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Climate tropical climate is where the heat is a problem that is dominant in almost the whole

time in a year building "duty" to cool the wearer, from the warm and the average annual
temperature of not less than 200C (Koenigsberger. 1975: 3). According Lippsmiere, tropical
climate of Indonesia has a relative humidity (RH) is very high (sometimes up to 90%),
rainfall is considerable, and the average annual temperature generally ranges from 230C and
can rise up to 380C in the spring "hot". This happens at least once climate change "seasons"
in one year, the only sign of a change of season is a lot or a little rain, and the big wind.
Characteristics of warm humid climate (hot humid climates) are as follows (Lippsmiere.
1980: 28):

Landscape, rain forest (rain forest) are along the coast and low-lying equatorial

Soil conditions, a red or brown ground covered with grass.

Plant, this zone is very varied and dense vegetation along tahun.Tumbuhan growing
rapidly because of the influence of high rainfall and hot temperatures.

Season. There was a slight difference in the season. In "hot" hot and humid conditions
until wet. In the northern hemisphere, in the "cold" occurred in December-January, the
month of "hot" occurs in May through August. In the southern hemisphere in the
"cold" occurs from April to July, the month of "hot" occurred in October to February.

Sky conditions, most of the year the state of cloudy sky. Cloud environment ranges
from 60% -90%. Luminance (lumansi) could reach a maximum of 7000 cd / m2 while
the minimum luminance 850cd / m2.

Radiation and heat of the sun, in tropical areas categorized as high solar radiation.
Partially reflected and partially transmitted by a blanket of clouds, though most of the
radiation that reaches the earth's surface has a major impact in influencing the air

Air temperature, terjad daily fluctuations of the temperature difference and

tahunan.Rata average annual maximum temperature is 30,50C. The average annual
temperature for the night is 250C but generally range between 21-270C. while during
the day ranged 27-320c. sometimes more than 320C.

Very high rainfall during the year, generally to be very high in some particular year.
High annual rainfall ranging between 2000-5000 mm, the rainy season can be
increased. Up to 500 mm in a month. Even when the storm could reach 100 mm per

Humidity, known as RH (relative humidity), the average general level of humidity is

about 75%, but the humidity range is 55% to nearly 100%. Absolute humidity between
25-30 mb.

Air movement, generally lower wind speeds, but high winds can occur during the
rainy season. Wind direction is usually only one or two.

Special characteristics, high humidity accelerate the growth of algae and moss,
organic building materials decompose rapidly and many insects. Body evaporation
occurs in small quantities because of high humidity and lack of air movement (wind).
The average storm is 120-140 times a year.

Areas with tropical climates in the world comprise two types, namely regions with tropical
climate is dry, for example in the countries of the Middle East, Mexico, and surrounding
areas, and areas with a humid tropical climate, which is present in most countries in Asia,
including Indonesia, although for some regions in Indonesia, for example, some parts of the
island of Nusa Tenggara lead to dry tropical conditions. Here are the characteristics of a
tropical climate is dry and humid tropical climate:
The characteristics of the dry tropical climate:
1. Low humidity
2. Low rainfall
3. High direct heat radiation
4. Temperatures during the day and at night high low (45 o and -10 o Celsius)
5. The maximum amount of radiation, because there are no clouds.
6. At night turned cold as the earth behind the rapid ongoing radiation (cold faster than
the soil damp / humid).
7. Towards morning air and the ground was really cold because the radiation was gone
forth. In the daytime high heat radiation and accumulation of the highest radiation at
15.00. Sand wind storms often occur because of the vast plains.
8. In the afternoon often heard the sound of explosions rocks due to temperature changes
suddenly drastically.
9. On the continent or land area that is wide enough, there are many in the desert
because it seldom rains, and even can be said is not the case at all, because the winds
through very dry, does not contain water vapor. The water vapor contained in the air is
up on the way to the interior of the continent, or also because it was blocked by
highlands or mountain, so that the area becomes very hot and there is no filter in the
soil from the sun, causing the rocks crumble into sand. Temperatures in the desert can
reach 50 C to 60 C during the day and at night can reach -1 C
1.Ciri-Humid Tropical Climate characteristics:
DR. Ir. RM. Sugiyanto, said that the characteristics of humid tropical climate as it existed in
Indonesia is "high air humidity and air temperature relatively hot throughout the year". The
average air humidity is about 80% will reach a maximum of about 06.00 to about 14.00
minimum. Humidity is almost equal to the lowlands and plains and low-lying coastal
tinggi.Daerah average maximum temperature 320C.makin lies somewhere high above sea
level, the more reduced air temperature. Ie the average decrease 0,60C for each increment of
100 m. Other characteristics are high rainfall with an average of around 1500- 2500 mm a

year. Horisontak global solar radiation daily average is around 400 watts / m2 and not much
different throughout the year, the situation in general is always a cloudy sky. In the state of
thin clouds covered the sky, the sky luminance can reach 15:00 candela / m2.Tinggi average
illuminance produced according to the measurements that have been done in Bandung for
horizontal global illumination level can reach 60,000 lux. Sedangkantingkat illumination of
the sky light, without direct sunlight can reach 20,000 lux minimum illumination level and
between 08:00 to 16:00 is 10,000 lux. Based on the humid tropical climate with small
temperature differences between day and night, high humidity at midnight and quite low at
noon. The average wind speed during the day can be described as adequate for comfort,
which is about 1.0 m / s. During the rainy season which is about 2.0 m / s. In the summer
time will provide an overview of its own regarding the achievement of passive cooling of
buildings. Even if there are conditions beyond the limits of human thermal comfort, in fact
there is potential for natural climate that can realize the creation of comfort with other
strategies. The comfort is achieved by the interaction between the environment and the
climate functions with the use of technology.
Well, this should be considered in the design construction of the tropical climate. We need to
consider how the temperature and weather conditions in designing the building. The
following strategies should be considered when designing development.
For building design strategies on a dry tropical climate, namely:

Use of materials with high lag time so that the heat received during the day can warm
up the room at night. Low conductivity so hot during the day does not go directly into
the building. High-density material, thickness dimension so that the capacity of
storing high heat.

Small wall openings to prevent direct radiation and wind or dry dust entry that retains

Minimizing the catchment areas of sunlight with flat roofs and small houses adjacent
to each other mutual shadowing, narrow streets always imagined. Flat roofs also to
avoid strong winds, because of low rainfall.

Adding moisture in the space with a fountain brought a cool breeze.

Settlement patterns and the way the meeting turned to cut the flow of the wind

Building efficient when low, massive and dense.

For building design strategies in a humid tropical climate, namely:

Humid tropical climate conditions require special conditions in the design of buildings and
the built environment, considering that there are some specific factors only found specifically
on the climate, so the theories of architecture, composition, shape, function of the building,
image building and values the aesthetic value of the building that is formed will be very
different from the conditions that exist in other regions of different climate conditions,
According to DR. Ir. RM. Sugiyatmo, conditions that affect the design of the building is a
humid tropical climate, namely:
1. Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort is a thermal condition that is perceived by humans rather than by objects,
animals, and architecture, but is conditioned by the environment and objects around

Criteria and Principles of Thermal Comfort

International standards for thermal comfort (temperature) "ISO 7730: 1994"

"Stating that the thermal sensation that human nature is a function of four factors, namely
climate: air temperature, radiation, humidity, wind speed, as well as individual factors
associated with the metabolic rate of the body, as well as clothing that is in use."
To achieve thermal comfort must be at the start of the air quality around us who must have
the following criteria:
1. The air around the residence does not contain pollution from combustion fumes
garbage, fuel, garbage industru, dust and so on.
2. The air does not smell, especially body odor and the smell of cigarette smoke that is a
separate issue because it contains a variety of chemical contamination, although in
variable proportions slightly.
The principle of the thermal comfort of their own is, teciptanya balance between human body
temperature to body temperature surroundings.
2. Air circulation
The principle of building design efforts in the tropics right should consider as much as
possible the use of natural conditions, such as the insistence on natural penghawaan thought
to meet the needs of the air and smooth circulation of air in the building.
3. Natural Lighting at Night
Indonesia should be utilized in the best possible light for lighting daylight in the building. But
for this purpose, direct sunlight is not desired entry into the building because it will cause
heating and penyilauan, except sunlight in the morning.
4. Heat Radiation Sunlight.
Besides emitting light / light, the sun will emit heat. The heat is what must be addressed in an
effort to design the building, at least at room temperature can be reduced so as expected.
Some thought the design of the room in an attempt to reduce the effects of heat caused by
heat radiation of sunlight is based on a principle of installing the skylight areas shadows /
refraction of sunlight.
Those are some strategies that need to be considered in the design of buildings in tropical
climates both dry tropical climate and humid tropical climate. Hopefully these tips useful for

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