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November 10

Luke 17:20-25
The Coming of the Kingdom of God
20 Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus
replied, The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor
will people say, Here it is, or There it is, because the kingdom of God is in your midst.[a]
Before my husband and I joined our Catholic community, I always thought Gods kingdom
was up in the sky, shining like a big castle with God seated on a throne. As my faith
deepened in our community life, I learned that Gods kingdom is actually in my heart! This
learning, which I recognized as the Spirits inspiration, aside from many other faith-life
experiences, strengthened my faith in God.
We have the tendency to focus on physical things and realities. We always want to see actual
things in order to believe. But this can't be applied to the truth of the kingdom of God.
Slowly, I discovered despite daily struggles, ups and downs in my spiritual life, the trials of
daily office work, petty animosities with brothers and sisters in community, there is always a
God who never fails to bring me back to what He wants me to be a holy and loving child of
Thus, I testify that my heart is Gods kingdom. It is in my heart where there is openness to
Gods will, where faith abounds even amid the most difficult circumstances, where there is
repentance when I fall, where there is forgiveness when others hurt me, and most importantly,
where there is love. My God reigns in me.
Guide Question:
What is something I could do daily to build God's kingdom in my heart?

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