedari : the dutifulness, the responsible attitude will justify the actions in
most perfect manner.

Imandari : honesty towards the work, employer, with the colleagues and with
the nation.

Bahaduri : bravery at all level, on the moral, social and economical front and if
needed for the nation also.

Chamasheelta: forgiveness, this will develop with a big heart, let go and
forgiving the mistakes.

Tartamyata: adjustment with the activities and become a part of the scenario.
The professional front will also be successful for these individuals. They know
the self so they can better justified their position, job and responsibility
ultimately it will have a clear cut impact on the final output. The organization
will love these fellows and they can achieve excellence in all parts of life. The
key is the transformation of the self into a better self or a family member later a
better member of the society and ultimately a good citizen of the country.

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Mass awareness and humanistic education:

The education system needs a complete transformation. It can be started from
the preparatory books to the engineering and medical classes. The concept of
Vidya (art of living) with shisha (education) is the need of the hour. What we
are focusing is to achieve excellence in the education and get a good sheet of
paper mentioned with graduates, post graduates or Doctorate.
The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. If
the people are aware of the personality transformation, then they will not
hesitate in accepting the things and making them a part and parcel of life.
Once it is accepted in life then the transformation of the entire mass is not very
Mahatma Gandhi rightly said that Those with the greatest awareness have the
greatest nightmares. The awareness is being needed at the mass level. The
group consciousness is needed to be stirred and to be motivated on the
righteous path. If this is achieved then the day is not far when we will find the
better conditions to live in and the place for happiness and prosperity
The education system needs a radical change. The government policies and
the commission like yashpal are making some impact but they are not
sufficient. This can be easily taken care by the regular seminars, workshops on
the moral values and ethical studies. The professional must be rightly oriented
and equipped with these presentations so as to help them in taking a correct
decision in adverse circumstances.
This can also be furnished with the serious efforts in the field of research and
development and proper planning to achieve excellence in the professional
industry and also in individuals.

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To provide information about existing social and individual models:

The basic thing which is lagging the progress in the society is the rate of
awareness. The people are not aware of the best of the things happening in
the society. Various individual models like Baba Ramdev, Sri Sri Ravishakar
are performing excellence and making big impact on society. Social moments
like swaminarayan, gayatri pariwar, ramakrishana society are some of the
pioneers whose work is commendable and note worthy for the society.
Unfortunately the good efforts in the society are not propagated which is
hampering the societal progress. The role of media and other agencies comes
under serious questionable why they not flow the positive vibration and
condition in the news paper and electronic media. The success story TRP
should be followed strictly in electronic channels.
Amending the government policies and program for social system:
The constitutional amendment is only the matter of debate in society. A
concrete action is being required on this front. The various government policies
are either obsolete or too old in nature. They need proper reformation as per
the current societal needs and requirements.
The constitution of reforming teams is being expected from the government
bodies so as to make a definite change into the legislative system. The team
must comprise of social reformers and better citizens of the society so they can
have a clear vision on the human values, morality and ethical need. The coexistence and the harmony at all level must be kept in mind while designing
the new rules and regulation for a better society.
Is the phase transition is difficult or easy?
Everyone knows it better that the change is newer being preferred and nor
easily accepted. If enforced it usually becomes a part of life and then with

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some adjustment it induces in life. Just think of that the small change needs so
many adjustments and we are talking about the personality transformation, the
major change in the thought pattern and working style, how it can be easily
acceptable in the society?
The transition must be done in phases. If we want to change the ongoing trend
in the society in a day then it is not acceptable. The change which we have to
bring must come out from the inner core of the hearth rather than pushing from
different sections of the society. The small change will lead towards the big
change and if this can be done on the group mass then naturally we can have
a perfect society which will be purely based on values and virtues.
The holistic approach is being needed for this societal change. The question is
that the change can be foreseen in different parts of the world in small
segments. It is hardly noticeable as it is not making a strong impact on the
world. Our efforts in bringing these positive efforts in one umbrella are the most
urgent need of the institution, organization and society.
The Road ahead:
Looking around the society one will hesitate to move on this road but the
problem is to make progress. Most of us know that the progress lies in
personality transformation, the thought transformation and ultimately the
emergence of the new society. The people are hesitant starters but the
progress is definite. The earlier the start betters the chances of completion in
time. The brave hearts are expected to lead the journey and the society will
follow them.
The footprints of the success are already being defined, what we are supposed
to do is to start the journey and finish it slowly but steadily. The time is not the
factor at present what is all being needed is the efforts, commitment and zeal
to go ahead, to make the progress and to achieve excellence in the corporate
culture. The future is all waiting for the leaders to come forward and become
the torch bearer of the social change.

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The close knitted family is always a boon for the society. Our society

does need more of these role model families.

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the

A definite leap is being required and there is nothing in this world which

cannot be conquered.
The life blossom or sink is the matter of fate but the desired is to do

The evolution must owned basic criterias i.e. eco friendly, People

friendly and based on human consciousness

If the people are aware of the personality transformation, then they will
not hesitate in accepting the things and making them a part and parcel

of life.
The group consciousness is needed to be stirred and to be motivated

on the righteous path.

The co-existence and the harmony at all level must be kept in mind

while designing the new rules and regulation for a better society.
The small change will lead towards the big change and if this can be
done on the group mass then naturally we can have a perfect society

which will be purely based on values and virtues.

The brave hearts always lead the journey and the society men follow

1. Explain the benefits of closely knitted family.
2. Describe the basic criterias of evolution.
3. What the impact on the society, if the group consciousness is stirred in
righteous directions.
4. What are the qualities that a group leader must have?
5. The world is changing sharply. Do you feel this change will be in favor of
the society or not? If yes then why?

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