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Biodiversity: Biodiversity can be

defined as the variety of plants, animals

and micro organisms generally founds in
an area.

Flora: species of all plants found in a

particular area.

Fauna: species of all animals found in a

particular area.

Use of forest
They yield valuable products,
such as timber (for construction
and furniture) ,wood (for fuel),
wood pulp (for making paper)
,latex (for the manufacture of
rubber) , turpentine, resin, gum,
lac, and medicinal plants .
They help in maintaining the
balance between carbon dioxide
and oxygen in the atmosphere, as
plants take in carbon dioxide and

give out oxygen during

Deforestation: cutting down forest
and using the land of other
purposes is known as deforestation.
It causes an increase in soil
erosion. As the top soil gets
eroded, the lower hard and rocky
soil is less human gets exposed.
This soil is less fertile. Overtime ,
continued soil erosion can convert
the land into a desert. This is
called desertification.
It causes

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