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Jamie Angelo S.



1.Hypothesis-Something that has yet not been proved to classify as a theory

but believed to be true by the researcher is labeled as a hypothesis. A
hypothesis is merely a proposition that is presented or put forward by a
scientist to explain a natural phenomenon. It does not become a theory until
it is proved and tested under different conditions and circumstances. At best,
it is an assumption that has been made working.
Assumptions-An assumption is any statement that is believed to be true. An
assumption is also a kind of belief which is considered to be true. An
assumption may or may not be verified or investigated. In research,
assumption denotes the existence of the relationship between the variables.
Hypothesis is an argument put forward to explain a phenomenon or sets of
Hypothesis is not a theory until it has been proved and verified under
different circumstances
Anything taken for granted is an assumption, and a hypothesis is at best a
working assumption
Hypothesis is a theory in waiting as it can be called theory only after
2.The difference between theoretical and conceptual frameworks is scale -referring to the Big Ideas and the smaller ones. The conceptual framework is
a set of specific ideas that can be used within the larger theoretical
framework. A theoretical framework may contain many ideas that are not
explored within the paper or experiment it structures. However, by definition,
all aspects of the conceptual framework are used in the process of research.
While a theoretical framework provides the general set of ideas in which a
study occurs, the conceptual framework refers to the specific ideas a
researcher uses in the study.
3. The significance of a study can be measured by how important a study is.
To put it another way, some studies are more important than other studies.
Guidance in explaining the importance of the study. The rationale, timeliness,
and/or relevance of the study to existing conditions must contain
explanations or discussions of any. significance of the study provides
information to the reader on how the study will contribute. It must be
specifically stated, however, what the study will contribute and who will
benefit from it.
Scope and limitations refers to parameters that prevent researchers from
pursuing further studies due to time and budgetary constraints. The
limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or methodology
that impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from your
research. They are the constraints on generalizability, applications to
practice, and/or utility of findings that are the result of the ways in which you
initially chose to design the study and/or the method used to establish
internal and external validity.
4. There are two ways on defining the key terms of the study.
1. Conceptual- the meaning of the terms is taken from the dictionary,
encyclopedia, or published materials such as books or journals. A conceptual
definition tells you what a concept means in abstract or theoretical terms.
2. Operational- the definition of terms is based on an observed
characteristics and how it is used in the study.An operational definition links

a concept to the concrete world by telling you how to observe and / or

measure the concept.

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