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Word count: 393

Individual Product Concepts

1 Concept 1: Wall-Organiser
The First product concept is a wall-organiser (See Appendix 1). It has two main components:
side poles and the rope. On the metal pole, there are holes where the rope can go through
between the two poles to make various knot. Then the hanging accessories such as hooks,
trays, and holders can be hung on to this rope to keep your stationary and belongings
organised and minimise clusters on the work-desk. A power line runs inside the rope and
provides power input and output on the either side. One side can be plug into power wall
socket to provide powers for charging electronic devices. The length between the two poles
can be adjusted depending how much length of rope you want to use.
The aiming target market is primary on small business and home business occupants who
need to utilise most out of limited work space. This product would be successful in the
market as other conventional wall-organisers are fixed in sizes and do not provide power for
modern devices. This product will meet users requirements as it is a simple and portable
product for every people to use. $99 is the target selling price and it has potential to generate
additional revenue from selling the hanging accessories.

2 Concept 2: Storage Desk-Lamp

The second product is a desk-lamp with hidden storage function (See Appendix 2). The lamp
has a rectangular prism body (cuboid) and metal legs are attached beneath to support the
body. LED strip lights are located on the edge of underside surface to provide lighting when
the switch is turned on. The storage section is accessed by pulling down the bottom surface of
the lamp. Storage can be configured to have several compartments to store various tools,
files, folders, and stationary depending on the customers needs. A cork board is mounted on
the front surface of the lamp for pinning notices, photos, and reminders.
Second product concept provides storage solution for small business and home business
occupants as they are the primary target market. Lamps are usually take up a lot of space but
have only one function. This product would be successful in the market as it provides a
solution to the storage problem as well as the lighting. $149 is the target selling price but
depending on how the user configures, the price is not limited to the suggested price.

3 Appendices: Product concept drawings

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