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Part 1

This content tell us about the resume of the book who writed by Walter Nicholsonwhich published
in 1978. The tittle of this book is Microeconomic Theory, Basic Principles and Extension. This
book tell us about the field of this subject. Economics is most often defined as the study of
allocation of scarce resources among competing ends, its explain economics is the study of the
production and consumption of goods and the transfer of wealth to produce and obtain those
goods. Economics explains how people interact within markets to get what they want or
accomplish certain goals.
In this chapter we provide an introduction to these subjects. First, we discuss the role of
theoretical models in economics and analyze briefly how such models might be verified by
observation from the real world. And the final section of this chapter outlines the remainder of the
book and shows how the various parts fit together.
I think through economics, people and countries become wealthy. Because buying and selling are
activities vital to survival and success, studying economics can help one understand human
thought and behavior.
Part 2
This book writed by Robert Ferber & P.J. Verdoorn, in 1967. The tittle of this book is Research
Methods in Economic and Business. This content tell us about the essential difference between a
store, or pantry, audit and consumer panel. In the case of a grocery store audit, a sample of stores
is visited periodically and data are recorded on inventories on hand, either by observation or
copying from store records. Then, Additional data may be sought at times from the store manager
or owner for use in conjuntion with these sales estimates.
Different with a store, a pantry audits data are recorded from examination of the consumers
pantry, rather than from examining store shelves. Pantry audits generally are supplemented by
direct questioning of the family shopper.

1. Root nodule is symbiosis enables nitrogenfixing bacteria to convert atmospheric nitrogen

into a form that is directly available for plant growth. Biological nitrogen fixation provides a
builtin supply of nitrogen fertiliser for many legume crops such as peas, beans and clover.
Legumes (Fabales) interact with singlecelled Gramnegative bacteria, collectively termed
rhizobia, whereas members of three other Rosid orders (Fagales, Cucurbitales and Rosales)
interact with Grampositive filamentous actinobacteria of the genus Frankia. In legumes,
infection proceeds through intercellular and transcellular channels termed infection threads.
At the same time, cells in the root cortex are induced to divide and generate the tissues of the
nodule. Nitrogen fixation normally takes place within specialised bacteroid cells enclosed
within organellelike cytoplasmic compartments termed symbiosomes. The anatomy and
physiology of root nodules both reflect a high degree of structural and metabolic integration
between plant and microbial symbionts.
I think the nodules have important function to plant because it can give benefit the plant by
fixing atmospheric nitrogen, much of which becomes available to the plant.

Leigh GJ (2009) The World's Greatest Fix: A History of Nitrogen in Agriculture. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.

2. Agriculture protein is the cultivation of animals, plants, and fungi for increase the protein
product, and use for food, fiber, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and
enhance human life. Agriculture protein was the key development in the rise
of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created
food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization.
I think over one third of the world's workers are employed in agriculture, second only to
the service sector, although the percentages of agricultural workers in developed countries
has decreased significantly over the past several centuries.

Fisher, Ronald Aylmer, and Frank Yates. 2010. Statistical tables for biological,
agricultural and medical research. UK :Longman Press

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