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Jungles of Pritus

If the

players end up hopelessly lost they'll find an ambull nest. There's a ju
in there (reduced stats), and if it goes even worse they'll encounter an
Luckily the planet is inhospitable enough that the ambull population is

Dangerous Plants
Skin Taker
The god the crazed survivors worship. Should not be an encounter they accidenta
lly walk into. There should be a cave near the survivors, with so many warning
signs (skulls on spikes, fresh skinned bodies as offerings, skins pinned to wall
s, torches, etc). If they do fight it, don't hold back. They should want to ru
n. If they do, the skin taker won't follow for long. Its worshippers are enoug
h for its appetite. If they're all dead, it may follow longer before moving to
a new location.
Crazed Survivors
Crazy people who got lost in the jungles. These particular ones worship the ski
n taker. Use the stats for cult initiates (the bulk of the survivors) with a fe
w cult fanatics. There should be one slaughterman in charge of the skinning and
the like.
Acid Pits
Fucking acid pits. More gel like than liquid (actually the digestive system of
a bigass plant). Agility test to avoid falling in, take 1d5+3 E damage, pen 2 t
o the legs the first turn, 1d10+5 E, pen 2 to the body, 2d10+5 E, pen 2 to the b
ody on the third and beyond as they sink further in. A Strength test allows for
escape, and others can assist. Failure by three or more degrees when assisting
means falling in as well.
Quick Sand
Rape birds
Just Flying Creatures, but are basically bird versions of face huggers. Hence t
he rape part. Cause they literally rape people. With their genitalia. For the
purposes of violent procreation. Without the consent of the other person invol
ved. Because it's rape.
The Journey
The journey to the fortress will take about a week of solid travel. If they hav
e access to a better route, the time will be reduced. In order to get a better
route they will need to find someone who knows the way to the fortress. Howeve
r since they failed to get information out of the cogitator this is borderline i
They will need supplies to get to the fortress. A week or so's worth. Transpor
tation is not possible (the jungles are too dense, and there's no known area for
a landing. Plus storms at high altitude prevent lighters from being viable. T
hey will need food, water, medical supplies, shelter, and defensive measures suc
h as ammunition, lights, repellents, and other ways to survive the journey. The
y will also need a map and compass.
Additional information can be acquired from the city. Without such information
do NOT give the players any info on what the jungles are like.

Random encounters with animals in the core book are most common. The ambull onl
y happens as a result of a failure. The pits, quicksand, and plants happen rega
rdless. Around a week after the journey starts they'll encounter the crazed sur
Every day they need to make both a survival and a Navigate (Surface) check. If
they gathered information on the jungles and planned a route out, and have a map
and logi-compass among other tools. they're considered trained in Navigate (Sur
face). Gathering sufficient survival tools (including The Survivalist's Guide t
o the Pritan Jungles) gives training in Survival while on Pritus and in the jung
les. It is not all encompassing.
Failing a test means the journey does not progress. So if they're on day one, t
hen they're still effectively on day one the next day.
Kevin - 14 / 21
- 16 / 21
Nick - 14 / 21
2 / 5
2 / 7

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