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November 27

Matthew 24:37-44
That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one
will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be
taken and the other left.
It's the time for everybodys favorite season again, Christmas. We start shopping for gifts,
decorating our homes, and doing our best to schedule multiple Christmas parties. But often,
there's one thing we forget to prepare: a heart ready to receive Jesus.
Day in and day out, we focus on how best to live our lives, but we take for granted the
inescapable coming of the Lord. We are so preoccupied with our own personal goals and
motivations. As a result, we tend to forget priorities, be confused with our goals, and neglect
our relationships in life. We end up simply going through the day but not living a truly a truly
meaningful life.
This Sunday of Advent, we are reminded that the coming of the Lord is unknown; and thus,
we must always be prepared. It is a wake-up call, reminding us to evaluate ourselves and look
at the life we are living. Is it a life a worthy of the Lords coming? A heart ready for Jesus is
one that is prayerful, loving, and repentant. It is a heart deeply receptive and willing to do
what the Lord bids. It is a heart that is purely intoxicated and devoted to His arrival.
This advent season is a special time for us to focus more on the Lord, making our words and
actions rooted in His love. Let us not put off preparing for His coming for He will come on a
day we do not expect. On that day, let us be happily surprised by Love!
Question: What is my number one priority during this Advent season?

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