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Edu402 final term paper:

10 mcqs n 16 subjectives
1. Pre Modern Doll's Paradigm
It contains
An ideal of order
Balance & harmony
In this paradigm education consist of striving to learn
Essentials or eternal truths
And ways everyone should knew to live their life.
This conservative view stated that knowledge is unchanging
and in social order everyone must know their place
2. What is an attitude?
A settled way of feeling/thinking about something
3. What is a source plan?
Preliminary/flexible plan for teachers
It provides collection of all possible materials for teachers.
A source plan can be
Flexible: can be modified according to the needs and interests.
Inclusive: have a wide range of experiences
4. Domains of taxonomy

5. Two types of organization.

6. brief note on core curriculum and integration.
7. If a situation is difficult to handle, what is task for handle
evaluation topic 190
8. Alternatives of cultures.
9. Are all situations under control and accessible to evaluators to
look for desired change in student learning? topic 190
10. two dimensional graphic chart topic 134
11. Tyler's definition of education
12. Subject centered
13. subject specialist
14. humanism theory?
15. How teachers learning are important in planning curriculum?
16. Follow-up studies topic 183

Learning Exparience
Affective domain
Importance of 2 dimensional analysis
Source plan
Examples of methods of social investigation
Levels for analyz CL
Advantages and disadvantages of organinzng structures
Large school steps... curiculum development
Problem solving Design
Which type of assessment can be done through paper pencil test

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